
CS2 HE Grenade Sound Mechanic: A Setback for the CT Side?

Discover the impact of CS2 HE Grenade Sound Mechanic on CT gameplay. NiP's REZ shares concerns about this game-changing mechanic.


The best tactical shooters you can play right now

From Counter Strike to Rainbow Six, GameSpew has rounded up eight of the best tactical shooters you can play right now on PC and console.

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Best Shooter of 2023

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "Ah, yes... the shooter. While many will besmirch the genre for being just about shooting guns, I say that's an unfair judgement. There's also the potential for stabbing, exploding, incinerating, impaling, and so much more! Jokes aside, 2023 was an... interesting year for quality, in that it felt like a coin toss whether a big-budget shooter would actually be worth anyone's time. Below are the final contenders for the year, ranging from modern-military shooters to a new IP that didn't seem like it'd ever release. Interesting, indeed."

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P_Bomb145d ago

Dang. In its darkest hour COD still gets nominated? The genre needs to do better.

coolbeans145d ago

The unavoidable pitfalls of a 50/50 split influence between community & staff on GOTY awards. MW III was awarded a 3/10 on the site too. lol

Pyrofire95145d ago

I paused Atomic Heart in anticipation for the RT update. I don't think that ever came and at this point it's basically dropped for me.


Counter-Strike 2 Players Can Now No Longer Refund A Grenade After Throwing It

The Counter-Strike 2 devs have published quite a small patch that fixes a relatively major problem that was disturbing many players.