
Goldeneye 007 Review | The Gamebutler

Nice to have this old friend back.

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CrimsonWing69497d ago

Y'know, no online MP aside, I'm really enjoying this game and getting the achievements. I know it's total nostalgia for me and someone new wouldn't really get it, but it's been a fantastic play so far. I'm on the Depot stage.

Flawlessmic496d ago

Same here.

I only ever played the multi when I was a kid at a friend's house so never played the campaign.

Playing it now is awesome I'm surprised actually thought I would turn it off after 10 mins but that hasn't been the case.

Loving the obtuseness of the game and lack of handholding.

Also always get a good laugh when the enemies dodge roll and the faces hahaha

CrimsonWing69496d ago

That’s the thing, I mean when I was a kid everyone in the neighborhood would huddle in a room taking turns on the multiplayer. Like, I think maybe 10% of us finished the campaign, it was just MP all day e’ery day!

I’m so with you though. I only planned to play it just to reminisce and figured I wouldn’t stick with it. It’s actually legitimately fun to play and I’m laughing my ass off when people somersault and the goofy face textures. I honestly wouldn’t change it, lol.

Glad you’re enjoying it though. I’ve seen a bunch of flack being sent towards the game, which I can’t argue it doesn’t deserve, but for me personally, I’m having a blast.

wiz7191496d ago

I’ve been having fun with it to , I just downloaded Perfect Dark .. being able to play both like the old days are so fun , I wish Nintendo didn’t pull that BS and we would of had online MP

Orchard496d ago

It feels weird seeing reviews for Goldeneye 007 again 😂

I completed my initial run the day it came out, now going for the 00 agent run. I highly recommend it - I had a blast, nostalgia overdose.

CrimsonWing69496d ago

It’s funny, man. When I was a kid I always thought 00 Agent was impossible, but now I’m going through it without really much issue.

Bunker 2 sort of gave me a run for my money, but after figuring out how to use throwing knives and clearing the initial 8 scripted patrollers, it’s been fun.

It’s true though, I won’t deny it’s a total nostalgia overdose, but I’m glad this exists.


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Goldeneye 007 deserves better than its fate on Xbox Game Pass

As Microsoft takes popular Xbox exclusives to other consoles, James Bond FPS Goldeneye 007 should get similar treatment on PS5.

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Jingsing91d ago

Maybe it is time to just let Goldeneye go. People keep e-begging for this game and it came back in various iterations; remastered and original and in the end it was just meh. The game was a product of its time like Perfect Dark and Timesplitters.

Father__Merrin91d ago

It's from a bygone era that was good at the time but is pants now. Same with turok.

NotoriousWhiz91d ago

Whoa whoa whoa. Turok still holds up great.

YourMommySpoils91d ago

Isn't that like considering every other game too.

P_Bomb91d ago

When in doubt, port it out.

jznrpg91d ago

The game was a lot of fun for its time but damn that was a long time ago.

anast90d ago

There are better shooters now and better worlds.

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Ninver413d ago

Never understood what 64 meant. Can anyone enlighten me? All I know is my neighborhood friends and I used to play the crap out of it. Favorite games were Cool Boarders, Mario kart 64, WCW vs NWO just to name a few. Man life was simple and good.