
Behind the Scenes with Bill Tiller: The Making of Star Wars: Rebel Assault

Dive into the journey of Star Wars: Rebel Assault through the eyes of LucasArts veteran Bill Tiller in an enlightening interview about the game's creation, challenges, and unprecedented success.

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mastershredder85d ago

Smoke and mirrors. Rebel assault is no more complex than basic scripted menu navigation. It looked cool at the time, but just it was absolute shite under the hood.


Star Wars: Rebel Assault, a Thirty Year Reunion

WTMG's Leo Faria: "So this is why I actually respect the living hell out of Star Wars: Rebel Assault, despite being an admittedly limited and clunky game, even for 1993 standards. LucasArts was trying to do its own Star Wars cinematic masterpiece on consoles and computer, despite their monstrous limitations back in the day. It was the first time we could at least pretend we were inside an X-Wing in a somewhat realistic (for 1993, c’mon) manner. It was also the reason we’d get games like Shadows of the Empire and Rogue Squadron years down the line. You may not like (you surely won’t), but you sure can’t say it’s a black sheep in the franchise’s gaming history."

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