
Meet the 13-year-old game developer picked up by PS5

Maximus Trest is taking a year off school to focus on Astrolander, his action-adventure game being released next year.

XiNatsuDragnel207d ago

I hope you're successful bud and good on you Sony.

moomoo319206d ago

Keep going!! This will be your career one day

jznrpg206d ago

I’ll keep an eye out for it.

raWfodog206d ago

I wish I had an aptitude (and patience) for development and coding. I know some very basic stuff but nothing on this level lol. I hope this young man goes far in this industry and doesn’t get burned out (or taken advantage of).

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Nintendo, Xbox, And PlayStation Have All Now Abandoned Twitter/X Integration

The latest Switch firmware update kills off support for the Elon Musk-owned social media company.

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Jin_Sakai15h ago

Could care less. I use consoles to play games not for social media.

Cacabunga1h ago

Social garbage should be abandoned altogether.. the world is stupid since these things got introduced

CrashMania14h ago

And nothing of value was lost, that site is a cesspit.

purple10113h ago(Edited 13h ago)

correction, was a cesspit,

now more of just a swamp / everglades / marshland

gold_drake11h ago

not sure who actually used it in the first placd

Vithar52m ago

Good, Twitter is getting worst than 4chan

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Konami didn't recover after ditching Kojima, but this Metal Gear revival is its best shot

With Kojima gone, a lot is riding on Konami's revival of Metal Gear.

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Jingsing18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Not really, Konami is basically in name only and like so many other Japanese studios that have come and gone they are just going to be an IP troll and milk that cow until it is dry. Also one of the advertised features is playing the game from a different camera view while everything else remains the same will just result in making the game easier like what happened with Twin Snakes.

Cacabunga14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

If this turns out good and gamers support it we will get the other ones.. i really hope we get MGS original in zanzibar, Peace Walker and Portable Ops remakes after this one.. they are related with naked snake

Portable Ops was sooooooo good and underrated

gold_drake11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Konami might not be super active in the videogame business anymore, or less, but they still make a ton of money with their collections and pachinko machines.

and their castlevania series on netflix is really successful also.

just_looken9h ago


Your dislikes shows this sites situation

Konami has been doing all of that for years now like there contra games or mgs ports

mgs survive anyone

isarai18h ago

When are people going to learn that all Konami is doing with these games Is licensing them out? They are not trying to revive their game development Branch and they are not the ones developing this. It is studios that came to them and asked to use the license to make a game and they have been doing this pretty much since MGSV

jeromeface15h ago

Remaking all his work reaks of desperation. The only reason they are getting away with it is everyones deep love for the series. If delta is successful (which as of right now it should be), they'll be sure to remake all of them.

Redgrave14h ago

Big shoes to fill, and compared to SH2 - this is as much a 1:1 remake as you can get. You can still see the PS2 bones in the movements and how the cutscenes have the same angles. If anything, I'd have preferred the reverse.... with SH2 being closer to a 1:1 remake but prettier, and have MGS3 have a little more freedom.

Ideally, MGS3 with a MGSV skin in terms of gameplay and freedom of approach. This is more like a high budget remaster than a remake. Having recently replayed the Bluepoint remaster, this is going to be like that same experience but even prettier.

But, as with both MGS3 and SH2, nearly impossible shoes to fill if not outright so. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Such is the legacy of these GOAT titles.

Inverno13h ago

It's a one to one remake, using the same voice recordings too. Not a reimagining, no new content thus far announced, just a straight remake of a game that already exists, but now with prettier graphics. There's no revival, they proved they can't make anything related to MG after Survival. They'll just remake all the games and people will eat it up.

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Develop:Brighton’s Indie Showcase competition returns this year, and here are the ten finalists

We have the ten finalists for Develop:Brighton’s Indie Showcase competition right here, so take a look ahead of the event next month.

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