
ArmA II - Russian Armed Forces Trailer

GamingShogun.com writes, "Bohemia Interactive, developers of the original Operation Flashpoint, has released a new trailer for their upcoming Armed Assault 2. This trailer features the Russian armed forces operating in the combat zone. The game is set for release sometime this year and there has been a definite..."

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Old_School_Gamer5571d ago

This vid sucks.. I liked the one they put on the ARMA 2 website before this one. I think Arma 2 is one of my most anticipated games of all time, besides Killzone and God of War 3. I laugh at the fact that Bohemian actually thinks this game can be done on consoles. Im sorry but only those versions will be Ass compared to the pc version. Im building a brand new computer just to play this game. Total War was another reason, but it didn't require much power to run. I can see this game being one of the best shooters of all time award.

JelalTrueshot5571d ago

While I disagree that the vid 'sucks' I do agree in that it will be a hard sell to get it right on consoles. They have definitely set out to accomplish a challenging goal.

RememberThe3575571d ago

You are REALLY looking foreword to this game!

I have to say that this is the first time I've heard of this game, and that trailer didn't make me anymore interested in it.

Hopefully the game plays better then the trailer looks.

Old_School_Gamer5570d ago

The trailer was gameplay. It even says so in the trailer. But if you wanna see a better vid, go to their official website. http://www.arma2.com/ . This game is gonna be freakin epic.

XLiveGamer5570d ago (Edited 5570d ago )

"I think Arma 2 is one of my most anticipated games of all time, besides Killzone and God of War 3. I laugh at the fact that Bohemian actually thinks this game can be done on consoles. Im sorry but only those versions will be Ass compared to the pc version. Im building a brand new computer just to play this game. Total War was another reason, but it didn't require much power to run. I can see this game being one of the best shooters of all time award"

I agree that you may need to upgrade your PC but to say "I laugh at the fact that Bohemian actually thinks this game can be done on consoles" its because you don't have knowledge. This ARMA2 and OFP2 can be done on consoles especially on Xbox360.

This only consoles gamers have no idea what its ARMA2 and OFP2 and you can easily identified them even when they say stupid comments like: "i played ARMA and the 1st OFP and those games sux" They are so ignorants and don't realize that their War Action Hollywood Style FPS console games can't touch this realism.

Mindsucker5570d ago

The graphics in this game do not look that good but the color look real. this looks like it will be along the line of battle field but have much larger sandbox to play in. that is all I get from this trailer. Is there anything I am missing?

Mindsucker5570d ago (Edited 5570d ago )

@ xlivegamer? what the hell are you taking about? please explain? you Fanboy BS is blinding the hell out of your comment what dose the Xbox have to do with this game?

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ASSASSYN 36o5570d ago

Best ArmaII vid yet. I hope this comes to consoles.

Carbide75570d ago

Operation flashpoint 2 for me.

Simon_Brezhnev5570d ago

im not sure which one to get but in Operation Flashpoint 2 i like the fact on the ps3 version 16 multiplayer when it can handle the same as PC which is 32

XLiveGamer5570d ago

and i am so stupid that i am going to own them on both PC/x360

Viva ARMA & Viva Operation Flashpoint !

ASSASSYN 36o5570d ago

Stupid? Deticated! Yes, and I don't blame you. If I had a gaming pc I would get opfp and arma 2 for both my systems also.

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3259d ago Replies(3)
oasdada3259d ago

Master chief is among us lol

Relientk773259d ago

I remember the Assassin's Creed one

you can see the viewpoints lol

KingKevo3259d ago

What I love more than the viewpoints are all the hiding spots on the buildings. All the same and too many of them. Looks kinda weird, but apparently not suspicious enough.

nosferatuzodd3259d ago

Lol and these are the people who are giving us news the human race are hopeless

terminallyCapricious3258d ago

Funny stuff and im glad these weren't blocked behind 5 different pages.