
Metal Gear Solid 2 Trophy & Achievement Guide (Master Collection)

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Raiden Didn't Deserve The Backlash The Character Received

Raiden was introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2 to the ire of some fans. In this opinion article, we argue that the character didn't deserve the backlash that was received upon release.

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-Foxtrot129d ago

He just wasn't interesting sadly and to have Snake in the game, even playing him for a bit then give us the old switcharoo was just bad.

Put it this way, he was so bland they had to make him a cool cyborg ninja in the 4th game.

Cacabunga128d ago

i also has mixed feelings about Raiden.. First reason was because I didn't even know he was the main character in the game (I only bought gaming magazines once in a while) and I had a MGS 2 demo in the bunker which was starring Snake.
Second reason I won't say he is uninteresting but just overshadowed by Snake.. the gameplay in the end of the game with the double analog sticks saber slicing was nice and I liked Raiden for that reason (improved in MGS Rising).

Playing with Solid Snake was just a wow moment every time in comparison.. Only Naked Snake could stand against Solid Snake for me..

raWfodog128d ago

He definitely grew on me as the game progressed but I was initially pissed because I was expecting to play as Snake. It was the old bait-and-switch lol.

Becuzisaid128d ago

Maybe. But his dialogue and voice acting didn't do him any good. No offense to the voice actor, he was much better in mgs4, so it's not his fault. Raiden was extremely whiny and just not interesting.

shinoff2183128d ago

I didn't mind Raiden, in part 2. I never cared for rising but it was way more action heavy and at the time its not what I was looking for in a mgs game. I would retry it though these days

Juancho51128d ago

I enjoyed doing cartwheels while holding my balls on a giant warship, haha! Definitely a great character. I also enjoyed his spinoff game, it was short and simple but they did a good job putting it together.

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On Metal Gear’s 35th anniversary, Konami says it’s ‘preparing’ to bring back delisted games

From VGC: "Today marks the 35th anniversary of the original Metal Gear, and the official Japanese Metal Gear Twitter account posted a tweet celebrating the occasion.

However, awkwardly, fans still can’t play many series entries on modern consoles due to them having been pulled from storefronts last year. Konami said on Wednesday the games would soon return.

“The Metal Gear series, launched on 13 July 1987, celebrates its 35th anniversary today,” the tweet reads. “We are preparing to resume the sale of titles that had been temporarily suspended.”"

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ocelot07698d ago

Hoping MGS 1, MGS2,3 and 4 come to PS+ Premium and MGS1 have trophies that would be great.

andy85698d ago

That would absolutely make my year if MGS1 was. 2 not so much, one of my all time favourite games but damn the trophy list was a pain 🤣

roadkillers698d ago

GamePass!! Lol, It’ll probably come to PS+ that’s why I’m advocating

MADGameR698d ago

I'm hoping for MGS1 Remake........

Kyizen698d ago

So many rumors it is happening...

CobraKai698d ago

I wanted one a long time ago, then Twin Snakes happened. Hopefully if the do a remake, it’s a proper one.

Z501697d ago

Twin Snakes already exists.
Remakes of remakes 🤮

Snakeeater25697d ago

But I don’t want to buy a game cube and It was a bad remake

CobraKai697d ago

I want a real remake, not another TS. No backflipping off missiles and spinning sniper shots. A real Solid Snake MGS

franwex698d ago

Mgs1 strange GameCube port?

P_Bomb698d ago

Twin Snakes! I forgot about that remake.

FallenAngel1984698d ago (Edited 698d ago )

Bring Metal Gear back to PS Now…Premium

MGS2 & MGS3 may have gotten delisted, but MGS4 & MGR:R just disappeared from the service when they were longtime staples

If any Metal Gear game should be delisted it should be Metal Gear Survive

I hope they also bring MGS1 & MPO to PS+ Premium with trophies so my set can finally be complete for the whole franchise

Syphos698d ago

I don't trust Konami doing anything new with the series but I hope they become available in a proper way on the PSN hopefully PS4/PS5 will both be able to access these games, really want to replay MGS4 and since it's been delisted the only way right now would be to emulate it which I'm not a fan of tbh, it's also not emulated properly yet, there's still bugs etc. =[

ocelot07697d ago

Or just buy a cheap PS3 and play it that way?

Syphos697d ago

Don't really have the spare bucks to buy a PS3 + the game again just for MGS4, especially with this news it seems like if I wait a while it might show up on PS again, it used to be on PSNoW and I'd rather sub to PSNOW for a bit to have some other titles playable besides just MGS4 for the same price or even cheaper then going the route of buying a PS3 and the game

ocelot07696d ago

I understand I also played mhs4 via ps now about a year or so ago. However I did buy a PS3 40gb for £25 last year as well as a copy of the standard edition of MGS4 for £3.

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Metal Gear Solid Bosses Ranked From Worst to Best

Metal Gear Solid bosses are often weird, wacky, or just downright insane. But which are the best ones? Find out here.

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Orchard781d ago

This is a hard list to make… so many good bosses in the series.

I really enjoyed Psycho Mantis as a kid, I was blown away by the fact he could make my controller rumble and read my save games! And the tactics to beat him were crazy.

I’d put him in #1 with The End in 2nd.

Flawlessmic781d ago

Going through this list desperatly makes me want a remake of 1 and then a 4k remaster with other better effect touch for mgs 2-4.

Cmon konami give us the ultimate mgs collection charge what you want ill pay it.

Just give me upgraded versions of the games that i can play all on one console.

Knushwood Butt781d ago

Konami are too busy changing their name.

Z501780d ago (Edited 780d ago )

You want ANOTHER remake of 1? Twin Snakes not enough? There should be a limit on remakes imo. Reboots are fine tho.

"to soon" = "I didn't play at launch" = irrelevant

Flawlessmic780d ago

Nope not enough that remake came to soon as it was the gen after.

We are now 3 gens later so yea remake it again or give us a 4k version with other graphical updates aswell.

generic-user-name780d ago

Twin Snakes butchered MGS1, but even if it didn't, that game is still 20 years old and outdated. The original trilogy could all do with a ground up remake. Fortunately for people like you though, you'll not be forced at gunpoint to buy it if you don't want it.

generic-user-name781d ago

The Olga fight is a bit harsh, she pulled off some neat tricks like using the tarp to hide herself (while showing off the cloth physics) and blinding you with lights you had to shoot out (a new mechanic).

The Fear is really harsh. Yes with the thermal goggles he's easily defeated but it's easy enough to miss the thermal goggles before fighting him. The fact that you can take advantage of how he frequently gets hungry during the fight adds to the options too.

How is Fortune ranked higher than both the above?

Liquid Ocelot at 29? C'mon that fight was epic, you get a whole new control scheme just for that fight and it's got tons of well thought out fan service.

Revolver Ocelot MGS1 fight at 9? You just ran around in a circle.

Though I do agree with your #1. The Boss fight was peak MGS, right down to pressing square to shoot the final bullet.

Name Last Name780d ago

yeah, the list dropped the ball with Liquid Ocelot at 29.

DarXyde780d ago

I think most people would say The End or Mantis, partly for the whole meta experience. Definitely great battles and Mantis messed with EVERYONE. That was the moment that people realized Kojima is a legendary troll in the making.

For me, though, The Boss is #1, no question. That battle was arguably the most significant in the series and was just legendary. Dare I say, my favorite boss battle, period.

Z501780d ago

Not one boss from Peace Walker.
Who made this terrible list?

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