
Blame Microsoft for Final Fantasy XIII delay on PS3

"There is word trickling out of a business meeting today by Square Enix, that Final Fantasy XIII will not be hitting our shores till mid 2010. This is definitely unacceptable coming from a company known for its stellar RPG franchise. Square Enix is to blame for this mishap, but the blame also falls squarely on Microsoft.

Square Enix has mentioned in the past that the PS3 version was practically finished and going through the final touch-ups for release in Japan this year. So, why is it that the US and Europe will be getting the game one year later? Square Enix execs have made it crystal clear that the game will not hit our shores until the porting/development has finished for the Xbox 360."

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Hellsvacancy5602d ago

I already hav lol

Besides i couldnt really care about Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII Versus on the other hand i REALLY REALLY do care bout

lord_of_balrogs5602d ago

Blame SE not MS, if SE was smart they would be porting every bit of code onto the 360 version right after it's put into the PS3 version. Instead they choose to let the PS3 version go gold first before they even start the port. Smart.......

GrieverSoul5602d ago

Well, I care for both but this is surely disappointing! FF13 is taking longer to develop than KAMEO! : )

The localization has already begun since they announce the game was in polish mode for the Japan release! Since X360 will be getting a version this mean extra development time to do it because it will not have a Japan version of 13 in the 360!

To sum it up!
PS3 version . . . . . . DONE!
Localization started!

X360 version . . . . . . Incomplete!

Lifendz5602d ago

because they wanted to ensure a great game was made first, and then they opted to build a port for MS owners to ensure they get the US dollar off that 360 install base. I still blame them for not just making the best game and letting the market come to PS3 to play it. Now I get to wait while they dumb it down to fit on multiple dvds

Tarasque5602d ago

I think i remeber when GTA was being delayed cause of the PS3, and i believe sonyfanboys said pretty much boohoo. I am not going to say it "Cause i will be the better person". No wait.......boo friggin hoo.

crck5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

MS did what a good business is suppose to do. They threw cash at what they wanted. Square did what they were suppose to do. Take the cash thrown at them. Sony on the other hand just stood there and let their biggest 3rd party exclusive walk out the door. Sony should of locked up exclusivity before the PS3 was even launched. But now western PS3 owners are the ones that get screwed by the delay.

solidt125602d ago

If they put English subtitles in the Japanese version I will be buying it this year from Play Asia.

Parapraxis5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

crck, you blame Sony for not going against their normal business methods, and doing like MS?

With shady back curtain dealings, buying off exclusives and holding back titles so that there is no chance a potential future 360 owner will opt to pick up a PS3 over the 360?

I'ts even on the level of demos now, Tomb Raider and RE5.

MS will do ANYTHING to make sure that people don't buy PS3s.

They want to claim they "have it first"

Hell, now they are even trying to bully people into waiting on their PS3 purchases by spreading word that Sony is going to cut the price, just to hold onto the sales lead in the short-term.

mint royale5602d ago

yawn yawn ywan whine whine whine. Everything you just described is remarkably similar to the tactics sony used to bully nintendo and sega out of strong positions in the market. But it was okay then wasn't it?

Face it business is business and if sony could they'd be doing what MS is doing, past experience shows that. All of the companies care about the money before you.

Fat Bastard5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

Well Microsoft has already proven in the past many times that money comes before all else, so this really shouldn't be a surprise. Even if it is obnoxious and reaking of vag cheese

thenickel5602d ago

The market has changed so unfortunately for Sony they need to get with the program. MS is doing exactly what they should be doing just like Sony pretty much did with there competition early on. Don't get mad at MS for giving them a taste of there own medicine and trying to survive.

leila015602d ago

I knew the "article" was published either by Gamesonsmash, HipHopgammer or Gamesblorge even before I clicked on it.

Most of the Sony fanboys posting here don't even care about this game so why bother commenting? If you really did, then you'd know that the FF series always came out in Japan first then a year later in the US, then another year later in Europe. And now instead of a year or two, that delay has been reduced to 6 months simultaneously for Europe and the US.

I know there's no reasoning with you guys, but at least I tried...

gaffyh5602d ago

@leila - So in your mind it takes 2 years for SE to localise a game to EU? In previous games it has taken them about 6 months to get a US and EU version out, so it's pretty much the same.

The bit I'm worried about is that they say "until at least April 2010", that makes it seem like we won't see an English version of the game until June or July next year.

vhero5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

Saw this coming a MILE off this is why S-E are a shadow of the former company. Another reason I'm not bother they become MS whore boys.. Besides white Knight is looking way better anyways not to mention online capability's.

gaffyh5602d ago

OK examples, I know MS is partly to blame if the delay to US is more than 6 months, but SE shares an equal amount of blame for taking their money (8.6% of which probably ended up in Sony's hands lol) :D.

Crisis Core - Took about 9 months to get to EU

JP - September 13, 2007
NA - March 25, 2008
EU - June 20, 2008

FFX - took about a year to get to EU

JP - July 19, 2001
NA - December 20, 2001
INT - January 31, 2002
EU - May 29, 2002

Fox015602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

Then it's EU "delaying" the game not Microsoft.
SE's releasing the game according to planned; 6-12 months after the Japanese release. So what the fk are you guys b!ching about!?

leila015602d ago

Thx for proving my point; Microsoft/SE aren't delaying anything. The game will be out before 2011 as expected

Common Sense5602d ago

instead the money will go to make more 1st party exclusives for the PS3. Whether FFXIII is multiplatform or exclusive, I'll still get to play it but the difference is that Sony might use the money for securing FFXIII as an exclusive to make an entirely new game. So I get two games instead of one being exclusive. 2 > 1.

This business practice of paying huge sums for exclusives is bad for gamers and the industry as a whole. For example, Microsoft paid 50 million for exclusive downloadable content. They could have used that money to develop two potentially AAA exclusives for their console but they'll rather pay so that Sony doesn't get the DLC. This might be great for MS but it's the people who invested hundreds in their console that will suffer for it.

I'm glad Sony uses the more sensible approach and I hope MS follows. I'd rather MS AAA games than pay for DLC. This means more and better games for 360 owners and more competition for Sony.

gaffyh5602d ago

@leila - no prob, i was just trying to prove that 2 years is an over-exaggeration.

Thugbot1875602d ago

I would say they saw KZ2 and GOW3 and figured they better step it up.

Pika-pie5602d ago

Yep, I do blame MS. And knew this would happen!

dredgewalker5602d ago

Im a Sony fanboy but i think Square is the culprit of the delay since its trying to appease two masters at the same time. I mean even if MS bribed them then they are more to blame for being too greedy.

Shadow Flare5602d ago

Microsoft are douchebags, that we already know. But the more important question is, 'Is there enough oil left in the world to manufacture all the discs on the 360 version?'

eagle215602d ago

Why don't they take that money and make a decent halo, or look like an actual "game company" instead of a third party bargain bin.

I'm importing FFXIII.

SaiyanFury5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )


You know, I bought my PS3 in December of 2006 hoping to play FFXIII on it sometime in 2009. I knew I'd be waiting a while but I had hopes from that tech demo of Final Fantasy VII on the PS3, that S-E would show all of us PS3 owners some serious love. Lord knows they hyped their "White Engine" and we all fawned all over it. Now, they're holding the game back to maximize sales on both platforms, no doubt largely thanks to "donations" from an anonymous company. But you know, this falls under the same category as Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within. The movie took so long to come out, and did so poorly, because people simply got tired of waiting. I am at this stage. I was willing to wait a few years to play FFXIII as I'm a hardcore JRPG fan, but that's too long. Mid 2010? Sorry S-E, even my patience would wear thin before then. I'll pick up Final Fantasy XIII sometime after it's release, but since S-E's obvious love of money has taken over it's devotion to gamers, I doubt I'll be getting many of their games this time around. Disagree all you'd like, but as a former Squaresoft lover, my perception is that S-E is completely broken.

jcgamer5602d ago

heck, i don't even THINK about MS or the Xbox brand when i think of Final Fantasy...lol...all i know is that I'M playing Final Fantasy XIII and Versus on a console brand of CHOICE for gamers all over THE WORLD...PLAYSTATION.

caladbolg7775602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

I know that this holds true for me. When it comes to the console war, I tend to sympathize with Sony. I also don't really care about Final Fantasy XIII. Maybe ten years ago (I was 13) I would have gobbled FFXIII up like candy simply because of its title, but anymore, I just don't have any interest in Final Fantasys. I require a lot more out of the games that I purchase. I'm just not as naive as I used to be.

freeblue5602d ago

SE has 100% said in when the game comes out.. Microsoft doens't force them to take the money. They did it themselves.

thats_just_prime5602d ago

Its funny how sony fanboys are so up set about MS paying SE to get FF13 on the 360. When this is the same thing Sony did to get FF7 on the ps1 and to add to their stupidity they are saying MS delayed the release when no FF game has ever been released in japan and the us/uk at the same time. The so called delay is just the normal time it take to translate a game and get it ready for a us release.

Why dis5602d ago

In a sense MSFT is to blame; for kicking Sony's but and gaining more industry leverage plus dev dependency of the xbox.

meepmoopmeep5602d ago

Microsoft, especially the Xbox 360
is to blame for Global Warming... literally.


but seriously,

adding English subs to all future games might make more $ for JRPG's
as people like me would import the JPN version first
and buy the English version after. o_O

pain777pas5602d ago

M$! You scoundrels. oh well just do a good job in porting Squeenix or this whole world domination idea is just wishful thinking. Is anyone really hyped for this game anymore since its not exclusive. It just makes the game ordinary in some way. Maybe it's just me.

rroded5601d ago

"Folks, “it is what it is” and there is no need to sugar coat it, Microsoft messed up. The company put their greed over us, the general consumers and purposely c*ckblocked the release of Final Fantasy XIII. "

animboo5601d ago (Edited 5601d ago )

actually it was nintendo whose to blame for final fantasy 7 going to playstation, they insisted in using cartridge at that time which is more expensive than cd, thus squaresoft had no choice at that time but to go to playstation brand.

Argento-Nox5601d ago

@1.8 Mint Royale

Nintendo lost Final Fantasy (VII in particular) b/c they refused to use a CD based media for the N64. That's the main reason Squaresoft went to the PS1.

I have a really old magazine (Game fan) that has preliminary designs for FFVII on the N64 before Squaresoft jumped ship to sony. That being the case, it wasn't Sony's fault that squaresoft decided to do everything past FFVI on sony platforms.

TapiocaMilkTea5601d ago

Well, we'll see when exactly is the Japanese version coming out, if it comes out Dec 09, mid 2010 US release sounds like a typical localization delay, no big deal.

godofthunder105601d ago

BOO,HOO,HOO here we go again.It's the same damn story every time from ps3 fanboys. Ps3 fanboys always make up stories to make it look like every thing is Microsoft fault.They always said that Final Fantasy XIII will never come to the 360 because it's not powerful enough.They can't stand the fact that they are proven wrong.The fact is that Square Enix already said it wasn't Microsoft fault.If you listen to ps3 fanboys they know more then the game programers and even the president of the company.Just look at this story.Square Enix already said it isn't microsoft fault that the game is postponed but they are still saying it is and it's pathetic.

How many times had Microsoft and Sony said a game was finished and gave a released date.They turn around and change the release date to months or a year later.The fact is that Ps3 fanboys know that this wasn't the first time a game was postponed from a released date they gave.The fact is that they are p*ssed off that Final Fantasy XIII is going to the 360.

I know that ps3 fanboys will say that 360 fanboys do the same thing and i'll agree with them.Ps3 and 360 fanboys might as well face the facts.Exclusives are getting less and less and they will continue to untill they are hardly any left.This article is written by a ps3 fanboy who can't stop crying that Final Fantasy XIII(a sh*tty a** game by the way) is comeing to the 360.I couldn't give a sh*t if it stayed a ps3 exclusive.

I just can't understand why fanboys act like kids.They are always saying the system they have is better then the other.H*ll i use to do the same thing when i was around 7 years old.Instead of saying a game system i use to say my toy is better then the other persons and this is the same damn thing.They can't stand it when an exclusive of 1 system is put on the other even if it isn't a good game like this one.They act like it will kill them.The fact is it wont hurt them at all.The only thing that will happen is that every one will be able to enjoy the game.

I like to ask every fanboy a few question and get an honest answer.Why is it that they can't stand it when exclusives are put on another systems and how it hurt them so much that it makes them cry.I also like to know why they keep fighting like 7 year old kids saying their system is better then the other one.I also like to know how much money they make to trash the other system.I know that they have to pay me a lot of $ to act like little kids and make an a*8 of myself.

The fact is that they are both good systems with good games.They might as well face it that they will always have a ps and an xbox and it's a good thing that we will.The fact is that if it wasn't for the 360 or ps3 they would be a lot higher.If the ps3 was the only system we would have to pay around $700 to buy one and a little less for the 360.The fact is that they have competition and that is what keep the price down.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 5601d ago
MURKERR5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

ok microsoft threw a ton of money at them but their allowing it to disregard ps3 owners,ok you got a wad of cash to port the game so port it to the 360 but dont delay it for ps3 owners thats ridiculous,look at WKC its highest selling rpg this gen

I WILL NOT BUY FF out of principal disagree all you want but square have gone to far

Tarasque5602d ago

You @#$#$%#@ and you blacked covered fanboy glasses is all to much for me. I think you are smiegels twin brother "Sony is my prescious". Get over it my lord Sony is not the top dog anymore they are in last place in the console race. It would be a stupid business descision not to release FF on the 360. Cause it has a larger install base, and it sells way more games than the PS3. Same thing is going to happen to FF as what happend to GTA4 360 will outsell the PS3 version 2:1. Doesnt matter what either one of say, facts are facts and thats just the way it is you cant change it.

badz1495602d ago

just like LR, IU, right? /sarcasm

Mr_Bun5602d ago

Relax...Murker's point wasn't that the 360 shouldn't have FF...it was that the PS3 version shouldn't be delayed...Of course it makes sense to release a game on multiple platforms...at least from a profit perspective.

TresTrendu5602d ago

If you compare LR and IU to FF then you are an idiot.(no sarcasm)

prowiew5602d ago

You really not gonna buy the game out of principal? I can understand if you never liked the ff series. But if you are waiting for this game, forget the principal. If its a great game, buy it

Str8laced5602d ago

That shows what kind of tool he is, Boo f#$cking hoo i am not going to buy FF now cause it is coming to the Xbox360. What a loser, do you apply that to everything in your life?

UltimateIdiot9115602d ago

You're strong. I can't do that even though I don't agree with what Square and MS did here. SE is no where close to Square Soft's level and at this rate, never will.

You can always rent it or buy it used that way no money will go to SE.

I am looking forward to Versus though.

Raz5602d ago

All I know is it was supposed to come out 2009, and now it isn't going to happen for another year and a half. GRRRRRR! X(

Micro$oft, $ony, $quare Enix... you can ALL bite my shiny metal ass for this one. I won't even care about it when it comes out now. So there.

Which makes me wonder: do delays end up costing developers money?

..I don't know, but I really hope so.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5602d ago
sak5005602d ago


MURKERR5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

no integrity,no inhouse game studios just money

thereapersson5602d ago

Well you know what they say...

Money is power. :/

FantasyStar5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

Money can buy people who have class to work for you, so by the transitive property....

Microsft + Money > People with class = Microsoft with class.

The fact that Microsoft can steal games from Sony for their 360 system already disproves your claim about class.

Poorly built console + great games from Sony devs = Cheap console with great games! There's a reason that 360 is in 2nd place despite their RRoD horrors.

ice_prophecy5602d ago

I'm going to have to agree with FantasyStar's analogy here.

ActionBastard5602d ago

I hate it when people say MS stole Sony's exclusives. They were never Sony's, they were 3rd party's. When MS announces a God of War game, then they stole a Sony exclusive. Otherwise, they just funded the multiplatform development of PS2 exclusives on the 360. IMO, Sony was right in letting it happen. They focused on 1st party, something MS is sorely lacking, and now look...some of the most anticipated games of 09 are Sony 1st party exclusives, while the 360's most anticipated games are 3rd party multiplatform games. Ninja Blade, Alan Wake (if it even sees an 09 release) and 2 Halo games just isn't enough.

littletad5602d ago

Integrity, class, ...? Are we kidding here? When has any gaming company had any of those? I don't know, anyone who can blindly think Sony is some righteous company is out of their mind. Sony didn't event videogames, and they didn't have famous franchise exclusives to begin with. Metal Gear was never theirs, nor was Final Fantasy, or practically every other famous franchise. I'm sorry, your logic is nothing more than a blind fascist.

Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft/Apple are all part of the same capitalism.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5602d ago
jkhan5602d ago

No you can't blame Microsoft, this is a business, Microsoft are not here to sell peanuts, they have the money and they will do whatever to make sure there consoles stays on top of PS3. If it was anyone's fault it was SEs fault. They were the one who accepted the money, you can't blame the devil. If anyone needs to be blamed its SE. Even if they wanted to go ahead release multiplatform game they atleast shouldn't have holded back the PS3 version.
& I am pretty sure that the xbox360 version was already in development before the announcement.

Tarasque5602d ago

I need links and articles where it says "MS threw money at Square for FF". Being that sonyfanboys like spouting at the mouth with nothing to go by. It is sad when you just make stuff up in your head cause you are so obsessed with something.

jkhan5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

Mate, I guess you believe in Santa Claus and you also believe that cookies are made of rainbows?
I own both consoles and I am not a fanboy, but anyone who has a brain and knows how to use it will know that business is run on money, ofcourse Microsoft paid them, if they didn't can you give me a logical explanation why the game is being delayed till Summer of 2010 when the version is up and running for the PS3?
Actually it is sad that people like you close your eyes and think the world is made of chocolate :).
Keep gaming:)
& if you don't want to believe it I am not convincing you anyways. I just stated my opinion.

Mr_Bun5602d ago

Are you on Microsoft's payroll? I don't understand why you seem to be taking this so personal...It is a well known and documented fact that M$ like to throw money around to get what they want...jkhan isn't even saying that this is a bad thing (aside from his "devil" reference).

TresTrendu5602d ago


I find it funny you can say it is this way, but cant back up your words. If you believe in something is one thing but saying it is this way without proving yourself is another. And your second comment you had to justify yourself at the end sayin it is your opinion, but in your first comment you are saying it is this way not your opinion. Maybe you shouldnt post unless you can keep your stuff straight, and prove your so called opinion.

Str8laced5602d ago

@Mr Bun

I didnt see you posting anything back in the other posts like " Im not going to buy the FF cause it is coming to xbox 360 just out of principal", didnt see you chime in and say are you Sonys payroll. No sonyfans spout off in the mouth alot without being able to back up thier remarks. Just cause someone goes overboard with biased crap and someone trys to put that person in check doesnt mean he is a fanboy. So many tools will stick up for each other on here, still doesnt make you or them right.

thenickel5602d ago

Is there a link somewhere from Sqaure that says the game is done for PS3?

leila015602d ago

By your logic, Nintendo payed SE since DQIX and DQX are exclusive to the nintendo platforms (DQ VIII was only on the PS2).

Anyway, if Microsoft really "bribed" SE (which I doubt), then they made a very bad deal since SE wont we releasing the game in Japan and thats where they really needed a boost.

Mr_Bun5602d ago

I am not the defender of all that is good/evil. I never used the term "fanboy". If someone claims that they are going to avoid a game simply because of it being on more than their console, that is their loss. I am calling out Tarasaque for over-reacting to multiple comments.

I do find it amusing that you would insinuate that I am a fanboy seeing as I own a 360 and a PS3. You seem to be the one running to your fellow 'fanboys' defense.

I love it when people like you get intellectually outmatched and have to resort to name calling. My comments weren't biased, yet you found the need to use the terms "fanboys" and "tools".

jkhan5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

First off, everyone srsly? Why is everyone so touchy? I mean neither microsoft nor sony are paying my telephone bills.
Secondly I am not Sony nor Microsoft fan. To me they are companies that are here to do business. If somebody got burned by my comments I am really sorry for that.
Look this is how things work, you hear a rumor and based on that you make up your belief whether its true or not. Nobody can proof here Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction but some believed it had some believe it didn't, this is how every thing runs.
Now I believe Microsoft paid SE because SE wouldn't just out of the blue decide that oh lets make FF-XIII multiplatform because 360 is doing well in NA while the biggest market of JRPG is Japan? If that was the case they would have released the PS3 version first and then released the 360 version, like 2K did with BioShock & I also believe Sony would have either paid or based on some other agreement made a deal for Japan's exclusivity. Again all this is what I think & if you don't believe me, I didn't posted that comment just for you. Capeesh?
Actually the reason I said that was because the game is due sometime in Summer of 2009, Right? So don't you think the game would be complete content wise by now? If it isn't then don't expect the game to be release in Summer 2009 in Japan as well. Because the game will going through testing phase & that is my guess based on my experience in the Software Industry.
Dude Wii is huge all over the world & no one, not even the companies in Japan anticipated that. Don't you think if it was possible they would have released FF-XIII on Wii and if SE knew that Wii will be such a massive hit they would have dumped Sony as well as Microsoft and would have released FF-XIII on Wii.

Anyways there was not even a single spot in my comments above where I bashed Microsoft, read what I said properly, if there is one company I hate its SE, reason is not that they didn't let FF-XIII a PS3 exclusive but because there incompetency to release a single decent game this gen. Not even a single game worthy to play so far and by old timeline we are already half way through this generation & FF-XIII is still year and a half way. God knows when they will release FF-XIII and when they will release versus XIII.
& ppl here are calling me a sony fanboy. Heck I play 360 more than my PS3 and again before Sony fanboys rage a war at me I didn't say PS3 doesn't have any games.
My god whats with these kids.
Oh & before anyone says that I called Microsoft a Devil. Devil was used as a metaphor. The statement is you can't blame the devil for your sins. Because in the end it was you who committed it.

& now enjoy gaming as long as you can. Wage War against Helghast, Locust, Brutes, Chimera & some puddles in Nintendo games (sorry i have no clue about Wii games) and not against each other.

Common Sense5602d ago

Microsoft doesn't care that their fanbase will get shafted as long as they make money.

Microsoft could have easily invested the millions they wasted on buying 3rd party exclusives on in-house studios. They'll get more and better games for their customers. Look at Lionhead, Turn 10 and Rare; they've created great games like Viva pinata, Forza and Fable and Bungie and Bizarre made Halo and Project Gotham racing. 360 owners get more exclusives instead of timed exclusives and DLC, if Microsoft actually makes games instead of paying to make PS exclusives go multiplatform.

Microsoft needs its own identity by creating refreshing and excellent new IPs that might reinvigorate the industry- they just the resources to do it but they won't. They'd rather make sure Sony doesn't succeed by making 3rd party PS exclusives multiplatform.

sak5005602d ago

@common sense "Microsoft doesn't care that their fanbase will get shafted as long as they make money"

That's the most idiotic thing i've read on this thread or in gamerzone on this site in last 2 years. Damn i'm stumped for words. MS not caring about its fanbase because its buying ps3 exclusives left right and center, improving LIVE, dashboard - NXE, exclusive timed demos... Jeez man u have the most unsuitable name tag on N4g. Pls change it to mental..

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5602d ago
TrevorPhillips5602d ago

This is business what can u do

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Two Decades Later, the Original Splinter Cell is Still a Masterpiece

They don't make games like this anymore.

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vgvill3d ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.

Jingsing3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

TheProfessional3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

You should stick with fortnite or one of the countless bloodborne style games then. What a joke.

rlow13d ago

I had a good time with the game. It is a product of its time. But when it came out it was a must have game for a lot of people. I wish Ubisoft would make another game in the series or at least a reboot.

vgvill3d ago

They are making a remake, I think. I loved the original game when it was released, but I tried to play it again in recent years and just couldn't get on with it. The same with the older Hitman games.

PrecursorOrb3d ago

Yeah chaos theory still holds up though I gotta say. If you’re a fan of the series I highly suggest you go back to that one. Ubi has said they are remaking sc for “modern audiences”. I don’t have a lot of faith for the future of that company

Chocoburger2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Due to the lack of modern stealth games, and me constantly playing the MGS series, I've been looking for alternative stealth games to play, and went back and re-played the SC series recently. I wouldn't call SC1 or SC:PT masterpieces, there are AI issues, they're very much trial-and-error games, and that can lead to a lot of frustration. I also found the stories in this series to be boring, uninteresting, and just sloppily told. Cinematics are also of poor quality for both in-game scenes and CG cut-scenes, the soundtrack didn't leave any impression on me either.

Chaos Theory is better, but there was still a lot of room for improvement, and Double Agent (old gen ver.) was a sloppy mess that ended up a regression from CT. But still, at least they tried back then, these days Ubi-junk doesn't even try to make good games!


A Matter Of Trust: What The Game Industry Should Do To Win Gamers Back

Skewed and Reviewed have written an Opinion Piece covering issues in the gaming industry, how current issues were issues years ago, and what can be done to help restore consumer trust.

anast8d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk8d ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast8d ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk8d ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac8d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk8d ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.


From The Last of Us to Baldur's Gate 3: The success of the Game Music Festival

Marie Dealessandri speaks to Borislav Slavov and Gustavo Santaolalla about “the new golden age of games music”.

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