
GTA 6 Will Never Make Up For Bully 2's Cancelation

Rockstar has decided to move all of its resources toward the development of Grand Theft Auto 6, and while the next entry in the franchise is highly anticipated, it has come at a cost with other anticipated sequels of its other IPs such as Bully 2 falling by the wayside. Considering Rockstar Games' releases over the years, it's easy to see how its portfolio seems to have shrunk down to only two major franchises: Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption.

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porkChop476d ago

Bully 2 was cancelled in 2010. It had nothing to do with GTA V or VI.

Tacoboto476d ago

Articles like these exist as a dogwhistle to trigger the anti-woke crowd more than to make an actual point. Their other IP is name-dropped in a single sentence and they briefly go over LA Noire - but no, the highlight is on a never-announced never-confirmed sequel to a one-off that didn't sell more than a few million max (Wikipedia has reference to 1.5 million sales of the original on PS2).

Smuggler's Run - dead. Table Tennis - only ever a premium tech demo. Midnight Club - dead. GTA Single Player - neglected since 2013. Read Dead - can't even get a 60fps patch for current gen despite 50m sales and the online was neglected shortly after release. New IP - forget it. If this article was attempting to be honest in its intent, GTA 6 will never make up for the GaaS-ification of one of the most revered single-player developers in the industry.

... the article also doesn't mention that Rockstar is at least teaming up with the original studio of Max Payne for the remakes of the first two, which considering Rockstar's last decade is pretty significant.

porkChop476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

From what I understand, Rockstar had a lot of projects in development. Max Payne 3, GTA V, GTA IV's expansions, RDR, Agent, etc. It seems like they lost faith in Bully 2 and started moving devs to their other projects. Work continued until some time in 2010, and a playable 8 hour demo/vertical slice was finished. At that point Rockstar decided they didn't want the New England team to continue with it.

It was likely because Bully wasn't a big seller and plans for Bully 2 were really ambitious, so it would have been considerably more expensive than the first game. A world 3 to 4 times the size of the original, but you could enter every single building. A new, realistic glass shattering tech. A karma/honor system. Tree climbing mechanics. A lot of the tech and innovations created for the game ended up being implemented in the other games.

SonyStyled476d ago

And call the sequel Bully? The ll being roman numeral for “Buly 2” lol.
I’d love a sequel to Bully… for almost 20 years now (forget what year it released), but a reimagining would be better over a sequel considering the years passed

specialguest475d ago

No we don't. In this age of wokeness and the political climate, we already know which direction a Bully 2 will swing hard towards

hotnickles476d ago

The newer generations couldn’t handle another bully. Look how toned down GTA is now. Didn’t they remove a bunch of things from the GTA remasters? Rockstar was a champion of outlandish free speech. They are as weak willed as the rest now.

roadkillers476d ago

I do see this, but there’s nothing from the original that needs to be toned down. What do you see in the original Bully that would be unacceptable now?

That game was timeless. Actually very “progressive” imo

stloony476d ago

The mere title of "Bully" alone would be enough for the wokies to think anyone who plays this game is supporting bullying and suicide and who knows what else.

hotnickles476d ago

The entire premise. You are from the time of the original. It’s not offensive to me either lol. I’m not talking about us. Progressive compared to what? 90s ultra Christians?

deathtok476d ago

I’m not telling you to side with or against progressives but it was conservatives that tried to ban Rockstar games—repeatedly.

hotnickles476d ago

I don’t side with either of them, they are both a joke and deserve to be made fun of in true rockstar fashion. The conservatives of the 90s who tried to ban rockstar are largely non-existent these days. At least in any meaningful way. They were thoroughly defeated. That wing became the daily wire types out in left field doing their own thing.

Rockstar was never scared of the conservatives. They didn’t change for conservatives, they took them all the way to the Supreme Court.

Rockstar is terrified of “progressives” if you want to call them that. They wouldn’t mock modern American culture even though it’s never been more needed. If they did it would certainly avoid anything controversial.

Profchaos475d ago

@stloony yup but then again I brought "Canis Canem edit" but bully that name didn't pass the censors in Australia

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 475d ago
sadraiden476d ago

"Outlandish free speech" is a myopic take on what R* does with their games. Sure, that's still the order of the day, but there's a point to the dialogue in the games. They're not just dropping hard n-bombs for the sake of being edgy, they're creating raunchy scripts that generally have some kind of relevant satire in them.

If you think that GTA is toned down now, I would ask what you truly mean by that. In what way is GTAV toned down over Vice City and 3? It wasn't even until San Andreas did they say "fuck" in the games.

hotnickles476d ago

I’m talking about the satire. I loved that rockstars whole mission was to make fun of how dumb American culture can be. They wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole these days. They are terrified, they tow the line like everyone else. I recognize their former brilliance and I’m American. And I also recognize their current cowardice.

Profchaos475d ago

I'm coming to the end of a replay of vc there's plenty of f bombs you don't hire ray liota and not swear.

There was some in 3 but the writing in general feels largely like an afterthought sand that's because it mostly was they didn't even realise that claude didn't speak until the end of development

stloony476d ago

Thank God Trey and Matt are still kicking it.

hotnickles476d ago

Even they have toned down with the times lol

Profchaos475d ago

They removed like 1 joke that aged poorly in today's climate yet the definitive edition changed nothing all the love first missions nothing changed

hotnickles475d ago

Well todays climate is why you can’t have bully 2 or a champion rockstar. Mocking is now hate speech and hate speech is violence.

What you are left with is the sanitary saints row remake. Is that really what the newer generations want? I’m honestly not sure. I wouldn’t be surprised.

FinalFantasyFanatic475d ago

As much as I wish it wasn't true, with today's political climate, I can't see how they could get the green light for Bully 2.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 475d ago
sadraiden476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

I would argue that the potential for a quality follow up to Bully never existed. The first game, despite not having any of the controversial content that conservatives and concerned parents were clutching their pearls at, was a one off. It was created during the absolute height of Rockstar popularity thanks to creative direction from Dan Houser (remember how utterly amazing R* games were in the mid 00s?). R* has always maintained some degree of cultural relevance while conceptualizing their games.

We were lucky that GTA3 existed, but we were doubly lucky that there was a renaissance of Scarface and 80s nostalgia during that same period that made Vice City an immediate hit despite being released only 1 year later. People clamored for GTA6 for years, without realizing there wasn't a cultural shift big enough since 2013 to necessitate another round of biting social commentary taking the form of a GTA game. The same thing goes for Bully, although any new commentary around the state of bullying is going to be completely in bad taste.

With our current landscape of sextortion crime, child suicide, among other examples of extreme violence, I'm not sure there's a way to creatively have fun with that. You want noogies, wedgies, and spitballs? That's in the first game.

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Take-Two CEO: "Highly Confident" on GTA 6 Fall 2025 Release Window, Rockstar Seeking "Perfection"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick is "highly confident" on the GTA 6 Fall 2025 release window, and claims Rockstar is seeking perfection.

Profchaos10d ago

That's not good he told us he was seeking perfection just before the definitive edition dropped

gold_drake9d ago

its gonna be a crazy later half of a year whennit drops.

i think its a smart move to target fall, especially cause ppl stay in more frequently

CrimsonWing699d ago

I honestly feel this will be next level.

Cacabunga9d ago

RDR2 blows GTA5 open world off the water… I am having very very very high expectations from this one.

andy859d ago

Please please give me a 60 fps mode or at the very least 40 fps

Zeke689d ago

40 fps gives 120 fps with VRR. I would love that!!

bRuud839d ago

60 fps is not going to happen on the base PS5 and Xbox series X. Maybe 40 fps on PS5 Pro.

andy859d ago

People argued said it wasn't with Starfield, making excuses for why it wasn't possible to have 60 fps but as expected they made one. It's always possible with some limitations

Ray J9d ago

with PSSR on the PS5 Pro, 60fps is fortunately in the cards, let's hope Rockstar makes it happen.

Chocoburger9d ago

No, what you're seeking is "perfect micro-trash-actions gameplay loop", that's all you care about, you sleazy douche.


GTA VI To Release In Fall 2025, Confirms Take-Two

Take-Two Interactive has confirmed that Rockstar Games' next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA VI, is set for release in Fall 2025.

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purple10115d ago

bad = give it mo me NOW!! we can't wait another year.!!!!
good = I have another year to save up another £500 for a ps5pro

MestreRothN4G15d ago

You’ll wait at least 2.
The fake 2025 release date is not counting the multiple delays.

Sonic188115d ago

Did anyone assume a different release date? I didn't

notachance14d ago

I didn’t but now that they confirmed it I expect winter or spring 2026 instead

nzjono15d ago

Not everyone lives in Merica or uses the term fall to describe Autumn, state the month.

isarai15d ago

That's why google exists 👍

romulus2315d ago

I live in "Merica" and I don't call it fall, I call it Merlinpeen. FYI Fall/Autumn is the months of Sept, Oct, Nov.

Rebel_Scum14d ago

Ya know the seasons pretty much work opposite each other right. So autumn in the north is spring in the south.

But I agree with you on the whole season mention for release windows. I still get annoyed by online sales that are called summer sales in bloody winter.

CantThinkOfAUsername14d ago

Stating the month is not a good PR practice.

Suave_Langosta14d ago

You sound like a real blast at parties! Maybe not everyone takes your personal journey through life into account when they are making a point. Use Google and stop complaining.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 14d ago
isarai15d ago

So spring 2026, got it! 👌

PassNextquestion15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

That feels like forever away..I guess the GTA after that won't come out till 2035.

sagapo15d ago

Yeah, but we might have Red Dead 3 to fill the gap?

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GTA 6: Anticipation High, but Some Players Will Be Disappointed Regardless

GB: "Rockstar's next Grand Theft Auto is finally upon us, but amid the hype, there's some worry that it may not cater to everyone."

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gold_drake47d ago

i feel like this happens to every game. cant please everyone

babadivad46d ago

GTA 5 pretty much pleased everyone.

gold_drake45d ago

i know plenty who didnt like it. so, yea.

The_Blue15d ago

No the hell it didn't. You guys love the group thinking.

Sonic188147d ago (Edited 47d ago )

It's disappointing that this game won't be on PC. Would love to play this game in native 4K 60fps-120fps with raytracing

Tacoboto46d ago

It'll be on PC in time for Rockstar and Take Two to want more money.

You're also not getting native 4K120RT with any hardware out there anytime soon.

Sonic188146d ago (Edited 46d ago )

The upcoming RTX 5000 series should be able to do that.

Abear2146d ago

Don’t worry they’ll sell you it again in a few years…and again…and again…

JackBNimble46d ago

What about the ps5 pro? I keep hearing how great it will be.

Sonic188146d ago

GTA6 will still run in dynamic 4K 30fps on the Pro. Mark my words

kythlyn47d ago

BREAKING NEWS: people have differing opinions.

jambola46d ago

you're telling me not every single human ever will love this game?? breaking news indeed

Kombatologist46d ago

I think the main concern is the ramifications GTA+ will have on GTA6 Online. Fans are already divided about it. Not everyone wants to pay a monthly subscription fee (that has already seen a price increase) for a $70+ game on top of already having to pay for PS+/XBL.

Unknown_Gamer579446d ago

I think a decade of hype will do that for even the best games. With that said, chill out, it’s going to be a great time regardless.

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