
Diablo: The Mystery of Klar and Tryneus

Diii.net delves into the one potentially interesting aspect of the latest Diablo 2 Patch. Is this a Diablo 3 related change?

"One of the odder tidbits in the v1.13 patch notes is this little line, "Updated two Act 5 mercenary names to Klar and Tryneus." What does this mean? Why was the change made? Has it been confirmed? Yes. Thanks to MakeLoveNotDupe's screenshot we know both of them are now hireables on the test realm, and thanks to the code-delving of Silospen, we know that the names were indeed "updated."

So it's been done. But why?"

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DeepThought5289d ago

It's an interesting read. I think it would be really cool if they were already integrating Diablo II with Diablo III.

Leord5289d ago

Well,on the Barbarian side, they have already done so. The Barb character IS the same in D3, they said so!

DeepThought5289d ago

That's a good point, I totally forgot about that. I hope they have some more surprises before the release of DIII

Leord5289d ago

I think there's also mentioning about the tribes in one of those lore entries they released. From Aldib Hazib or whatever his name is...

Leord5289d ago

It's kinda weird indeed. Especially with the original meaning of the names, compared to the new ones.

I think he might have stumbled upon something real here!

Dorjan5289d ago

Always finding that needle in a haystack eh?

Medievaldragon5289d ago

hey, it's fun to try to find conspiracy theories, and to speculate. The excitement factor is something that's been lagging on D2 for years. So if something new happens and it's meaningful it spawns questions. Why?

1ThorsHammer5289d ago

Blizzard never does anything without a reason. Even if it's just to throw people off of the real trail. :)

Leord5289d ago

True. Could be a ruse as well. Not necessarily meaning to it.

Medievaldragon5289d ago

I can almost bet these characters will be prominent in a new Diablo novel.

Cogo5289d ago

Indeed. Are there any novels in the works right now?

Medievaldragon5289d ago

During my interview with Richard A. Knaak back on 2006-2007, he slipped there were more novels coming from different authors. I have been camping Pocket Books publisher every 3 months: Are there new novels? She always denies there's any. at least none she can talk about (you know contracts, NDAs, etc. won't allow her to this early).

Are there Diablo novels in the horizon? You bet.

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The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

Who says a dud game can't have a video game comeback?

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Dirty_Lemons129d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein129d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183129d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


What Can Diablo IV Learn From Diablo II

Diablo IV may be the latest entry from the Diablo series, but it can sure learn a thing or two from the iconic Diablo II. Both of these games are different and similar to each other, but Diablo II's phenomenal presence should still be more appearing in Diablo IV to make the game even better in its current state.

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anast287d ago

Don't turn it into a live service, don't reskin immortal, and add to the complexity.


Diablo 2 Receives 60 FPS Update Thanks To A New Mod

A fan-run initiative called Project Diablo 2 has brought a 60 FPS update for the classic Diablo title, among other changes.

1nsomniac404d ago

Boo! Thought this was eventually a patch for diablo2 on PS5. The fact that they can’t get that game to run in quality mode at 60fps is an absolute joke!