
David Cage: Heavy Rain cannot run on 360

NowGamer: Heavy Rain director David Cage has said that his upcoming PS3-exclusive would not be able to run on Microsoft's console.

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Lfmesquite5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

From the demonstration, it looks pretty damn impressive. But I'm a little surprised David Cage said that, he's usually not one to get involved in console disputes. He just focuses on making a great game.

I don't think of Heavy Rain as being another Killzone 2, and starting a damn fanboy war on N4G.

That's all I'm saying.

lloyd_wonder5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I agree. The fanboy stuff needs to stop. It'll mostly be people who are already uninterested in the game fighting over it. Sad....

Nobody *here* can speak on whether or not Heavy Rain can or cannot run on the 360. It's just useless back and forth bickering.

Cupid_Viper_35487d ago

but that being said, These types of comments have been coming from a lot of different developers lately. there havent been a single ps3 first party exclusive made since the first Uncharted, tought to be possible on the 360, without ignificantly sacrificing key aspects. for example: Uncharted, MGS4, Infamous, MAG, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, MLB09 the Show, LBP, GT5P, Ridge Racer, Lair, FFXIII & VS (third party) but there's definitely a trend thouh, and the devs themselves acknowledge it. thats all

5487d ago
ShabzS5487d ago

dude... very well said... blubbles for that sensible comment

Shadow Flare5487d ago

Xbox 360 can't run killzone 2, it can't run uncharted 2, it can't run GOW 3, it can't run gran turismo 5, it can't even run the amount of grass in Flower, how the hell is it supposed to run heavy rain?

5487d ago
Hellsvacancy5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I done really care which console it can/cant run on as long as it runs on MY Ps3 thats all im interested in

I really am lookin 4ward 2 gettin Heavy Rain that Hitman V and Final Fantasy Versus - its the best time ever 2 b a gamer

lloyd_wonder5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I agree that the PS3 does demonstrate more power than the 360.

"Nobody *here* can speak on whether or not Heavy Rain can or cannot run on the 360. It's just useless back and forth bickering."

It is just useless back and forth bickering. David Cage says it can't run. End of... :)

I also do find it funny that people who are already uninterested in the game are arguing about it. lmao. the insecure bunch....

Agent VX5487d ago

Bahahaha!!! What a "FlameBait" article this is. I heard this same crap when they said that the PS3 couldn't handle the A.I. routines in Assassins Creed.

Of course there are no examples of what he talks about, just a general comment that blankets everything.

This article "Fails" miserably to trash the 360. Please, keep the Fanboy articles out.

The only thing this article does is try and advertise a game that doesn't have much potential for good success. Heavy Rain looks average at best with good graphics, but obviously they believe they need a unfounded controversy to help sell copies. Typical business propaganda, that's all.

Kushan5487d ago

It's also worth keeping in mind that saying "can't run it" doesn't necessarily mean the console isn't powerful enough or something. If the engine has been designed from the ground up to use the PS3's SPUs, there's a very good chance that it wont easily port to the 360 from a purely technical point of view. It could possibly run the game with the same results, but require an entirely new engine design. It's akin to saying a diesel car wont run on Petrol. Does that make the car inferior? Well, no, because a petrol car wont run on diesel either, or at least it wont unless you rebuild half of the engine.

Now I'm not saying this IS the case and I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just saying that 99% of the time, these quotes are taken wildly out of context, so don't jump to conclusions so fast.

5487d ago
Immortal Kaim5487d ago

Heavy Rain looks amazing, plus the content is supposed to be aimed at the mature, intelligent gamer.

No point FelinePornographer commenting on Heavy Rain articles anyway, as stated above "aimed at the mature, intelligent gamer". :)

Halo3 MLG Pro5487d ago

And again just total hatred towards the 360. Why? PorcelainGod you speak like Microsoft killed your mother. Dude, why are you so angry? Why do you care so much? If the ps3 is so good than you should be happy but it seems that you are pretty pissed. It seems that these useless articles is what you need to enjoy your ps3. Why can't sony fans just enjoy their console without being so mad at the 360?

Game13a13y5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

lol, we all know Xbox360 is pretty much maxed out already, look at the differences between GeOW 1 and 2. then look at the differences between Resistance 1 and 2, and Uncharted 1 and 2. the PS 3 has so much more mileage to go for years to come.

hay5487d ago

@PorcelainGod: I wouldn't compare Xbox360 to Dreamcast as a console itself but defense force uses the same arguments though. Mentality is really similar here.

SuperM5487d ago

Lets just make on thing very clear here. Quantic Dream could have made this game on 360 if they wanted to. I think it even originally was meant for both platforms. But they didnt. Because they thought the ps3 was the best and most powerful platform to work on.

When Quantic Dream says a game couldnt run on platform X, then its not a first party developer saying it because they are owned by Sony. Its the words of an independent Studio that chose Sony because they had the better platform.

Also Agent VX, its so pathetic of you trying to bash this game just because it isnt your average action title. It seems like some people rate games based on what genres they are from. Since Heavy Rain is an adventure title, i guess that instantly makes it an "average" game, right? No footage has even been shown from the actual game yet. Some people need to grow up and realise that there are more genres then just shooters, action games and RPGs. Heavy Rain is one of few games that try to push the limits of gaming, its an emotional game and its first and foremost for adults. Im not the least bit surprised that bloodhungry american teenagers arent interested in this game, but that says more about your/their immaturity then it says about the game.

BYE5487d ago

"I don't think of Heavy Rain as being another Killzone 2"

Hopefully not, Killzone 2 was dissapointing.

TheExecutive5487d ago

whether or not it can the most important thing for gamers to consider is this: IT WON'T. Personally, I couldn't care less if it can or not. I can't wait for the next Indigo Prophecy. I love these types of games and cannot wait for this game to hit the shelves. The PS3 has a great lineup this year.

Hopefully MS brings out the big guns at E3.

sunnygrg5487d ago

Time and again, we hear PS3 devs saying that a certain exclusive game cannot run on the 360. Countless 360 fanboys come to the defense calling BS. However, I have never heard such talks of 360 exclusive game devs saying that their game cannot run on the PS3. Makes you wonder sometimes.

Max Power5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

i agree with your statement except "No footage has even been shown from the actual game yet." because they did show actual game footage, and here it is... http://www.gametrailers.com...

ZuperAmazingCooKie5487d ago

"Nobody *here* can speak on whether or not Heavy Rain can or cannot run on the 360. It's just useless back and forth bickering. "

Uh, yes we can. We can speculate with evidence. The first evidence would be the fact that most developers have praised the amount of horsepower the PS3 has inside. But this is not the point, let's assume that graphically, 360 can run Heavy Rain.

However, not everything is about graphics. Xbox fanboys love to downplay the utility of Blu-ray (or the usefulness of a relatively big HDD in every box), but plenty of developers have spoken their minds, including Epic's Mark Rein, in that Blu-ray can open up your horizons, especially as far as open world games go.

Heavy Rain may not be open world, but it's not linear either. The way Cage has spoken about it, it seems that the possibilities for this game are "endless", i.e. considering there is no game over, the storyline just keeps branching through as many paths as is possible. That wouldn't be possible without a 50GB Blu-ray, in fact that 50GB blu-ray may not be enough but it's the best that's available.

A game like that has to constantly be streaming, and using DVD9 for such kind of game would require a completely different game, or an experience that goes against usability. So Blu-ray is not only important for Open World games, fighting games, sports games (including racing games), and so on and so forth, Heavy Rain will probably breed a new genre (if it succeeds) of non-linear games that aren't open either, but rather, they have the structure of a tree in terms of how it plays or can be played (and of course, that would make the game have a ton of replay value).

ultimolu5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

Why can't 360 fanboys enjoy their console without talking down the PS3?

Why can't they stop hating Sony and taking things so seriously on this site? Why can't they play games instead of creating different accounts just to debubble/insult/harrass/disagr ee with someone instead of being man enough to disagree with the person up front?

If 360 fanboys would stop hating on the PS3 for once in their lives, then maybe the gaming industry would be a better place. But it will never stop. From since 2007 I've heard 'The PS3 has no games!' or 'It's graphically inferior to the 360' just because multiplatform games looked better on the 360 at the time. I kept hearing that same crap over and over again from 360 fanboys. Then when a PS3 exclusive came out, they would sign it off as just an overhyped game.

Am I wrong?

But of course the cowards on this site will just hide behind disagrees and not prove me wrong.

And another thing, David Cage said he didn't *think* his game could run on the 360 because they're using all of the PS3's SPU's. That title is misleading.

FlameBaitGod5487d ago

lol ultimolo, so true and so sad at the same time. 360 fanboys can only defend them selfs with sales anyways.

dude_uk5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

mate i've no idea where you have been...

but that's not *actual* game footage.. it was real time and all...
but it was just a show case of what the game is going to be like...

*THAT* demo has nothing to do with the actual game except its engine...
----------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------
and ultimolu said something sooo true... 360 fanboys need to stop being insecure and coming into the PS3 thread to bash on the PS3 to make them feel better about their console..jeez

Agent VX5487d ago

Bahahaha SuperM.....

Do you need a tissue or a hug???

Wow, with all that horrible attempts at being a "Intellectual Scholar" with the unneeded rhetoric of FPS, RPG's and Actions games being mindless drone titles, and that some attempt at "emotional gaming" as you would put it, as intellectually stimulating and superior is "Lame" at best.

Then you go on and personally attack me when you know nothing about me, ROTFLOL.... Typical "liberal" hatred and arrogance. It sounds to me your about 12 yrs old, at least mentally that is.

Your whole rant fails to boost the lackluster gaming aspects of Heavy Rain. And until this company puts forth more information, instead of hiding the fact, this game looks marginally interesting at best.

Nice try though.

DarthTigra 5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

@ Agent VX: Dude you must have been playing heavy rain for a long time considering you said it was lackluster. I mean lets take the word over some random dude on the internet over the words of the biggest gaming website in the world http://ps3.ign.com/articles...

"My descriptions can't properly convey how atmospheric and emotional Heavy Rain (Origami Killer) was. This is a game you need to experience yourself. Sure, at its roots it's just an adventure game, but its execution is brilliant so far. Cage ended the demonstration by noting that there will be around sixty scenes like that to play through and no matter what happened, there would never be a game over. Even having a character die, the story would continue on and be influenced by your actions."

"Heavy Rain will be exclusive to the PS3 and I can't wait to play it from start to finish. The designers of Quantic Dream might have an emotional masterpiece on their hands."

Lets not even belive what 1up said http://www.1up.com/do/previ...

"Yet with little more than a promise of "themes never used in games before," I find myself as excited for the game as I have been for any in recent memory, and the majority of that comes from the similarities to Indigo Prophecy. That game wasn't without its faults, but conceptually, it was incredibly refreshing, and it's rare to see a game that experimental with a significant budget behind it, which added up to one of the most memorable games I've ever played. And now to see that approach evolve, with some of the best graphics in the industry, makes Heavy Rain hard not to like."

"I'm not sure if my excitement comes from Quantic Dream's talent, or because they are the only ones attempting games of this sort, but there's something important worth paying attention to here. "

Yep random dude over the internet>two of the biggest gaming sources out there.

mooks15487d ago

can anyone show me an x360 game that rivals KZ2, UNCHARTED 2, HEAVY RAIN?

Nope not a possibility.

perhaps x720 will have something as impressive as those 3

GameGambits5487d ago

I own all 3 consoles and I can safely say I don't give 2 craps about Heavy Rain. I may be in a boat by myself here but I thought Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit was a piece of trash. I could spend hours telling you how terrible that so called "game" is.

Short List:
1)Only 3. Count them 3 <- That's a number higher than 2, lower than 4 for the handicapped. There is only 3 different things you do in this game. It's either a game of Simon Says, L and R trigger pulls, or hitting the right stick in a direction. That is NOT a game.
2) Extremely short. 7 hours. Needed to be a LOT longer so the story actually felt fleshed out.
3) Pointless nudity and sex for the sake of pointless nudity and sex.
4) Terrible love story. In a matter of 12 seconds the lead girl falls for a dead guy she's been hunting for months as to be a killer and falls in love with him. WOW.
5) Pointless characters. Tyler, a lead character in the game. Is 100% pointless in every aspect. Even Jade the Indigo child had 1 line in the game, and the game really revolved around her, yet she felt 100% unimportant and a mute role in the games story.
6) The final "boss" is so stupid I can't believe it. The guys who are waiting 2000+ years for a special kid who run like all of the world send 4 guys. 1 bad dude 3 snipers to stop the lead character. Good going there Orange and Purple clan.

I could go on, but this was a 100% crap game. The 1 thing I liked was if you got a gameover it'd summarize it as if the whole story stopped there with the narrators voice. Nice feature, but that's about it.

So why am I supposed to be excited for Heavy Rain which from what we've seen is just another game of stupid quick time events probably boggled down by being a short and uninteresting story? David Cage needs to make his own stuff up and stop ripping off The Matrix in his games.

N4g_null5487d ago

This is getting annoying and I feel like more people will leave gaming once the truth comes out. The truth is you only have enough money to code for one system in most cases. It's really that simple. I don't remember any thing at GDC talking about why the 360 can not do PS3 games. I don't remember any significant advantages out lined for the PS3 tech ethier, just different ways of doing the same things.

The one thing that puzzles me is these guys never say what was not actually possible on the 360. At least the killzone 2 guy out lined what they did do differently on the PS3. The funny thing is differed rendering is possible on the 360.

I'm suspecting the difference to be a frame or two difference which is the case when the 360 does beat the PS3 power wise.

The funny thing is no one says that wii sports is possible on their system, because maybe it's not. That just goes to show how these guys sound more like nascar fans rather than game developers.

It really is crazy how people get excited over stuff that only exist on a closed system and then try and compare it to another closed system. Seriously the fanboy hype is junking up the gaming news. Leave this stuff to tweeter or IM really. It's really getting lame and predictable. More talented people will leave gaming to do movie work or PC games because of the lack of respect for it's fans.

thewhoopimen5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

well i have one theory in question... and though it may be flawed, it to me has been an indication of a technical gap between the 360 titles and ps3 titles. Perhaps this is more to do with game budgets or what not, but I think the biggest difference that I have noticed between the two consoles is the amount of "realtime" in-game (not cutscene but real time gameplay) Motion capture and animation blending that many ps3 titles share these days that the 360 does not.

The only title i can think of with mocap on the 360 end is gta4 and assassin's (questionable given some of the attack movements seem hand-animated). geow,geow2, l4d, ME, Fable, Fable2, Halo 3, even lost and dammned are not mocap but animated.

indysurfn5487d ago

Look at the block y trees terrible polygon count. Look at the children, terrible blocky polygon count. Only thing that has nice textures is the female. Hello, no one was going to NOT know this is actual gameplay footage. DUH

Why would this game not run on xbox? One of Microsofts extra cpus threads can outperform all of Sony's Spu's! This game is not even average on the graphics. And of course Sony will say there game can't run on the xbox360 hello. They are arrogant, it is their style. It is a Sony game you know.

Ashriel5487d ago


pfff, anyone could say the same from PS3 fanboys, just take your statement and switch "PS3" with "360". This sh*t is coming from both sides, most of this comments are proof of my saying.

thewhoopimen5487d ago

I hope that was a sarcastic remark because its a pretty foolish thing to say literally. You think IBM would spend millions of dollars to develop a new generation chip only to have their budget eco-friendly powerpc750 chip outperform it? Tell me where does that make sense in the grand scheme of things. If the powerpc750 was that much more powerful.. why not just use it for "media threaded video streaming" that some flamebaiters keep calling the cell?

shawnsl655487d ago

I'm going to assume that half of you didn't read the article before commenting. I'll post some quotes from the source.

"I think to do the visuals, and all the stuff we’re doing would be too difficult [on the 360]. There are amazing physics there, and stuff with crowds that you just couldn’t really get."

"I think this game can only be done on Playstation 3," he said. "We used all the SPUs.


ukilnme5487d ago

@ dude_uk

"and ultimolu said something sooo true... 360 fanboys need to stop being insecure and coming into the PS3 thread to bash on the PS3 to make them feel better about their console..jeez"

Hmmm...that's the pot calling the kettle black right there. We all know how that works though.

GCNSeanFoster5487d ago

I swear every 2 days I see a "can't run on Xbox360" article on here...

ThanatosDMC5487d ago

But Ultimulo actually said the truth. Which console came out a year early and had a years supply of games? Then which console came out a year later with a handful of games against the competition?

Who would have started scoffing at the console who lack games and had a scary bluray drive and teh cell? Insecurities are a b*tch.

5487d ago
PS3MAN855487d ago

He knows it can't run on the 360 because he's worked on how many 360 titles....hmmmmm!?
I believe he said "I don't THINK so". He doesn't know what the hell he's talking about!
A Sony developer, making an exclusive game for sony - yeah, he's not being biased at all now is he?

ultimolu5487d ago

Ashriel, you have a point, but 360 fanboys have been guilty of doing this more frequently.

danielle0075487d ago

People need to not pick on the 360 :[ it's the little engine that could. Always root for hte underdogs, imo. Maybe if they just tried! :] lolololol.

Perjoss5487d ago

these comments make me laugh, people actually believe that the ps3 is alot more powerful than the 360. Disk size issues asside.

"<insert game name> cannot run on the 360"

allow me to translate...

"we do not have enough time (or are too lazy) to write the code for another system"

Its obvious the ps3 and 360 are quite different from what devs have said in the past, how many time have you heard "the ps3 is too hard to develop for", also look at all the shoddy ports on the ps3. Bottom line is, whatever the lead platform is for a particular game will mean it will be better on that platform unless the devs actually make an effort.

Tito Jackson5487d ago

HALO cannot run on the 360

GEARS1&2 cannot run on the 360

President Obama cannot run on the 360

Mountain Dew cannot run on the 360

The Season Finale of LOST cannot run on the 360

Oscar Myers's New 3 Cheese Hot Dog cannot run on the 360

The Paris Hilton Sextape cannot run on the 360

Crayons cannot run on the 360

Swine Flu cannot run on the 360

The war in Iraq cannot run on the 360

The economy cannot run on the 360

Am I missing anything fellas? *checks list again*

callahan095487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

Why would you be surprised to hear him say that? He probably believes that it can't run on the 360, so that's what he said. The thing is, he was ASKED if he thought it could, he didn't just bring it up out of the blue, he was answering a question. He clearly loves working with Sony and feels that this project couldn't have been made without their unrivaled support for the creative process.

Developers really like working for and with Sony. Every developer working for Sony seems to proclaim their love for their relationship with them. It's kind of surprising, because to me it almost sounds like Sony plays the role of the rich kid's parent: just give them money and let them run with it.

From the recent interview ( http://ps3.nowgamer.com/new...
"The only thing Sony asked us to do was to make the best game we could. Absolutely nothing was mandated. Sony is not this type of publisher telling you what you should do. They had a real interest in what we wanted to achieve so they supported our creative vision. All they wanted us was to create something unique for the Playstation 3."

Sony says "do what you want, we'll foot the bill." That's probably why devs like working with them.

dude_uk5487d ago

mate.. i've never been to the 360 section to bash the 360..

i hate microsoft and that's a known fact.. but i like the 360 and its games.. so what's your point?

N4g_null5487d ago

callahan09 great point he was asked if it could run on the 360. Was he given time to ask his programmer probably not. So would you blame the interviewer for putting him on the spot?

LOL I wonder how the crysis guys feel about this? I mean they clearly can out do this game if they want to.

Also some one tell me why so many PS3 ports took so long and looked so bad on the PS3 back in the day? Also can the PS3 fanboys rely on some thing more tangible since they are using graphics to judge their "power" in their systems. How about saying the art on PS3 exclusives are simply better?

callahan095487d ago

Sorry, in my last post I copied the link incorrectly to the interview. This link will work:


CaseyRyback_CPO5487d ago

"The 360 came out in November 2005. That is 3.5 years on the market. Around 4.5 years developers have had their hands on the 360 hardware.

What does the 360 have to show off these supposed capabilities?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "

Give that man a cigar, everyone can disagree.. but no one can prove it wrong.

Kaneda5487d ago

He said "I don't think so" that is not a "No".. he said it too difficult> since the game is builded for PS3 spec, but if they do work on 360. Programmers always find away to make it works.

ukilnme5487d ago

@ dude_uk

I don't care for all of Micro's business tactics myself. I love gaming on my 360 just like I do on my PS3 but I make it no secret that I can't stand the majority of N4G PS3 Fanboys.

My point was that PS3 Fanboys always manage to find their way in to 360 threads to bash the 360. Maybe you don't but the overwhelming majority of them here do exactly that. Talk about being insecure.

Ultimolu's entire comment at 1.22 and 1.40 can be flipped the other way around and we all know it.

Jaces5487d ago

It's like saying Halo or Gears can't be done on the PS3.

How can anyone honestly know until they've actually taken the time to try it out.

Like Kushan said, it doesn't mean it won't run on the other system cause it will but it'll take possibly a different engine and even then it may or may not deliver the same results as the other version.

This topic is pointless and indeed flamebait.

Ashriel5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

Ultimolu, do not try to jutify this silly fanboy wars.

I've been some time around this site and by comments like

"Xbox 360 == Dreamcast" "What does the 360 have to show off these supposed capabilities?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What does the 360 have after 3.5 years?

Pathetic fake marketing bullshots.
PC screenshots passed off as 360 screenshots.
Absurd gametrailers rigged side by side comparisons of graphically mediocre crossplatform titles. "

"It's only the Xbox 360 that the entire f-ing gaming world has to go through this retarded charade pretending that the Xbox 360 is in the same graphical league as the PS3 just for the sole fact that Xbox fans want to believe their crappy little console is can do thing things far beyond anything it really is capable of."

I could go on forever, my point is, you can't just say "Why can't 360 fanboys enjoy their console without talking down the PS3?" Because PS3 fanboys are doing the exact same ;3

creatchee5487d ago

The 11 people who disagreed with you only prove your point.

This place has become an intellectual wasteland...

DaTruth5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

It would be stupid to say PS3 couldn't run Gears or Halo3 because you would look at games that are technically superior to them on the PS3 and say "why not". The problem with 360 is that it lacks any games that are technically on par with even Heavenly Sword and Lair(practically launch titles).

Gears 2 has 2D fire... Nuff said!

The only strange thing is that some people can't accept what their eyes are telling them.

He is probably basing his statement that the 360 can't run Heavy Rain on the fact that he sees no games on the 360 that look anywhere near as complex as the game he's making.

@Ashriel:"I could go on forever, my point is, you can't just say "Why can't 360 fanboys enjoy their console without talking down the PS3?" Because PS3 fanboys are doing the exact same [In response]"<<< That's where I finished your sentence, because this is how the so called "WAR" played out. The comment section of every gaming site saying "PS3 is teh dead" before the system was even on the market!

bpac1234567895487d ago

im really becoming dissapointed in n4g users. when did all of u guys turn into such rabid fanboys. what has the 360 done to you inorder to garner so much hate? sure the ps3 is more powerful but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? the xbox was more powerful than the ps2 and look who came out on top. ultimately it comes down to who has the better games and both consoles have great games, i personaly believe the ps3 has better games but its only my opinion and it isnt a reason to attack the 360.

Skizelli5487d ago

Spoken like a true moron.

Keep on playing your games for the graphics. I'll keep playing them for gameplay, no matter what console it's on.

Tarasque5487d ago

Doesn't matter if it can or can't be done on the 360, if you want to play you will haft to have a PS3 plain and simple.

Arnon5487d ago

That's odd... Because I'm pretty sure that you and everyone RIGHT HERE who is actually talking down on the 360 is a PS3 fan. Which is pretty much the most ironic thing I've ever seen. And we all know you are, considering the death threats that you've sent people through messages over gaming consoles.

Perkel5487d ago

still best looking game on x360 is GoW2 soo it's true i think,

till this day x360 has no game which is better looking than uncharted even Heavenly sword (With 1000+ models on screen)

am i right ?

ZuperAmazingCooKie5487d ago

"One of Microsofts extra cpus threads can outperform all of Sony's Spu's!"

Uh, no. The Cell processor has 3-times the floating point capabilities of the Xenon. The Cell processor in the PS3 without the PPE would have about twice the floating point power, and that's only if the 360 dedicates all of its CPU to do that, which it won't because it wouldn't be enough and the 360 is better doing stuff the old general purpose way; the cell processor could be using its 6 SPEs for that because well, that's what they are there for! But then again, the Cell processor uses XDR RAM which runs at the same clock speed, unlike the Xenon which is bottlenecked by its slower RAM. So basically, the Xenon is no match for the Cell processor. That's why the Cell processor does graphics and helps in making the RSX run very efficiently.

rockleex5487d ago

Its not like he wanted to claim the PS3 was stronger.

They asked him if it was possible on the 360 and he simply said "I don't think so, because of our tech".

Make of it what you will. ^_^

- Ghost of Sparta -5486d ago

Just look at the story picture, it looks like the CGI in Final Fantasy XIII but it is actually in-game.

Mini Mario5486d ago

"It's like someone is just cutting and pasting old Dreamcast vs PS2 talking points and just changing the names. "

Believe me these "debates" go on every generation. Every console known to man has had haters on opposite sides

..... and why you ask>>? Who knows!...i really wish i knew

evrfighter5486d ago

"The 360 came out in November 2005. That is 3.5 years on the market. Around 4.5 years developers have had their hands on the 360 hardware."

lol this was a humorous post. The one year head start is WHY the 360 is deemed less powerful. There was nothing mystic or unknown about its intruction set. 4.5, 10.5, 15.5 years no amount of time would make a difference. Old tech is old tech. 360's/ps3's in essence they are cheap computers. This is exactly why pc techies no longer care about the cell. It's old, yesterdays news as modern cpu/gpu's have surpassed it's power awhile back.

Are you seriously wondering why the 360 can't put out the same quality as ps3? 1 year in the pc world is almost an entire generation in tech years. argue all you want but this is the truth.

M$ took a chance with this, wait a year and update their 360 and go toe to toe with the ps3 or release with the current high performance tech, sacrifice quality and the ability to future proof their console. I guess in the end, money talks. I don't think they care however. They stole the biggest gaming market from Sony and now have a foothold for their next console.

I'd never buy anything M$ until the bugs are worked out. That's my approach to anything M$ actually software or hardware. I usually wait 2 years before upgrading their OS as I've learned that there is ALWAYS something wrong with a M$ product at launch.

+ Show (61) more repliesLast reply 5486d ago
Hallucinate5487d ago

'cannot run' well the could mean anything..like bluray, or even if the engine is optimized to run on the 360 it still couldnt handle it..ect

mooks15487d ago

HEAVY RAIN uses CELL 's full processing power and cannot run on a dumbed down EMT64 aka XENON

CAPCOM themselves said once that XENON is dumbed down emt64

No ps3 exclusive in the current form can run on X360

talltony5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

He didnt say because of lack of bluray. He basically said because of lack of processing power cause they take full advantage of the ps3's spu's!!

Major_Tom5487d ago

Read the article, Physics, Visuals, AI.

To be honest we haven't seen much improvement in graphics in the Xbox and while I believe creativity is not limited, hardware is.

chidori6665487d ago

yes, killzone 2, infamous, heavy rain, mag, uncharthed 2 cannot run in 360fixme NEVER!

NewZealander5486d ago

hmmm another sony exclusive that cant run on the 360, im sorry but its starting to look like a desperate attempt by sony to get companies developing there exclusives to claim it cant run on 360.

sony fans are so deluded and they lap up this kind of BS, anything to sell a sony game i guess, but c'mon sony fanboys open your eyes.

napoleon_ist5486d ago (Edited 5486d ago )

"its starting to look like a desperate attempt by sony to get companies developing there exclusives to claim it cant run on 360"

its starting to look like a desperate attempt by microsoft fanboys to deny companies developing there PS3 exclusives and to claim it can run on 360.

you know those bullshits we read everywhere like "killzone 2 can be done on xbox360" without dual layer bluray nor SPUs... sure, it will be a piece of cake even! :D

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5486d ago
THC CELL5487d ago

i wonder if developers try running games on other platforms
i mean did cage run a code on xbox and it blows it up lol

i bet even the halo team bungie tryed running on the ps3 and was shocked to say man we could have a hell of a game here and got scared cause of microrobbers lol

its great to play with the systems but developers need to grow some big hairy balls these days

halo ps3 would be end of xbox and bungie knows that
ff for xbox is no big loss cause its not as if it will be better
even Metal gear is no big loss
uncharted may be
killzone wont run on xbox so on

every xbox game would run a lot better on ps3 if exclusive
trust me
halo could look better then killzone on ps3

Lfmesquite5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I changed my mind about posting anything else. Sorry. N4G should have a DELETE option.

Vecta5487d ago

Halo 3 was programed for the Xbox 360, it was programed to use its shared ram and 3 CPU cores... It could not run on PS3.

Heavy Rain was programed for the PS3, it was programed to use its separate GPU ram and normal ram and its 8 CPU cores... It could not run on a Xbox 360.

Now shut up.

5487d ago
Vecta5487d ago

If I programed a game for PS3 architecture would you expect it to able to run on PC architecture? or vice versa?

Simple answer is no.

I guess you, FelinePornographer, fail to understand simple concepts though.

StephanieBBB5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

"Halo 3 was programed for the Xbox 360, it was programed to use its shared ram and 3 CPU cores... It could not run on PS3. "

Wrong but yet right. Halo 3's raw ported code can't be run on the PS3 but the code can be optimized to run on the PS3 and the PS3 would still have SPU's left over for more code.

The same can't be said about KZ2, Heavy rain being optimized for the 360, because the 360 lacks processors to handel as much code without overloading as the PS3 has. It's common sense, if you have 7-8 people working together in harmony they can get more things done than 3 without pulling a muscle.

I have another illustation too, Imagine that the 360 and it's 3 cores are a huge woodshipper. They all work together so that you can just throw a tree (code) in there and it will get processed. Now imagine that the PS3 is 8 smaller woodshippers and you have to first chop up the trees you put in for them to process them. But this way you can get a larger tree through faster than possible on the 360 due to it's enormous size without being chopped up first. Hope it makes sense.

Anyway the more processors on the PS3 side is not everything. Blue ray plays an important factor too. Imagine Halo 3 taking full advantage of the blue ray's capacity. That would make room for more textures better uncompressed sound and overall more content.

So saying that Halo 3 would be better on the PS3 is a very valid argument even though "some" people might not want to hear it.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5487d ago

As the RSX has virtually free access to the Cell's memory, the XDR. The cell also has access in theory to the RSX's memory, but that would take a performance hit as it's slower, but again, the Cell processor has not only free access to more than half of PS3's *available* memory, but the memory runs just as fast as the cell processor does, and that's a major advantage. So the problem isn't so much about the unified RAM, it's about the memory hogging OS which occupies too much RAM for some retarded reason where they couldn't get it as small as the 360 OS even when it's not as functional.

Anyway, the 3-core processor that the 360 uses runs much faster than its RAM does, creating bottlenecks. There is very little than the 360 CPU can do that the Cell can't, and in fact you can pretty much re-write anything that runs on "normal cores" to run on the SPEs and to run much better, it only takes time and talent. It was said that 360 had the advantage in AI, as said by Jade Raymond from Ubisoft, but she is not really a programmer, just a producer, so she evidently knows jack sh1t about what the PS3 can and can't (especially when you look at what they did to the PS3 version of Ass' creed). When you look at the amount of enemies on screen of most PS3 games, especially heavenly sword, you'd realize there's almost nothing the 360 does that the PS3 can't.

The 360 is simply made to be as straightforward as possible in terms of its relation between game development and computer architecture. The PS3 is built with horsepower in mind. Any graphics code that runs on the 360 can be optimized to run even better on PS3 if you know how to make the Cell work together with the RSX (and that's only if it's needed, because the RSX is definitely better in some aspect than the Xenon, especially in Raw Horsepower). Any physics or AI routines can be optimized to run much better on PS3. The PS3's only disadvantage is not split RAM, as split RAM had the advantage of not bottlenecking the Cell with the RAM and at the same time making the PS3 as cheap as it was possible. Its weakness is simply its OS, but that's improving as you can notice with the last firmware update; that's probably what Sony means when they say "enhanced playback for PS3 titles".

mooks15487d ago

KZ2 makes Gears 2 look like an iphone game
can u show me a single x360 game that looks half as impressive as heavy rain/kz2/uncharted 2

i repeat half as impressive

Christopher5487d ago

<<<It was said that 360 had the advantage in AI, as said by Jade Raymond from Ubisoft>>>

She seriously said this? I'm sorry, I just have to laugh at that sort of comment. AI, physics, particle control, and the such can be handled much better on the PS3. 360 can handle better textures, but you can't ignore the ability to process more data at a fast and consistent rate on the PS3, as well as multi-directional piping.

N4g_null5487d ago

Man you guys will not let go of this will you? Once you think you understand some thing you just don't want to except that you may be wrong.

If you remember the xbox use to be the lead sku for multi-platform games. The ports all ended up running badly and few could get the SPEs to do what the 2 cores and shared ram could do.

So they made the PS3 the lead sku and found that is was easier to get the code to work as the extra core in the 360 has threading which can work like the specs in the PS3 and extra ram by way of the shared ram. Then on top of that you still have another core if you can get the code to validate over at MS.

It reminds me of a PC with 4 video cards in it. Hell they maybe powerful but their aren't any general tools or forms of code that can take care of them unless you use a giant frame buffer to do other things.

The PS3 fans talk of power is misplaced. It would be more respectable to give the creators of these games more credit. It is simply the art that makes the PS3 exclusive look better. Yes differed rending is possible on the 360 just like the PC and even the Wii in some cases. It's just a different way of rendering.

Differed rendering is much like software rendering actually, yet nothing beat hardware rendering right now which is why no one is trying to really push that on the 360. Yet the PS3's trump card is art and aspiring to be movie industry like. It is also possibly there down fall because it has not been master yet.

The Larrabee was engineered to be a software rendering beast that the cell was suppose to be. This chip will only use differed rending techniques basically. This will also allow the same engine to make games look totally different.

So SONY got the problem half right yet I believe epic is working on this complaint. They are one of the few guys making lots of money even now.

The HD gen deserves more from it's players. Learn more about what makes your games, research them and stay up on tech developments. I will admit I don't like the majority of HD games coming but I love the tech. Gamers need to seriously separate those two and make developers make good on all of this tech rather than use gimmicks and PR hype.

This industry is turning into a beauty pageant and I hate those things.

DaTruth5487d ago

So 360 developers are incapable of developing art as good as PS3 developers? That sounds so stupid! How could art be a standout of any particular console? The art of rendering 1000 characters on screen(heavenly sword, Lair) vs the art of maximum 10(360)!

PLEASE!! Just face it!

Perjoss5487d ago

@ StephanieBBB

bubbles for making sense, and even using an analogy to make things clear for the slow people.

Consoldtobots5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

"One of Microsofts extra cpus threads can outperform all of Sony's Spu's!"

this is from a fanboy in a reply to the first post in this article and the reason I don't really bother trying to educate children about programming theory. Now this one called scissor runner wants to tell people they don't know what they are talking about when it comes to code. It just makes me shake my head and laugh.

and now for the whammy, point out ONE game that looks as good or better than ANY PS3 exclusive on the 360???........................ ............................... ................
............................. ............................... .................
............................. ............................... .................
is that crickets I hear?? thought so now just stfu and go away troll.

The Lazy One5487d ago

He never said that. Not once did he say a single processor could handle everything running through all SPUs. He said that the multi-threading on the 360's makes it easier to port towards 360 than the other way because you have to manually break down the code on the PS3 to run on the SPEs. Unified memory is also easier to port to because you don't have to figure out how to allocate your memory when porting.

He said nothing about performance, because you can get similar performance with either methodology (as it stands now). He was just talking about which is easier to port to and from.

@scissor: I agree larabee will be AWESOME. I hope it makes it in a next gen console. The only sucky thing would be cost.

N4g_null5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

DaTruth when was the last time epic matched the character design of kojima? When was the last time halo matched the texture detailing of uncharted? Bring PC tech to console developers was suppose to be the end game yet the PC guys beat up on them pretty bad with better tools. Yet console developer are force to rush their hand in the wake of trail blazers who have the GPU makers on speed dial.

Art has always been the reason why console games trumped PC games. You just can not get kojima's style or Miyamoto's style out of PC game developers. Most PS3 fans love japanese style art and many even say they like the PS3 because the games are closer to console games rather than PC games, which are pretty much FPS and MMOs right now.

So yeah I think PS3 fans and SONY them selves are forgetting why they loved that brand, art and style all the way, but they decided to play MS game, hey that's your problem now. KAz trying to p[ump up SONY's software houses is great but if they do not focus on why they are better than it will be in vain. EVEN apple knows MS weakness and it's style and art, always has been.

Seriously only the art in killzone 2 made a difference. only the art in uncharted made it look better than gears 2. The art and character design of MGS4 crushed many 360 only games. You can say the tech did it in killzone 2 but the tech can be done on most any system yet it was done on the PS3 because art was more important and just hitting a check box.

If SONY really wanted to win this gen they would focus on this more which is their strong point. The tech stuff is only believed by fanboys that do not understand what problems code runs into because of it's different way of doing things rather than doing it differently because it will give you more power. This happens mostly because you just want to believe rather than research your answers. If you don't want to know that truth then why argue it? It will only end up pushing you from gaming once you find out the truth.

People who believe the cell is the end all console weapon in this arms race will leave gaming rather than admit a storm is brewing in the next gen. High end gaming is what you all wanted and you may just get it truly in the next gen. There is zero hype for what is coming and when it hits there will be hardly any arguing just smiling faces.

But seriously if you are going to brag over a very small victory just because other picked on you then you must realize how small you have made your self, right?

raztad5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )


You are telling your name. I handt realized that until now. Wow, now is much easier to see how handicapped is the 360. That is why the ever present pop ins. Every game on the 360 should be highly compressed and then uncompressed on the fly (wasting A LOT of processing power). Way to screw up your consaole MS. Now is fvcking, to me at least, clear why to have a BD is that important. This is one of the reason why we got KZ2 and now U2 as graphical kings. Uncompressed assets For The Win!!!


My bad. This replay wasnt supposed to guy above. sorry.

N4g_null5486d ago

raztad I know you was not responding to me but to use non uncompressed assets on the PS3 would be silly also due to lower seeks times and less ram that can be used because of performance hits. The pop in is bad on both systems actually because they simply skimped on ram. Next gen should fix this though.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5486d ago
THC CELL5487d ago

mate little big planet leaves can not run on xbox

jack_burt0n5487d ago

the title is flamebait for sure the article reads "no we ended up using all the spu's" tbh that would make a better title altogether :)

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Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

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Fist4achin1285d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1285d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1285d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1284d ago (Edited 1284d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


The David Cage Experience: Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain

What exactly is the David Cage experience, and is it of value? We examine two classics, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, to find the answer.

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Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain's 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series

Quantic Dream has announced a new video series to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Heavy Rain. Check out the first part here.

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ClayRules20121442d ago (Edited 1442d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1442d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121442d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1442d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121442d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121442d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011442d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1442d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.