
Crysis at 6,400 x 4,000: Ultra High-Res Gaming with 25.6 megapixels

PCGH has used the command console of Crysis to play the game at 6,400 x 4,000 pixels. This is possible on a 30 inch display because the Cryengine seems to downsample the game to the native resolution of the screen (2,560 x 1,600). Therefore the picture you see has 6.25x SuperSampling Anti Ailiasing. They have taken some impressive screenshots.

If you are registered at the website (free) you can download four of the shots at 6,400 x 4,000.

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Pandamobile5410d ago

This isn't a huge deal... I've got a whole folder of screenshots taken at 19200 x 10800.

5410d ago
Xbox Avatars Shoe5410d ago

It still doesn't have that realistic look that KZ2 has; there's some stuff that literally looks real in KZ2! The magnum looks REAL in KZ2 and so does your gun's handle when you reload.

Not to mention you can actually PAY KZ2.

Maddens Raiders5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

you'd have to be crazy to think that these shots aren't just gorgeous. It just goes to show how overwhelmingly good a job GG did, to have real weight in this conversation.

TheIneffableBob5409d ago

The difference is that the game was being played at this resolution (downsampled to 2560x1600, but still technically being rendered at 6400x4000). Single-digit frame rates, but the game is being played.

sam22365409d ago

@Xbox Avatars Shoe: Are you blind? No, seriously are you blind? Crysis beats any game on any console in terms of graphics. There's no other game that has graphics like that...well, at least until another game comes out that uses the CryEngine 2.

Please, get your eyes checked and actually LOOK at some screenshots before you post a stupid comment like that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5409d ago
5410d ago Replies(2)
Charmers5410d ago

You know this site makes me laugh, if this had been Killzone 2 at 6,400 x 4,000 there would be at least 200 comments by now going "wooo power of da cell baby". However because it's the PC doing it, we get "meh what's the point".

TOO PAWNED5410d ago

exactly whats the point? How many people have PC that can run Crysis in that rez? Let me guess less then 1%? Give me a break....tell me about this in 10 years, maybe then i will care, until then i stick to Ps3. At least when i see screeshot of PS3 game, i know it is "what you see is what you get", while on PC it is "do i need this GPU, this much ram, this proccesor, this driver, and guess what you still have problems".
Besides i did play Crysis on my 1000$ pc and it is major MEH. Civilization 4 or what ever the name is was last game i played on PC, i just prefer console, there are always some issues with PC games...

devilhunterx5410d ago

match the specs to the PS3 (or very close to it). And then try running Crysis.

Take screenshots and videos.

sagapo5410d ago

let me remind you that for a lot of PC gamers, tweaking the settings and stuff like that to optimize the game is a part of the experience they enjoy with gaming on PC + you learn a sh*tload of stuff too.
It can be frustrating, but boy, does it feel good when you can let a game run better than standard.

stevenhiggster5410d ago

At the end of the day, we all know Crysis is very pretty, most likely the prettiest game of all. But it's still crap! The first half of the game is awesome then it just goes right up it's own backside and the last hour or so of the game is utter mince. So this article only really does one thing, proves that you can actually polish a turd!

madjedi5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

@4 If your going to use an exaggeration at least base it on some level of reality, no one here would believe its possible if they know anything about graphics/resolutions, has ever played pc resolution settings.

Because if a console game regardless of platform ran at that resolution it would actually be playable for millions of people and not 5% of the gaming population, the ps3 is capable of displaying up to 1440p with it's hdmi, so any higher than that is redundant.

I tell you same thing, i tell the guys that think holographic verstile/video disc will replace blu rays for movies and games. What the hell is the point of uhd(ultra high definition) movies or games, if all the displays are 1080p at best.

Can moniters at least mainstream ones even output to that anywhere near that resolution, if they can't then what is the purpose. Your post would have been just as stupid if you had said 360 instead of ps3, pc gaming means jack to alot of console gamers.

pixelsword5410d ago

you can't play the game at the resolution you're seeing; whereas when the Killzone 2 trailer came out and everyone realized you could play it, everyone was impressed...

...except the haters, of course.

DeathMetal5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

but the Ps3 can't even play anything past 720P so of course they are jealous. and above killzone is a weak game that why it sold LESS than crysis. It's all motion blur and tricks so compensate for a weak set up and a linear gamepla. and madjedi, a console game can't even come close to playing crysis so what is your point. You guys aren't even playing Hd on most of your games LOL

madjedi5410d ago (Edited 5410d ago )

@4.8 My point is what is the point of a resolution so f&cking high that either it can't display at said resolution, or only 1% of gamers can play it, if its not practical whats the damn purpose.

I find it pathetic that you believe the ps3 can't go past 720p you should actually pull your head out of your ass before making a claim as stupid as that, reading your other posts its not too surprising.

I suggest you look up wipeout hd or marvel ultimate alliance, i see 1080p on the box of mua and no other resolution is listed, but it gets killed by countless 720p games in graphics.

I find hilarious that you keep attacking killzone 2, does it upset you so much that a shooter not on pc can look that good, last i heard crysis's sales really weren't that impressive, that could have changed. I am still willing to bet crysis got outsold by either cod4/cod waw or halo 3 on consoles.

@12.1 thank you announcing to everyone exactly what you are, you said it better than i could have pal.

And it should be these or those idiots not there, its sad when have to correct someone insulting you because they don't know what words to use, and yet consoles owners are the idiots according to you, go figure.

agentace5410d ago

yay, this is what a fanboy war should be consoles vs PC not consoles vs consoles Friendly Fire!!

asdr3wsfas5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

"I find it pathetic that you believe the ps3 can't go past 720p you should actually pull your head out of your ass before making a claim as stupid as that, reading your other posts its not too surprising.

I suggest you look up wipeout hd or marvel ultimate alliance, i see 1080p on the box of mua and no other resolution is listed, but it gets killed by countless 720p games in graphics."

It can't go past 720p in a real cpu intensive game. Oblivion runs 720p native on PS3. That's a joke. Here's the longest list of native 1080p games I found on PS3. Brace yourself...

PS3 (non-PSN):
Fifa Street 3
Full Auto 2
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
NBA Street Home court
Ridge Racer 7
Virtua Tennis 3
World Series Of Poker 2008

Oh snap, dude it was like I was actually holding those poker cards! Did you see the strings on that tennis racket???

"I find hilarious that you keep attacking killzone 2, does it upset you so much that a shooter not on pc can look that good"

No - it runs in 720p and we're used to so much more. We don't really notice or pay attention to it at all. If we want gameplay we sacrifice graphics for it, and that's why I own a wii.

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Can You Run Crysis In VR? You Can, Thanks To A New Mod

A Crysis VR mod is now available for download, allowing users to experience the first entry in the series in VR

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Rynxie400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

No one cares. The whole can it run Crysis is old, dead and stupid. It's also irrelevant, considering only less than one percent of pc owners, own a high-end PC. Second, I believe Crysis wasn't even optimized properly.

TheColbertinator400d ago

Crysis blew my mind back then and still kinda does.

bunt-custardly400d ago

Let's hope the modders can get the other Crysis games working in VR as they use the same Cryengine.


10 Old Games With Outstanding Graphics

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ShwaaMan472d ago

Bioshock still looks fantastic, one of my all time favorites.

Yui_Suzumiya472d ago

Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 can compete with modern day graphics.

SonyStyled472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

Same as Killzone 2 and 3, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3

jasonismoney472d ago

I wish this was entirely true, but you might want to load up Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 again.

SonyStyled472d ago

@jason I watched some gameplay videos of KZ2 and R3 on my full screen. They are on par or succeed graphically to the first person shooters mentioned in the article that also launched on the seventh generation of consoles. Try the same and see what you think

cthulhucultist471d ago

Killzone 3 was super impressive! I could not believe the graphics back then as I was regularly pausing the game to stand in awe looking at the surroundings! Resistance however did not impress me that much. Heavy rain is also another amazing graphically speaking game. It almost felt next gen

Fist4achin472d ago

I always thought the first 3 Gears of War games looked great and still hold up for today.

SonyStyled472d ago

They did for their day. I recently played gears judgement with on the 360 and the draw distance was so blurry. The characters up close look great though

JEECE472d ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome. In addition to having demonstrably better physics and AI than later games in the series, it had a lot of design decisions that, criticized at the time, have since been praised in games like BOTW and Dark Souls.

iNcRiMiNaTi472d ago

It might not be super amazing by today's standard but I thought Mgs3 looked really good

JEECE471d ago

In terms of art style it still holds up.

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