
RoboCop Rogue City - DF Tech Review - Unreal Engine 5 Shines on PS5/Xbox Series X|S

A surprise to be sure - but a welcome one! RoboCop Rogue City isn't just an excellent shooter, it's one of the most accomplished uses of Unreal Engine 5 we've seen so far on consoles.

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darthv72209d ago

Such a good game. It has its rough spots but that is what gives it charm.

isarai209d ago

It got buggier as it neared the end for me which was weird, but it's so fun and satisfying. Also yeah the graphical quality and visual attention to detail really surprised me with this game

autobotdan209d ago

Play quietly or there will be trouble


The PS5 version again mops the floor with the series x version visually speaking with less stutters, higher frame rate, higher resolution.

208d ago
darthv72208d ago

"mops the floor"....... what video did you watch?

Azanar208d ago

And you watched which video that showed the PS5 had better FPS? I cant seem to find it, the one I watched said exactly the opposite.

mkis007208d ago

Enjoying it, still mad thr auto 9 sound isnt right.


Sony Wishes Its State Of Play Was As Impressive As The Xbox Showcase

While the Sony State of Play had a critical lack of first-party titles and new stuff, Xbox came in hard and delivered one hell of an event.

Goodguy0115h ago

SoPs usually are quite underwhelming. Xbox did a great job and hope Sony learns

Cacabunga4h ago

It was a great show, but still a multiplateform show. xbox needed to give a sign of life, and they did. Sony on the other hand showed some console exclusives..
State of play was light yes that’s clear, but Sony is still planning to deliver console exclusives.

romulus234h ago(Edited 4h ago)

The following games from the showcase are multi-plat and also coming to PlayStation and there may be more so perhaps what Sony learned was to let MS spend the money on advertising games for them.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Clair Obscur: Expeditions 33
DOOM: The Dark Ages
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Fallout 76: Skyline Valley
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Sea of Thieves: Season 13
WUCHANG: Fallen Feathers

Kayser812h ago

they are advertising GamePass which the none subscribers have to pay 70$ for it.

Hello_World2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Buyers on PS help make Gamepass games even more profit by paying retail price, while Xbox gamers get all on day one using subscription. Huge difference.

blackblades2h ago

Sony been doing it before MS has for years, so they dont need to learn. If the time isnt right then the time isnt right.

-Foxtrot1h ago

I hope they learn aswell BUT looking at both sides at least Sony isn’t announcing games to show off again, and again, and again over a couple of years

While a good show there was a lot at Microsoft’s conference that were announced and shown off years ago. If Sony sticks to only showing off games when they are going to be released the same year then I kind of understand it but if they don’t then I’d be flabbergasted by it

1Victor40m ago

Let Sony do its thing when they drop the ball for gen and a half of duds shows then they’ll be even with Xbox and we should worry till then they earn it.
All that been said congratulations to Microsoft for finally doing the minimum of having good looking games coming soon took 100 billion to do it but hey gotta spend money to make money or so someone broke once said.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 40m ago
italiangamer15h ago

It's embarrassing how "professional videogaming journalism" has fallen off.
Article written by a 13 years old full of acne.

Rebel_Scum2h ago

Gotta start somewhere. Especially with computers and AI taking jobs from fast food joints and supermarkets which traditionally hire teens.

isarai12h ago

I think people need to be aware that purpose of State of Play is updates on small scale and 3rd party games, their big scale showings are PlayStation Showcase.

11h ago
Terry_B4h ago

Approved this silly submission of an "opinion article" with the last 2 votes it needed to have a laugh at the upcoming comments.

Seriously, console war shit like this one should be banned from n4g.

Profchaos3h ago

I've noticed that console wait flame bait is the only thing getting approved lately with other articles taking a few days to show up after not getting approved

Terry_B3h ago

Aye. Usually I just use the "how submissions with most approvals" choice ..look what they are and approve. Wish we would have way more reviews here instead of opinion articles. So many of them are just bait.

peppeaccardo4h ago

One one side a company that has brought real innovation in videos games with the first truly 3d graphics for mass entertainment, handheld devices, VR, great francises ... on the other side the Netflix of video games, and so .... who wants to be who? Let's stay focus and play some games kids.

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LG_Fox_Brazil11h ago

Good thing I wasn't there, I would've left my entire pay check