
Special Comment: Bethesda, time to put up or get out of the industry

Darkpower of GameGazette writes: "For what seems like a few games now, they [Bethesda Softworks] have shafted all Playstation 3 owners so much that some of the most hardened 360 fanboys-you know, the ones that scream conspiracy anytime they are called out?–have cried foul over such business practices. A new "episode" of their Fallout 3 game, entitled "Broken Steel", is set to hit the 360 and PC versions soon. This is the third DLC content available for the versions. What does the PS3 version get, however? Not a damn thing. They get, in essence, the core game and that's it, thanks for coming...

...And to Bethesda, it's time for you to put up or shut up. Either support all versions of Fallout 3 equally, or get your asses out of the gaming industry, because we don't have to spend our time or money on you. Unlike the media, you can't force us to spend our money on you, and there are other more deserving people we can give our money to. Those that give more of a damn about this industry than you apparently do."

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Mindboggle5496d ago

I agree, its totally Pathetic. If it came to PS3 I would buy it straight away.

- Ghost of Sparta -5496d ago (Edited 5496d ago )

...How so many people talk sh*t about Bethesda and yet continue to support them by buying their games. You people make no sense.

Bethesda = Bigger douche bags than Valve. To them, patching up what they should have fixed before release is a waste of time. Unless you're paying them in the millions, don't count on them to launch a RPG that doesn't require multiple fixes to work properly. I'm not even going to get into how much their games bore me as I refuse to waste anymore time talking about this sh*tty developer.

I'll stick to those who put effort into their work.

TenSteps5496d ago

I agree that Bethesda are bigger douche bags than Valve but Gabe Newell is the biggest douche bag (pun intended).

edgeofblade5495d ago

Don't complain to Microsoft... complain to Sony for not opening their checkbooks and countering Microsoft's cash.

And what is this "get out of the industry"? You would rather have nothing than see Xbox players get something cool? What a d*ck.

Godmars2905495d ago

In surprising defense of Valve , at least when they made the PS3 version of Orange Box, they denied that they had months afterwards. Given them excuses of why its problems never been patched.

They also don't have the better looking PS3 version of Oblivion. Which then caused them to immediately go back patch the 360 version.

JOLLY15495d ago

That's like people complaining that their blu-ray has more stuff on it than the standard dvd. Seriously, get over it. Who cares if there is exclusive dlc? Should 360 owners be crying that sigma 2 has more playable characters? No they shouldn't. They purchased a complete game. I say again........who cares?

PirateThom5495d ago

The thing with Fallout 3 is that it's not just extra content, as people on the Bethesda board have been saying, the DLC changes the (previously definitive) ending and makes the PS3 version non-cannon (unlike, say, the GTAIV DLC which is a separate story).

Ninja Gaiden Sigma II won't change the whole story of the game.

That's why PS3 owners (who actually care about the game, not just because "they have it and we don't) are annoyed.

Aclay5495d ago

I still don't blame Bethesda for anything in regards to the DLC not being on the PS3... I mean come on, it's obvious that Microsoft paid for this DLC, just like the GTA4 DLC.

Bethesda released the Expansion pack for Oblivion on the PS3, so that tells me that they would have done the same for Fallout 3 if it wasn't for the deal they made with Microsoft.

However, I do blame Bethesda for the PS3 version being a more buggy game and really there was no excuse for it because many have said (including big gaming sites) that Oblivion on the PS3 ran better and looked better than the 360 version.

But if Microsoft want's to continue and pay for Exclusive DLC for games instead of making more of their own new IP's, then so be it, because that's pretty much all they can do to counter the PS3's onslaught of 1st and 2nd party titles.

JOLLY15495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Without any dlc it is a complete game. Yes, if you want new missions and a fun mechanical axe, you need the dlc. It doesn't chance the complete game though.

*edit* Aclay, IF you wanted a less-buggy version, you would have had to wait for months after the 360 verion. That would have made you just as upset. Just get the version that is the best. IF it is the ps3 version get that. If it is the 360 version get that. There problem solved......phew, no more whining.

slayorofgods5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Actually I'd complain to Bethesda for releasing an unfinished game in Fallout 3. The ending is horible because it ends midway through the story with Bethesda charging gammers via DLC to see the completed version of the game. Even after forking out 100 dollars plus for a unfinished game that needs constant updates (a.k.a. DLC) the experience is still a huge step back from the experience in oblivion.

@Jolly1 no it is not a completed game - the ending is only a build up to some dlc not a fallout 4 and you should play Oblivion then tell me FO3 feels like a completed game.

PirateThom5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

From a cannon point of view, it's not a complete story, thus the game is incomplete.

The game may be "technically" complete, but they've completely changed the whole ending. Because of the changes, they've essentially left the PS3 with an ending that is no longer "right".

Cerberus21255495d ago

neither of this companies get my money any more,no matter how good a game they make.I understand is business,but we spend our money for this games,$60.00,so we deserve a bit of respect from this companies.

snaz275495d ago

PREOWNED!!! lol... thats what i did i waited and ended up getting fallout 3 for 15 quid i will also do the same to any capcom game i want also!... and that goes to any other company that wants to take the piss! if a company treats me well then ill buy them brand new otherwise its preowned all the way!

IaMs125495d ago

Sounds like to me DLC is worth something now. Before, many PS3 owners were saying who cares now they are whinnying about it. Now if all DLC was like this, then yes MS it was a decent investment.

snaz275495d ago

i dont do it because i think dlc is worth something but i do it out of principle... if they wanna play games so will i... thats how i see it... like with capcom charging stupid ammounts for stupid things that are on the disc anyway... well simple they wont get my money... there are so many other devs that do deserve my money so its not really gonna bother me... sadly mainly those devs are first party but there is the odd 3rd party dev... like i love what epic did for unreal... ok it took them ages but look what they gave for free! even bringing us trophies! now thats what dlc should be for not to rip us off.

Qdog5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

The PS3 version is crippled with a level 20 cap, as in you can go no further without DLC. That limits your ability to play the game to the fullest, and to add insult to injury PS3 doesnt get the DLC that the 360 and PC get so the game is definitely not complete. Even if Bethsoft dont want to release the DLC for PS3, take the freaking level cap off, so that we can enjoy all the perks that they took the time to program into the game. I say, if the game costs $60.00 on both platforms(PC excluded) we should get the same experience. My money was good for them when they made the game, yet I get a freakin level lock which they conveniently forgot to mention? Take your corrupt money-hat accepting company be an exclusive dev. This was a slap in the face for PS3 gamers. Now, for the positive(somewhat), I have always enjoyed what Bethesda has done with sandbox action/RPGs, from the design, the thorough immersion with all the little details, to the characters, and interaction. Come on Beth, stand up for all your consumers, not just the company that is the first to throw a bribe your way. Surely Microsoft doesnt account for all your game sales....the consumer does. How hard would it be to just take the level cap off, and let us roam your beautiful and well-crafted landscape, free to pick skills, and enjoy perks to our hearts content? In closing, Bethesda, I think you'll find that as the PS3 user base continues to grow larger and larger, you will be alienating and losing more and more of your potential consumers and even the elitist faithful, with actions like this....fix it.

JsonHenry5495d ago

Meh. All of these games I played on the PC. Since the first Elder Scrolls. But I can understand why a PS3 owner (that owns no other consoles) would be pissed.

Cerberus21255495d ago

It is not about those people who only own a PS3,I own both,and I have a powerful PC,and I do not support that kind of behavior.I could go an buy those games for the 360 or PC,but it is not wright for this people to do the consumers who make their company money like this.I want you and anybody else who buy those games,to have the same joy that I have when I play those game.I don't just think about myself.It about principles dude.

Slime5495d ago

I think darkpower and everyone that agrees with him is pathetic!

Mindboggle5495d ago

LOL this story finally got approved.

I do think bethesda are missing out on a lot of potential PS3 customers which is stupid. According to VGChartz(*sigh*, where else do I go?) its sold 1.38 million, which is realistically 1.5 million, so thats alot of potential customers.

And im willing to bet it sold about 4 times as much as the PC version.

original seed5495d ago

They will still make millions off 360 fans, then we wont have to hear Sony Fanboys b!tch.

SkyGamer5495d ago

At least you guys/gals/its get the game to play. It is better than not getting the game at all. How many countless titles out for ps2 that I would have loved to seen on GameCube/Xbox. . .

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,. . .,8,000!

Anyone that wants the complete version, everyone knows to get the PC version, duh!

pain777pas5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Oblivion the only game i really played from them and Morrowind for short period are good games. Exclusive DLC is killing gaming and now because of M$ I bet some will offer M$ or the highest bidder this sort of added incentive. Really stupid move for M$ to start this mess soon the publisher will have the upperhand. Imagine Epic saying a game will go exclusive only for a fee since our game gave you an advantage in the market before and you have a history of doing this so do it for us or you don't get your exclusive. This is the type of thing that is not needed and should not be encouraged had M$ just let the chips fall where they may like Sony we wouldn't be having all this BS going on and it is sad how the dollar has taken over gaming to this degree that we don't get complete games anymore. DLC is the end of full game releases. Look at Capcom with RE5. This would have never happened before this gen of M$ and DLC. Its not about just having a HD either M$ had one in every system shipped last gen. This is ridiculous though I feel that the author is an extremist this had to be stated one way or another. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH EXCLUSIVE DLC. Its BS.

EDIT: I had fallout 3 and traded it in a week later. Just not my cup of tea. Limited ammo. No real duplication glitch and normal shooting without Vats takes 50 shots on normal difficulty to kill anything. Bogus, borderline Ridiculous.

v1c1ous5495d ago

aren't y'all being hypocritical when you say you want zone of the enders 3 to be ps3 exclusive? or other games?

oh i forget, when 360 gets exlcusive content microsoft did shady business deals for them. when ps3 gets exclusive content, its because its blu-ray and developers only want to best visuals etc....

Software_Lover5495d ago

Sony: Stop charging the devs for what the consumer downloads and maybe they will put more stuff on there.

Just a thought. Might not be the correct answer but has anyone ever thought about that?

Bethesda has the right to do what they want with their games. As does Konami, As does Bioware, As does rockstar, as does Valve, As does Guerilla, as does Capcom, as does Insomniac, as does any dev out there. You dont like what they do...............dont buy their games. Simple as that. We dont always know what goes on behind closed doors in these meetings.

Qdog5495d ago

Why there are even a vocal few, that advocate these kinds of actions, just because it's happening opposite, their console of choice? What if the roles were reversed, and Sony did in fact offer monetary bribes/incentives, to keep Xbox 360 owners from enjoying a full experience? All hell would break loose, but I am more of an exception than the rule, because I am a multi-console owner, and fanboy to none. I am a fan only to the experience. I would like all gamers to have an even playing feild, without having to worry, whether or not a publisher or dev is hiding the fact that they will knowingly cripple/ignore one version? You call yourself a gamer, versus a fanboy, yet you advocate and condone fanboyism with double standards. You must be under the impression that this helps Microsoft succeed, when in fact it is the general consumer that get hit with these kinds of practices being allowed to stand. Let me tell you, that the only way things get fixed or alleviated, is when people, b!tch. Do you think for one minute that Microsoft would have offered a warranty for the Red Rings of Death, had the consumer not spoken up, and even threatened with legal action? Their current practices, suggest that you wouldnt even get an acknowledgement unless their hand was forced.

GCNSeanFoster5495d ago

Some of you people are so delusional. When will you guys wake up and realize that this is a business and these companies are just out to make money. Bethesda is a company just like McDonalds is a company, or Wal-Mart is a company... they are out to make money and if companies like Microsoft will spend the extra cash for exclusive content so be it. Companies go where the money is. I swear its like walking into a Kindergarten class sometimes when I come to this site... People calling developers names just because game content is not out for a particular game system.

Qdog5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

I'm over missing out on DLC and the complete story, thats fine. However I am not okay with Bethesda putting a level cap on the game when they never intended to bring DLC to the platform anyways. Why is it so hard to understand that I and many others would like to enoy the original base story with the ability to level up past 20 like the 360 version can with the DLC. Thats the shame. I am not delusional, and you are entitled to your opinion, but if I state how I feel based on a company's practices, who are you to pass judgement on my character....really when have you payed my bills or done my job for me? I am also not okay with people obviously affiliated, in no uncertain terms with a certain camp, insulting others that step up and try make it known how they feel. Like I said previously, if the shoe was on the other foot, the guys that are ironically complaining about those that are complaining about this practice, would be the ones complaining about this practice.

BWS19825495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

1: how do we know this DLC practice wouldn't have a slow, vicious cycle effect on future considerations on platform (PS3 in this case) releases, the devs/publishers won't even know that the effect would be happening....We gamers (rightfully) get pissed at the "gimped" releases, and they sell less than they could have if equal to other versions (because people either won't bother, or get it on PC or 360, etc... instead), and the exec's look at it for later reference on future titles, and don't even bother putting it on the PS3 AT ALL...It's possible, that they'll look at the results and not bother with a port or conversion of a later game (provided it's not built on the PS3 in the first place) all from their own doing, because the previous "gimped" version sold less on console ___ (PS3 here)...they would inadvertently shrink future releases/software lineups/DLC by releasing "partial" experiences in past situations. It would just compound itself, in theory....Does that make sense?

That is my fear, but hopefully they also look at install base growth as well.... I'm not saying "we should all show our support, so buy the PS3 version anyways", on the contrary, because then they feel nothing is wrong with the "gimped" versions...it could go the other way, and keep the exclusive DLC-snowball rolling yet again. All I (we) ask is for more equal releases, for all platforms (we can dream, right?) when it comes to multiplats (exclusives like Fable 2 or KZ2 are another story), but the console's strengths should still be taken advantage of...But also that game development should be more of an art that keeps the artists motivated with revenue, not "just business" even though it is....the whole "it's just business" guise is taking away from the art of the video game and casting a bad light on the industry...no different than when a music artist is labeled a "sellout".

2: Why the hell is Micro throwing around so much money (I know this was last year) when now their reports are coming back of how horrible things are year over year...It's a global recession, but is it right for a company to say "Well, we had to lay off a fifth of our employees due to the constricted budget....BUT WE GOT SOME SWEET DLC!!!!" ....that's not cool. People come before wallets, MS.

SL1M DADDY5495d ago

Is buying the game used supporting them? Just asking because I have yet to buy a Bethesda game, day one.

All-35495d ago

One example....

Remember the stuff from Sony concerning backwards compatibility on competitors systems?

Remember when Sony dropped PS2 backwards compatibility on the PS3 for various versions?

Look at the fuss over a game developer... what about what Sony has done?

Feihc Retsam5495d ago

They do what's in their own best interests.
Apparently, they've found that they make enough money (and save enough on development costs) by making Xbox 360 exclusive content.
That's what happens when someone chooses a lead platform.
If SONY had released the PS3 on time (one year before it actually came out) maybe they would've been the lead platform, and gotten a shot at the exclusive content.

Not to mention, SONY is hurting financially, much more than Microsoft is right now, and can't really afford to pay for much exclusive content.

They probably broke the bank keeping Killzone 2 exclusive.

socomnick5495d ago

This is the problem , YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO THE PATCH !!!!. bethesda gave you a product you bought it thats all you are getting. its simply that easy to understand. Ms arranged a deal for EXCLUSIVE dlc thats why the ps3 wont get it. Seriously is it really that hard to understand, The PS3 will not get the dlc. Theres nothing shady or bad about it. PS3 owners shouldnt feel cheated, they receive the product fallout 3, the extra bits of gameplay from the dlc is exclusive to a console and was never promised to them.

Qdog5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Say you had a certain type of cancer, that was only tangible to treat with one treatment in the world. Now say I was the seller of that treatment, you paid for the medication, but not the completely unique way of administering it. I refuse to give the the means to apply the treatment, because you only payed for the treatment itself, so you arent entitled to the applicator because of an agreement that I reached with the pharmecuetical companies with a monetary incentive/bribe. You die a slow and agonising death, end of story.

Yet by the same notion, its okay to make three versions of a game on three different platforms, and only support the two that belong to the company that bribed you. I ask you, what if it was you who were getting the incomplete experience? How would you feel as an Xbox 360 or PC owner, if I told you that you werent entitled to even the most modest of patches, because my brand of choice bribed the company? How about I hold that over your head? It is a multiplatform game, not an exclusive, so why cant I get a patch that brings its functionality even or flush with the experience found on other platforms minus the exclusive DLC?

Why are you such a spiteful, unsupportive group of people, consumed by your own disdain of another individual thats based solely on a gaming console? Have we lost our way so much, that we no longer understand what it means to be a gamer? Being a gamer, means that you are supportive of an enjoyable multimedia experience, regardless of the platform. I now liken game modders and community map creators to the last insinuation of a real gamer. With their constant contribution to the community and the experience, they prove time and time again that they are gamers, not people that familiarize themselves with hatred, spite, and immaturity, like you find playing these consoles.

I dont lump everyone together, and I know that there are real gamers left on consoles, but from what I understand, by what you say, and how you deliver it in such a demeaning way, you are not a gamer. So what are you? Its a rhetorical question.

@ dyslexic Master Cheif... I think we know what happens when you rush your product to be the first on the market. As for financial distress, I would love for you to show me some official numbers to compare, because the ones I am seeing, show Microsoft struggling to keep afloat, like everyone else during this economic downturn. As for paying for DLC, Sony at least portrays the image of an honorable and professional corporation, by stating when they first arrived on the current generation market, that it is not their practice to pay for exclusivity, and that their strategy is to show the developer what can be done on the PS3, so if they would like to make a great game, they make an educated decision. Amazing the difference in perception. I am a multiconsole owner, and I enjoy them all for their strengths, but I regret that this generation has been poisoned and convoluted by efforts from one company to damage the other's credibility, I say that people like that hang themselves with ther actions. I just so happen to NOT want Bethesda to go down with them. By the way, did anyone else know about exclusivity before seeing the "Only on Xbox" logo on last generation's game cases? Not once last gen did I see an "Only on Playstation 2 logo"

DominusRebellis5494d ago

Thank you for your voice for the PS3 owners. This was needed. I even started a petition but with minimal success.

Hildor_muthafo5494d ago

can do whatever it wants. Its their game. If this dude really wants the DLC, then he can buy a 360 or shut up.

Qdog5494d ago (Edited 5494d ago )

I have a 360 , like I have mentioned numerous times in alot of posts, and even in my profile.
Again, I ask you what if it were you facing this anti-consumer decision on the developer's part? Exactly, but thats fine that you dont quite grasp it....however, look me up and shoot me a PM when you do so that I can direct you to a solution.
Also in my very last post up above, I already mentioned the kind of person you are, and I have already encouraged people like you to take an intraspective look into your own values, to determine what exactly your doing on a site, that was made by gamers for gamers, when your motives and words speak volumes on how your intentions are completely opposite the crowd, this site was intended for, true gamers.
I wish you would stop repeating the same thing over and over again, and offer me insight, and perhaps objective answers to this dilemma and some of my questions.

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 5494d ago
Persistantthug5496d ago



CyberCam5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

things like exclusive download content? Just don't buy anything Bethesda makes for the PS3, problem solve! They have already shown where their loyalties lie! Their next game should just be 360 & PC exclusive... no big deal. There are too many other PS3 games, to start crying about one? For the PS3 owners, they should just chalk it up as "lesson learned".

Luckily I waited to purchase Fallout 3, I wanted it but I had already purchased 3 other games at the time and decided to hold off on getting it. So now it's a no brainier for me (whew I dodged a $60 bullet there LOL!).

As for GTA4, I purchased it on day one and didn't enjoy it that much, it's ok I guess but doesn't have that addicting aspect to it, in my eyes it was too repetitive for me. I have only finished 17% of the game anyway and only play it when I'm half in bag from drinking. So I'm not interest in any of the download content for it, but because of the length of the game I do feel I got my money's worth.

raztad5495d ago

Im not complaining AT ALL. My backup version was running damn fine on Vista, however I need to recognize that even being a free game I just couldnt stand the horrible animations, so I dont play it anymore.

Going back to VC.

RememberThe3575495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

"We may fight amongst ourselves, but we'll burn this b*tch down, get us pissed."

GameGambits5495d ago

I bought the 360 version when it first came out. Some people in here hating on Fallout 3 as a game itself are retards. The game is a load of fun, plenty of content, and above all is a well done game.

Sucks that others experienced some bugs, but I didn't run across any. Blowing off guys head in slow mo with a teddy bear = fun.

As for Bethesda not giving PS3 owners DLC I guess I'd be upset if you really wanted the DLC. So far it's all been decent add ons, but nothing that is a must get for people who still own Fallout 3. Really though if PS3 owners can shell out more cash for DLC, more cash for F3 itself, then you probably aren't poor to begin with so get a 360 for 200 bucks.

People who limit themselves this console generation to 1 console are truly idiots. If you care about gaming enough then get it all so you can enjoy it all. If you want to nuthug a company that doesn't give squat about you, then jump in a pool with a plugged in toaster in hand.

Persistantthug5494d ago

Um....you're saying we should buy a $200 XBOX 360 (no harddrive) for downloadable content?

Obviously, that was a small error on your part, but no big deal. So, you must have meant, "Buy the $300 XBOX 360 (with harddrive)", right? The problem is, $300 is a good chunk of change, especially on these economic fronts. As of now, there's a lot of people out of work or worried that they soon will be....LOTS. So for many, going out and buying a $400 PS3 and then a $300 XBOX 360 is out of the question.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5494d ago
The_Zeitgeist5496d ago

Bethesda makes some great games. Cut them some slack. HAHAHHA yeah right. Much to my regret I ended up selling my broken PS3 copy of Fallout 3. 35 hours into the game and it just kept stalling.

Pennywise5495d ago

FO3 was the buggiest piece of crap game my PS3 has played yet. It crashed more than GTAIV on release.

What a choppy, buggy, freeze frame crap game.

likedamaster5495d ago

It was by far the worst on PS3, but to be fair it was buggy and crashed on all 3 platforms. I had no problem on 360 but I heard it would crash, except I finished it on PC where it crashed a considerable amount where saving constantly wasn't an option. Still a great game though, DLC was good too(at least for me).

Jeff Goldblum5495d ago

Oblivion played excellently on the PS3. Better than the 360 version even.

Theres no excuse as to why this would happen. Its not their first time with the PS3, I think they just sabotaged the project.

Diselage5496d ago

Wow this is a huge cry fest, it's their choice. If you don't like how they do things just don't get the games they make, don't cry about it.

RememberThe3575495d ago

These people went out and spent $60(!) on a game that they were looking forword to only to find out that it's filled with bugs, and you some how figure that it's their fault?

So when a game is so buggy that you feel like you can't continue to play it, it's your fault, not the developers?

Bethesda screwed over PS3 owners, and they deserve the hate they're getting.

Slime5495d ago

Maybe you should have got the 360 version then.

It's not Bethesda's fault the PS3 has crap dev tools and takes more time and money to match what the 360 does.

RememberThe3575495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

And what the hell do you know about dev tools, or even costs for that matter?

Game13a13y5495d ago

you 360 fanboys failed to see one thing, that is, the morality is wrong here. what if its Sony doing this Sh*t to you guys? will it be your fault for not getting an PS 3 then?

gamesR4fun5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

360 versions crap 2

the big B has sold its soul imo puttin out a broken pos like FO3 is bad nough even without the dlc debacle.

GCNSeanFoster5495d ago

What part of "Exclusive Xbox 360 DLC" did you people not get last year at E3? It was only said a million times at the show, on websites and blogs, in the news (especially G4) and in gaming magazines... That alone told me which version to buy... Same with GTA4 a year before...

edhe5495d ago

It's their own fault for buying ps3 :B

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5495d ago
Marcello5496d ago

Excellent comment, DLC stinks. Operation Anchorage was rubbish & The Pitt wasnt much better plus buggy. Stop making extra content that should have been in the finished product & get on with making the next installment. We want Fallout 4 not some 2-3 hour quest 6 months after we have finished the game.

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Amazon Prime Gaming May 2024 Games Lineup Looks Highly Promising

Amazon has announced its gaming lineup for May 2024 and it is one of the better months especially if you are an Amazon Prime subscriber.

Read Full Story >>
Retroman4d ago

I have Amazon Prime hardly ever use it and these games will not make me jump back to Prime.
Only use Prime for discounts on shipping.

Retroman4d ago

Games line-up looks Highly Promising.
Yeah if you Never played those games before.
or you just started gaming for the First time in your life it would seem "Promising "


Looking Back At 2008, An Unbelievably Incredible Year Of Video Game Releases

Huzaifa from eXputer: "2008 was home to the likes of Call of Duty: World at War, Dead Space, GTA 4, Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead, and many other hits, which is outright remarkable."

ChasterMies14d ago

Some of these low paid video game “news” writers weren’t born before 2007.

just_looken14d ago

Here here

Those that were around before 2000's i am sure are like me that think we entered a world of non readers or those that follow without question.

I can not wait to see fallout 3 a goty game even though it was about water with non content until you add the dlc/updates then you got the performance/crashing

CrimsonWing6915d ago

I don’t think anything can compare to 2023

lucasnooker15d ago

1998 - the best year in gaming! Metal gear solid, crash bandicoot 3, medievil, half life, ocarina of time, thief, tenchu, resident evil 2, Spyro, tomb raider 3, oddworld abes exodus, banjo kazooie.

It was a different breed of a gaming era. You’ll never understand what it was like back then. The aura of gaming, it was different!

KyRo15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I second this. Gaming was a lot more varied and fun than it is today. I'm 35 so getting on compared to some here but I got to see all the changes from NES up to now but I've never felt so disappointed in any generation than I have this current gen. I was expecting more from this generation rather than prettier versions of games that came before it. Game mechanics have become so refined that alot of games feel the same and has done for a while now.

Maybe it's time to have a break for a while. I love gaming but I don't feel I get much fun in the traditional sense out of it anymore.

CrimsonWing6915d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 2, Abe’s Exodus, and Ocarina of Time are the only things from that list that I liked.

Here’s the 2023 game releases that I personally liked… and big releases that I didn’t care for:

- Dead Space Remake
- Wo Long Dynatsy
- Resident Evil 4 Remake
- Diablo 4
- Fire Emblem Engage
- Hogwarts Legcay
- Street Fighter 6
- Hi-Fi Rush
- Like a Dragon: Ishin
- Octopath Traveler 2
- Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
- Final Fanatsy XVI (actually ended up not liking this, but it was still a big deal release)
- Baldur’s Gate 3
- Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
- Lies of P
- Mortal Kombat 1
- Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
- Starfield (Ended up hating this one, but big release)
- Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (I’m an old-school Zelda fan, but didn’t really enjoy this game)
- Alan Wake 2

I mean, honestly I’ve never seen a year of major IP releases like that, ever.

Profchaos14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Isn't it just a generational thing realistically.

I've been gaming since way back and I some of my favourite games go as far back as the late 80s for me each generation has a year or two of game changing releases one after another before an inevitable dry spell.

I kind of agree gaming had a different feel games hit different because we didn't have the internet nothing got spoiled and you really had to put in the effort to beat a puzzle which could set entire groups of people looking for a solution. But most importantly games were experimental and not as cookie cutter as today even basics like controls were not universal today r2 is shoot l2 is ads garunteed you can't deviate from that in a shooter back then it could of been square, R1 or R1 and circle nothing was standard.

But as time moves on a new generation picks up their controller they are going to be interested in different things that PS1 demo disc with the t Rex blew our primitive 16 bit brains back on launch but to kids today it's laughable.
The new gen of kids coming into to hobby seem to value different things to us there seems to be a huge focus on online play, streamers, gaming personalities, and social experiences, convience of digital downloads. To me I value none of that but that's ok like my parents not liking the band's I would listen to its just the natural cycle.

Gameseeker_Frampt14d ago

Just about every year in the 7th generation was great and something we most likely won't experience again.

2009 for example had Assassin's Creed 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, Uncharted 2, Halo 3: ODST, Killzone 2, Borderlands, Bayonetta, and Demon's Souls to name a few.

just_looken14d ago

It still amazes me we got over 7 rockstar games ps2/ps3 but 3 for the ps3/ps4/ps5

Dragon age 1-3 and mass effect 1-3 in 7ish years what a generation.


Now is the Best Time to Get This Incredible RPG Bundle on Steam

If you are looking for an awesome RPG, look no further. Steam is offering a significant discount on its Fallout Franchise Bundle.

SimpleSlave15d ago

"You can get all Fallout games in a bundle at a significant 20% discount on Steam. Individually, all these games add up to $244.91. With the discount, you can get them all for $195.91. That is $49 less than the original price. Quite a significant discount for such a popular franchise."

😊 😂 🤣 😐 - But why?

Just wait for a sale and get most if not all of it for a fraction of that price.

20% off...lol

Tacoboto15d ago

The games were just on a real sale over the last week or two for the show promotion. Fallout 4 was $10, 3 was $5, NV was cheap as heck too.

So what the heck is this

Inverno15d ago

The original games have been given out for free by Amazon for GOG and Epic, 76 is free now on Amazon if you have prime, Epic has also given out new Vegas for free and 4 has gone down to pretty cheap prices. 194 bucks is a total ripoff when you can get these games individually for less. Don't forget cd keys might sell em for a dollar less at times too. Come on man, us cheapskates won't touch anything near or above 100 lolz

isarai15d ago

Bro that's a ridiculous ripoff are you kidding me? 🤣