
No, GTA 6 Isn't As "Woke" As Some Fans Think It Is

Despite what some players might think, the game is very much in line with the rest of the GTA franchise.

jambola172d ago

Love how much info people seem to have on this game that's roughly 2 years away
After one teaser trailer

isarai172d ago

Seriously 😆 we know nothing other than what it looks like and there's a couple who robs stuff. Nothing to discern from that, hell the women are the most attractive and busty in the entire seriies by far, that alone is a pretty far cry from people's definition of "woke" lol

bababooiy172d ago

The game wont have any form of prostitution, at least thats what some have said. And there have been multiple sources confirming R has undergone huge changes behind the scenes when it comes to its yuppie culture.

Heres a nice article for some of yall that care. There are many that have come out over the years just like it.

isarai172d ago


That article is not only stretching pretty damn hard, but it's based on nothing but anonymous sources. Not saying it CAN'T be true, but even if it is, I don't see how any of the things talked about make any sense.

So basically they were overworked and had no time to do anything, yet somehow also had the time to drink, party, BRAWL and go to strip clubs? Both can't be true unless they can somehow be in two places at once and there's no law in their offices. Then the article goes on to say they have eliminated that, made a better work environment, and did a lot to mitigate crunch, and the author says

"Can a kinder, gentler Rockstar still produce the chart-topping calibre of game the studio has become known for? "

As if to suggest they WANT R* to be that insanely toxic, and that's the only way to make a funny parody 🙄😒.

I'm not saying it will be one way or the other, and that's cause while many leads and staff have left and things have changed, we still don't know how that will affect things till this comes out. I'm definitely in a wait and see mode with how this game is handled, but that article is a big nothing burger

Sashamaz172d ago

What I've learnt from gamers

If a game has a female lead - Woke
A non white lead - Woke
Society is out to get straight white males apparently

Rockstar has now introduced a female Latina lead. That is double woke.

TallDarknWavy172d ago

But really, do the woke imbeciles know that this isn't a superhero game, and that there's no way in hell a woman is a realistic playable character in the realistic world of GTA?
Sorry cucks, women are not going to physically manhandle men in any realistic situation. Leave that fantasy for superhero movies and games, GTA is set in real life only.

NotoriousWhiz172d ago

^ I know you're just trolling, but sometimes women are manhandling men.


TallDarknWavy171d ago

Notorious, even that little old lady in that video couldn't do what a GTA protagonist needs to be capable of.
Even some of the strongest most athletic women in the world still fail at American Ninja Warrior.
The things you do in GTA just can't be done by women, least of all a skinny weak chick like the one in GTA 6 trailers. She would need to be a hulking monster of a woman to have the same strength and capability of manhandling men as any male GTA protagonist.

recoctimocassirnff171d ago (Edited 171d ago )


You didn't learn fecal matter from gamers, you clearly learnt that strawman agreement from far left rags like kotaku.

Is anyone calling Alien woke? Is anyone calling Blade woke? No? I didn't think so. But that won't stop you from continuing to use that same, worn out, overused, debunked argument.

But getting back to GTA 6, the female protagonist hasn't purposefully been given the looks of a dogs breakfast and the body of a spoon full of mash potatoes. In other words, she is halfway ok looking, so that's a good sign.

bloop171d ago

@Notorious: The fact that incident made national news should tell you how rare an occurrence that is.

As for GTA going woke, I think the interviews saying they don't want to "punch down" on anyone anymore, along with stealth patching out tranny NPC's in V proves something has changed at R* and gives reason to believe this will be a GTA unlike all the others that have come before where nothing was off limits.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
shinoff2183172d ago

From what I could tell Rockstar isn't worried about anything as they shouldn't be. This whole woke anti woke stuff is so tiring and old. Both sides just need to stfu and move on. Anyway I don't think we have anything to worry about with gta. I mean this is the company who purposefully put out ads about how bad gta1 was gonna be just to draw attention positive or negative. Read up it's quite interesting.

itBourne171d ago

That was ages ago lmao, entirely different company and gaming industry. If you have a conservative or central thought in your body they dont want you near a studio now days. Look at where SSM was in the first God of War to the new God of the Care Bears, its night and day. So referencing how the studio was back then is irrelevant.

Errr unless I guess you talk controls, because GTA III controls like absolute garbage and that is still relevant with Rockstar this day and age.

GotGame818172d ago

I am so sick of the woke argument. The trailer didn't look woke. It looked like a PARTY! Can't wait!!

SimpleSlave172d ago

Woke woke woke? Woke woke 😂😂😂 28514; Woke woke woke!!!! Woke? Woke!

Woke Woke Woke Woke Woke Woke. WOKE!!!!! Woke Woke!! Woke...


Any person that uses Woke unironically is either a Reichtard or just a regular tard.

Come fight me tard. I know you want to.

anast172d ago

Vegans are cool. My rabbits are vegan.

SimpleSlave171d ago

Whoa! Settle down there, Meatnight Cowboy. Don't strain yourself.

171d ago
recoctimocassirnff171d ago

You know the group you belong to find the term 'tard' extremely offensive, right?

And how would you prefer I succinctly describe the insufferable regressive agendas pushed into every form of media by ESG?

SimpleSlave171d ago

How about you start describing the insufferable regressive racist misogynistic religious agendas pushed into every form of media, fabric of society, and other countries, by the government, evangelicals, mormons, catholics, kkk members, republicans, some democrats, reichtards, and other such fine groups? Can you do that, bud?

Start with that first then we can talk about...what was it? Ah, yes. The big evil of the world, the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. 😂😂😂

Ffs.... No wonder you people don't know what a woman is. Holy shet.

Critical Thinking and History is not something your side does well or does well with, so be careful who's arguments your regurgitating here.

recoctimocassirnff170d ago

"Can you do that, bud?"

I can't actually because what you're describing doesn't exist. But I can just name you the last 5 marvel movies/series to give you some examples of insufferable woke garbage. Trying watching the entire first season of She-Hulk and not puke. Easy to do if you're an idiot degenerate, I suppose.

"The big evil of the world, the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance."

You guys just love responding with ad homs and logical fallacies without making any actual rational arguments, don't you? Clearly, you're not read up on ESG, or you're getting spoon fed what ESG is from "authoritative sources". You just love accusing other people of lacking critical thinking skills while in the very same sentence showing none yourself. Why you don't start by looking up Blackrock, bud.

"No wonder you people don't know what a woman is."

My gosh there is a lot to unpack in that single sentence and you are either deeply confused or grossly lacking in your comprehension skills. "My side" knows exactly what a women is, it's 'you're side', the crazy, pink haired feminists that love all things ESG, that love all things sexism, and hate all things white that don't know what a woman is. You do understand when people like Matt Walsh ask "what is a woman?" he's not actually trying to find out what a woman is, don't you? He's illustrating how pervasively stupid and dishonest the people are that don't actually know what a woman is. How do you not get that? Just wow.

Critical thinking is not something you do well, obviously. But i I wouldn't brand you're entire side as idiots just from this one display of yours, there's plenty of other examples from plenty of other people for that.

SimpleSlave170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

You're just lost in another one of the multitudes of never ending Alt-Reich rabbits whole. Transgenders this, Soros, that, the Jews, the Devil, Blue Hair Feminists, Woke, Political Correctness, black people, equality affirmative action, you name it, you people are always finding something to hate and complain about since time immemorial. There is nothing new here that hasn't been debunked or put to bed.

But to your misguided points.

"Can you do that, bud?"

Of course you can, but you won't. That would be way too inconvenient. Instead, lets talk about Disney going WOKE!!! So go ahead and name all the Marvel movies you want, bud, but woke is not a thing and it doesn't exist. It's called capitalism and Disney wants all the money. Even from the people you hate. Before they only pander to the likes of you because for the longest time your were the ones hording all the wealth while passing laws and making it extremely hard for the rest to of us. But, slowly but surely, we're getting there. And now that we have some of the money, corporations, guided by capitalism, wants it all. Simple. Not that complicated. Movies sucked since they began making them. In the end Woke is nothing new but just another name for the sounds that come out of the insufferable degenerate idiots that hate everything that doesn't pander to them.

"The big evil of the world, the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance."

Again, another classic Alt-Reich rabbit hole. Another boogie man for their ignorant followers to rally against. just like January 6. Just like anything that doesn't agree with your world view. But lets face it, people like you wouldn't know what a rational argument is on account that the only thing you have going on is to call everything "wOkE!". Classic Alt-Reich talking points. While ignoring the absolute devastation Christianity and the Republicans and even the Democrats have enacted upon the population. Especially minorities and females.

I know that you love accusing other people of lacking Critical Thinking skills while in the very same sentence showing none yourself. You know why? Because you are living with a terminal illness called Cognitive Dissonance. And this is why people like you like to project everything your side does to the rest of us. Always muddying the waters and always obfuscate the truth. But this ain't pre-covid times, bud. We already dismantled your points of view. Now is a matter of now allowing the likes of you to get confused and get to cocky thinking you have anything of value to say. But if you really want to learn what your side is all about, how about you go ahead and google the Southern Strategy. It's always a good place to start learning about the truth of the Republican party and their many offshoots. Then go ahead and move on to the many sects of christianity. They usually go hand in hand with our politicians. This should give you enough material to start questioning your ideals, if you actually care about the truth.

SimpleSlave170d ago

"My gosh there is a lot to unpack in that single sentence and you are either deeply confused or grossly lacking in your comprehension skills"

Thee's nothing to unpack. Here, let me help you out real quick with the Cliff Notes:
Woman = Social construct
Female = Biolgical Sex

Easy. Nothing complex about it. But why would you think otherwise is quite telling.

"'you're side', the crazy, pink haired feminists that love all things ESG"

Like I already said, the ESG is just another one of the Alt-Reich boogieman they made up in order to have their base riled up. Nothing new there. But here's the thing, bud. The world is bigger than that and far more complex than your second rate boogieman. I'm talking about systems created in order to further certain people over others and oppress, not just the masses, but certain type of individual within those masses. The US government, the CIA, the FBI, the many christian denominations, corporations, capitalism. You name it. They are far bigger, far reaching and have been far more devastating to us than your weird new talking point that is the ESG. It's just shockingly alarming how infantile you're behaving here with you're shallow understanding of actual history. I'm baffled by it.

"You do understand when people like Matt Walsh ask "what is a woman?" he's not actually trying to find out what a woman is, don't you? He's illustrating how pervasively stupid and dishonest the people are that don't actually know what a woman is."

No. He's edited his "documentary" to make it seem that way. You can even tell because he's not even smart enough to hide this. He's just counting on the seething blind hate people like you have against the subject in order to not see the obvious. The reality is that he was explained in very simple and direct terms and he chose not to listen and he purposely did that in his propaganda movie in order to get people like you to spew the same stupid and ignorant information his side wants you to. And if you need clarification and actually cared then you can just go ahead and ask those same people and you'll miraculously get the information edited out of that trash.

I always like to use the "comedian" Jim Breuer as the perfect example of your side. When it's not convenient the "WOKE! The Vaccine will KILL YOU!!! Doctos are Woke and don;t know what a woman is!!!! Medicine is WOKE!!!!" But when his wife got cancer that mofo spared no expenses to take her to the hospital and seek treatment from these same woke doctors. Weird ain't it? Weird how all of a sudden the doctors knew best and he didn't just "Thought and Prayer" her wife into the afterlife...

Listen, it's certainly good to be a skeptic, of course. You should always question thing. But there is a difference between questioning things and outright rejecting them because it doesn't gel with your world view. Is extremely understanding why minorities would have a harder time buying the Covid shot based on the history of the United State using Vaccines to spread infections. Or the FBI introducing crack to the black population of the United State for obvious reasons. And the list keep going. But white people? WTF do they have to be weary about? Especially because most of the same people telling them the Vaccine was bad took it themselves. It's Idiocracy all of it. Jeez.

SimpleSlave170d ago

Like I said, be a skeptic, but do weight the value of the information equally. Instead, of choosing what feels right, choose to go to actual independent sources that are not tight to your world view but are more interested in the truth. And is not as hard as you think.

I know you've heard a lot of this before, and you know that what I'm saying sound truer than the hate filled rampblings of the alt-reich. But if you choose to ignore it, then that's fine. But what I'm not gonna let you do is play to your victim complex. Just because your side teaches you how to play the con game on a daily basis does not mean you're not gonna get away with it without doing the leg work here. Because at the end of the day, all you people do is undermine the plight of actual victims in order to further your ridiculously unfounded and hate filled ideology.

What's disappointing is that in the end, you brought nothing but the ramblings of a guy like Matt Walsh. A guy that not only reeks of being a Pedo, but also wants little girls to be married off. The guy is an absolute scumbag and that's who you're choosing to follow and repeat. But that's on you, bud.

But let me give you a piece of advice. Just like with with the christian apologist talking points, all of these stuff have already been deconstructed and debunked. You are regurgitating nothing new here. All you're saying is "WOKE Everything cuz it doesn't panders to me only!" And that is such a shameful and embarrassing behavior on your part. But that's what that side breed. Discontent and lack of empathy.

Also, another sad fact is that while your side is pretending to "know what a woman is" and "defending" them from the evil transgenders and the Illuminati at the ESG, you're also part of the same side that pushed and supported for the Supreme Court to take away their rights to their bodies. Pathetic and downright evil. Think about it if you care to be better. Because right now all you're just showing is that you're perfectly content to be a sad parrot for the worst side of humanity.

But don't worry, I too would't brand you're entire side as idiots or evil just from this one display of yours, because certainly there's plenty of other examples from plenty of other people for that.

recoctimocassirnff169d ago

I've really hit a nerve contradicting all you points, haven't I? Ok, here we go.

"...Transgenders this, Soros, that, the Jews, the Devil, Blue Hair Feminists..."

Again, another example of you not critically thinking. You have no idea about me, you have no idea what my views are on all things, but because you I express one view on wokeness you think I'm part of a monolith and can go on same rant about Jews. Very antisemitic btw. Take you're own advice and "be a skeptic, but do weight the value of the information equally".

"Of course you can, but you won't."

Again, I can't because it doesn't exist. But why would I when you're the one that made the utterly ridiculous claim that far right media is everywhere. You made the claim, so you give some examples to back up your statement.

"It's called capitalism and Disney wants all the money."

Is that why Disney is losing hundreds of millions from every single one of their woke garbage fills this year? Is that why Warner is dangerously close to bankruptcy? Imagine being so indoctrinated that South Park can literally do an entire special on Disney going broke from wokeness (they only critique things that actually exist btw) and you can still say "wOkeNeSs iSn'T A tHiNg!!". That statement is so stupid I simply can not linguistically describe just how void of intelligence it lacks.

"Another boogie man for their ignorant followers to rally against."

Again, literally denying reality because you're so good at that. But you know what, bud? You're prob right. All those movies infected with progressive messaging is just a figment of my imagination. The trailer I just saw on the grotesquely racist movie, "The Society of Magical N word" I just made up in my head. All those articles praising ESG and all those articles calling out ESG I never actually read because they don't exist. That video of Larry Fink at a conference literally talking about esg and forcing companies to go woke is just a deep fake.



By the way, The Ministry of Truth thanks you in advance for rejecting the evidence you see with your own eyes, and continuing to be a little obedient npc that needs to be told what to think.

SimpleSlave169d ago

Woke: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice

I want you to keep this in mind from here on out, bud. And if you're in doubt, go read the history of the world so you know exactly where you stand in history and with what type of people you're mixing with. I don't need to know you to know your kind. Ignorant. Racist. Misogynist. Homophobic. Transphobic. Retrogrades. Anything that does not conform to your world view of how things "should be" or used to be.

"You have no idea about me"
Yes I do. Read on.

"same rant about Jews. Very antisemitic btw."
And you accuse me of not having Critical Thinking when your Reading Comprehension skills are non existence. Classic. When it comes to you there is no need to be skeptic of any kind. You paint yourself exactly as you are. No need to give you the benefit of the doubt. By the end, you proved me right.

"so you give some examples to back up your statement."
I did. Learn how to read. If you're too lazy to do the homework or too coward to do the research then that's on you, bud. But do keep your diet of Fox News down to a minimum, cuz it's clearly not doing you any favors.

"Disney is losing hundreds of millions"
Instead of following you down stupid hole, since you clearly have not read any reasons as to why Disney lost a lot of money. I'll just leave you with this. DeSantis, the Dear Leader of Florida, tried to take on Disney and crashed and burned like the Hindenburg. But, wait a minute? I thought Disney was dying cuz of WOKENESS?!?! But how can that be? Shouldn't DeSantis have destroyed them as you transphobes losers did to that piss liquid company known as Bud Light? Weird.

But of course: For Disney’s fiscal 2023 which ended on September 30, 2023, the company generated nearly $90 Billion in revenue and reported net income of $3.4 Billion. In addition, Disney generated almost $10 Billion in operating cash flow and nearly $5 Billion in “free cash flow” - that is, operating cash less capital investments of $5 billion.

Oopsie! Guess Woke is winning!

"All those movies infected with progressive messaging is just a figment of my imagination."

How about you list those progressive messaging you're so scared of? Let's hear them. You claim I don't know you. Then show me who you really are. Stop dancing around the subject. Mask off and show your true self coward.

Here's an idea. Instead of feeling offended all the time by inclusivity and diversity, on account of you being from the alt-reich, you should instead fight back and go support Lady Ballers from the Daily Wired. That seems more your speed. Or how about supporting your fellow idiot, Gina Carano, by watching Terror on the Prairie. What's that? She gets out of the kitchen and does what? Yikes! Still, Ben Shapiro will thank you from the bottom of his rotten heart if you at least give them a try. Plus there's no...Magical Negro to hurt you in any of those movies. You'l' be OK. Promise.

The Alt-Reich salute you for keeping it in the family. Atta-boy!

recoctimocassirnff169d ago

"...like January 6..."

Obviously you're sources aren't independent, because if they were you would know the entire insurmeraction narrative created by the media is false. I knew that from day 1 of course, because I actually critically analyse the evidence that's put forth to me for me to then make up my own mind. However, the recent release of the J6 tapes from the US government itself just cements what I already knew.


Again, the Ministry of Truth thanks you for rejecting the evidence and already knowing all the j6 tapes have been debunked somehow.

"Woman = Social construct
Female = Biolgical Sex"

Hang on. Are you saying that trans women are not women? That's awfully transphobic of you.

On the other hand if you're saying trans women can be women, I think even you know how utterly stupid that is and goes against basic 4th grabe biology.

Also, woman as a social construct isn't a thing.


That article might be too advanced for you though, but you're going to reject it anyway because you're diversity hire, liberal professor told you to.

"take away their rights to their bodies"

And of course, who cares about the unborn innocent child? It's very telling I need to tell you this, but killing babies is evil, just in case you were wondering.

It's amazing that you've shown nothing but unintelligent, ad hom, non arguments yet you have the absolute gall to say to me to be skeptical. You have demonstrated over and over again, in a very short space of time, that you don't critically think about anything. You reject any and all evidence that contradicts your world view, while desperately clinging to already debunked notions that support your confirmation bias. Regurgitating arguments from your liberal professors does not constitute critical thinking skills.

I've wasted enough time on you, because it's clear to me you're simply just going to continue be an obedient npc that can't think without first being told, no matter how many times I debunk you. I won't be replying to you further.

SimpleSlave169d ago

"the entire insurmeraction narrative created by the media is false."

The Alt-Reich thanks you in advance for rejecting the evidence you see with your own eyes, and continuing to be a little obedient npc that needs to be told what to think.

Outstanding! And you dare to whine and cry that I don't know you. I know Exactly what kind of waste of skin you are.

"Woman = Social construct
Female = Biolgical Sex"

Hang on. Are you saying that trans women are not women? That's awfully transphobic of you.

On the other hand if you're saying trans women can be women, I think even you know how utterly stupid that is and goes against basic 4th grabe biology."

The irony if baffling. But do not dare pretend to know what the basics of 4th grade biology is. You have yet to reach that level. So don't even front. Not only did you failed to understand what a Social Construct is, but you failed to even use Google as well. Extremely impressive I must say. Mediocre, but impressively so.

Lets play the link game! Yay!

Reality might be too advanced for you though, but you're going to reject it anyway because you're white, alt-reich Fox and Friends personality told you to.

"diversity hire" - Love the casually thrown in line that shows that you reject the American History of Slavery, Segregation, the Jim Crowe Laws, Redlining, Gerrymandering, The Southern Strategy, and so on and on. Yeah, might as well post your Klan name while you're at it, Grand Wizard.

"And of course, who cares about the unborn innocent child?"

How about caring for the actually woman that's actually alive instead? It's very telling I need to tell you this, but killing women is evil, just in case you were wondering.

If you think that putting your religious beliefs and ignorance in full display somehow trumps our scientific understanding of life then you really have yet to reach the 4th grade for sure.

But the absolute disregard for rape victims, incest victims, women that are forced to carry stillborns in their belly, to give birth to babies that the Doctor already concluded it was simply going to die, or wanting to force births that could kill the woman is the type of abhorrent behavior we must strive to eradicate and that you so effortlessly display with reckless abandon. Your type of thinking is nothing but a cancer. A virus that will take us all back to the dark ages. Not to mention, completely devoid of empathy or humanity.

Again, I knew you the second you posted; a religious, alt-reich, cookie cutter nutjobs that's drowning in every stupid conspiracy theory sold to you. Furthermore, you have shown yourself to be a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, and a transphobe clown that keeps failing to understand that I can see through you. We get it. For you Diversity = Bad. Diversity = Woke. Again, did I not call it or what? You know I did. You're that transparent and simple.

"I won't be replying to you further."

No need to let us know, bud. Now that we know you're an alt-reich parasite, I think it's best for you to move it along for sure.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 169d ago
anast172d ago

The "woke" stuff was problematized by ALT Rights and bolstered by the Incel movement to silence people that were trying, in their naive way, to demand a perception of liberty. This is understandable because self-imposed ignorance is alienating, when people are alienated, well-being is distorted. Nevertheless, everyone should have a stake in this world and the strange ones that are trying to stop it are servants that clown for tyrants.

anast172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Take it however you want. The words aren't that difficult, it is clear what I am saying, in fact, clear enough for everyone to understand. Unless you are willing to question any of this, you comment remains unintentionally ironic.

MetalGearsofWar172d ago

The strange ones you speak of. Do they have dyed hair with glasses?

anast172d ago

I guess I was wrong. The words were not clear. That would be a stereotype yes. This is the first step.

171d ago Replies(1)
171d ago Replies(1)
recoctimocassirnff171d ago

It's quite a gift you have there. An entire paragraph and you barely said a word.

The moment you used 'alt right' and 'incel' you completely discredited yourself. Ironically, you talk of silencing, but those terms you used are used to censor and shame those criticising the regressive agenda of ESG policy.

Your claim is a similar claim made by far left media outlets that specialise in selling you a narrative and idiot, bigoted liberal professors. There is no evidence to such claims and I, myself disprove it with my very existence. For I an neither an 'incel', (a very offensive term, by the way, that shows your character, or lack thereof) having been happily married for 14 years, or a member of the alt right, regardless of what definition of alt right you decide to go with to suite your arguments. Yet I am very staunchly against the sexist and racist messaging that accompany woke texts.

If you really believed everyone should have a stake in this world you would recognise how 'wokeness' ruined Rings of Power, as just one example of many, instead of lazily disregarding the valid critics as nazis.

anast171d ago

"The moment you used 'alt right' and 'incel' you completely discredited yourself. Ironically, you talk of silencing, but those terms you used are used to censor and shame those criticising the regressive agenda of ESG policy"

"everyone should have a stake in this world"

Let's start here.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
Show all comments (85)

Take-Two CEO Cites GTA as “#1 Entertainment Property of All-Time Across All Forms of Entertainment"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick claims that the Grand Theft Auto franchise is the no. 1 entertainment property of all-time across all forms of media, and cites the recent GTA 6 reveal trailer as proof.

CrimsonWing695d ago

I mean, GTA V has pretty much stayed in the top 10 for the past 3 generations, which is absolutely nuts.

just_looken3d ago

Right they removed the xbox 360 physics when they ported to ps4 then we lost various items over the years do too censorship then we lost all those cars online for a new paywall system.

But "gamers" supported it all 100% here is my $8usd a month then my ___ a month for xbox live ps plus for a game that was free to play online on the playstation 3.

To think there are still a ton of people out there that think gta 6 will not be a monetized/censored "modern" game is so dam funny.

Can not wait for the $100 gta 6 with the $10 online per month fee like its wow.

just_looken2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Wow i swear 2020 made so many brain dead





I mean i can do this all day please read put down the phones

badboyz094d ago

Is this news? Mario or pokemon maybe.

just_looken3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They make money yes but have tossed out alot of games over the years minecraft has had spinoffs.

Gta 5 11 years old makes over a billion each year one game.

Inverno4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

No, it's a great series and I've enjoyed playing a few of the games but there's games i Rather play than GTA. There are movies i rather watch, or manga i Rather read, or albums i rather listen to.

The_Blue4d ago

You would compared a series and not hobbies.

Inverno4d ago

"all forms of entertainment". Books, movies, games, music, sports, theater, are not jus hobbies they're entertaining. For as big as GTA is, for as many people there are that game, there are more that do not play games and most likely haven't ever heard of GTA. They can't claim to be number 1 across all forms of entertainment when there's so many forms of entertainment.

badboyz094d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Now that they own Zynga I 100% guarantee you GTA on Switch 2 and Mobile.

Show all comments (16)

Take-Two CEO: "Highly Confident" on GTA 6 Fall 2025 Release Window, Rockstar Seeking "Perfection"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick is "highly confident" on the GTA 6 Fall 2025 release window, and claims Rockstar is seeking perfection.

Profchaos15d ago

That's not good he told us he was seeking perfection just before the definitive edition dropped

gold_drake14d ago

its gonna be a crazy later half of a year whennit drops.

i think its a smart move to target fall, especially cause ppl stay in more frequently

CrimsonWing6914d ago

I honestly feel this will be next level.

Cacabunga14d ago

RDR2 blows GTA5 open world off the water… I am having very very very high expectations from this one.

andy8514d ago

Please please give me a 60 fps mode or at the very least 40 fps

Zeke6814d ago

40 fps gives 120 fps with VRR. I would love that!!

bRuud8314d ago

60 fps is not going to happen on the base PS5 and Xbox series X. Maybe 40 fps on PS5 Pro.

andy8514d ago

People argued said it wasn't with Starfield, making excuses for why it wasn't possible to have 60 fps but as expected they made one. It's always possible with some limitations

Ray J14d ago

with PSSR on the PS5 Pro, 60fps is fortunately in the cards, let's hope Rockstar makes it happen.

Chocoburger14d ago

No, what you're seeking is "perfect micro-trash-actions gameplay loop", that's all you care about, you sleazy douche.


GTA VI To Release In Fall 2025, Confirms Take-Two

Take-Two Interactive has confirmed that Rockstar Games' next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA VI, is set for release in Fall 2025.

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purple10120d ago

bad = give it mo me NOW!! we can't wait another year.!!!!
good = I have another year to save up another £500 for a ps5pro

MestreRothN4G19d ago

You’ll wait at least 2.
The fake 2025 release date is not counting the multiple delays.

Sonic188120d ago

Did anyone assume a different release date? I didn't

notachance19d ago

I didn’t but now that they confirmed it I expect winter or spring 2026 instead

nzjono19d ago

Not everyone lives in Merica or uses the term fall to describe Autumn, state the month.

isarai19d ago

That's why google exists 👍

romulus2319d ago

I live in "Merica" and I don't call it fall, I call it Merlinpeen. FYI Fall/Autumn is the months of Sept, Oct, Nov.

Rebel_Scum19d ago

Ya know the seasons pretty much work opposite each other right. So autumn in the north is spring in the south.

But I agree with you on the whole season mention for release windows. I still get annoyed by online sales that are called summer sales in bloody winter.

CantThinkOfAUsername19d ago

Stating the month is not a good PR practice.

Suave_Langosta19d ago

You sound like a real blast at parties! Maybe not everyone takes your personal journey through life into account when they are making a point. Use Google and stop complaining.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
isarai19d ago

So spring 2026, got it! 👌

PassNextquestion19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

That feels like forever away..I guess the GTA after that won't come out till 2035.

sagapo19d ago

Yeah, but we might have Red Dead 3 to fill the gap?

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