
BioWare hires YouTube creator "Lessons from the Screenplay" to work on next Mass Effect

“Lessons from the Screenplay” is a popular YouTube channel with 1.4 million subscribers. In his videos, the blogger has been parsing and analyzing scripts for films and shows for several years. On March 12, the blogger announced that he had joined the studio and was now working on the next Mass Effect.

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coolbeans822d ago (Edited 822d ago )

I mean... that's *probably* a step in the right direction compared to what I gleaned from Andromeda's lackluster writing. Not sure I've read/seen any of his original work, but I've enjoyed several of his videos.

Godmars290822d ago

Only, how will story be compromised for gameplay?

coolbeans822d ago

Tough to really gauge that from this bit of news. Bioware's balance/quality of EITHER has been damaged since 7th gen.

toxic-inferno822d ago (Edited 822d ago )

Even if they're just getting him to edit the scripts and rebalance the narrative, it will be beneficial. He doesn't necessarily need to be involved in the initial writing process.

Analysing something critically is very different from being able to create that thing.

senorfartcushion822d ago

Good for him.

Not a perfect writer by any means, but neither are most Americans.

Godmars290822d ago

Implying that a certain nationality makes for good writers?

C4rnos822d ago

I think in this case it's the implication of the culture over there that creates the problem.

aaronaton821d ago

Well it is very clear from history that people from Europe are known to be the best writers.

CanadianTurtle821d ago

Many American writers nowadays are too coddled to tackle sensitive subject matter. Whenever a new Tarantino movie comes out, or a new GTA game, or South Park episode, it's always the American critics that whines the loudest.

MadLad822d ago

There are perfect writers in general?
What is the metric we base that off of?

pietro1212822d ago

What’s that supposed to mean?

porkChop821d ago

Many of the most respected writers in history were American, so I don't understand why you felt the need to make that comment.

Bladesfist821d ago

If you limit history to the last 300 years then maybe. I would have thought that Greece has the most well respected historical writers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 821d ago
Knightofelemia822d ago

Hope it's better then Andromeda

slowgamer821d ago

Yes. Combat was ok in Andromeda but everything else was bad.

justsomeoffdude821d ago

i wish they included the ME3 multiplayer in the legendary edition.. Those were fun times.


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MeatyUrologist3h ago

So torn on this. Odyssey and Black Flag were two of my favorite games all time, but each game since ACO has gotten progressively worse. As much as I love the setting here, the combat looks kinda terrible. It's like they tried for an arcade ghost of tsushima style and it just isn't working. The baseball bat combat just looks clunky as hell, and sword combat doesn't look much better.

Having one character incapable of climbing walls so he bull rushes through walls and doors instead? I mean hes still a sumarai in AC not an orc or ogre guys. When I saw that you could cut bamboo with weapons I was like that is a really cool effect! Then I saw a character take out half a forest with one swing only to see all the bamboo instantly disappear before it even hit the ground which looked horrible. Hell even the blood effects look terrible. Bright pink cartoony with no visible damage decals or staining on enemies that has been there since the early games really makes the combat look watered down and the weird black and white screen kill visuals are hideous.

The weird armor falling off mechanic seems out of place as well. I dont know who asked for mech style combat where you try to disassemble your enemies piece by piece with highlighted armor components but that cant be something people wanted.

Don't even get me started on the hip hop music being a series that has always prided itself on respecting the history and culture of the locations. This one is going to take some major convincing to sell me.


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