
Microsoft's PlayStation Game Release Plans Seemingly Confirmed by Employee

A Microsoft employee has seemingly corroborated reports of Xbox games launching on PlayStation, if their LinkedIn is anything to go by.

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LG_Fox_Brazil122d ago

To be fair, that porfolio mentioning those studios and the platforms could mean that he managed marketing strategies for games like: Diablo 4 and OverWatch 2 which are on PS4/PS5 and Minecraft, which is on Switch and mobile.

I don't know, it could have something to do about Gamepass being considered for Playstation and Nintendo, but I will remain a bit skeptical. At least based on this article.

Christopher122d ago

If so, he shouldn't have removed it, IMHO. Removing it makes it even more suspicious, IMHO.

Obscure_Observer122d ago

Is LinkedIn profiles valid sources for rumors on N4G now?

122d ago
Zeref122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Lol stop it. It's not happening 😂 😂

Lightning77122d ago

Im curious as to why the sudden approvals over rumors all of sudden. Especially places like X or Linkedin.

122d ago
Michiel1989122d ago

I don't think so, if it's true or not the company would want it removed and no one is gonna lose their job fighting over keeping some rumors on linkedin

Christopher122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Lots of attempts to ignore how rumor guidelines work here to make this seem biased.

I have no skin in this game. I don't care if Microsoft does something or not unless that something is to get everyone to agree to stop consolidating major publishers.

Edit: oh, and maybe Sony would have more rumors if they were actually doing something worthwhile. As it stands, they're relying on third party games and remasters. Yay.

fr0sty122d ago

@Obscure... Ad hominem, for when you can't attack the point... attack the source instead.

The source isn't just LinkedIn, it's also Microsoft's own site, if you'd actually bother to read the article.

sagapo122d ago

@frosty; yeah, but in case with the MS website, feels like stretching. Gamepass is on console AND pc where the initial pictures of those games only mention gamepass with SeriesX/S. Imo MS just adjusted the pictures, nothing more.

Cacabunga122d ago


I screened your comment, for a later laugh 😂

Sonic1881121d ago


Still in denial I see. Can't wait to see your response after Microsoft announce it LMAO

121d ago
121d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 121d ago
StormSnooper122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

I don’t think much of this. Most likely MS partnering with more PC market leaders to push Xbox more and more toward PC and away from consoles. I don’t see them bringing games to PlayStation and to be honest it doesn’t even make sense.

MS PR strategy? Maybe. I wouldn’t put it passed them to be that desperate.

PapaBop121d ago

Wouldn't a better considering be if Sony would even let Microsoft release gamepass on PS?

JackBNimble121d ago

Why would you think that? Putting gamepass on psn only makes xbox completely irrelevant since you can't play ps games on xbox.
It's 1 more nail in the xbox coffin, kind why it doesn't make sense to put gp on psn .

Bathyj121d ago

Because Sony s business model revolves around selling games. PlayStation does not want to condition its customers to be in the mindset where they don't want to buy games just like Xbox gamers. This would be the death of playstation in years to come. Just like Xbox is dying now before our very eyes.

Game pass was a desperation move by Microsoft to keep the Xbox relevant. It failed. It will never happen on PlayStation.

GhostScholar120d ago

Of course they would! It would be like a hunter keeping a trophy.

Markusb33121d ago

you will never see Gamepass on playstation or nintendo, they are even changing the name to Microsoft gamepass, the games however are different, im sure bethesda has shown data on what games sell on playstation so why wouldnt xbox want more sales ? just depends if people buy them. When you tell your fans no console required and promote renting over buying titles this is what happens, sub models do not work long term for games

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 120d ago
Lightning77122d ago

Looks like he removed it from his linkedin. Times ticking the more we wait the more of these rumors are getting outta hand.

It's best we ignore all this for the time being.

1Victor122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Did you guys (obscured lighting ) read the article? 🤦🏿
The article got pictures of the removal of the series logo on unreleased games ( avowed,fable ) replaced by console, PC
It’s time to look for a nice rock to hide under for the next few weeks I heard Arkansas got some nice bunkers for rent this time of the year. Jk

122d ago
Obscure_Observer122d ago (Edited 122d ago )


"Did you guys (obscured lighting ) read the article? 🤦🏿
The article got pictures of the removal of the series logo on unreleased games ( avowed,fable ) replaced by console, PC"


They removed/changed/updated the old logos for the sake of *transparency* avoiding getting customers confused and/or mislead by wrong messages, Einstein.

With Gamepass CORE, "Day One on Gamepass" could be misleading and send the wrong message since there´s NO day one releases for Gamepass Core subscribers.

"It’s time to look for a nice rock to hide under for the next few weeks I heard Arkansas got some nice bunkers for rent this time of the year. Jk"

We´ll see, dude. We´ll see...

PhillyDonJawn121d ago

The logo wasn't replaced with console PC. Console PC was already on it. They removed X/S logo and the day 1 wording.

purple101121d ago

Sheeeeeeet zuby is quite connected

Also interestingly he had a chart a while ago showing what every Sony studio is working on!! Plenty, plenty games

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 121d ago
Hofstaderman122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

People had a week and longer if you count the initial Hi Fi rush revelation to absorb this. Multiple sources both external and internal that something major is coming. Phils cryptic tweet etc. Its clear Satya is in the drivers seat. You can choose to buckle in and go for the ride or be proactive and sell your XBOX while it still has some worth and before the non-hardcore crowd gets wind of this. Trust me, I saw firsthand the decline of the Dreamcast and how those console prices cratered on the used market. Even if they do not discontinue the hardware why buy a XBOX when the games will be released on PlayStation? I and many others told you that Gamepass will be its death. And here we are..

jznrpg121d ago

That’s when I’ll buy a series x. When I get it for next to nothing. I want it for backward compatibility for 360 games and my collection since it seems they are ditching physical sooner than later.

122d ago
ocelot07122d ago

Wonder why he removed to platforms.

Obscure_Observer122d ago

Because it´s not happening. It´s simple as that.

andy85122d ago

Yep all these rumours are just out of the blue 😂 he removed it because he wasn't supposed to do it.

1Victor121d ago

@obscured:” Because it´s not happening. It´s simple as that.“

🙈 🙉 keep on the 🏋️‍♀️ high, 5 USA business day max and counting down. Sleep well and don’t forget the 5 stages the fastest you get out of the first the better for you

ChasterMies121d ago

Oh it’s happening. This won’t be as bad as you think. Your Xbox Series S/X will still be playable and you won’t lose any games. From your end, nothing will change.

Kiryu1992122d ago

I know when PS5 games went to PC there were some vocal minority PlayStation fans who didn’t like it and Xbox fans vocal minority fans were trolling PlayStation regarding MLB the show coming to Xbox

As a gamer why should I care if my favorite game is available on other platforms? Does it make my enjoyment any less? If rumors are true and MS are remastering gears of war games since the work is being done they can release them on PC and PS5 and generate hundreds of millions

Seriously the days of halo killers, one company wanting to run other out of business are over. PlayStation and Xbox brands are more aligned than ever before. And as gamers we should be happy

Gaming generates more money than any other industry so exclusives make even less sense now. Spider-Man 2 cost 300 million what do you think that game would do pc and Xbox? What about horizon forbidden west. More money being generated means companies are able to invest more into growing

I am ok with games launching timed exclusives on their platforms and than 3 months later available elsewhere

Please grow up. This industry has seen such a drastic growth yet we as gamers are still struggling to grow and instead boycotting brands if they release their games on other platforms

It would be awesome to see these games on other platforms

Hi fi rush
Indian jones

And when these games succeed on PS5 what do you think Sony will do? Release their games elsewhere. Why leave money on the table to make few people happy about their purchase. Game development budget is way too high to not fully take advantage of available platforms

122d ago Replies(1)
ironmonkey122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Sony in no rush since their sales triple of what ms games make. Ms just has the windows funds to keep Xbox afloat. That kinda sucks.

PhillyDonJawn121d ago

You do know the #1 game franchise that make PS the most money is owned by Xbox right? You do know Xbox was more profitable than PS before Activision was bought right? Some of you have this notion Xbox is hanging by a string and barely surviving when in reality they're swimming in cash.

Crows90122d ago

The industry has seen growth because of exclusive games. Heck the 1st souls game from from soft was an exclusive.

Exclusives are great for the industry. Growing up means accepting what you find unfair. Thinking everything should just be available everywhere is not only not growing up but also a total lack of discernment regarding how the gaming industry has gotten to where it is.

Exclusives drive competition. Competition drives innovation. pretty straightforward stuff

Hofstaderman122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

This. It motivates my choice when choosing a console.

121d ago
jznrpg121d ago

@arkenfel for Ps and Nintendo exclusives make good money . PS puts their games on PC at some point for more money. Xbox put them there because they weren’t making enough money.

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Star Wars Outlaws Official Gameplay: All the Star Wars Lore, Details & Easter Eggs | Ubisoft Forward

Join Star Wars Outlaws' Associate Narrative Director John Bjorling as he breaks down all the little details you might have missed in our Official Gameplay Showcase. Learn more about Kay's speeder, blaster, and her ship, the Trailblazer; and spot Easter eggs in the Akiva system and on Tatooine.


CoD community breathes a sigh of relief as the Black Ops 6 file size won’t reach 300GB

No, you won't have to delete several of your games to make room for Black Ops 6.

4Sh0w5h ago

Cool, I was like wth, even for COD that was humungous!

XiNatsuDragnel5h ago

Cool but still not buying always online COD

Ironmike27m ago

Don't have Internet this is not a big issue no more as most modern homes have Internet

PassNextquestion40m ago(Edited 32m ago)

So all you have to do is subtract the file size of the following titles from 300GB and you will have a good idea of Black Ops 6 file size

. Modern Warfare II 72GB
. Modern Warfare III 79GB
. Warzone 70Gb
Total = 221GB

So it could possibly be around 79GB


The Xbox showcase brought the E3 magic

After having to prove itself for years, Xbox doubled down and pulled it off..

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GaboonViper15h ago

Yep Xbox absolutely knocked it out of the park with that stunning show, it was everything a gaming showcase should be, games games and games, well done team Xbox.

CrimsonWing694m ago

It really did. Like I came out of that with the hype for new games I haven’t felt since… well the better years of E3.