
Xbox Series X|S vs Xbox 360 Sales Comparison - September 2023

September 2023 is the 35th month the Xbox Series X|S has been available for. In the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the Xbox 360 when compared to the aligned launch of the Xbox Series X|S by 115,481 units.

In the last 12 months, the Xbox 360 has caught up to the Xbox Series X|S by 1.82 million units. The Xbox Series X|S is currently ahead by 2.66 million units.

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jznrpg211d ago

Series S/X is losing to Xbox One this year not just 360. That’s really bad news.

Tacoboto211d ago

It is. Xbox's failure in 2022 and not having a significant title this year until Starfield, they didn't give new players a reason to invest in the hardware. The Game Pass third party titles only appease current owners, they won't and clearly don't drive adoption.

Einhander1972210d ago

But Starfield is in this chart and 360 sold still sold 25% more consoles in matching months.

And the industry has technically grown, so if the market was matched XS should be ahead just by the nature of industry growth. So when you analyze it fully you can see how far behind 360 XS actually is.

Look at this chart for comparison.
PS5 vs PS3 Sales Comparison - September 2023 - Sales

crazyCoconuts211d ago

So now do they double down and use their massive collection of companies to only churn out exclusives to see if they can turn the ship around?
Or do they go the other extreme and make games available everywhere to maximize their profit while trying to get GamePass on other platforms?

dveio211d ago

Out of a plain and simple business perspective, why would you build the most powerful console yet and then don't care about units being sold?

I can imagine heads at Microsoft are not enjoying these numbers, at all.

Then again: software sells hardware, always has.

Microsoft had prepared their hardware well. They reportedly we're even confident about it compared to PS5's specs. But they again fell short on their software. Their units numbers would be different otherwise.

Who knows what's still to come, I certainly don't. But after three years into this gen, Gamepass alone doesn't push any additional units to people.

I can't imagine how high the exact amount of billions of dollars must be that Microsoft has already put into their Xbox Gaming Division, only to hold up against Playstation. Bonkers.

andy85211d ago (Edited 211d ago )

Tbf they probably did care originally, but the gens lost heavily now. But it's not about console power that sells a console so that most powerful tagline did nothing, it's constantly delivering quality over the years and not smoke and mirrors. They're just lucky the PS had massive stock issues so they got a decent amount sold in the beginning.

DivineHand125211d ago

This is an unfortunate hurdle Xbox can't seem to overcome. The series X is an amazing console but as good as it is, if someone came to be and said "I can only have one console which would you recommend" I can't in good concence even suggest the Xbox brand because it is lacking in exclusives and there is no incentive for playing 3rd party games there over a PS5.

crazyCoconuts211d ago

Also the fact that the PS5 controllers are so much more advanced and there's no path to VR with Xbox...

TiredGamer211d ago (Edited 211d ago )

You are missing the forest for the trees. Despite the fact that the XBox is in last place, it’s still selling a heck of a lot of consoles and there’s money to be made. And the console is a flagship advertisement for GamePass no matter what. Kind of like how the Surface lineup of computers don’t compete anywhere near to Apple in sales, but still bring in revenue and keep the hardware brand awareness alive. MS will eventually go platform agnostic with GamePass, but they might continue to design and sell consoles if it makes them enough money and as long as the hardware economics formula is positive.

crazyCoconuts211d ago

That's a great point. Don't need to be winning to make some money. That may also mean they focus less on exclusives if they're not making a big difference in console sales


Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie

Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie. This is something of a homecoming, as Microsoft owns Activision.

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Obscure_Observer8h ago

Very very early in development. Still, fantastic news!

Let´s GO!!!

Lightning776h ago

I guess.

How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )

At least it wouldn't be MS of all ppl destroying them.

MS really should let go Tango go like they did TFB here.

darthv725h ago(Edited 5h ago)

one was under Bethesda (Tango) the other under Activision (TFB). Clearly each one handled the separations of their subordinates differently.

Obscure_Observer5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

"How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )"

Perhaps because Zenimax and ABK handles such matters differently based on their own internal policies as "independent" publishers.

Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future. Which could also be the reason why they ensured an exclusive partnership with TFB and its new game, before anyone else.

Sad and disgusting. But it is what it is.

Lightning771h ago(Edited 1h ago)

"Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future."

MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB.

It's inexcusable, they have options on how to handle studios they don't want anymore with killing jobs. Not just MS but the rest of the industry also.

Sad and disgusting sure how many will get shut down next year or this year even?

I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another.

-Foxtrot7h ago

Manages to buy their freedom especially after all the shit Microsoft has been doing with its studios lately


Goes right back to them as partners.


darthv725h ago

Id venture a guess that TFB working directly with MS was a better outcome than working through Activision to get to MS.

VersusDMC3h ago

From the article...

"Toys for Bob spun out as an indie back in February after Microsoft instituted sweeping layoffs that impacted 86 employees, which was more than half of the staff"

I doubt those 86 employees enjoyed the Microsoft experience over Activisions.

Inverno3h ago

MS shuts down studios because of lack of resources and then helps these guys by giving em resources. Also MS is what forced them to buy their freedom in the first place? What kind of logic 😂

Chevalier27m ago

The best thing is that the company that is worth $3 trillion and owns the company instead of Xbox lacks resources. How the hell does a company worth $3 trillion making a measly $70 billion purchase they 'can't' support. Lol

Sciurus_vulgaris5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Xbox’s gaming division seems to still function as 3 semi-autonomous sub-divisions, Xbox Studios, Bethesda and ABK. The three main sub-divisions can seemingly shut down or build studios and set up partnerships independently. This would explain why Bethesda can recently shutdown studios, while ABK spins off one studio, while building a new one. Plus, Toys for Bob could be spun off by ABK, only to immediately re-partner with Microsoft.

Chevalier24m ago

That's absolutely 💯 BS. Any sane 'autonomous' company would NOT put their games on Gamepass day 1 like COD will lose probably billions.

Also they're all under Xbox game studios so any autonomy is an illusion.

Elda30m ago

Either a kiddie game or something uninteresting.


All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Report: Black Ops 6 to Be Another "DLC" Download for Call of Duty HQ; Same With MW3

It seems Black Ops 6 will be another "DLC" download added to the Call of Duty HQ app for all platforms when it launches later this year.

purple1019h ago

this news makes the choice easy, Concord it is, - totally different, but happy for a change, not played any other shooter for about 5-6 years now

Kaii8h ago

Yeah, they are adding more extensions to make the entire streamlined experience more convoluted.

P_Bomb3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Omg why? The bloat! It’s already at 180GB last I checked.