
Red Dead Redemption’s $50 Pricing on PS4 and Switch is a Hilariously Bad Decision

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick's comments about the Red Dead port's pricing are very hard to take seriously.

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Vits299d ago (Edited 299d ago )

I mean, players are pretty happy to pay $70 bucks for new games. Contrary to what most hoped, game sales had not suffered because of that increase in price. And if you increase the top you will increase all tiers below. So this port that would before probably cost something between $30 and $40 is now $50.

The only way to stop it is for the majority to boycott it. But we all know that is not happening.

Eonjay297d ago

Demand is classically proportional to price. But this whole.fake outrage is like 10 remakes or Skyrim too late. Not buying it.

andy85298d ago

They are because it's a brand new game that took years of effort, not a port (that's actually a worse version of a 13 year old game) that took zero effort.

CrimsonWing69298d ago (Edited 298d ago )

Um… you do know game sales are down since the $70 price tags, right?


And I highly doubt many are chomping at the bit to pay $50 for this.

andy85298d ago

Never suggest they weren't, but I don't see the relevance. It's years of development for 70 vs an untouched game ported over for 50. I wasn't sticking up for the port. No one's buying it 😂 (unless they're stupid)

Vits298d ago (Edited 298d ago )

The thing is, I don't agree with that analysis by Tweaktown. Because it discounts the biggest factor of that period, the pandemic, where literally everything was being sold at record rates. And the phenomenon is even outlined in the data itself, just look at the spike during 2020 in comparison to 2019. Then a small decline during 2021, followed by normalization in 2022. Something that you will also find in a lot of other segments.

And weirdly enough those $70 2022 games still sold better than the $60 2019 games. Something that we definitely should not see, if the reason for the decline was based on the game's prices being increased. But I mean going by the more logical explanation would not generate as many clicks.

SyntheticForm298d ago

Rockstar now believe they're untouchable and can shit out anything due to their pedigree and success with GTA V. Nobody should buy this absolute smear.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 297d ago
ActualWhiteMan298d ago

Just rebought the game of year Xbox one edition on eBay for $17

Abear21298d ago

$17 for a 13 year old game you are going to play on 10 year old hardware? Way to go.

just_looken298d ago (Edited 298d ago )

This person can play it on a series or one xbox that is a great purchase. Upscaled 4k rdr for that person

seanpitt23298d ago

Yeah on Xbox it has the superior version 4k on the x consoles and has multiplayer which this $50 version will not have..

Npugz7298d ago

Who the hell would actually buy this?

MatrixxGT298d ago

Red Dead on switch is pretty cool tbh. But it’s still a pretty old game for $50.

Good-Smurf298d ago

Not $50 cool, I guess people will pay silly price to play games that never designed to be played on the go.

neutralgamer1992298d ago

i will buy it because that's the only way to play on playstation. But since i already own it on XSX i won't be buying it until it's under $20. I do wish they had put a bit more effort into it

simple things like native 4k support and allow 60FPS option. Even if rest of the game was left as is. They can't blame us the gamers for overreacting to GTA-HD when those are bad remasters. We as gamers want devs to put in the effort

seanpitt23298d ago

Sheep will buy it, I bought this in 2010 for PS3 it was really impressive at the time but this is an insult from take two and rockstar, don't buy it let these learn a lesson

RaiderNation298d ago

Let's wait for sales results before making this proclamation.

Double_O_Revan298d ago

Seriously. Things like this seem stupid to us, I think it's an insane price. But their marketing department and done research and determined this to be a good price and that people will pay it. Sure you will have the vocal minority that will complain about it. But those people probably wouldn't have bought it anyway. There are plenty of people that are going to want this on the Switch to take it on the go that will eat this up.

andy85298d ago

I really don't think the people that are complaining about this are the minority 😂😂 I'd wager over 90% of people think a 13 year old port that is worse than the original for $50 is scandalous.

RaiderNation298d ago (Edited 298d ago )


Don't confuse social media backlash with the the real world. This thing will sell in droves! Everyone complained about the GTA trilogy that released not having any new features, yet it sold nearly 20 million copies. We are the minority when it comes to entirety of the gaming market. This will sell 10 million + easily.

andy85296d ago

@RaidenNation that's nuts I never realised it sold anything like that. But it is a little different, it's 3 games instead of one, and even though it was buggy they did make actual changes to them. I doubt that 10 million will buy this though. That's nearly half of what the original sold as a new game. As a $50 port I don't even see who the market is for. The Trilogy sold for nostaliga but that was 3 updated games for the price of this bad port. I can see even fans waiting for a sale. The switch version will sell though

Abear21298d ago

Sales results will be good, it’s a great game. For gamers that already know anything about gaming though, this is a ridiculous release that no real fan of Rockstar games wants or needs.

JEECE298d ago

I could actually tolerate it if they would just unlock the framerate of the PS4 version so we could run it at 60 fps on PS5. As is I see no reason to play it again, having already played it on PS3.

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Rockstar Might Be Preparing For Red Dead Redemption 1 Release On PC

Rockstar Games may be preparing to release its open world action adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 1, on PC.

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Goodguy0122d ago

I just want 4k/1440p and 60fps support. And with little glitches too ofc.

Snookies1221d ago (Edited 21d ago )

This is about the PC version of RDR 1. The PC version of RDR 2 doesn't have a frame rate cap. Though I do agree, it is mind boggling that Rockstar still hasn't released a patch for consoles.

XiNatsuDragnel22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

It'll be great if true

LucasRuinedChildhood22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Hopefully 60fps on consoles for RDR2 is next then.

LucasRuinedChildhood22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Honestly, a PS5 Pro isn't even needed for 60fps in this case. But if they wanted to use it show a game running maxed out at a high resolution at 60fps, I wouldn't complain. Just give us 60fps. lol

I think the Series X might have an issue running the One X version at a locked 60fps as that version was a full native 4K but they could just lower the resolution a bit.

purple10122d ago (Edited 22d ago )

I wish to play both stellar blade, and rdr2, on the pro, maxed out like an expensive pc,

would be good, especially for the price, even if thats £499/ £549

last I checked, a rtx 4070super was £580 for just the card!

DaReapa22d ago

There aren't many games I'd double dip for, but having originally gotten this for PS3, I would happily get this if true.

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15 PS3 Games That Would Absolutely Shine as PS5 Remakes

GB: "With this feature, we talk about 15 games on the PS3 that should be remade for the PlayStation 5."

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kenpachi55d ago

You left out The Darkness games bring those back

fan_of_gaming54d ago

The head of Nightdive Studios has posted that The Darkness is on their list of games they want to do, so hopefully something comes from that

Yi-Long55d ago

Little Big Planet 1 and 2 deserve a mention, IMO.

Good call on Motorstorm, a game released 2 gens ago but still looks and feels so good. Motorstorm 2 and Motorstorm RC were gems as well. They followed up the Motorstorm games with the brilliant Driveclub, which still manages to put modern racing games to shame. Imagine closing down a studio as talented as that ... (!) Incredible.

A little 'arcade-gem' back then was The Last Guy, a top down 'follow the leader' snake-like game where you had to find and lead survivors to safety during an alien invasion, on terrible looking 'Google-earth' maps. Graphics were poor, even back then, but would love that same gameplay with modern maps and graphics.

Street Fighter 4, once it finally had a full roster, was quite good, but it was always an ugly game, sadly. Imagine bringing that back while using the current SF6 engine.

fan_of_gaming54d ago

Good suggestions, I'd be in for
LittleBigPlanet 2
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Motorstorm: RC

purple10154d ago

God damn I love motorstorm so much

At the time I had a low-mid range sony 40” tv, The latency to the controller was waaaay too high, would to play a modern version

In saying that later I got a 3d lg tv and playing the 3d motorstorm in my bedroom with the environment crumbling around the track, was something special, specially compared to what others were playing at the time, will always remember that

Skuletor54d ago

Some good choices here and Resistance: Fall of Man is my most wanted PS3 remaster/remake. Not sure about their claim it was Sony's answer to Gears of War though.

CrimsonWing6954d ago

I’d rather have sequels than remakes. Look at Dead Space 1 Remake. Would’ve been cooler if we got a new entry and it failed with sales sealing the fate of a sequel rather than just replay the same game and it fail in sales and we never get a new entry.

Remakes are great for things like PS2 and earlier games to really get a crazy new graphical coat, but I think we should ease up on all these remakes and actually do sequels.

fan_of_gaming54d ago

Yeah for sure, sequels would be ideal. But in the current market environment where many big publishers are risk-averse, I'd rather get a remaster or remake that a developer can do on a budget that will be approved, rather than nothing for an IP.

Inverno54d ago

I rather they remaster and port over to PC and current gen all the games permanently stuck on PS360. Those games don't need remakes, they need to be given a chance to live again outside of their confined consoles and then give a few proper sequels. Like Sleeping Dogs, Motor Storm, LA Noir, should get another entry.

fan_of_gaming54d ago

Yeah I'd be fine with remasters of PS3 games too, they don't have to be remakes.

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