
Arma 2 Massive Battle Video

Koku Gamer writes: "A new video has surfaced on Arma 2 gameplay. If you ever dreamed of playing a action packed war shooter, Arma 2 is exactly here to bring that. With such massive battles to include more than 1,500 A.I. soldiers into the game and let you go crazy on them. Here is a trailer to prove it. Hit the jump and enjoy your viewing."

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Shade3605474d ago

I for one can't wait.. 1,500 AI's to shoot? bring it on!

darkmurder5474d ago

1500 AI my ass, it only lets you assign 144 of any unit to each side. So at most you will have 144 combined planes/soldiers for each side, theres 4 sides I think? so that makes it about 500ish if true.

Cinotix5474d ago

Holly shiz, intense as heck, would love to see it on consoles.

Wonderfulwest5474d ago

this isnt on 360 as i would get it. looks awsome

Ziriux5474d ago

Yea I don't think the 360 can actually handle the power of 1500 something soldiers on the field.

Marcelles255474d ago

it will be almost identical to this game but dumbed down for consoles

SpitFireAce855474d ago

1500 A.I where all i saw was some dude running around
and bunch of explosions

hitthegspot5474d ago

Ya, Agree. I never saw 1500 A.I. I saw more than 1500 blades of grass. My favorite was at about 3:20 the random shooting at the deadly blades of grass and my personal favorite, the look away shotting at 3:27. Where is the squad, what is the point, what was the objective, am I suppose to be Andy McNabb in "The One That Got Away"?

DecayingMadness5474d ago

yeah this video just made this game look boring...

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no Ninja gaiden black or Ninja gaiden 2 (x360 version)?... also Demon Sousl >dark souls ..


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3259d ago Replies(3)
oasdada3259d ago

Master chief is among us lol

Relientk773259d ago

I remember the Assassin's Creed one

you can see the viewpoints lol

KingKevo3259d ago

What I love more than the viewpoints are all the hiding spots on the buildings. All the same and too many of them. Looks kinda weird, but apparently not suspicious enough.

nosferatuzodd3259d ago

Lol and these are the people who are giving us news the human race are hopeless

terminallyCapricious3258d ago

Funny stuff and im glad these weren't blocked behind 5 different pages.