
FF7 Rebirth devs currently working on nailing down a release date for the game

The Final Fantasy VII Official Twitter account shared an update on the development progress for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Chance_of_Raine376d ago

I'll do it for them. When it's ready. That's when the release date is.

RaidenBlack376d ago

FF IX Remake rumors are trending again as well ...

Goosejuice376d ago

I loved 9 but I feel like that would be a little harder for remake just based on the style of the game. 8 would make for a good remake though. 9 just has a more cartoon style to it that would make a remake a little weird imo

shinoff2183376d ago

Ff9 could easily be remade. Just remake it as is. Don't touch a single thing. Some of us old school ff fans just want beefed up graphics.

jznrpg376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

@shinoff2183 I agree just enhance the graphics even don’t need full blown remake even just touch it up I’d be happy.
Something more than a remaster and less than a full remake I would be happy

Goosejuice376d ago

Rumors are of a remake though..not a remaster. I'd be down for a remaster of 9 but a remake? Idk.

jznrpg376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Love 9 one of my favorites. I’d buy a remake day 1.

They should remake 8 though it needs it the most after 7.

Hopefully they keep some of these turn based as in my opinion they don’t need to change the battle systems for all of them.

I do like FF7R combat but it would be nice to have some fully turn based as well

CBaoth375d ago

said this before here amigo. Square should remake 1-6 turn based and 7-12 (minus 11) active combat. That way they could placate both groups of fans without losing either

RPGer376d ago

I like the new Square Enix they keep their optimistic expectations for their self and only annouce release date when the developers says so. XIII era was a huge mess.

MADGameR376d ago

Spring 2024 probably. But that's just my estimation...

Babadook7376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Somehow I thought this was a 2023 release. Guess that’s not known after all.

WhiteHawk376d ago

They only said next winter, which goes to march next year, and as the first part came out at the beginning of the year it released in, that’s the most likely. But we will see, if they are ahead of schedule they might try for the Xmas money, all depends on how many big games do the same as well.

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banger8869d ago

Far Cry 5....bullshit. This game had a great ending imo.

MrNinosan69d ago

There is no game called Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2, but Rebirth had a great ending imo. Felt robbed by the ending at first, but the more I've seen it and during my 3rd playthrough, I started to understand and realize a lot more that make me appreciate the ending.

Nerdmaster69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

I was enjoying FFVII Remake, even though those whispers throughout the game were annoying. But the ending was so bad that I don't even want to play Rebirth. On top of that, from what I saw on reviews, the ending of Rebirth is even worse.

Also, I'm glad to see Zero Time Dilemma being recognized as the trainwreck it is. After the amazing two first games (especially the near perfect second one), the low quality of the trilogy end is baffling. The new characters are bad, the old characters don't feel like themselves, a surprise "alien technology" pops out of nowhere, the big twist was like "eh?", and it doesn't really finish the story nor explains the loose threads from the second game.


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Lexreborn298d ago

Save you a click, play the side quests with the bandits