
First Assassin's Creed 2 Review Score

Official Xbox Magazine UK:

The first Assassin's Creed's charm was in the sumptuous graphics and straightforward action - that incredible climbing and free-running, and the visceral thrill of stapling evil people to the dirt with a wristblade. With AC2 the rest of the game has caught up with the brilliance of those central ideas to create a complete and coherent experience. We can think of plenty of words that could describe Assassin's Creed 2 - involving, exciting, cinematic - but there's only one word that sums it up beautifully. Killer. [Dec 2009, p.74, via Metacritics/Gamespot.com]


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Saaking5329d ago

I have hope for this game. I think Ubisoft will redeem themselves and AC series with it. I'll be getting the PS3 version due to the exclusive weapons provided by the PSP AC game.

swiftshot935329d ago

They've done some huge improvements, lets hope they do the same with Prince of Persia next year.

hobokiller5329d ago

I remember a lot of publications gave the first game a 9 also. I'll wait for a few more reviews before I make a decision.

chaosatom5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

The first one left me with a bad taste. Although having a demo might make it a rental.

I will get POP tho whenever that comes out next year.

nix5329d ago

still don't know.. i didn't get the first one... will wait for more reviews plus the demo.

Persistantthug5329d ago

Like someone said, fool me once, shame on you.

Glad I was only fooled into a rental.

JoySticksFTW5329d ago

I might be be the only person on the planet who actually liked AC.

I wasn't crazy over the flag-collecting, but I did like gathering information before the kill. And I LOVE the timing-based combat.

AC was a good first effort and laid the groundwork for a potentially great series.

Looking forward to AC2.

SL1M DADDY5329d ago

The first one was awesome but very repetitive. There were many aspects of the game that were great and fresh to the gaming culture. If they can do away with the repetition in this one and keep that same feel of being an assassin then they will get my money.

Ghoul5329d ago

"I might be be the only person on the planet who actually liked AC."

NOPE your not i totally LOVE assassins creed. one of my favorit games this gen, period. Story gameplay presentation all are topnotch and i love it.

forget all the haters that just cant overlook some flaws and see thegem that lies beneath it.

anyone who wants to get the REAL ac experience, please disable all onscreen hud elements, and start using the hadouts you get rom informants. Then the game is incredible and very difficult :)

zeeshan5329d ago

Repetitive gameplay killed it but I liked the graphics, the details. I liked Altair's attitude but climbing the wall over and over again with the same missions of evesdropping, pick pocket and not to mention saving citizens became too boring. Never bothered about the flags cuz that was a dumb idea. Climbing towers wasn't that much fun either but the assassination missions were beautiful! :)

foxtheory5329d ago

You're not alone, man. I loved AC1 for what it offered (including the combat), and I'm REALLY excited for AC2!!!

vhero5328d ago

XBM? I think that score is meaningless they give every big game on 360 a huge score so it sells well on 360. I think I'll wait wait for a 3rd party to review it. You honestly think they would give a game this big a bad review at XBM?

nan05328d ago

Getting the PS3 version as well, since I don't own a 360 and prefer the PS3's exclusives simpley.

Poopface the 2nd5328d ago

I played it back in the day and thought it was a good effort. I played it once and did every mission. It was too easy and repetitive. I hope ac2 has ultra hard mode. With a few improvements it can be great.

I only had one glitch and it was a clone that did what I did. I almost had him kill the king but the clone turned and killed me. Im going to get AC on 360 because thats what I played Ac1 on.

Traveler5328d ago

Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite games of this generation. The haters really get on my nerves. If you didn't understand what it was about, too bad, your loss.

It seems that its biggest problems have been addressed and I think Assassin's Creed 2 will be one of the most brilliant games to come out in a long time.

click 2 get virus5328d ago

you can buy hookers and thugs and go underground it's all kinds of puzzles, the game is really good i played the 1st 3hours, you can knock stuff out of peoples hands it's funny as hell

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Saaking5329d ago

Will get Superior PS3 version.

Pirateogta5328d ago

Considering 90% of multiplatform games look and play better on the 360, chances are unlikely. Ubisoft games especially look better on the 360.

TooTall195328d ago

You actually have a 360 that works?? That's a miracle! Enjoy your better looking version while it lasts. You might make it to the first loading screen.

Mr Face Creamer5328d ago (Edited 5328d ago )

Trolling on both zones. Can't say I expected you to stoop any lower than that though. How about you actually go use your console instead of being a mindless droid.

Might I ask why is the PS3 version "superior" than the Xbox version? Is it because the 360 version has better AI and probably looks better than the PS3 version?


TooTall195328d ago (Edited 5328d ago )

This game looks fun though

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swiftshot935329d ago


Cant wait for badass game.

suhelparvez5329d ago

1st one was repetitive. This looks gud though. Rent for me

Darkeyes5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

Nice score.... This game looks great. Just remove the repetitiveness from the first game and I am sold... So far this game seems to do exactly that. Also, the games graphics look good.

PopEmUp5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

it do just like the first one, I don't care if this one have the graphic that blow Uncharted 2 away, I won't even think of renting it. What a boring repetitive game I've ever play

LeonSKennedy4Life5329d ago

Nothing's blowing Uncharted 2 away anytime soon.

xXbebofisherXx5328d ago

I hate to say this because uncharted 2 is absolutely brilliant. but MW2 on PC with maxed setting will blow uncharted out graphically but console wise. yea consoles wont touch it ne time soon. maybe god of war 3 (looking to be another brilliant title) might get close alot of polishing left for that game. but man sony is making me happy. lots of games my ps3 is playing lately. ps3 very happy, 360 needs some love too

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thorstein287d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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dumahim301d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos301d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill300d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast300d ago (Edited 300d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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Chriswheeler22485d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87484d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight