
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles Review by Video Chums

“In an age when RPGs are generally becoming increasingly dark, violent, brash, and serious, the brilliantly colourful humour-filled lightheartedness of these Rhapsody games shines through in a profoundly distinct fashion. From adorable characters to lovely musical numbers and rewarding combat to oodles of side-splitting jokes; there's certainly a lot to love here.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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shinoff2183190d ago (Edited 190d ago )

Hands down. Star ocean 2 remake. Shame it didn't make it to any of their lists. One other thing imo sea of stars was better then chained echoes.

VideoChums190d ago

Excellent choices! Both are great games that we considered but Chained Echoes edged out Sea of Stars by a hair and Star Ocean 2 almost made the cut. There were so many phenomenal RPGs this year that some tough decisions had to be made; that's for sure! 😅

shinoff2183189d ago

Appreciate the reply. I didn't expect that.

Zeldafan64189d ago (Edited 189d ago )

No mention of Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed. That's ridiculous. One of the best dlc ever.

VideoChums189d ago

Absolutely! And thanks for your feedback - we will consider an award for DLC next year.


Review - Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles (Switch) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Fernando da Costa: "Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles is a product of the late 90s, and it shows. Sure, it’s painfully easy, but man, if it isn’t super fun and quirky. It’s like comfort food, something I can play and immediately have the expectation that, yeah, I’m in for a delightful romp. I had an exceptional journey, with banter out the arse. It’s something I can sit back and relax while I giggle at the antics of these characters or the stupid puns that are so bad, they’re glorious. What I adore most is how the uncomplicated gameplay means it’s perfect for newcomers to the JRPG genre. I wasn’t stressed, I never felt overwhelmed, and I was gleeful. The score is happiness in the form of musical notes. All in all, I suggest purchasing this package, but at a discount."

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Review: Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles | Console Creatures

Bobby says, "Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles brings the niche RPG series to the Switch and it's a nice little break from a packed summer calendar."

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