
Five great Xbox Live Arcade games

Pocket-Lint writes: "Got an Xbox 360 but can't afford to pay top whack for your games? Or maybe you are just too lazy to get off the sofa. Well the good news is there are a cracking number of titles available for download in the console's online market place. Here are five we think you should consider:"

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I_LOVE_MYSELF5582d ago

Pixel Junk Eden
Everyday Shooter

Theres 5 great XBLA games for you

Bob Dole5582d ago

You forgot Super Stardust HD.


Streets of Rage 2 AI Generated Movie Visuals Look Epic

If you've ever wanted a Streets of Rage 2 movie then you'll love these AI generated stills look like they have come straight out of Hollywood.

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melons471d ago

I'm really surprised this got through pending honestly, this is incredibly low effort and half the work has been done by a program.

mastershredder471d ago

Movie images?, that would mean still taken from a production, which these are not. You do know that even bots are making random ai art right? Skill level 0. Keep it on your Social media feed and wow you clueless friends. Look What I Can Do!


Top 20 Soundtracks From the 16-Bit Era

In the 16-bit era, game devs and composers could finally change the type of tones used in the music, simulating a wider array of instruments and creating a whole lot of great soundtracks in the process.

It wasn’t easy picking out the best of the best because there were so many great ones. Even middle-of-the-road soundtracks seemed to deserve a bump if the game was just that damn good, and so many from that era are that damn good!

Here's the Ghetto Gamer list of top 20 soundtracks from the 16-bit era.

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The Most Famous Video Games Made By Only One Person

BLG writes: "Do you know any famous games made by one person? Well, we’re here to educate you on some of the best one-man projects out there."

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franwex736d ago (Edited 736d ago )

Nice list.

I’ll add 9th Dawn III to that list. Great game made by one person.

Always Sometimes Monster is made by two people technically, but let’s do an honorable mention.

NecrumOddBoy736d ago

I’d add HABROXIA 1 & 2 on here as well. Berry does pixel wonders with the Game Maker engine.

736d ago Replies(1)
ABizzel1736d ago

Technically speaking Minecraft should have been on the list. But it's nice to see these single devs thrive.

Rebel_Scum736d ago

Some of these arent exactly “made by one man”

Looking at you Braid and Fez.

AmUnRa735d ago

Theyr is no game made by one man. Theyr is always a team of developers behind them.
However there is always someone who comes up with the idea of a game.
When i would give an example of one man with that idea for me its Hideo Kojima....

LabRat735d ago (Edited 735d ago )

No there are certainly games made by 1 person, start to finish. Maybe after it launches and becomes a big enough success the 1 person will reach out for help maintaining it or updating, but games have been made by 1 person.

Unless of course you are being insanely nit-picky and trying to claim "the engine they used was made by Unity" or "the assets they put in were made by someone else"

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