
Mark Rein talks Gears of War downloads, UT3 on PS3

GamePro editor Vicious Sid recently spoke with Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games, on the future of Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3.

SV: I was surprised to see UT3 running as smoothly as it was on the PS3.

Mark Rein: People have this weird misconception that [UT3] can't run as well on PS3 as it can on other platforms. You just got to give us time to do it.

SV: Would you contend that the Xbox 360 and PS3 are evenly matched, hardware-wise?

Mark Rein: I'm not going to answer that question. We're going to make our games run well on both.

OldSchoolGamer6277d ago

Some executives *cough Microsoft* *cough Sony* need to learn some diplomacy from this guy. Great interview, and way to pump both systems!

theagony6277d ago

I want to see him talking about id, since both sony and ms is their customer he can not say anything bad about them

THAMMER16277d ago

OldSCHOOL your 100% on point with that comment.

power of Green 6277d ago

The point of this post is to show people Devs are trying to figure out the PS3 it's the only reason, thats what the title of this post should have said. lol

kamakazi6277d ago (Edited 6277d ago )

is awsome. you pay him money to make you games and he'll not only make you an awsome game but hes not gonna praise your console to be the best over the others.

TheMART6277d ago

That's because he still wants to sell his games and make money.

And doesn't want to get Sony fanboys to freak out, write stupid petitions and boycot their games over.

theagony6277d ago

hey mart why don't you shut the f***up and go back to your dic*box and try to have fun by putting it on your..."use your fuc*in imagination for this part asshol*"
I don't want to see you on this forum anymore, every time you send a post i will be there to kick your ugly loser face..morone

JasonPC360PS3Wii6277d ago (Edited 6277d ago )

"hey mart why don't you shut the f***up and go back to your dic*box and try to have fun by putting it on your..."use your fuc*in imagination for this part asshol*"
I don't want to see you on this forum anymore, every time you send a post i will be there to kick your ugly loser face..morone"


I'll just copy and paste your comment again.

"hey mart why don't you shut the f***up and go back to your dic*box and try to have fun by putting it on your..."use your fuc*in imagination for this part asshol*"
I don't want to see you on this forum anymore, every time you send a post i will be there to kick your ugly loser face..morone"

Sorry I dont speek dog.

theagony6277d ago (Edited 6277d ago )

Jason xg1
this instruction I'm about the give is exclusively just for you Jason, since you really try your best to write something back to all my posts I want you to follow this guide:
Before you reply to my posts, you are required to read them for at least 30 times and then I want you to write them down on a piece of paper for another 15 times, then hopefully my posts will make their way into your brain cells and create some kind of non-idiotic thought.
"Sorry I dont SPEEK dog" you can't even write a simple word like this right boby..just get off my side will you

Rasputin20116277d ago

Just a little FYI You really sound like a flamming fanboy IDIOT!....Just thought I would let you know.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6277d ago
BBsin6277d ago (Edited 6277d ago )

what is the point of posting that the 360 is better than the xbox???

and it is true that they are a small company, when i asked my friend if he knew where the studios was, we drove like 15 minutes from my house and he pointed out the building. And i was like "Wow, expected it to be bigger than that..."


....doesn't know anything. If you ever see him interviewed next to cliffy B your confused as to who runs the company

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Tech Focus - Motion Blur: Is It Good For Gaming Graphics?

Opinion is divided on this one for sure! Is motion blur good for gaming? Why do developers include it?

TheOptimist2168d ago

I hate any game that has motion blur and the first thing I do is switch off the motion blur in games. It just makes me nauseous.

XentaJones2168d ago

motion blur makes me sick... so its off.

OpenGL2168d ago

I agree with Alex here, many implementations are terrible but when it is done right it improves the experience.

2168d ago
TheSplooge2168d ago

I always turn it off. Along with depth of field.

Mr_Wilson2168d ago

Those plus vignetting, chromatic aberration, and film grain.

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Let’s be Honest, DOOM Looks like the Best First Person Shooter We’ve Seen in Ages

Alex from GamersFTW writes:

“In all seriousness though, I feel like DOOM’s success will be measured by how much the game has to offer. Graphically it’s looking spectacular, and I’m sure the latest multiplayer trailer caught all of our attention. Personally, the game is beginning to remind me of those late nights playing Unreal Tournament 3, which is totally a good thing. This, in addition to the promise of user-generated content, is making DOOM look like the best first-person shooter I’ve seen in ages.”

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Shillmeister2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

The campaign looks brilliant, like a true nostalgia trip to the original DOOM titles of old! The multiplayer equally looks like a trip down memory lane to fast-paced and frantic arena games a-la Quake, and honestly the MP REALLY makes me want to the get game at launch to capitalise on the hype. Problem is I'm not overly fussed with multiplayer typically in games, they can get weary after a while, and buying a game solely for its MP is risky - especially on console - as it's heavily dependant on the community!

Rock to my left, hard place to my right..

EDIT: On the MP note, does anyone know if it'll have bots available, similar to Unreal Tournament 3? I still give that a quick play time to time with bots (and all the mad mutators).

c00lvilKid692999d ago

I’m exactly the same, usually multiplayer games are of no interest to me. But DOOM has sparked my curiosity, especially as someone who used to enjoy multiplayer first person shooters like Quake/Unreal. Totally understand your concerns about it being heavily dependant on the community, too. Which is just another reason they should include bots, in case the numbers need to be made up. I’m hoping the community will be good, considering the creative freedoms they’re handing over with the SnapMap thing.

2999d ago
esmittystud1012999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Its basically a "console" ahead, in terms of graphics, of another shooter called Homefront thats getting ready to release. LOL

wakeNbake2999d ago

Well thats just a low budget turd, no comparison at all.

mezati992999d ago

i am gonna have to agree with this

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Game Music Daily Week 54

Great selections as always and they are...
Final Fantasy
Metal Gear Solid
Super Smash Bros.
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Unreal Tournament
Advance Wars
Payday 2

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