
Consumers Will Choose The PS3 Slim Over The Xbox 360

Normally, I'm not one to make bold statements in the headlines of my articles; as nothing is 100% and much of what I say is often subjective, I'd rather pose a question. In other words, I'd normally title this article, "Will Consumers Consider the PS3 Slim a Better Option than the Xbox 360?" or something to that effect. But the more I look at it, the more difficult it is for me to believe that a rational, logical, unbiased consumer will come to any other conclusion.

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The-Warranty5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

Yeah its showing right now.

Retailers are forced to limit pre-orders like its a damn Nintendo Wii launch. Things are looking good for Sony.

gamesR4fun5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

straight up good right here the only thing he missed was wireless six axes controller in every box XD

id bet a good chunk of change that now and moving forward the ps3 will b leading the sales chart over the 360...

FlatulentGhost5381d ago

"dude hits it on the head"

He's right that the PS3 is going to be have crazy sales now at 300 dollars and eventually 200, but he is asking a bad question.

It is a question that assumes something that is a fallacy: That there is some monolithic group called 'consumers' who are making a choice between two similar products.

That is manifestly inane.

Some 105 million gamers bought the first Playstation. Then the Dreamcast came out and completely failed to attract those gamers.

Some 140 million gamers bought the PS2. The Xbox came out shortly after the launch of PS2 yet did nothing to sway those 105 million former Playstation owners to buy an Xbox over a PS2. And Sony attracted 35 million more new gamers to the PS2 compared to the previous gen.

The first Xbox sold about 24-25 million over 3 1/2 years. The current Xbox has sold about 30 million over 4 years.

Those 140 million PS2 owners arem't any more interested in the Xbox 360 this gen than they were with the Xbox last gen.

RememberThe3575381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

The concept of a consumer is not "manifestly insane" either. If it were the entire field of economics would have collapsed many years ago. There may be a group of people who do not shop around, but the large majority of people use coast-benefit analysis rather well. Even though these coasts and benefits are largely objective they can be generalized, and subsequently patterned and analyzed.

The only problem with the question is that it cannot be answered now, only argued.

soxfan20055381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

People who want to play Forza, Halo, Gears of War, Alan Wake, Crackdown, Project Gotham Racing, Splinter Cell, Natal, etc. will choose 360.

People who want to play Killzone 2, Infamous, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, God of War, etc. will choose PS3.

Seems pretty easy to me. Neither console has a monopoly on great exclusives, and each has enough current and upcoming exclusives to insure their survival for many years to come.

@1.2 - good attempt to understate the 360's sales. Actually, Xbox 1 sold 24-25 milion in 4 years. 360 has sold over 31 million in 3 1/2 years. And, it keeps increasing year over year. While PS3's sales slowed in recent months, probably in anticipation of a price cut, 360's sales did not slow. People continued to buy 360's even with the knowledge of an impending PS3 price cut.

5-6 million more people have already chosen Xbox this generation than last. What console did those people own last generation? Gamecube? Not likely, since most Gamecube owners would have upgraded to Wii. And, speaking of Wii, what console did the 30 million additional people who bought Wii this generation own last generation? The pool of PS2 owners waiting to upgrade is not as big as you think.

EDIT - the Xbox 1 may have stopped production after 3 1/2 years, but it was still available at retail until well into 2006. There is a gap of months between the time a console is produced in China (or wherever) and the time it ends up on a store shelf. You are also forgetting that the Xbox 1 was virtually dead after 3 1/2 years, save those last consoles, while 360 is at its strongest at the 3 1/2 year point.

FlatulentGhost5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )


The first Xbox went on sale in Nov. 2002. Went out of production in the middle of 2005. 3 1/2 years it was on the market. Fanboy sites like vgchartz have graphs that falsely extend the sales life of the first Xbox to try to make the current Xbox's sales look better in comparison.

Even going with middle of the road estimates of the number of duplicate Xbox 360s that have been sold due to the RRoD hardware failures puts the current Xbox 360 selling at a slower rate compared to the first.

Even the breakdown of regions is virtually identical between the first Xbox and the Xbox 360. Dead in Japan. Pretty much dead across Europe except for the UK. Majority of sales coming from the US.

The same people who bought Xbox consoles last gen are buying Xbox 360s this gen.

The same people didn't want an Xbox last gen are continuing to not want an Xbox this gen.

There were some 20 million or so PS2s sold when the Xbox launched. Since that time Sony has sold some 120 million more while having the option of buying an Xbox instead.

They didn't

The same is happening this gen.

swiftshot935381d ago

I'll have to disagree with you soxfan. I think the Wii brought in an entire new market, a lot of them were casual PS2 owners, yes, but I dont think it would be fair to assume the majority of them to be. There are a lot of PS2 consumers, even hardcore I think, yet to upgrade.

MerkinMax5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

This should appeal not only to new PS3 owners but current PS3 owners. I myself am purchasing one even though I already own a 80GB for two reasons.
1. Sony deserves every dime they make from the PS3 Slim because to me it's a marvel that they revised it so much from the current models.

2. Nothing wrong with having a backup :)

I truly can't wait to see this baby in person. It's Sony's turn again so be ready people. The storm is coming...

meepmoopmeep5381d ago

does this mean you will buy a PS3 to finally ENJOY gaming, Odion :P

yeah man, if you can afford all the consoles do it. gaming is about fun
there are great games on each system.

y'all are the ones missing out.

5381d ago
5381d ago
soxfan20055381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

The delusional people are the ones who think history is going to repeat itself this generation. At the 2 1/2 year point of PS1, it was in 1st place, destroying the competition. At the 2 1/2 year point of PS2, it was in 1st place, destroying the competetion. At the 2 1/2 year point of PS3, it is in 3rd place. Even if you, porcelain god, believe that the 360 and PS3 are roughly even, is that really a victory for Sony - to tie a competitor that it crushed by a 6:1 margin last generation, and to be 30 million behind another competitor that it crushed?

This generation is completely different from last. The Xbox was dead at this point last generation. The 360 is selling 250,000+ per month at the same point this generation.

EDIT - In other news, Xbox360extreme reports that consumers will choose Xbox 360 over PS3 slim.

jwatt5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

I was just thinking this when I was looking at the top one hundred at amazon. Why would you buy a 360 for $299.99 when you can get a ps3 for the same price, bigger harddrive, Blu Ray and free online. The next option would be the arcade sku with no harddrive which I think is going to save MS because it's really cheap but I think if your looking for a harddrive in your console the ps3 is with out a doubt the way to go.

jib5381d ago

"The same people who bought Xbox consoles last gen are buying Xbox 360s this gen.

The same people didn't want an Xbox last gen are continuing to not want an Xbox this gen. "

where exactly do you people get your facts from?

ThanatosDMC5381d ago

That 13 million unit prediction just became tangible... heck, maybe more units are needed.

FlatulentGhost5381d ago

"where exactly do you people get your facts from?"

The fact that the 360 has sold virtually identical numbers of console over a similar period of time as the first Xbox when you add in the massive numbers of replacement consoles bought in hope of finally getting a 360 that doesn't break.

The fact that the sales pattern across the three major console regions, Japan, US, Europe, is almost identical.

But, hey!, it could be one massive coincidence.

005381d ago

so you have this data than? or are you just bullsh!ting.

ps3d05381d ago

Oh look another article write by a sony site about how the ps3 slim will be the 2nd coming. Didnt they all say this about MGS4 , oh but LBP is real 2nd coming o no I meant to say KZ2 is. None of those games saved the ps3 and the ps3 slim isnt goin to do it either.

Joe blow doesnt care about all the tech crap in the system he buys. He doesnt know what a cell processor is, he doesnt know what 1080p means. He wants to play his favorite games like rock band, GTA, CoD, Madden. He going to see the game on all 3 systems and he'll buy the cheapest system there is. Thats still the 360 at 199.

There are a few gamers out there that will run out and buy a silm. Gamers that thought the ps3 was too expensive before and have been waiting for a price drop. I however think that sony screwed this up and shot their lil load to soon. Halo 3 comes out in sept and thats sure to take away some of the slims hype. Also I dont think the slaes spike will last more 2 months aka sept and oct. The months they needed to win are nov, dec and jan.

Rigmaster5381d ago

The question is obviously the wrong question.

The 360's fate is sealed. It's going to end up eeking out a slightly larger installed base simply due to the fact that it hasn't been pulled from the market yet like the first Xbox.

The real questions are:

How many of those 140 million PS2 owners have bought Wiis?

How many are now done with the Wii and have upgraded to an HD TV and are ready for a PS3 now that they can afford one?

How are consumers going to react to the PS3 being only 50 dollars more than the Wii?

How will Nintendo react? Finally time for a price cut down to 200 dollars for the Wii?

The battle is between the PS3 and the Wii. The 360 is an irrelevant sideshow.

Immortal Kaim5381d ago

Thanks for the info PSXextreme, another great article...

Yes, I'm certainly joking.

god_o_war5381d ago


no one cant expect a single game to to push the hardware sales all the way up to 1st place but instead look at the spurt in hardware sales that those games have made (maybe not so much KZ2).

jetlian5381d ago

in 4 years! production may have stopped at 3.5 years but it was 4 years after the system was out.took 360 3 years to hit 25 million.

Shepherd 2145381d ago

An "unbiased consumer" sounds like a smart one. A smart consumer will choose the console that has the games he likes the most. If a consumer decides he loves the Halo games and wants to see the conclusion of the epic trilogy with Halo 3, play and have hours of fun with the sequel to Fable, and check out the Gears of War game that people keep talking about, he will buy a 360.

If he thinks that the 360's constant hardware failure is a liability to his wallet, and he feels like playing a highly cinematic game like MGS4 or an adventure game like Uncharted, he will go for the new PS3 Slim with its new price drop.

It really is what you feel like playing. Im aware of the 360's problems, ive already had to get a second 360 because of it, but i love Halo so damn much that im willing to deal with problems to play Halo and Gears with my friends. I really dont argue this much because other that arguing the difference between exlusives, i cant back the 360's hardware. They just f-ed up real hard this gen with reliability.

Ravage275381d ago

wow, bubbles for being honest and unbiased. Wish all the 360 fanboys were as level-headed as you are.

While i certainly don't think the 360 will become irrelevant anytime soon, Sony is definitely going to enjoy very strong sales for the next few months especially with the impending arrivals of UC2,FF13(Jap),GOW3 and of course GT5.

As much as i hate M$'s dirty tactics (exclusive DLCs,timed-exclusives, etc), both Sony and M$ must stay in business for the benefit of us gamers. Competition is always good

starvinbull5381d ago

The single most important thing was left out of this article.

More important than price, reliability and exclusives.


If you have a dozen friends on Live and none on PSN what's the point buying into the PS3.

Just pointing it out.

FamilyGuy5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

What's so hard about making new friends on your new system? You did it when the 360 first arrived.

It's simple really, you play a game you like online, you come across people that like you for any number of reason, you get a "request to add friend"

It happens ALL the time. No biggie so I would have left that out too.

The main thing is, the PS3 has EXCLUSIVES, real exclusives and lots of them that you don't/won't/can't play on ANY other system. This alone sees the PS3, at $299, out selling the 360 since a lot of 360 only owners will now get the PS3 as well. It's not a hard prediction to make and it will prove itself every month from now until M$ does something drastic about it.

Guido5381d ago

Standard 2.5 HDD
Free Online
Rechargeable Controller
Sexy Box

This is just the tip if the iceberg. The PS3 is just the better deal!

creeping judas5381d ago

Flatulent Ghost, you've been on N4G for 12 hours and you have 7 bubbles?? And you argue like Nasim?? HMMMMMMMMM

DaTruth5381d ago

This is not such a difficult concept; Given that all consoles are in nearly the same price range, consumers(mostly uneducated about gaming) will not know jack about exclusives. They will however do three possible things:

1. They will read both boxes to find out which one has better features.

2. They will choose on brand recognition alone.

3. Join the hype train(We saw this in action with Nintendo's Wii).

And in all of these possibilities, PS3 has the edge. The ball is now in Microsoft's court to make the next move that will draw consumers towards them. With no good gimmicks(Natal) until this time next year, I can't imagine what it would be, but I wouldn't count them out yet!

leyego5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

what ever happend to the games.

everything i read now a days is about the consoles themselves.
MS get off ur lazy a$$ and make a psychonauts 2.

capcom get off your lazy a$$ and make suikoden 6 already.

SE get off ur lazy a$$ and made a KH3 for gods sake.

thats y this console war makes no sense.

Raptors5381d ago

I normally refrain from agreeing with a publication that has the same name of a game system but its hard to for me this time. I admittingly prefer my 360 over my ps3 (kingkongjay is both my psn and live ID's) as the majority of my friends have 360's and I prefer Live over PSN. However, like the editor said, I can't see a rational person look at both the Elite (Now pro I guess) and a slim ps3 and choose the 360.
Blu Ray>DVD, Free online > $50 a year (Maybe not much to us but we are in a recession still), Wifi > $100 adaptor, ps3's reliability > 360's reliability (Im on my 3rd 360, all RROD and second ps3, fan noise on the first was excessive).
Sony is in a real good position with the price of the ps3 and if MS doesn't change the price they will make up alot of ground in the console race.
Come to think of it, I dont even see how MS and Nintendo can justify charging that much for their systems when the PS3 offers so much....

Jinxstar5381d ago

Truth is we dont need to argue it much. Just wait for Sales data.

Guitardr855381d ago

Then by your logic the Wii should be in second place. Epic Fail!!! All three consoles are in the sweet spot right now for consumers. Trying to say that the 360 will still sway people because its the same price never really works; especially since you are trying to say that the average consumer doesn't have a brain. Give people more credit. I hate to break it to you, but you are an average consumer and guess what...you're informed! Don't pretend to be some god like merchant whore that knows leaps and bounds above everyone else.

Get a clue!!!

randomwiz5381d ago

The tides have turned. Normally, without any games coming out, people chose 360 over ps3. Then when games like MGS4 came out, then the ps3 would sell more.

Now the tides have turned. People will generally buy a ps3, and the 360 will take get more monthly sales when they have titles coming out that month like Halo.

aueslander5381d ago

.....how can we take you seriously when you said the first xbox came out in november 2002 when i bought mine with halo in november 2001, same month the gamecube came out. And as we know, like you sony antards say this gen that the 360 is only ahead due to the one year time diff, the ps2 was only ahead for being out 1 year before.

Also, much like with anything new, for the first month sales will spike, but then peter out like usually.

And to those saying one game won't really turn the tied of a sale of a console, ya'll must be in your late teens or early 20s. Go back to 1992, the SNES was flailing behind the Genesis (which cane out in 1988) but then secured a mega super exclusive from Capcom, that game as Street Fighter 2 and that game alone single handedly turned the tied in the 16 bit era. I will say though that was no 17 years ago (damn, was 12 then so I feel old now) but nothing this gen will do for their console what SF2 did for the SNES since there is no one universal game that people love that they can only play on one console at home.

Anyway, sales will spike for a month, then level out month 2, the drop behind the ps3 by the following month. Remember, the elite is now replacing the Pro and it is almost a lock that MS will reprice the elite at $249 so the average retarded consumer will get the 360 for being cheaper. Also, the arcade is still at $199 so still $100 cheaper than the Ps3.

Maddens Raiders5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

LOL. Great Sony news has all the X cranks in a frenzy. You'd think Sony was trying to pass health care for everyone - even Box owners. >_<

DevastationEve5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

Even if they'll both be around the same price, Sony would be a fool if they think it'll help them overtake the proven success of Xbox Live. Microsoft continues to drive the REAL innovation this gen as Xbox Live was always at the forefront of online console gaming. It's a rep they've rightfully earned.

Xbox Live will continue to bring in customers. PSN is free and Sony should kick themselves for it, since now they have to GIVE you the console just to get any hopes of catching up to Xbox 360. Microsoft's model is more profitable. They can drop the console to $100 if they wanted and still make back plenty off XBL...Sony has nothing close to that kind of financial security.

PS3 Slim and price cut basically proves what I've always said: PS3 costs too much and has too many non-essential features. If the people start buying it now it basically proves it again...that they waited to buy.

edit: to put in perspective, ps3 fans need to stop thinking it's ps3 vs 360 and realize that it's actually ps3 vs 360 AND xbl.

indysurfn5380d ago

psxextreme article? ROFL!!! uhhhh Duhhh wonder if this is a fanboy flame article. Duh!

Lifendz5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

and finish second (assuming you count the Wii in this console war). Think about it. 360 at 199.99 wasn't enough to put Sony away. An elite for 299.99 and a PS3 for 299.99. Think about the questions that the PS2 gamer that both companies want asks when choosing between the two.

"What's the difference between the PS3 at 299.99 and 360 at 299.99"

I think we can all fill in the answer. It's just flat out overwhelming all the features and functionality you get at 299.99 on PS3 and the best part is that you'll only have to pay 299.99. With MS it's all payments here and there for this and that. It's going to be an interesting holiday season.

The price drop is only step one. Sony has to market and advertise their product now. And I hope some games that didn't sell stellar (e.g. Killzone 2) gets a boost now that the system's price has been cut.

+ Show (36) more repliesLast reply 5380d ago
molsen815381d ago

I'm molsen81 and I approve this article.

nightelfmohawk5381d ago

I already chose the PS3 Fat over the 3FixMe. No regrets at all. :)

50CALheadshot5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

bluray, blutooth, 1080p, wifi, 120gig hdd, sony exclusives, multimedia, reliability, TRUE next gen software for 300 dollars


rrod, e74, live fees, no wifi, no blutooth, no bluray, scratched disks, loud, no exclusives, last gen games, 6o gighdd, for 300 dollars + 40 for live.

with every passing day, the ps3 pushes gamers to the next level....and while doing that and pushing the gaming industry forwards, the 360 becomes smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror. 360 cant keep up anymore. 360 is outclassed in features and functions, reliability and value per dollar.

With every day that goes by the 360 is closer to becoming extinct and useless when compared to sonys offerings...just like your precious hddvd

PS3 ftw microbots

blackbeld5381d ago

It's up to Sony Playstation when they want to crush 360..... 360 is like a small bug that flying around with no clue where to go....... Sony not even bothering it..... BUT THE REAL COMPETITION IS THE WII....... Sony will eventually be on nr1 spot this gen again...

AngryTypingGuy5381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

Is it really up to them when they want to crush the 360? Well Sony must be the most generous corp. ever, to let the competition win for this long and lose all of that marketshare. One would think they were hoping for massive sales from the beginning so they could continue domination of the PS2 into the PS3...

The Slim will help out Sony and push monthly sales ahead for awhile, I have no doubts. I have a feeling though that Natal will be the ace in the hole for MS.

Kill Crow5381d ago

Telling consumers what to buy ... should have just said it 2 years ago everyone would have listened

Go buy a Diet Ps3 you Fat Droids !!!

kagon015380d ago

Of course it was a tough choice between the Wii(they betrayed my GCN) and PS3, and for the 360 pffft...

ShadowCK5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

Lol. This is coming from PSXextreme. Of course they are going to favour the Playstation 3 over the Xbox 360. They feed off Sony after all. :-)

Impact on the wallet - The Xbox 360 Elite is going to drop to $299 on September 1st. This guy is entirely wrong about this information and should be curb stomped for suggesting otherwise.

Link: http://news.vgchartz.com/ne...

Software - Matter of Preference: However, Sony had to take away some of the more expensive features like the Touch Sensitive Eject and Reset Button for the Playstation Slim. As a result, the Xbox 360 is going to be the superior console.
I chuckled when he tried to transform his opinion into a fact. Epic troll FTW.

Xbox Live vs. PlayStation Network - Matter of Preference. However, You'll be considered an idiot to think that the PlayStation Network has a better line up of Arcade games compared to Xbox Live. Everyone should know that Xbox Live has superior Arcade games.

* The Maw
*'Splosion Man
* Trials HD
* Shadow Complex


Blu-Ray - Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you play on consoles in order to play video games and not to watch high definition movies? Regardless there's hardly any difference between HD DVDs and yet Blu-ray requires instalments depending on each game.

That's a downgrade compared to HD DVDs. Look at Bionic Commando.

Reliability and performance - Obviously the PS3 wins but no one is going to care considering the Xbox 360 failure rate is only at 10% now and is even lower considering you can download your games onto your hard drive. (Reduces overheating)

This is just another article trying to sabotage the Xbox 360 and encourage people to buy a Playstation 3 by the use of their false information and opinions.

SonyOwnsNextYear5380d ago

every moment of failure that the 360 is going through right now, i predicted well over a year ago.

the 360 is doomed. accept it pal. the ps3 has hit its stride and devs are more comfortable with the architecture.

your rrodbox' days are numbered. start saving for your 720 and hddvd2. just remember that just like this and last gen, microsoft will fail next gen

SonyOwnsNextYear5380d ago

xbox 1.5 for 300


ps3 for 300

Arnon5380d ago

LOL.. I couldn't help but laugh at your name. You've had your account close to a year now, correct? How... accurate is your statement when you've been using that name, exactly?


heres my other aacount

i created the acronym on this account and got banned for being prosony in a xbot infested rathole called n4g:


all u gotta do is check my past comments. knockyourself out, or shall i say e74 urself to death

PS3PCFTW5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

here it is pal.

this account is 2 years old

Arnon5379d ago (Edited 5379d ago )

It's probably not the best idea to get on your other accounts (which yes, you just proved you have 3 accounts) to agree with yourself.

You just 'pwned' yourself.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5379d ago
Saaking5381d ago

The 360's main selling point was price. MS can't sell consoles unless they're cheap. With a cheaper PS3, people won't be forced to buy a 360 due to money limitations.

SaberEdge5381d ago

You say that the main selling point of the 360 was price, but I bet that many of those who have bought the console wouldn't agree with you.

I bought both consoles because both consoles had games and services that I wanted. Simple as that.

Saaking5381d ago

Alright, alright, another MAIN selling point of the 360 is to replace consoles that RROD! Haha.. Most "exclusives" are also on PC.

Anon19745381d ago (Edited 5381d ago )

Hey Commodore. Show us where the PS3 is currently losing money. Just one official statement, one link. You can't do it.
You keep throwing up reports showing that Sony games was in a negative, but nowhere in there does it say the PS3 is the culprit. For all you Sony could be making oodles off the PS3 currently but spending on R&D on the Slim, you just don't know...and until you can provide proof you're just making yourself look foolish.

As for Microsoft, you know full well their Entertainment division is in the red again. In the six months following the 360's price cut almost half a billion dollars in profit vanished and MS Entertainment has been in the red the last two quarters, despite revenue staying the same.

So if you think the PS3 is losing because SCE posted a loss these last few quarters (actually, a while back they were posting profits. Does that mean the PS3 was making money and just now it's losing money, by your logic) then you have to apply that same logic to Microsoft and come to the conclusion that the 360 hardware is losing them money. If you don't apply your logic both ways your just being hypocritical or you have to finally admit that your logic is flawed and you really don't know or have any proof the PS3 is losing money.

At least your nonsense is in the Open Zone, where people don't expect you to be able to back up your statements, but I'm still calling you on it. Provide one recent link saying the PS3 specifically is losing money.

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Price Reductions Available Now on the Digital Xbox 360 Store - Closing July 29, 2024

Xbox 360 launched 18 years ago and was a generation-defining console that invited many people to jump into gaming for the first time and connect with friends around the world. We’re thrilled people continue playing their favorite Xbox 360 games on Xbox 360, or on newer consoles via Backward Compatibility for supported titles.

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Einhander197235m ago

"we believe in game preservation"

Remember the media reaction when PlayStation wanted to shut down the PS3 store (but then kept it open)... where is that reaction here?

1Victor34m ago(Edited 32m ago)

RIP Xbox 360 digital store and all its games.
It really grinds my gears that they are waiting till 10 days before closing to give the best discounts and the list as of now is 100 or less titles from the massive 360 library

Phoenix7615m ago(Edited 14m ago)

I should have enough points by the weekend to get £25 credit off MS, (hardly ever spend money on xb1), might look at a few of these.

DivineHand1257m ago

The Xbox 360 store was one of the only advantages the Xbox Series consoles had over the PS5. When I got my series X, I spent more playing Xbox 360 games vs current-gen Xbox games since that was the golden era for Xbox and several titles had enhancements such as 4k resolution and fps boost.

Closing this store will now only benefit the competition.


7 Deserving Games That Never Got Backward Compatibility

Backward compatibility works for many games on newer consoles, but titles such as The Simpsons: Hit and Run have been left out.


20 Best Survival Games of All Time

From base building to swinging willies, here are the best survival games around, which include a couple of less than obvious picks.

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Vader823d ago

No 7 days to die is criminal