
The PlayStation Eye: An Eye Sore?

CGReviews writes:

"Well, I think it's been decided. The PlayStation 3 does not need saving. But there are aspects of it that do. And the PlayStation Eye is one of them..."

He then continues to list three things that could help the PS Eye.

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rekonizakilla5565d ago

Don't know why you got disagrees. How does anyone else know what you use it for?

News4goons is the one I disagreed with.

NegativeCreep4275564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

I would create my own article, titled:

News4Goons Insanely Stupid Crack Head Ginger Homo-Erotic Avatar: An Eye Sore???

Face Palm5565d ago

I use mine for PS3 Video Chat and placing stickers in LBP and it works great for both. No complaints here.

FPShooter5565d ago

I also use mine for LBP and video chatting and its also a mic. I think its great and love the way mine sits on top of my 50" Plasma.

5565d ago
Phaqutomb5565d ago

I use mine also for Burnout

Bnet3435565d ago

I didn't buy one since the Xbox Live Vision cam oddly enough worksd with the PS3 ... 0_0 I only use the cam for Burnout Paradise. I think these camera games that Sony and Microsoft put out are a bit lame.

barom5565d ago (Edited 5565d ago )

I do wish for a game utilizing the Playstation Eye. It does kinda feel like it's just sitting there considering I don't play Burnout and haven't really had enough time to make levels in LBP. I did buy mesmerize which was fun for 2 minutes (was only 2 bucks or something)

I have used video chat with my friends though, that stuff works great.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5565d ago
TheHater5565d ago

Video Chat, LittleBigPlanet and Eye of Judgment.

Real Gambler5565d ago

Have to say: EYE OF JUDGMENT is awesome... But that's only me ; )

Narutone665565d ago

The Eye of Judgment bundle. Bought Trial of Topoq, Operation: Creature Feature, The Aquarium (forgot the name) and the one with the bird (also forgot the name)to make the most use of the eye. My daughter's been asking me when Eye Pet will be out too. All around nice peripheral and fun to use specially with eye create.

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How a Professional Designer Creates Amazing Press Kits for Sony – Interview with Tim Smith

Tim Smith is a graphic designer and illustrator from Wales, who designed press kits for games like MotorStorm: Pacific Rift and SOCOM 4.

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Sony Re-Registers Ember Trademark

Junkie Monkeys: Sony has recently re-registered a trademark for Ember. The funny thing about Ember is that it was announced in 2007 for the PlayStation Eye.

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Agent_hitman3741d ago

Speaking of PS4 camera, I heard that it can also track body movements, just like the kinect. I wonder if Sony along with 3rd party would release games to showcase that camera's full potential not just the PLAYROOM.

zeuanimals3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

I prefer Playroom. Playroom games have been more fun than anything I've done with the Kinect, except maybe dancing games but I don't really "dance".


It can even track eye movements and you can move the camera just with your eyes and they tested it on Infamous Second Son, check GameTrailers VGX reveal. Btw, does this Ember game ever had screenshots?

prodg523741d ago

Just dance works by tracking body movement. You don't need to use the controller or you can use the PS move.

Kiwi663741d ago

So you want sony to make games that use the ps4 camera and yet some playstation owners criticise microsoft for having games that use the kinect why would you want sony to copy what ms have done when people dislike stuff like that apparently

jebabcock3741d ago

Technically Sony was using cameras with console games long before the kinect came along... Your point isn't very valid. The gripe from gamers isn't being provided an accessory. It is having it forced upon you without a choice and into games that are fine without it... Some like the camera some don't... it has always been about being given the choice.

zeuanimals3741d ago

The problem with MS is their over emphasis on Kinect and the fact that they don't give you the option of buying it or not buying it. Sony didn't put much emphasis on the camera and they're giving you the option to buy the console with or without the camera.

DOOMZ3741d ago

The Cam was supposed to come with PS4, Sony took it out to counter MS. Unfortunately, the result will be that the cam will most likely not be supported by many & is as of now, DOA.

3741d ago
DragonKnight3741d ago

@DOOMZ: Sony didn't take the camera out to counter MS, they took out so they wouldn't take as big a hit on the cost of selling the PS4 with the camera. They always wanted the PS4 to sell for $400 and were originally going to bundle the camera (though unlike MS, it wasn't required for the console to work, it was just an add on) with the PS4 and still launch it at $400, but the higher ups and the shareholders decided that they'd take too much of a loss if they did so, so they canned the camera bundle.

Gamingcapacity3741d ago


The PS4 and camera being bundled was a rumour. Removing the camera to compete with MS is also a rumour.

Realistically Sony would of set a price range target a long time ago when they started to plan the console (They need to know how much they can spend on componants to make the console and keep it within the price range). Sony would of planned that they wanto to retail the console for around $400. Now if they did remove the camera it would because it went over the price range which could be due to the rumoured jump from 4GB of memory to 8GB.

What I would doubt is that they would remove a $60 camera to compete with the Xbox One when it's already $100 cheaper. They could include the camera and still come in at $40 cheaper.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3741d ago
GraveLord3741d ago

Just Dance work with it and that's about it. Don't expect any major support. Not even Kinect is being supported even though its bundled with XB1.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3740d ago
adonis1833741d ago

Idk why but saying re-register sounds weird :/ it is because I'm Hispanic??

And playroom is awesome(;

Skattman3741d ago

Move, Wonderbook... please support the stuff we buy before introducing more stuff that will be dead on arrival.

rainslacker3741d ago

Sony has released 4 wonderbook titles since it's announcement. That's 4 releases in less than 2 years, with 2 being released just last November, and with an unannounced Disney one in the works as well. Not sure how much more support you want them to put into it.

As far as move. It was release in late 2010. 3-1/2 years later it has 126 games for it. 54 are exclusive and there are currently 14 unreleased games coming out for it.


How much more support should they give to it?

iamnsuperman3741d ago

Wonderbook was a risk but Sony needs risks of that nature since its console doesn't appeal to a younger audience. The only company to get that right is Nintendo but it struggles to reach the mass audience. Sony (and Microsoft which is confusing since the have the Kinect) need to try things that reach the younger audience. It is a market that isn't being exploited

DOOMZ3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

Ember sounds cool but the PS4 cam is kinda like the eye toy. Don't even come close to KINECT!

BitbyDeath3741d ago

Kinect is really only known for its microphone. It has never been good at tracking body movements

zeuanimals3741d ago

Theoretically, the Kinect should be better, but in practice, it sucks more than the PS Camera because the few games that use it, like Kinect Sports Rivals and Fighter Within, are unresponsive and the tracking is inaccurate.

The PS Camera in conjunction with the DS4 light bar are super accurate and the Playroom games that use it are actually playable and are fun, to an extent.

jebabcock3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

The eye toy was for the ps2... A very invalid comparison. Are you sure you are informed enough to make that statement.


From a hardware perspective the major differences are that the ps4 uses dual 720p cameras vs the kinect 2's dual 1080p cameras. The kinect also has an infrared cam so it has a sense of nightvision.

The microphone array on the ps4 is better though.

If you are playing kinect games in the dark it should work better on the xb1. You can also take higher res photos/videos of whatever you are doing in your living room. Games might make use of the higher res for more details but at the cost of a significant bit more processing required.

Outside of those differences, the rest comes down to software and the power of the console itself. Sony has basic voice commands that work just fine. From a technical standpoint,There is nothing to stop most games that make use of the kinect from being made on the ps4.

DragonKnight3741d ago

The Eye Toy was doing Kinect stuff before Kinect was even a conception. Kinect has and always will suck.


MasterCornholio3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

The problem with Kinect is the camera part of it isn't used much in games. Most of what's done is done with the microphone.

P.S I'm basing my facts off what a Kinect developer (Rare I think) is currently saying which ka true.

frostypants3740d ago

KINECT doesn't even come close to Kinect. I.E., the reality comes nowhere close to the hype. List the amazing games that use Kinect for core gameplay (i.e. it is considered essential) on either the 360 or the One. There are none.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3740d ago
DivineAssault 3740d ago

i havent really used my PS4 eye for anything.. Im glad i own it for any future games that utilize it to my liking but i only toyed with it a few times with playroom & thats it

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Can the Oculus Rift and Motion Controls Change Video Games for the Better?

Ever since the Wii was released video games developers have been trying to create something innovative by changing the controller, making high tech Eye Toys or strapping screens to our heads, but does any of this actually make video games better? Let’s first look at previous endeavours in video games and see if they did anything to better gaming as a whole.

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DealWithIt3804d ago

Oculus Rift - Yes

Motion Control - Hell no.

Pogmathoin3804d ago

I think each on its own will be limited, but a kinect camera, oculus and wii-mote nunchuck together, seems plausible that good games could be made... I could immerse myself in an modern Elite game.... Dreaming now....

Ogygian3804d ago

I'm not sure a wii-mote is ideal. One of the peripherals I would expect to see in coming years is some form of glove with artificial muscles which contract and expand as we touch things in game (so you can grasp things such as joysticks, weapons and ledges and feel resistance). Combined with a kinect-style camera, this could be very promising.

Regardless, we're going to see a lot of innovation in making VR more immersive beyond the goggles themselves soon I'm sure, and it will be quite interesting to see which designs succeed and which fail.

ZombieKiller3804d ago

I don't know, a lightsaber fight with Darth Vader would be nice! I don't think there is too much past that for me with motion controls. I like to lazy around the living room....

As for the Oculus Rift: I am down! That thing looks awesome.

mobijoker3804d ago

Oculus Rift is the future...
Motion control- already tested last gen and it did not work....don't see it working this gen...

muttsurini3804d ago

I played video games for relaxing not to be stressed out.

WeAreLegion3804d ago

Yes...especially when you combine both technologies. VR motion headsets, especially the Oculus, will only get bigger. When you mix motion gaming (like the Razer Hydra, for example) with headsets, it adds depth to any experience. Everyone has been experimenting with that. My favorite example would be Surgeon Simulator 2013.

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