
Red Steel 2 : Ninja Mode revealed & more...

After Capcom & Sega comments about their sales on Wii, Red Steel 2 is indubitavely expected as the game that could confirm that matures games could exist on Wii in 2010.

Ubisoft has just revealed some news gameplay infos like :

- A calibration mode called Ninja Mode to offer everyone an unique experience
- Puzzles & Mini-games expected to take use of Wii MotionPlus

And other details unveiled by Red Steel 2's Productor, Bruno Galet...

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Fragger2k85268d ago

I liked the first Red Steel but in my opinion they're changing this one too much.

The whole western theme to the game makes no sense at all and seems pretty ridiculous if you ask me. The biggest problem I have with this game though, is that they completely got rid of the multiplayer mode.. Why would they have it in the first and not the second, especially since we could have had some awesome 1:1 sword fights?

The game still looks like it will be fun but I'm sure it will be really short, even with this Ninja Mode. So without multiplayer I probably won't pick it up until it hits the $20 mark.

Redempteur5268d ago

because they couldn't make 1:1 vs fights work ..
simple as that

N4g_null5267d ago

I'm loving the art direction. It is str8 from the 16bit age. Some of the designs are very well done also. The story doesn't make sense, did you even beat the first one. I didn't and it's best left that way. A reboot with some real game play.

It's really too bad more people have not tried this game, I mean the demo. It also has high flying airial combat. Can't wait for this game along with others.

Different strokes I guess.....

dgroundwater5257d ago

Trust me no multi is the best decision Ubisoft could make.

Why juggle endless game modes (Co Op and Multi) along with single player and fail at all three? This series is yet to prove itself so give it a chance to succeed in it's own right.

Besides multiplayer is just a diversion for a game like this. It's not CoD after all.

5268d ago
5268d ago
Gr815267d ago

They are using the extra time to put some more sauce and add extra polish to the game. I'm looking forward to it.

EvilTwin5267d ago

According to Ubi, that's the plan...


I gotta say, as much as I'm looking forward to Motion+ with RS2, the Lyn engine looks really impressive, too.

5267d ago
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The Most Improved Video Game Sequels - Part Two

Phil writes, "Too often we see video game sequels that don't quite live up to their predecessors... but we already have an article series dedicated to those games. Instead, let's take a look at those video game sequels that not only live up to their predecessors but greatly surpass them in quality. It's time to bring back The Most Improved Video Game Sequels (you can read part one here) to check out these sensational sequels that delivered and did so in a deliciously delightful manner."

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AK911584d ago

Resident Evil 4
Ratchet & Clank 2
Silent Hill 2
Street fighter 2
Castlevania: Symphony of the night
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assassins Creed 2
Metal Gear Solid (not first game in the series)
Tekken 3
God of War (2018)
Mortal Kombat 9
Devil May Cry 3
Virtua Fighter 4

Luigis Mansion 3 doesn’t really belong in that list because the first game was great and it’s sequels didn’t really redefine the series.

FreeckyCake1583d ago

Onimusha 2
but hey, we can make 1k improved sequel if we keep going on 😂


After Assassin’s Creed III, these 7 Ubisoft games need a remaster

There’s more to Ubisoft’s back catalogue than its Templar-bothering flagship franchise and we’re here to prove it. By grovelling for remasters, of course.

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RosweeSon1895d ago

They need a hard reboot haha

airshiraz1896d ago

splinter cell?graphics is really good and uptodate .splinter cell conviction

RosweeSon1895d ago

Sorry but Ubisoft games in general don’t need remasters they get revised yearly enough as it is.
What next let’s remaster EA games I’d love to play Fifa 95 now 🤦🏻‍♂️😜

annoyedgamer1895d ago

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare.


8 Wii Motion Control Games that Deserve Another Shot on Switch

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ApocalypseShadow1960d ago

Bring Red Steel 2 to VR please.