
Xbox will have "important announcements" at The Game Awards

Xbox's official newsletter is inviting players to tune in to The Game Awards show on December 7, 2023, for important announcements and Xbox news.

Obscure_Observer191d ago


We already know that we´ll be getting the release date for BG3 on SX and SS.

So here´s hoping for exciting new first party games announcements, some updates on first party games already announced (I heard that we might be getting new info on Everwild soon) and the ones scheduled for 2024.

At the top of all that, I would love a release date for Sebile!

Fingers crossed!

sparky77191d ago

I bet we get BG1 and 2 on Game Pass since they leaked that earlier in the year.

I also wouldn't be surprised if we get an ABK Game Pass content trailer for what's coming early next year too.

I personally hope we don't see any new first party games since there has already been a ton announced already and they should save them for their own events, but seeing Everwild would be awesome.

Michiel1989191d ago

I just want to see release dates from the games that they already announced, new cgi trailers of a game we wont play for 4 years don't do much for me at this point.

Cacabunga191d ago

Show perfect dark, I think people are worried about this one.

Lightning77191d ago

"I personally hope we don't see any new first party games since there has already"

Naw if MS wants to get out of this Xbox Tax, they need to reveal as much as they can. They have way more studios than they need so show it off if it's ready.

notachance191d ago

@lightning there's no damn xbox tax. ori, forza horizon, hi-fi rush, pentiment were all celebrated by gamers because they're great games. you guys are just in denial because the hyped AAA ones were mostly mediocre.

MrSec84191d ago

Sure Microsoft's first party devs need to actually show they have real working games coming very soon within the XBox ecosystem, but they've also had ample time to actually be working on unannounced games.

It's very silly to say that you wouldn't want new announcements for Xbox Series consoles!
I just got a Series X and it would be nice to know that Microsoft actually wants to support the console beyond what's been announced already.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 191d ago
Antnee534191d ago

I hope for more info on fable

Husker42c191d ago

Me too. With actual gameplay this time.

VenomUK191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

I’m looking forward to this being the fourth birthday celebration since the first Hellblade II trailer was shown at the Game Awards back in 2019. I have high hopes that for the fifth birthday of the trailer Microsoft will pull out all the stops.

ravens52191d ago

Why are people disagreeing with this lol...

darthv72191d ago

It's who they are disagreeing with, not what was stated.

Vengeance1138191d ago

Everwild?!? Hahahahahaha oh man you still think that's coming out? LOL 😆
I've got news for you...

itsmebryan191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

I just hope it's not more games. With Gamepass my backlog is insane. There's so many games coming each month I don't have time to play them all. Adding ABK is only going to make it worst. I miss the old "Xbox has no games " days. 😪

Gamingsince1981190d ago

You forgot the sarcasm tag so people don't assume you are insane and serious.

191d ago
Hofstaderman191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Phil: Come 2027 we going multiplatform as a publisher. Our engagement rates will quadriple and we can finally become one with Sony and Nintendo.

Todd: Starfield is really good its designed that way. Please buy our DLC..... Please?

S2Killinit191d ago

Wait till E3, I mean, Game awards.

Zeref191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

This meme is dead. Xbox objectively has had a better 2023 than Playstation did.

This is people being excited about what's next.

S2Killinit190d ago (Edited 190d ago )

Oh I assure you its alive. As evidenced by MS’s need to urge people to “wait till the next event.”

PhillyDonJawn190d ago

Sad you have nothing to look forward to.

Hofstaderman190d ago

@Zeref objectively better year? With Redfall, Starfall and what else again?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 190d ago
Zeref191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Xbox got an insane amount of games they could show off at any time!

Will they show off Perfect Dark? Gears 6? Fable? Everwild? Indiana Jones?
Doom Year Zero? A Halo Battle Royale?

There's so much more, What will it be??

I'm hyped af

Obscure_Observer190d ago

"There's so much more, What will it be?? I'm hyped af"

Yes! We still have Contraband, Project Dragon, Project Mara, State of Decay 3 and the rumored TES: Oblivion Remake to be revealed.

S2Killinit190d ago

its always good to dream. Its a part of being a gamer.

PhillyDonJawn190d ago

We definitely getting a Halo update. I can guarentee that whether it's firefight or a battle royal mode.

Zeref190d ago (Edited 190d ago )


Dream? All of these games are real my guy

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 190d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
purple101191d ago

They're leaving the industry?

darthv72191d ago

...they are paying off Sony's debts in exchange for the PlayStation division.

Asplundh191d ago

Lol The mass down votes are incoming for that one.

Christopher191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Makes no sense. The PS division is the mass majority of Sony's profits and is worth way more than their debts alone. Worth more than Activision, even.

191d ago
Sonic1881191d ago

How did Playstation even get in the conversation 🤔

191d ago
TheRealHeisenberg191d ago

LMAO! I think you struck a few nerves with that one.

Petebloodyonion191d ago

I'm pretty sure that Darth72 was sarcastic with that comment :)
We both know that MS will announce that they are acquiring Nintendo because they want to get into the playing cards business.

S2Killinit190d ago (Edited 190d ago )

Hah, pretty much the only way to save the sinking ship that is xbox.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
191d ago
mjchitown191d ago

@Christopher funny you cleanly see this guy hating on xbox, wishing them to leave the industry. and yet you chose to reply to the guy joking back at the troll. problems more and ore how bias you are

Christopher191d ago

I actually consider darthv72 someone worth replying to and not purple101?

191d ago
PhillyDonJawn190d ago (Edited 190d ago )

Calling Chris out on his bias will get you banned round these parts. You best to behave and fall in line *spit a tobacco lougie

S2Killinit190d ago (Edited 190d ago )

I dont think “hating” is the right word. At this point can we blame people for wanting MS out of gaming?

Christopher190d ago (Edited 190d ago )

***Calling Chris out on his bias will get you banned round these parts. You best to behave and fall in line *spit a tobacco lougie ***

A less than 1-year-old account with no restrictions saying this. Interesting.

***I dont think “hating” is the right word. At this point can we blame people for wanting MS out of gaming? ***

Everyone is allowed their opinion, even if it's bad for the industry.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
Lightning77191d ago

You can keep dreaming on that.

isarai191d ago

We know Phil is, by 2027 by his words

fr0sty191d ago

Not yet, Phil said 2027 is the cutoff date for them exiting the industry unless some miracle happens and gamepass subscriptions dramatically increase.

Lightning77191d ago

If Phil believed that then MS would already be slowing things down on Xbox. Why fight so hard for ABK just to close shop 3 years from now? Makes no sense they would they even touch ABK at all. Plus their leaked next gen system being in early concepts already.

Anything can happen sure but I don't see the signs here.

Zeref191d ago

Xbox is not going anywhere 😂

PhillyDonJawn190d ago

It's funny some actually believe that (more like hopeful lol) we 4 years from going out of business, let's go spend 70billion dollars. Totally makes sense

S2Killinit190d ago

Because going full service

XiNatsuDragnel190d ago


Nii San it was stated if by 2027 Microsoft didn't get the numbers they waited they'll leave the industry.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
Lightning77191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Phil says allot of things remember? I'll bet money Xbox isn't goin no where around that time. Gamepass number determines if Xbox stays or not is more than absurd especially knowing all the profits they'll be making from COD and Candy Crush alone.

darthv72190d ago

you know it, and i know it but the PS fans are going to try and hold him to his word even though they NEVER believe a thing he says. So they will hold onto this with baited breath.

And if XB doesnt leave in 27... the PS fans will just cry moar about how Phil lied AGAIN. it's their only coping mechanism.

Barlos191d ago

Damn, got there before me 🤣

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
Zhipp191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

I feel like they always save something for this event. Here's to seeing more from Everwild or Perfect Dark. I'd be happy with a story trailer for Avowed, too.

Eonjay191d ago

Completely forgot about Perfect Dark.

Snookies12191d ago

I NEED to see Perfect Dark. Not a CG trailer, but actual gameplay... I just have to know if it's going to be promising or if I should just let go of any hope ahead of time, lol.

Concertoine191d ago

Yeah objective based stealth shooter genre is basically dead.

I know ppl want third person, Crystal Dynamics usually does third person, Xbox probably needs a third person shooter more than a first, but damn i wish it were in the style of the first 2 PD games.

crazyCoconuts191d ago

I thought Phil said like expect a first party game every quarter, so I'm thinking a hard release date for something in 1Q24?

Obscure_Observer191d ago

That was Matt Booty and Xbox already have 4 first party games making their way for a 2024 release.

Flight Simulator 2024
Hellblade II

Not to mention Fable which I personally believe will be released in 2025 since 2024 is already packed.

Magog191d ago

So is Wait For The Game Awards the new Wait For E3? 🤔

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 191d ago
Crows90191d ago

Okay MS let me help you out. You fail miserably at impressing anyone with your games so here is how easy you have it.

Show us a good gameplay segment of
Perfect dark
Next gears
Next id tech game
Indiana Jones
Hellblade 2

And by good....I mean actually good. No ugly faces and cutscenes only.

RupeeHoarder191d ago

It's too late. The ship has sailed. Dreamcast had some good games after everyone moved on from it also....

Lightning77191d ago

You really think they're gonna show up with all those games? That's literally an E3 presentation. Or are you setting up yourself for failure so you can complain later that half those those games were at the show so they failed in your eyes regardless?

Crows90191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

How about just 1 buddy

You seem to have completely failed to get the point of my comment. I dont care what they show as long as it is a good showing. They have tons of avenues for that...that is the point of my list. Of course theyre not going to show the whole list...that would be them actually learning from past mistakes. Even if they could show it it would probably be shown in the most underwhelming manner possible.

Lightning77191d ago

"How about just 1 buddy

You seem to have completely failed to get the point of my comment."

When you fail to say "I wanna see at least one" you made it sound like you wanted to see all those games at once.

Maybe be clearer next time.

"Of course theyre not going to show the whole list...that would be them actually learning from past mistakes."

Since when has any publisher showed up with that many games? They weren't even there last year and blasted them hard for it. Expect maybe 2 maybe 3 announcements tops from MS.

Crows90191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

"Since when has any publisher showed up with that many games? They weren't even there last year and blasted them hard for it. Expect maybe 2 maybe 3 announcements tops from MS."

Irrelevant. Completely and utterly irrelevant. Microsoft does not need to do what other publishers do. Look at Sony...how many big publishers focus on single player? Yeah...

'When you fail to say "I wanna see at least one" you made it sound like you wanted to see all those games at once. Maybe be clearer next time.'

Maybe dont jump to stupid conclusions...and pretend to be so smart while attacking someone's comment. I also "failed" to say I want to see all of them. Heck that list could be bigger with all the developers theyve purchased.

Concertoine191d ago

I mean at least one would mean just that. If any of those titles had gameplay it would be noteworthy and a sign of life for those games. If they managed to sneak two in, and they were good previews eyes would be on Xbox for sure.

Obscure_Observer191d ago

"Okay MS let me help you out. You fail miserably at impressing anyone with your games so here is how easy you have it."

You said Xbox gamers are used to "mediocrity" and Xbox studios are trash and yet here you are, making idiotic demands to MS.

That´s because we both know that in reality you don´t have anything to be excited about on your preferred platform as far first party games are concerned so you have no other choice but to troll positive Xbox articles.

Just quit with your hypocritical nonsense.

Lightning77191d ago

"Irrelevant. Completely and utterly irrelevant. Microsoft does not need to do what other publishers do. Look at Sony...how many big publishers focus on single player? Yeah..."

What do you mean irrelevant? You're the one who said MS would be learning from their mistakes if they showed all those games. When in fact no other publisher does. You're right MS doesn't need to do what other pubs do, because of pubs don't come with that baby games at the Awards show in general.

"Maybe dont jump to stupid conclusions...and pretend to be so smart while attacking someone's comment."

Don't get mad at me for something that you did. If "sounding smart" is pointing your flaws then you have some serious problems. Own up to it instead of making excuses and pointing fingers.

PhillyDonJawn190d ago (Edited 190d ago )

Too early for gears gameplay. And what's some ppl obsession with gameplay announcement for Xbox games? Games get announcement 12-24 months away gameplay as an announcement isn't necessary for every game. Gameplay trailers is for games close to being released. Regardless what they do you won't be happy with it

Flakegriffin190d ago

You know they’ll show a trailer on the in-game engine and then the game will release under baked.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
Obscure_Observer191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Maybe for some. Nintendo, NVidia, STEAM... but definitely not Playstation. That´s I´m sure.

Ryan talked a lot of sh!t about Xbox in the past few months. I won´t expect Playstation getting any favors or special treatment from Xbox ever again.

Phil offered a ten year deal for every ABK game published by Xbox to be released on Playstation post acquisition. Ryan not only refused but also at the top of his arrogance, said that the only thing he wanted was the deal blocked.

Things did work out well for him or Playstation because now, COD is the only thing they´ll be getting from MS and that´s it!

You reap what you sow.

Eonjay191d ago

That is such an odd statement.
You really should not taking gaming that personal. You realize that now that Microsoft owns Activision, they probably sell more games on PlayStation than any other platform, including Xbox. Microsoft is now the biggest third party publisher on PlayStation.

Obscure_Observer191d ago


This not *me* taking things personally, dude. I´m sure Starfield would sell more copies on Playstation as well, but money is not the only thing business is about.

You see, some Playstation fans were under the impression that Xbox would have no choice but to release every game from Bethesda on Playstation to have that 7 Billion dollars back.

I told them that very day that it wasn´t going happen and they were setting themselves to nothing but disappointment.

A few days later Phil come out and said that Bethesda games didn´t need Playstation to be successful. People still didn´t believe him. How things turn out?

Phil is pretty much aware that the moment he allows Xbox first party games to be available on Playstation getting nothing in return, he´s making the Playstation brand stronger while the Xbox brand weaker.

Playstation won´t make Xbox any favors by allowing their first party games to be on their platform, quit the opposite actually, they will pay third party developers to keep games from Xbox gamers, so Xbox should pay them in the same currency.

Playstation gamers are not entitled to get Xbox first party games the same way Xbox gamers are not entitled to get Playstation first party games.

Nothing more, nothing less.

ChasterMies191d ago

“I won´t expect Playstation getting any favors or special treatment from Xbox ever again”

Microsoft isn’t a person. There was a time when Steven Ballmer would have thrown a fit if he saw a Microsoft employee with an iPhone, but Satya Nadella and Phil Spencer live in the grown-up world of business. If Xbox goes 3rd party (and I feel like Phil has already indicated this is a “when” and not an “if”), they will gladly profit off PS5 owners.

Obscure_Observer191d ago


Bad blood between companies is nothing new and if you know about Steve Ballmer´s rule as CEO at MS back in the day, you also know that until a few months ago, there was bad blood between Yoshi P and Xbox until Phil approach the guy to rebuild bridges and improve relationships.

It´s known that to this very day there´s still bad blood between Sakaguchi-sama and Playstation.

Ryan said pretty harsh things about Xbox among some serious accusations like: "I talked to all publishers they unanimously do not like Game Pass, because its value destructive."

That´s some pretty wild stuff and Sony´s official stance regarding Xbox and Gamepass since they didn´t retracted it or issued an apology.

Sony made their bed and now they must lay on it. So quit with all that port begging crap. No future Xbox first party game will make it to Playstation at least Xbox sees some strategic value by allow some their games to be there like COD and Minecraft.

Flakegriffin190d ago

After today’s news, this didn’t age well huh?

So funny when weirdo fanboys swear they know the industry.

Obscure_Observer190d ago


"After today’s news, this didn’t age well huh?"

How so? Tell me more about future Xbox first party games coming to Playstation?

rippermcrip190d ago

It was only through 12/31/27 and only for existing franchises. But you lie as usual.

So aside from COD... how many games do you actually think they will miss out on in the next 4 years?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 190d ago
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Games to expect at Summer Game Fest, IGN Live, and Xbox Showcase this weekend

Amaar writes: "We've written up everything you should expect to see at this year's Summer Game Fest, IGN Live and Xbox Showcase."

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IAMRealHooman1h ago

i'm hoping for new commodore 64 games, or ZXspectrum titles

darthv722m ago

Look to the evercade showcase for stuff like that.

Sonic18811h ago

Looking forward to the new Doom game


Guerrilla Collective 2024 Showcase

Guerrilla Collective 2024 Showcase

darthv7223h ago

Killing time and Tomba... interesting.

shinoff21831h ago

Cannot wait for Tomba. It's been years since I played. Glad it's coming physically as well.


Coming to Game Pass: Octopath Traveler II, The Callisto Protocol, Still Wakes the Deep, and more

Hey friends, we’re really excited to see you all in just a few short days on June 9 for the Xbox Games Showcase followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct! To whet your appetite for some more games, we have a collection of day one with Game Pass and new to Xbox games, a returning fan favorite and some surprise drops that are playable today!

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Obscure_Observer23h ago


JRPG fans on Gamepass are in for a TREAT!!!

LoveSpuds1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

There are JRPG fans on Xbox? That's news to me 😜

19h ago
ChasterMies2h ago

“Callisto Protocol” was a PS+ monthly game about 9 months ago and it’s not a bad playthrough on easy mode.

Elda46m ago(Edited 45m ago)

It's not a bad game but there's a boss section later in the game that's very frustrating even on easy. I still haven't got passed it yet...lol.

MrBaskerville51m ago

Still have some time leftover on GP after playing Hellblade 2. So if it gets here in time, I'll plow through Still Wakes The Deep.

Elda48m ago(Edited 46m ago)

The only game out of the 6 I'm going to try is Octopath 2. I've already played most of The Callisto Protocol & the rest I have no interest in. Maybe July will be a better month.