
The Future Of The Metal Gear Solid Franchise

A remake of MGS 1-4 in a MGS Collection game is possible on PS3 because Bluray can support that capacity.

"Kojima looked like he had a gun to his head and a sack full of cash to silence him"

Business is business

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Forrest Gump5479d ago


RememberThe3575479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

They got what they wanted with MGS4. And when they loose previously exclusive IPs, they usually do it on purpose and get the exclusive rights to new IPs from that publisher or developer.

They did it with GTA and I'm pretty sure they did it with Square. The only reason they didn't secure this game, is because they probably have something else from Konami in the works.

The fruits of Sony's third-party labors will not begin to show unit next year or so.

JokesOnYou5479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

Time to change those "Raiden" avatars, he's no longer popular on n4g.

lol, at the BS downplaying blogs written by bitter n4g members, So now the highly praised honorable Kojima-san, will be described as a guy who cannot decline an invitation, a helpless obscure developer who was "forced" to appear on stage to introduce his next game for micro because of course Kojima had NO choice but to do micro's evil bidding, I predicted the extremists would turn on Kojima, its not a day old and its already starting.


eelnats20005479d ago

but this article was pretty sad.

I mean, sure its always great when games go multiplatform, that way, more people can play an amazing game. But when I read "kojima had a gun to his head and a sack full of cash to silence him", it made me really sad that this happens.

"business is business"
NO. that shouldnt happen. The creator of a franchise should WANT his/her game to go multiplatform, not be FORCED to..

Even though the result is a good thing: a game going multiplatform.
the way it got there was MONEY. and thats never a good thing.

Shenzilbur5479d ago

I'm just glad it wasn't exclusive to 360 when it was announced. I'm fine with it being multi platform as I have friends with 360s so they'd end up playing it. But I still want to actually be able to play the game as I absolutely love the Metal Gear series. If anything its a financial problem when it comes to exclusivity and as a proud Communist all I can do is chuckle and watch as companies fight over things like this.

SaberEdge5479d ago

Communist? In a truly communist country you likely wouldn't even be able to enjoy a console like the PS3. It simply wouldn't get made.

RememberThe3575479d ago

It's not his fault. Many people don't know what Communism actually is. There are two definition that I know of, on being a political science definition and one being an economic definition.

I'm pretty sure that, economically, there has never been a true communist state.


com·mu·nism 1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.


Shenzilbur5479d ago

Communist getting by under capitalism. I'd rather live in a truly anarcho communist society which is something no one has ever heard of. Its a strong ideology and belief system that I hold dear.

ShabzS5479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

just nailed it there ... you guys can get really pathetic at times ... lets not degrade kojima coz he chose to bring his creation for everyone to experience...

gambare5479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

The games are supposed to be inventive and innovative, but now they are considered a marketing business, I'm afraid I will see them die in a few years passing from fun entertainment to graphical commercials of big companies.

I know I'm going to be hated more from the American loyalists that support Microsoft, but thanks to people like Mart, PP Droid Smasha etc. I understand is some kind of racism because Microsoft and Xbox360 are american brands unlike Sony that are Japanese brands, but when Microsoft entered the Gaming media with the first Xbox it was obvious that this corporation was focused in bastardize the Gaming purpose, the games are slowly becoming a chore with no fun at all. Many would say "Hey! you are crazy, I enjoy gears" but I have seen kids in front of a monitor talking to Anonymous online friends unlike my times when me and my real life friends made reunions the weekends with soda and fries and spent hours playing like a big party.

I dare Mart and the other Xbox fans to tell me that I'm wrong and why I'm wrong and why is better to have your "friends" online instead reunite and have a great time together.

In a closed interview Kojima pointed this and said he was sad because he was forced to work on a console made by a monopolist brand that only cared about money and cheated the gamers into something that will destroy the videogames... too bad I couldn't record it and is even worse that maybe that talk will be never show.

kewlkat0075479d ago

Yeah I've noticed....

We will see what Sony gets today. I know something is coming to them. That will be the most popular avatar.

table5479d ago

we'll never turn on Kojima JOY. We will however hate on the evil MS a whole lot more ;)

I'm just so dissapointed MGS has to be downgraded for the crapbox. The greatest video game series of all time deserves better tbh.

cmrbe5479d ago

This is something you and your likes will never understand.

What have we learned from GTA, DMC, RE, FF?.

and yet you call yourself a gamer.Sad

UltimateIdiot9115479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

Right on, Kojima is still a highly respectable developer in my book.

I hate how everyone say multiplatform is a good thing because more people can enjoy the game. While that is true, I argue it's a bad thing because quality is lost and the potential of the game is never truly reach. When I pay that 60, I expect the best effort of the developers.

Yeah, DMC4 was terrible and GTA4 was a huge disappointment. Makes me want to throw up at ideas of certain franchise going multiplatform. So far, I haven't seen anything positive out of it. Until I see a franchise going multiplatform while remaining great, any great franchise going multi will most likely disappoint.

gaffyh5479d ago

@cmrbe - damn man I never thought of it that way, dunno about FF, but GTA4, DMC4 and RE5 were all the worst games in their respective series. But at least DMC4 and RE5 were enjoyable.

cmrbe5479d ago

But these kids don't understand.

For some reason they think that gaming is better if every game goes mulit-plat in that more gamers get to experience it but the question is at what cost?.

If we follow this logic then we better off having one console for each gen and then we will see no innovation,no variety, no competition and bland game expereince.

This is the same reason why i didn't want NG2 or ME2 or Bioshock to go multi-plat. I want those devs to develop the best possible game they can on the x360 and remain true to their vision of their games.

Gamers knows that if they want to experience every games availiable they have to get all the consoles to expereince them. Thats the way it should be.

The evidence is there. Going multi-plat cheapens the expereince and any true gamer will not want that to happen.

Gamertags5479d ago

is a complete dumb@ss! Nice work on publishing your first article on this site. We accept even the likes of you here!

As for Metal Gear, we all knew it was coming and now, the 360 is truly complete. What games does Sony hold dear that are no 1st party?

I am blessed to have both systems.

IdleLeeSiuLung5479d ago

You know everybody talks about how innovation is lost when games go multi-platform. The only thing at best that I see different from an exclusive game and a multi-platform game is at times the graphics. That is it!

Tell me what else? The Sixaxis motion control? For the most part, the 360 and PS3 is extremely similar to the user. PS3 might have blu-ray, standard hard drive and wi-fi, but reality is that almost none of that have any real bearing on game play apart from graphics (and even at that).

I think this generation is the first time I have seen so many whiners unite to b!tch about nothing.

JokesOnYou5479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

This is something you and your likes will never understand."

lol, there are plenty of multiplat games that are just as good as your precious sony exclusives and 360 exclusive too. You sony extremists are the only ones who believe anything NOT exclusive to the ps logo is garbage or would be so much better if it were, NO the time/money/resources/type of game/talent of devs all have alot more to do with a games quality vs the platform its on.

-Your posts is just the bitter empty screams of a loyal sony extremist desperately grasping and clinging on to baseless complaints because somehow good news for 360 hurts your feelings.

@stewgart, honestly I hope you're right on this one, but why then are some portraying Kojima as being some noob dev forced to do what he's told, I mean this is the same guy thats been touted for sticking to his principles and is well respected in the industry, surely if he doesn't want to do something then Kojima would just say No Thank You(in Japanese perhaps) and either way if you do your homework he has said in the past he wants to make a game on 360.


darthv725478d ago

If this game is about raiden and doesnt center around solid snake and is classified as a spin off. What would you classify snake eater? It centered around naked snake instead of solid so wouldnt that be a spin off too?

For the rabid fans who say it has to be all about "solid" that means the first and second metal gear games on the NES, metal gear solid on PS1 and solid 2 for ps2 and solid 4 for ps3 as the games with "solid" as the key character.

Oh..I forgot portable ops and acid. Yet I have not played either of those so I dont know what bearing they have on the solid storyline.

Spin off or not, rising should be given the respect it deserves from the fans of the franchise.

Jaces5478d ago

I still love Kojima as much today than before.

It is silly though to see fanboys rave how they have the MGS franchise....the only thing you have from this well known franchise is one game.

When I see MGS 1-4 on the XBOX, then you guys can scream your hearts out. But till then I'm going to sit back and laugh at your "victories" and enjoy MGS: Rising.

KaBaW5478d ago

Just because he was offered money, if that is the case, he didn't have to accept it..
Just like bribing a judge.. Some will accept, others will not.
Or a trade in the NFL.. A team may accept the terms, but the player may not.

Just because you are offered something does not mean you are Forced to accept it.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5478d ago
qface645479d ago

how would a mgs collection of 1-4 fit on a blu ray didn't mgs4 alone fill up the whole 50 gigs?

i dunno about the rest of you but id still like a remake of the original 2 or at least a sequel to portable ops
portable ops plus didn't count that was basically an expansion

gamehistoryx5479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

Yes , there is something called compression.

The only reason MGS4 was compressed was to relieve decoding strain on the GPU. Anybody with a degree in computer science can tell you that anything digitally can be compressed. Running uncompressed audio when they could have easily compressed to PCM(DVD) or MP3. Also the texture could have been compressed.

MGS4 was not compressed because it was not needed because it could fit in the Bluray disc and uncompressed data does not require as much processing power as compressed.

And they have already developed a quad-layer (100GB) Bluray ready for commercial use.

In December 2008, Pioneer Corporation unveiled a 400 GB Blu-ray Disc, which contains 16 data layers, 25 GB each, and will be compatible with current players after a firmware update. A planned launch is in the 2009-2010 time frame for ROM and 2010-2013 for rewritable discs. Ongoing development is under way to create a 1 TB Blu-ray Disc as soon as 2013.

qface645479d ago

ahh ok i get what your saying so they could still push out more space if they wanted to then that's pretty cool

but i don't see em doing a collection any time soon

theEnemy5479d ago

Something is very wrong at that sentence.

Go figure.


Natsu895479d ago

@ theenemy:

You mean "remake"?^^
Yeah thats totaly wrong, and yeah i think its possible to fit everything on 100gb bluray. Mg 1-2 +MGS 1-4, maybe ops too? or even soundtracks and theater like in mgs 3? would be realy nice^^

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5479d ago
gamehistoryx5479d ago

MGS Collection was rumored a few weeks ago as "MGS Orange Box"

It would not be a suprised if reveal tomorrow for PS3

gamehistoryx5479d ago

I know Hideo Kojima feels some guilt about MGS on Xbox 360. I have no doubt that he will reveal a MGS game for the PS3 tomorrow.

Droid Smasha5479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

More droid tears... yes YESSS MORE.... let me hear you weep

Montreafart5479d ago (Edited 5479d ago )

ROFL what a letdown MSs E3 conference was. And as expected, they didnt had any real games to show for. More halo spin offs. Left4dead 2 already announced when the game is merely 6 months old? Lol, my stupid bot friend, let me tell you that they just renamed Left4dead DLC as L4D2 and charge you the full retail price for it. Hahaha sucker.

Alan vaporware, the game that was supposed to be the groundbreaking Killzone2 graphics killer, rofl. That piece of shiat is now OFFICIALLY VAPORWARE. You told us to wait, we waited and Alan failed. Time to wake up like Alan, bot.

FF13 premiered on the box and it looks like shiat compared to the PS3 demo. The limitations of the box shown yet again.

Splinter cell looks like crap. They tried to tell you that they didnt scrap the plans, models, designs of the table. But the whole game looks different now so who the fk are they kidding. And it still looks like shiat.

MGS rising, a MGS spin off, for PS3, 360 and PC. Depending on how this turns out, I may or may not get it. But watch the real MGS franchise game announced for the PS3 only TODAY, stupid bot.

Modern warfare 2, so you get 9 days of timed exclusiveness for the maps. ROFL whats that gonna do. You bet your ass MS asked them for exclusiveness and Infinity ward looked at PS3 sales and said, fk you MS. We give you 9 days for the DLC. Thats all we can do. Hahaha.

EPICs "big" announcement turned out to be an ARCADE game. Again, where are the titles boy. Youre stuck with nothing but rehashes and trash.

Forza 3 is shiat compared to the real deal, GT5. And everyone knows it. I love how the guy went on stage and went apeshit, repeating himself over and over again trying to convince the crowd how Forza 3 has no competition with over 400 cars (GT4 already had 500 cars rofl).

And the crowd knew he was lying and didnt clap at the end. ROFL talk about humiliation.

Again, where are the games turd. Honestly, it seems like 360 has run out of steam. The little bit of exclusives they can secure, are limited to small time, irrelevant, DLC content.

Natal is vaporware. If you are willing to spend 200 bucks so you can wave your arms around for YOURE IN THE MOVIES, LIPS and that kind of mini casual crap, then be my guess. You cant use it to play Halo or Gears anyway. ROFL OWNED.

What has Sony in store? Listen buddy, take a look at this list and behold the meaning of AWESOMENESS. Now those are REAL GAMES.

Uncharted 2
God of war 3
Heavy Rain
MGS exclusive title

Listen buddy, you have been outmatched. I love how that little guy from MS took a stab at Nintendo and said, "we are going to show nothing but games and no charts"

Thats funny considering Sony was the only one who did that last year and MS didnt do kahoopie last year. And the bots claimed MS "won" last year. If thats so, then why are they copying Sony's approach?

All your filthy lies are getting exposed everyday, bots.

As for this pathetic article of an article. Why would there be a remake of MGS4? Whats that gonna do. Look the same? Do these people actually make any sense. And MGS2 looks damn fine last time I played it on my PC.

The Master Chief5479d ago

hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahah ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah ahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahah ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah ahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahah ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah ahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahh ahaha

gambare5479d ago

"Droid Smasha - 1 hour ago
1 -
More droid tears... yes YESSS MORE.... let me hear you weep"

Do you enjoy the prostitution of Gaming and be turned into a low quality business model? well.... I guess you got used to boring, repetitive non inventive games.

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Agent7575d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle75d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.