
Developer says Xbox 360 3D Dot Game Heroes possible

Don't give up hope just yet on an Xbox 360 version of 3D Dot Game Heroes. It looks like the game's development studio, Silicon Studios, has nothing against porting the title over.

My Game Flash visited the studio last month and quizzed producer Hiroyuki Misawa on a number of issues, including the chance for a 360 version. Said Misawa of a possible port, "We can do it. Our libraries are multiplatform, so it would be possible to make it for 360." Asked if there are actually plans to release the game on 360, Misawa said, "It's up to From. We're a developer, so if there's a call to make it, I believe we can do it."

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tatotiburon5320d ago

can't care more less....the biggest rip-off ever

Baliw5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

Some say rip-off...
I say homage.

There's a bunch of guys, like me, that still want their RPGs in plain 2d.
Something is missing in this new school RPGs.

btw, funny interview.

Saaking5320d ago

This is very bad news. I want the game to be all it can be not some gimped game.

iamtehpwn5320d ago

This is really a Japan-targeted game that will have Western release.
They will be concentrated on the Japanese market more than anything, which suggests it remaining as an exclusive.

AllroundGamer5320d ago

the biggest rip-off ever? i thought that achievement goes to Halo ODST...

Cold 20005320d ago

Euh...am I the only one who has never heard about this game ?

El_Colombiano5320d ago

Guys don't listen to this tool.

Eamon5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )


you have a serious problem with the 360 don't you?

How is a game like that going to be gimped?

I suggest seeing a therapist.

Edit: I'm starting the think the disagrees I get are due to my profile pic of Masterchief. If I change it, would I see a change? Seriously, can any sane and knowledgeable individual possibly think a game like that will be gimped if it was made for 360. I can understand FF13 or whatever but please, I presumed the insanity and stupidity of fanboys had a limit.

D4RkNIKON5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

I might just be a bigger PS3 fanboy than you and even I think your comment was weak. The game is already complete, they would be porting it to the 360. I myself can't wait for this game to hit the states!

Edit @ below - lol

Greywulf5320d ago

Right... its not a shooter, so you haven't a single clue what it is.

raztad5320d ago

This game would be serious flop on the xbox, for good evidence see tiburon and cold commments. I doubt it is gonna happen.

Cold 20005320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

Funny thing is take away Halo 3 that I got a year ago I dont have any shooters on my 360.

Sorry people but I got a life, I dont spend 24/7 on N4G defending the honor of a console like you do.

Get a job, get yourself some friends, get a girlfriend, go to college or something and you'll see it can get pretty tough keeping up with news :)

Foliage5320d ago

Yeah Saaking, that comment was on the level of a 360 fanboy. Let's not go down to their level of delusions.

N4PS3G5320d ago


that was lameee and weak lol

this game was done completely on ps3 and it's out on japan ..that means it's 100% done. Porting it won't change a thing. Be a better fanboy..add some logic to your comments ;)

Cold 20005320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

And from what I can see Saakings never heard about it either lol.

Quick, Greywulf! Raztad! Looks like your fellow PS3 fanb0y doesnt know anything else but shooters :)

gaffyh5320d ago

I just want it out in English ASAP, game looks great to me. Nothing wrong with being a Zelda clone, if the game will end up being great, although I'm also waiting for Spirit tracks.

sikbeta5320d ago

Stupid move if they do that, It'll be like The JRPGs released on xbox

No FanS Land5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

this game on 360 could be very well possible. After all even though it has pretty graphics, i'm not too sure it pushes the PS3 like unchrted would do.

However just like some others mentioned, it wouldn't make any sense from a business point, with only about a 1m+ consoles in japan, this limits the potential sales it has, and this isn't the type of game that would cater this much for the 360 userbase in the states. (maybe more europe but I'm not going to speak for this region as I don't know the preferences)

By not any possibility can be game be gimped, not only is it complete, But I think it released this week.

NaiNaiNai5320d ago

LMFAO I remember some people here saying the 360 couldn't even render 1 pixel of this game. XD

WenisWagon5320d ago

So its getting beta tested on the ps3. Good to know that we 360 owners will get the unbuggy/unglitchy version.

DaTruth5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

Because that equals two level headed comments I've seen recently from Cold.

We should try not to bash people when they are just having civil conversation about games!

Now logging into an article and proceeding to comment that you don't care, only begs the question; What are you doing here then! Bash him all you like, because he came here to troll!

@Eamon: I think you are right, because there are several comments below yours saying the same thing, with nothing but agrees.

Noctis Aftermath5320d ago

well this isn't a game pushing new graphical boundaries, and it isn't an IP that has been exclusive on the playstation, so i see no problem with it going to the 360, if anything it will increase the sales for this game that will more then likely sell no more then 1mil on the ps3.

I just can't see the appeal to the average gamer with this game.

DelbertGrady5320d ago

Lots of people on here are fully convinced that the PS3 is 10 times stronger than the 360. They tend to ignore that a fair share of multiplats perform better on the 360 and point to exclusives, even though we don't know if games like Uncharted 2 look like they do because of the PS3 hardware or because of the devs behind it.

table5320d ago

can I take that as you complimenting the ps3 in that they have great devs? ;)

D4RkNIKON5320d ago

You do realize that having better looking multiplats doesn't sell the system right? The games are still 99% the same game and we get to enjoy it too while you don't get to play uncharted (and others but I wont list them) on your 360. I know 360 has it's own exclusives but I just don't personally <-(key word here) find them as interesting or technically up to par with PS3 exclusives.

Why o why5320d ago

not a 10 x gap.....just better.

DelbertGrady5319d ago

Yes I do. Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Guerrilla etc are all amazing devs.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5319d ago
Natsu X FairyTail5320d ago

I thought this was only possible thanks to the Cellzzzzz.

f1ck outta hea with that weak sh1t.

Bring on the game.

callahan095320d ago

What the hell are you talking about? I've never heard anybody say this game couldn't be done on the 360.

3sq5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

Open Zone is that way --->

Edit: "go check out the page when the game 1st got announced with the Trailer ." and you believed them? LOL

It's clearly that 3D Game Heroes could be done on any platform. LOL

Natsu X FairyTail5320d ago

"What the hell are you talking about? I've never heard anybody say this game couldn't be done on the 360."


go check out the page when the game 1st got announced with the Trailer .

look @ the comments.

General Pinky5320d ago

SDF think that the ps3 cell is the holy sh**...but they dont know anything about hardware...just watch 2010...the power of the X..lol
sorry...but i just finding these guys funny today

Baliw5320d ago

Tales of Natsu X FairyTail Vs. The World.

Keep trying!

callahan095320d ago


Is this the page you're talking about, Natsu? Over 150 comments on the article for the debut trailer. I perused them. Didn't notice a SINGLE instance of somebody saying it couldn't be done on the 360, or any mention of "the cell." Not even in the open zone! So I repeat: what the hell are you talking about?

Natsu X FairyTail5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

You Guys Steady Saying LIES.

Saaking - 53 days 15 hours ago

9 -
Amazing! AAA! Only possible on PS3.

ssipmraw - 54 days 6 hours ago

6.2 -
HAHAHA a single Block from this game couldnt possibly fit on a DVD-9

Godmars2905320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

Does it completely not register that the people you're using as examples of extreme PS3 fanboys *aren't* the ones you're talking to?

Of course you're going to find someone who'll say "only on *MY* console!" Hell, you're one of those people.

As far as we know LBP and MGS4 cold be done on the 360, the question is could they be done on the 360 in their current unmodified forms.

Why o why5320d ago

what a series of fail comments.
1stly That '1' comment is clearly jerking your chain and only a gullible guy would listen to that.

2ndly that '1' person doesnt speak for all of us. Imagine us painting all 360 owners with the same brush because of something pp said back in the day...

killzone 2 = teh celllllll

3d dot heroes = taking the mickey aka a JOKE

know the difference

sinncross5320d ago

They use game engines that can be be used on both the 360 and PS3.

Lets just say that the CELL really does make games only possible on the PS3, then that doesn't matter cause clearly multiplatform libraries are not taking that into account much.

sikbeta5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

"Saaking - 53 days 15 hours ago

9 -
Amazing! AAA! Only possible on PS3"


Because is EXCLUSIVE lol

Bodyboarder_VGamer5320d ago

Natsu and Nai try too hard and fail even harder. xD

DaTruth5320d ago

I would have taken that as a joke! I actually am probably in that articles comment section taking it as a joke!

WildArmed5320d ago

power of the celllzzz

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5320d ago
PISSIO5320d ago

So waiting for better version on xbox 360, sorry PS3 another exclusive....... :((((( :..,-_

No FanS Land5320d ago

I don't wanna act fanboyish but I find it ironic.
Tales of vesperia.
Star ocean.

nuff said.

DaTruth5320d ago

I was just thinking how much I hate that some of my responses to fanboys might sound fanboyish and how I would never say this stuff except in response to stupid fanboys!

I honestly don't know if it makes it okay!

WildArmed5320d ago

lol same. When you talk to an extremist, you seem to take the other extreme side. atleast tahts wat it looks like..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5320d ago
ApocalypseShadow5320d ago (Edited 5320d ago )

third parties can do whatever they want.ps3 gamers aren't that concerned when there is so much first party quality content.it cool that from is bringing it over to ps3 just like demon souls,but it's not that big of a deal.

but the reason it IS on ps3 is because sony allows risks to be taken.a lot of games like last guardian,3d dot hero,flower,flow,pixel junk games,etc....WOULDN'T get authorized on 360.microsoft themselves aren't risk takers as seen from the console alone.not just in games.or it wouldn't have had dvd stuck in it.

as for the cell processor...360 has YET to do folding at home for cancer,or black hole research,or run a bluray disc,or create a better picture like in toshiba's upcoming tvs,or stream multiple hd streams simultaneously like in toshiba's upcoming tvs with cell in it,or create games at the level of killzone2,uncharted 2 and GT5.that one chip is doing more than what's in that other system.

what's xenon doing?......oh...it just does games only.....wow.....real powerful there.....

and why do ps3 gamers have to wait 5 years just to see 360's supposed power?shouldn't we be seeing it already?

OGharryjoysticks5320d ago

FROM software and SONY Japan Studios collaborated on the game so I doubt it ever releases on 360.

This 3D Dot game could I guess because Sony studios have no hand in it

Stryfeno25320d ago

"But, but, but the Cell?"......"It only does Everything" Is that so?....Please keep that sh!t on the PSh!t 3.

OmarJA5320d ago

Won't happen before we get both ME2 & SCC on the PS3...

Can't blame the bots really, they've been crying lately from the lack of real exclusives on their cheap console.

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These PS3 Games are Going to get Really Expensive

Could you get rich by investing in PS3 games? Almost definitely not. Can you make a few bucks by flipping PS3 games over the years? Yeah, sure! It wouldn’t even be that difficult. But let’s face it: Once these games are in your collection, you’re probably keeping them forever.

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CDbiggen996d ago

There's a reason I didn't buy most of these when they came out.

MadLad996d ago

After a game's multiple generations old, and can't be had new at a reasonable price, that's when I see nothing wrong with emulation.

What's the point of paying someone scalper prices when the dev/publisher isn't even benefiting from it?

mkis007995d ago

Emulation doesn't stop a games physical box from becoming collectible.

Knightofelemia996d ago

I paid $30 for SH Downpour on PS3 now it's around $70-$85 Canadian Lolipop Chainsaw I paid $15 and it has really gone up in price. I wonder if Transformers War and Fall of Cybertron will go up in price two of the best Transformers games every made.

neutralgamer1992996d ago

In 5 years time all those games will be worth at least $150 to $200 that you listed

996d ago
neutralgamer1992996d ago

Ever since Sony announced that they would shut down PS3 store these prices have skyrocketed and even though Sony backtracked now most gamers realize that it's a matter of time before the PlayStation 3 store is shut down. If you want these games get them while you can even if digital because once that story shut down the physical prices will just go crazy high we saw that already

And many of these games did not sell like crazy amounts so they are limited number of copies available for sale at any given time

MadLad996d ago

Folklore is a game I've always really wanted to play, but I got a PS3 late in the generation, and it was already really expensive to find, being it didn't exactly sell well, therefore was already kind of a collector's item.

Kept hoping I'd find a cheap copy randomly at stores and flea markets, but never happened.

franwex996d ago

I got mine for $5 at Walmart like 10 years ago. I have yet to play it.

neutralgamer1992996d ago

It was available at GameStop for a while for under $20. Don't know har happened but GameStop started to sell their used games based on ebay prices it seems

You can still find it for around $60-70 and which in my opinion is a good price for a game that will be worth double if not triple that in next 5 years

Mr Logic996d ago

Have you considered modding your PS3? Neither Sony or the dev would be getting money from that Folklore purchase. Kind of a victimless crime at that point.

MadLad995d ago (Edited 995d ago )


Honestly, I just want to actually give the experience a try. I'm not someone who would buy it at a premium just to potentially rip someone off down the road.
I mean, there are collectors out there and if paying a couple hundred dollars is worth it to them then more power to them, but I'm not one to be on either end of that exchange.

I know it's taboo, but I might dig in and see the state of PS3 emulation on PC. I have a good PC, so it might be able to power through the often times poor performance, being PS3 is known to be hard to emulate.

I've never emulated anything past the PS2/Dreamcast but, as I said in my first post, I don't see anything wrong with emulation if the game you want to play can only be had used, with no money going to the creators.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 995d ago
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PS3 Prices are now Crashing (Time to Buy! )

It's been a roller coaster on the PS3 front. Prices went absolutely insane a few weeks ago, but with the PS3/Vita stores staying open for now, prices have plummeted back to earth. This article breaks it down, complete with buying suggestions and current prices.

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Jiub1126d ago

You mean I don't have to buy Puppeteer for $140?!

neutralgamer19921126d ago (Edited 1126d ago )

Yes you don't have to pay that but if you want one you will definitely pay over $75+

headline says PS3 games prices crashing down but those prices are still way above MSRP and in the $70-80 range. These prices in my opinion will never come down to where they were before sony announced they were shutting down PSN for ps3/vita. Because before that announcement you could have bought most of these games for under $40 (even less) and now they are $70 plus

Here's my suggestion a lot of these games did not sell well for example splatterhouse, 3d dot hero, lollipop chainsaw and puppeteer just to name few so it's all supply and demand. Because these didn't set sales records there Are less copies in the 2nd hand market. I do believe this in only 5 years time ps3 game prices will be to a point where most won't or can't buy them besides collectors

If you're looking to grab yourself a copy now is the best time or wait a few weeks as soon as prices come down a bit more buy them don't wait

isarai1125d ago

So glad i have a feel for games that will jump in price, i really only grab games i want to play, but i can tell when it's a games that will not only be hard to find, but expensive in the future. Grabbed puppeteer for $7 like a year ago from gamestop. And the Metal Gear Legacy collection for $12 and got 3d dot game heroes free(b3g1) was quite the grab and all 3 were on my list.

Profchaos1125d ago

I think you're right and done of the lesser known games will be harder and more expensive to find in the flipside you could probably continue to buy GTA IV and cod for a few dollars for the next 10 years.

neutralgamer19921125d ago (Edited 1125d ago )


If you look at the call of duty games on PlayStation 3 they hold their value quite well some of them are actually quite expensive if you want the original case with the game manual and a good disc


Me too I bought a lot of PlayStation 3 games over time I have over 200 of them I can't imagine if I want to buy all of them and now it would cost double if not triple what I paid overtime

MetalProxy1125d ago

Holy crap I have a copy of puppeteer still sealed 🤯. Paid very little during clearance because nobody cared. Had no idea it would increase that much... lol

Eidolon1125d ago

Got with PS+, great value!

OptimusDK1125d ago

But but nobody plays old games SONY ...?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1125d ago
Nicknasty1125d ago (Edited 1125d ago )

Wow, I feel lucky. I grabbed a sealed copy on eBay back in August of last year for $25. Excellent game!

Still own Shadows of the damned, another great game and Lollipop chainsaw. I can’t part with a lot of my older games.

1125d ago
Godmars2901125d ago

But I'm not sellin'! Not even - especially - at a fair price!

metalhead1125d ago

When did PS3 games become stocks? Lmao

BrainSyphoned1125d ago

Since the invention of people treasuring sealed items. Or even a instruction booklet that were just left laying on the counter at every Funcoland for years as free to take. I sold an empty partially wrapped Nintendo console box for $300 that some guy gave me in store 20 years ago.

Jiub1125d ago

You wrote Funcoland and I just went back 20 years hahaha. Those price sheets were the best. I knew everything I wanted before I got in the store and how much it would cost

Yui_Suzumiya1125d ago

Since most Gamestops quit selling them, lol

1125d ago Replies(1)
Yui_Suzumiya1125d ago

Recently I sold Lightning Returns for $25, Tales of Symphonia for $50, Bleach for $40, Night Trap for $90 and The Orange Box for $45. I'm making a business of finding PS3 games for cheap and selling them for slightly less than what other people are selling them for on ebay. I ordered both the standard version of Doom Collection for Switch and collector's edition for Doom Collection for PS4 for the purpose of resale in the future.

MasterChief36241125d ago

I can't see this business model paying off well in the long run.

neutralgamer19921125d ago

Honestly as more things become digital and these digital store fronts on consoles won't stay up forever I think game prices will only go up. Especially now that Sony made an announcement only to backtrack it's not if now it's when they close it(I can't imagine pss storefront staying up for another 5 years)

A lot of niche ps3 games that sold under 1 million are becoming very expensive. We only saw the trailer I believe once psn shuts down on ps3 we will see what real high prices will look like(I hope I am wrong about psn shutting down on ps3 but I don't think Sony can justify keeping it live if there is very little traffic)

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PS3 Prices Have Officially Exploded (and they’re not done)

The Ghetto Gamer has been predicting and tracking PS3 prices over the past year. The last few months have seen a massive spike in the pricing of PS3 games, and it may be too late to pick up some of the more rare and hard-to-find ones at a reasonable price. Some of these are nuts.

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1144d ago Replies(5)
isarai1144d ago

Again, seen this coming from the start, glad I already bought everything I wanted over the years 👌

XiNatsuDragnel1144d ago

Well This is nut is this PS true masterplan.

isarai1144d ago

This happens to every retro console, there's a tipping point, this is ps3's tipping point

waverider1144d ago

Stil remember selling ps3 titles to buy a PS4. but i keept the ones i liked more. Did the same with the titles of the PS4 to get a PS5.

Terry_B1144d ago

Nice..maybe it pays off that I still have around 80 PS3 games in physical form..

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