
Microsoft-Activision Deal Approved Unconditionally in South Africa

In yet another win for Microsoft, the Microsoft-Activision deal has now been unconditionally greenlit in South Africa.

MrDead418d ago

Wow, I wonder how it got through so easily


"A former senior director at Microsoft has accused the company of paying illegal bribes to win business deals in the Middle East and Africa. Yasser Elabd, who worked at Microsoft for 20 years, says that the company is aware of what is happening, but looks the other way."

"Microsoft spent millions on bribes in Middle East and Africa"

"more than $200 million each year is spent on bribes and kickbacks linked to the tech giant, often in countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Qatar and Saudi Arabia."

agnosticgamer418d ago (Edited 418d ago )


That is nothing… Sony Bribes, Apple Bribes, Amazon bribes, Microsoft bribes, Defense Contractors bribe, Government officials bribe all large corporations and powerful bodies of government bribe. To think they don’t is extremely naive.

You would also have to put that in context Microsoft much like Sony and all the others are huge corporations that do business in just about every country on the planet… when was the money spent… what projects were they? Japan green-lit with zero exemptions… quite a few trade commissions have already passed it.

S2Killinit418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

Right, so anytime we hear something negative about MS, there is that comment that attributes the same conduct to others (Sony, Nintendo) and claims that we are all naive if we think they didnt also do said conduct. So its ok that MS got caught doing it.


So you really believe bribery is exclusively a MS thing? I would think it’s standard business practice…

crazyCoconuts418d ago

Sounds like you'd make a great MS regional manager!

Snookies12418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

@crazyCoconuts - No, that's just how big corporations work... Go high enough up the ladder at any company and you'll find the corruption elevating past every rung. I've quit multiple jobs because of realizing BS like that when I started getting to managerial positions. It's disgusting, but it happens... Not defending Microsoft because this is VERY scummy. But, I don't doubt it. And you are a fool if you think it doesn't happen with Sony and Nintendo as well.

MadLad418d ago

It's being passed in basically all territories with little fuss at this point, so.

thesoftware730418d ago

So what will you say when it gets approved everywhere? All bribes?

The deal is happening, and you can scream, you can cry you can run from it, but it's inevitable.

ModsDoBetter418d ago (Edited 418d ago )


As much as I don’t think the deal is good for gamers in the slightest.

The ignorance of the Sony fanboys who claim they’re unhappy for Xbox gamers but are actually just insecure that they may lose access to some of the top grossing videogames is truly astounding.

All whilst wearing their tinfoil hats and screeching “Bbbrrribbbeeee!”

Meanwhile turning a blind eye to Sony and pretty much any big company doing the same.

Obscure_Observer418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

"The deal is happening, and you can scream, you can cry you can run from it, but it's inevitable."

Dude is desperate. He will try and find comfort in whatever negative news about MS he may find. Be that directly related to ABK´s acquisition or not.

Deep inside he knows that this deal will go thru and all he can do now is try and create some weird worldwide conspiracy against Sony.

Well, whatever helps him in the search of some peace of mind, I guess.

MrDead418d ago

Not all bribes, but it certainly helps... like the $10 million paid to the republican party every year helps them when they need to raise an issue... like that nice woman did for them a few days ago in congress.

MrDead418d ago


"Dude is desperate. He will try and find comfort in whatever negative news about MS he may find. Be that directly related to ABK´s acquisition or not."

Pointing out the s**t MS does is desperate, how?... it won't change anything, so not really an act of desperation is it

"Deep inside he knows that this deal will go thru and all he can do now is try and create some weird worldwide conspiracy against Sony."

Ah, your odd obsession of anyone that doesn't glaze MS as hard as you do every moment that they can is a Sony fan that thinks there's a conspiracy!! If you notice on my posts I use quotes, not conspiracies... I think you need to learn what the word conspiracy means.

I'm sorry pointing out MS and the s****y things they do upsets you so much that you spend so much of your day on here defending them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 418d ago
Christopher417d ago

I mean, in certain regions, bribes are just a cost of business and are expected.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 417d ago
XiNatsuDragnel418d ago

Oh well Sony would buy a publisher in response which the whole situation shouldn't happen imo

MIDGETonSTILTS17418d ago

Aaaaand South Africa has never been on the wrong side of history….


418d ago
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outsider162434m ago

All this is good and all. But im waiting from the main guys.

Gamerscore20778m ago

Same here, third party devs have been pushing out way more exclusives on PS5 than Sony.

It’s really looking like we might not see these new projects from these studios until next year or maybe (a big maybe) PS6.

Sony really needs a showcase dedicated to what’s only coming out the on PS5. They need to fall back a little on what’s coming out on the PC & now even the Switch. I know that’s more of a Lego project than a traditional Sony one, but still.


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