
Versus XIII Gameplay: Why Did Square Enix Even Bother?

Final Fantasy Versus XIII has be in Final Fantasy XIII's shadow for quite some time now, as Square Enix have expectedly diverted all their attention towards their biggest asset. People had been hoping to see something new at TGS, but following Square Enix's announcement that Final Fantasy Versus XIII wasn't going to be shown there wasn't any real surprise.

However, there was surprise when reports surfaced that it was actually being shown, and of course Final Fantasy Union had to investigate. It turned out that gameplay footage was being shown in what was essentially their very toned down "Closed Mega Theatre".

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Selyah5359d ago

That does come as a bit of a surprise, doesn't sound particularly thrilling, although it is early days it's not exactly good news.

Hellsvacancy5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

They probably just wanted 2 show people that Final Fantasy Versus is alive and work is bein done 2 it rather than release no footage 2 hav people sayin things like "its never cummin out" and things like that

mephman5359d ago

Yea, that's more than likely the reason, but Agito is in the same situation and they showed an awesome trailer for that.

Noct5359d ago

Nomura said in the last Famitsu issue that there will be a media and information blow out for VersusXIII very early next year.

No point hyping a game that will most likely release Winter 2010 or Spring 2011...especially considering XIII is yet to release.

Patience is needed.

gintoki7775359d ago

why did you bother making this article F U!!!!!!

its simple why they did to show the game is still being worked on and that it is progressing

Anorexorcist5359d ago

So no drastic conclusions should be made on the potential of the final Versus XIII product.

"All it did was succeed in making people worry about a product they thought was going to be stellar."

Yeah...maybe for the idiots who don't understand the concept behind "Work-In-Progress"

MEsoJD5359d ago

wheres the leaked footage???

Cold 20005359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

I dont even know why they bothered making a FF13 spin off in the first place.

Rather than this whole Versus thing they should have just focused on FF13 then after that move on to a true sequel that would be FF15 (since FF14 is a MMO).

Hellsvacancy5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

Versus 13 looks (from wot ive seen) FAR more appealin (2me) - FF13 looks 2 girly

LittleBigSackBoy5359d ago

i'll be getting both FF13 and vs 13 day 1. i'm pretty sure i'll enjoy vs 13 more, since i like KH more than FF.

Cold 20005359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

FF13 is too girly ?

Thats weird nobody said that about the far more "girlier" FF10.

And whats so much more appealing about Versus ? The fake *ss dark emo jap look ??

Anyway I guess it comes down to personal taste. I personnaly prefer FF13's look though a bit too westernish/sci-fi for my likes.

5359d ago
callahan095359d ago

And why do I care what this website thinks of the footage? I'd like to see the footage for myself before I go on complaining about how crappy it looks.

Cold 20005359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

geez dude I Ive been following FF13 since the first trailer in 2005 (or 2006 cant remember).

They should simply go back to handling FF like they did in the PS1: that is one FF.Then a sequel. No online, no sub par FF7 spin offs, no dumb FFX-2 crap etc etc.

edit: By the way I didnt disagree with you

WMW5359d ago

its not like those games you mentioned because like MAiKU said it was never a spin off it even has its own team if they removed 13 from the title you wouldn't even think of FF13 when looking at versus. plus versus seems like it will be much better then FF13 with kingdom hearts combat system, darker world characters and story, and they said they are going to have action scenes like advent children aslo the trailer for versus looks way more interesting then FF13 so it is in no way a spin off.

5359d ago
Ravage275359d ago

you claim that you have been following the news, in that case you would have known that Versus has as much to do with 'spin-off' as 360 with 'reliability'. Why are you even feigning interest for something you can't play anyway?

Pika-pie5359d ago

I really wouldnt be suprised if this game gets cancelled in the end.

The game was announced years ago and we havent seen anything at all, SE arnt pushing it one bit. Doesnt look good.

5359d ago
Kain815358d ago

it was the main Final fantasy 13, but later they choose to change that, cause Final fantasy vs13 was more mature than usal final fantasy games, so they decided to call it Final Fantasy VS13..."
this is it what i had read in a Magazine 2 years ago
i dont know if it was true, but was plausible

Bodyboarder_VGamer5358d ago (Edited 5358d ago )

FFX far more girly than FFXIII? Are you kidding me?

Just with Serah and Vanille FFXIII is automatically the girliest FF game yet... And not to mention that the principal character's a girl and the same with the antagonist. Did you even watch the latest trailer of FFXIII? That was the very definition of emo, FFX never went that far into that sh1t.

And if you like the Starwarish setting of FFXIII then you must have loved FFXII, worst FF game yet...

I think you're defending this game too much because it is on the X360 while PS3 owners get both. I could say that FFvsXIII looks more interesting but that's my opinion.

ThanatosDMC5358d ago

I cant wait for a more mature Kingdom Hearts type of gameplay! There was blood on the trailer, right?

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5358d ago
somekyle5359d ago

Yeah, Agito is definitely coming before Versus

Fishy Fingers5359d ago

Anyone know where I can see this leaked footage?

mephman5359d ago

There is probably somewhere on YouTube that has it, but Square Enix were pretty strict about stopping people from recording, taking pictures, or even breathing.

UnSelf5359d ago

ur comment is hilarious becuz that sounds exactly like sumthing Garth'll say lol

ZombieNinjaPanda5359d ago

"even breathing."

You had me laughing there hahaha.

Sangria5359d ago

It reminds me that episode of Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei, i think it was introducing Kagerō Usui where Itoshiki says that there are always people that lives in other people's shadow, like Pierre Curie, Marie Curie's husband or the power of a Super Sayan compared to Krilin's power.

Final Fantasy XIII always gathered the big hype, even before it was multiplatform and i guess we wont hear much hype about Versus XIII until FFXIII releases, so i guess the game should release a bit more than 8 months after FFXIII.

Saaking5359d ago

FFversusXIII will be the superior FF

Noctis Aftermath5359d ago

LOL@people disagreeing, while i will buy 13, versus has got my full attention and that's something 13 lost with me two times, first when it went multiplatform and then when some of the characters were shown.

I've gotten older from when i played the previous FF(never played XI or XII) games and quite frankly i want a JRPG thats more bloody, more violent, has more freedom and isn't bound to the confinements of your typical JRPG.

TheReaper425353d ago

the people disagreeing only has 1 console.. if you can even call it a "console" or "heater" take your pick.

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

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gold_drake51d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies51d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix51d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled51d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


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Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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Final Fantasy 15 director reveals why he left Square Enix, and announces he's working on 2 new JRPGs

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Hajime Tabata famously resigned from Square Enix two years after Final Fantasy 15 shipped in 2016. In a special livestream at the time, Tabata announced his decision to resign from the company, cancelling three of four new story-focused DLC episodes for Final Fantasy 15 in the process.

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Knightofelemia183d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog183d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake183d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic181d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan182d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman183d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator183d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno182d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior183d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake183d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.