
Xbox needs to own RPGs if it's to stand a chance

Why Xbox could look to the RPG genre to help turn around its fortunes ahead of the upcoming Xbox Showcase.

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Magog374d ago

RPG is used so loosely these days. What makes Starfield an RPG? God of War has stats and builds and hitpoints and various magic abilities. Is that an RPG too? Not to mention that almost every Japanese RPG comes to Playstation but rarely Xbox.

Obscure_Observer374d ago

"RPG is used so loosely these days. What makes Starfield an RPG?"

Todd Howard. RPG legend.

"God of War has stats and builds and hitpoints and various magic abilities. Is that an RPG too?"

Little RPG elements throwed in the mix doesn´t turn an action/adventure game into a RPG game, ask Cory.

"Not to mention that almost every Japanese RPG comes to Playstation but rarely Xbox."

Under Phil Spencer, Xbox has 99% of all *mainstream* JRPG franchises and under his leadership, Xbox is now the go to console brand for high-profile RPGs with many first party AAA RPG foucsed studios.

Competition can´t come close as far first party AAA RPG games are concern. Facts!

shinoff2183374d ago

I think your absolutely right. Ps does still get alot of under the radar rpgs especially jrpgs but xbox is coming on strong.

enkiduxiv374d ago

They have the studios for sure, but they haven’t released anything since those acquisitions. So far, Obsidian, the best western rpg developer in their portfolio, has released a multiplayer survival game and a point and click adventure game since their acquisition.
They also acquired Arkane, a studio know for making the best immersive sims in the business and they have released Redfall since the acquisition, enough said there.

Bethesda has Starfield coming out, but each Bethesda release has trended away from rpg mechanics in favor of streamlined action adventure elements since Fallout 3. Todd Howard has claimed that they want to return to their rpg roots with Starfield, but we all know about Todd Howard’s sweet, sweet promises.

Of course, you could point to Avowed, Elder Scrolls 6, and Outer Worlds 2 as proof that Microsoft plans on focusing on detailed single player RPGs and not looter shooter skinner boxes for GamePass. I guess we’ll have to… wait until the next e3… to hear about that though.

Obscure_Observer374d ago


"So far, Obsidian, the best western rpg developer in their portfolio, has released a multiplayer survival game and a point and click adventure game since their acquisition."

Pentiment is a narrative-driven 2D role-playing video game, and not a point and click adventure.

"They also acquired Arkane, a studio know for making the best immersive sims in the business and they have released Redfall since the acquisition, enough said there."

FYI, Arkane Austin and Arkane Lyon are two different teams. And yes, Redfall was terrible. And yes, it´s Microsoft!

We shall see if MS will get the credit for Starfield if/in case it turn out great, the same way they got the backlash for Redfall.

"Todd Howard has claimed that they want to return to their rpg roots with Starfield, but we all know about Todd Howard’s sweet, sweet promises."

He´s the best RPG developer in the world, so I´ll stick to his word on this one.

"Of course, you could point to Avowed, Elder Scrolls 6, and Outer Worlds 2 as proof that Microsoft plans on focusing on detailed single player RPGs and not looter shooter skinner boxes for GamePass."

You forgot Fable, Fallout 5 (already confirmed by Todd Howard himself) and Project Cobalt by InXile. And there´s some rumors surrounding a new JRPG by Tango Softworks, but it remains to be confirmed.

"I guess we’ll have to… wait until the next e3… to hear about that though."

You mean 12 days, got it!

Magog374d ago

Exactly my point. Starfield is a shooter with a few RPG elements. It's not a real RPG by any standards.

shinoff2183374d ago

Obscure I wouldn't go as far as saying Howard is the best rpg developer in the world. That's kinda crazy. While I enjoyed the hell out of fallout 4 it was kinda whack some of the changes they made from 3 and Vegas. Still a great game. But your exaggerating again

Obscure_Observer374d ago


"Obscure I wouldn't go as far as saying Howard is the best rpg developer in the world. That's kinda crazy."

That´s MY opinion. There´s nothing in the RPG world that compares to TES! The fact that you didn´t enjoy Fallout 4 as much as the others, doesn´t make it any less relevant to the series as a whole.

Howard´s mind is just out of this world! The guy´s genius, and Starfield will take the RPG genre to whole new level! Period!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 374d ago
shinoff2183374d ago

Agreed. Most games out here being labeled rpg are not very much rpg to me at all. Horizon is a dope ass series but it's not an rpg to me at all.

Far as the article I think their right. My biggest complaint is they don't have any first party rpg. I think need to seriously invest in something. Knock off fallout lol something.

As much as I hate on the Xbox ill be getting one for the rpgs starfield fallout wasteland etc.

KingKionic 374d ago

Avowed, The Outer Worlds 2, Fable, Starfield are what we know of.

InXile Entertainment the wasteland devs as well are already developing there next rpg after wasteland 3.

Microsoft all about dat heat they bringing.

enkiduxiv374d ago

If any of these games come out and are actually RPGs when they release, then sure. Unfortunately, Microsoft has a habit of complicating development for even the best studios they partner with, and companies like inXile and Obsidian, while they have a lot of talent, don't always work well under pressure. I predict a lot of Scalebound type disasters in the next few years. Hopefully, Starfield won't be one of them, but I recommend giving it a few weeks after launch (when the credible reviews start to come out) before investing any time into it.

shinoff2183374d ago

From the little I've seen of avowed it doesn't really do anything. Not interesting to me at all but we don't know much. The rest I'd be down for.

anast374d ago

Xbox studios, not a chance. Maybe one of the studios they bought.

Miacosa374d ago

I hope that they vary the formula from the Outer Worlds / Fallout / Skyrim style.

gold_drake374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

i dont know if it needs an RPG per se.

games in general? yes.


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Project Timi: Sasha's Curse is a 3D rhythmic puzzle-packed action game mashup. Use the rhythm of the music to activate magic traps, fight nightmare creatures, explore dream worlds, and uncover all the secrets hidden away in Lucity Town.

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outsider16242h ago

All this is good and all. But im waiting from the main guys.

Gamerscore20771h ago

Same here, third party devs have been pushing out way more exclusives on PS5 than Sony.

It’s really looking like we might not see these new projects from these studios until next year or maybe (a big maybe) PS6.

Sony really needs a showcase dedicated to what’s only coming out the on PS5. They need to fall back a little on what’s coming out on the PC & now even the Switch. I know that’s more of a Lego project than a traditional Sony one, but still.

Cacabunga1h ago

Yeah man, more than 3 years in and haven’t seen what PS5 can truly achieve.. 3 years into PS4 life i got a 4KTV to enjoy the PS4 power.
We want and we deserve other than cross gen and lego titles Sony

Chard50m ago

Don't forget Gen Design (formerly Team Ico)

Kurisu1h ago

Lost Soul Aside was announced 8 years ago now. 8!

lodossrage1h ago

Look how long ago Gran Blue Fantasy Relink was announced before it finally came out.


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