
Playr Returns To UK TV With Fifa 10 Exclusive

Long running TV show, Playr returns to UK screens this week with an exclusive look at Fifa 2010's new 'Create Set-Piece' mode.

The series, which mixes video game previews, news, reviews and features, will air on Saturdays at 6pm on Film 24 (Sky Digital channel 157).

Episodes will be repeated on Sunday at 12 noon and Monday at 6pm.

This week's episode features EA Fifa producer David Rutter demonstrating 2010's new 'Create Set-Piece' mode, which allows players to create up to 32 different custom free kicks.

Also in the episode...an in-depth preview of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, a round-up of the best multi-format games at GamesCom 09, as well and Cologne's best booth babes and is topped off with Peter Jackson discussing Neil 'Halo' Blomkampf's new film District 9.

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ian725384d ago (Edited 5384d ago )

Glad this programme is back on, some nice boothbabes on this first show, just watched it. Gameface is also on Saturdays at 11.00am on Bravo.


FIFA '10 - Best Sports Game Ever

FIFA '10 was released to the public last September to huge praises from both critics and fans. It has a score of 90 on Metacritic.com, and current sits as the 26th best rated game for the 360, and the highest rated sports game on the 360. The closest sports game to FIFA '10 on that list is NHL '10, which sits in 46th place (although it won sports game of the year last year for many publications, but don't get me started on that). But my reasons for FIFA '10 being the best sports game ever is not about ratings or rankings. It is about how the game is the best simulation of any sport, ever.

Brian52475113d ago

Is the greatest Sports game of all time. Sorry.

mp12895113d ago

but i sold it because of the bugs.

HOSe5113d ago

i like 2010 world cup - good game


No Added Sugar review: What FIFA 2010 World Cup tells us about FIFA 11

No Added Sugar's James explains why EA's FIFA World Cup games are unnecessary, and why this particular installment is a worrying insight into FIFA 11.

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BrutalGamer.com Review: FIFA 2010 World Cup South Africa (PS3)

BrutalGamer.com writes :-
"Its coming home, its coming home, its coming. Footballs coming home!". There ends my in-depth knowledge of the beautiful game. Sure I've played me some school yard footie and I've taken a stab at the odd football game but truly, honestly – football bores me. Paying £40 for a nylon shirt with the name of a Korean firm on the front just strikes me as a little crazy. What does excite me? The World Cup. Every four years comes my excuse to act like "a real man" and embrace the nation's favourite pastime (excluding binge drinking of course!).

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