
One Year Later, Cyberpunk 2077 Is Still a Massive Disappointment

Andrew M writes: "A year later, Cyberpunk 2077 is still a massive disappointment. Find out more about our opinion of the game in this reflective article."

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Magog911d ago

It's not the game they promised. Even if it didn't have one bug or glitch it would still be massively disappointing. All of the systems are so basic that many PS2 era games put it to shame in every aspect aside from graphics.

Urrakia34911d ago

^^^Found the CDProjekt employee

VenomUK910d ago

As the new-gen version is being released in early 2022 surely this means the gameplay systems are now working? That's the impression I got from CD Projekt's recent statements but if there's going to be more improvements made then I can hang on another six months or so. The game promised so much and if as first-timer I get to experience something close to that then I will be happy to enter this highly ambitious world.

Magog910d ago

They promised a vast simulation, several deep back stories to chose from that would influence gameplay, wall running and intense combat, a living breathing world and more. Watch Dogs Legion has a simulation that is 1000 times more advanced and far more unique ways to tackle missions set in a similarly dystopian future. A shame it got overlooked because it was lumped in with other Ubisoft games.

Ashunderfire86910d ago

The fact that GTA 3 had a better A.I. system for the cops 👮‍♀️ 👮‍♂️ then Cyberpunk 2077 is embarrassing! An old PS2 game back in the 2000s beat a 2020 open world RPG in A.I.!!! That is just as bad as that one Call Of Duty Ghost developer, claiming advance fish 🐠 A.I. when Mario 64 back in 1996 fish A.I. was the same! That end up being a Meme by many gamers😆😆ԅ 18;😆

Omegasyde910d ago

There’s zero animals. Explanation is bs.
Cop AI is bad. Especially path finding.
AI for pedestrians is horrible. There’s times where also like 3 types of people.

GTA 3 San Andreas has better features despite all the patches.

dumahim910d ago (Edited 910d ago )


I played in on my PS5 a few months ago. It was mostly fine. There was one side quest that was bugged and I couldn't start it. There was quite a few little bugs, mostly visual stuff and bad LOD loading (most annoying, windmills off in the distance, you could see the blades but the base for it wouldn't load until you're closer). The game would crash if you played for hours without a restart. I just got into the habit of restarting it every 2-3 hours and it was fine.
Besides that, the game certainly needs to be cleaned up and polished. I felt like some things weren't explained very well as the menus and what you can do there was a bit complicated.

edit: I was going to wait for next-gen update, but it got delayed, I had time off from work and had nothing else to play at the time. I enjoyed it for the most part. Loved exploring and taking out the bad guys doing crime, especially late game when I could crush them like insects.

bouzebbal910d ago

This game is proud that to much good isn't good.. But the studio himself is to blame.. They overhyped this SOOOO MUCH that I even lost interest in it was pure arrogance in the end.. I'm hadou it ended this way and next time they'll think twice

VenomUK910d ago

@dumahim. Thanks for sharing, The problem with a game, any game, is that It is all a lot of elements that are put together to create a believable world, but when it is functionally broken then it spoils the illusion. I know a lot of people have had bad experiences, but like you enjoyed taking out the bad guys others have also enjoyed qualities.

@Ashunderfire86 I played the intro mission of GTA 3 DE and the world still feels more alive than 99% off open world games illustrates how good Rockstar did.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 910d ago
anast910d ago

I've got to agree. I put some serious hours into their "broken" game and the world is flat. They would have been better off making a Naughty Dog type game.

EazyC910d ago

That's the point really. Even a "perfect" CP2077 is a 7/10 videogame, tops. It's basically equivalent to a Far Cry game.

MrBaskerville910d ago

I was expecting an imsim i the style of Deus Ex, but larger and with more content, and that's basically what it is. There's a lot of fun missions and the main story is interesting. I'd recommend to fans of the genre.

Yui_Suzumiya910d ago (Edited 910d ago )

The most revolutionary RPG since Dying Light and Persona 5

pietro1212910d ago

Dying Light is great and Persona 5 is one of the greatest JRPGs of all time, but Cyberpunk was pure crap ansd this is coming from someone who loves CD Project Red, I got into PC games because of them.... RPG my ass. Fallout New Vegas is far more impressive game and it's a buggy mess too. Next game upgrade won't change much of the base game so it's still be an underwhelming experience.

pietro1212910d ago

As for Dying Light, who would of thought free running, survival horror elements and rpg elements make one of my favorite games this gen? I almost slept, but decided to pick the Switch version. The sequel wasn't on my radar, but now it is.

ikarodemon910d ago

I have said this a month ago! Tottaly agree with you. Even without bugs this game is terrible.

ITPython910d ago

The exact same thing could be said for Halo Infinite. Yet it managed to get insanely high praise despite having the same boring arena shooter mechanics we've had for several decades and a bland uninspired open world single player story.

I'm just as disappointed with CP 2077 as anybody else, but there is one heck of a double standard in this industry that needs to be fixed.

Magog910d ago

Zelda syndrome. Fans of certain highly popular franchises end up just wanting more and more of the same.

TheDoomedGuy910d ago

So you weren't paying attention then. The wall running and climbing was cut early on. Even I knew this and I barely followed the hype.

philm87910d ago

Yep, they made an announcement ages before the release confirming there wouldn't be wall running as it didn't work well.

TheDoomedGuy909d ago


To me cyberpunk is the classic case of consumers not paying attention to the signs. And of course stupidity as pre orders are not your friend...ever. and it shouldn't take a game being broken at launch to have to convince you of that fact.

Was the hype from devs too much? Yes. Was it any different than many other games including something like tlou2 which portrayed the idea that Joel would be a big part of the game...no. not different at all.

The only difference was that it wasn't optimized well at all.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 909d ago
DJStotty911d ago

I'm waiting for the next-gen update release before i pick this one up.

gamer7804911d ago

Good plan. I bought day one for 55$ and highly regret it. I played once and waiting for the next gen update

Kran911d ago

Lol same. I still have my copy but damn if I was gonna play it as broken and fuzzy as it was, even if I was playing it on the PS4 Pro version at the time.

Silly Mammo910d ago

I got it from BB a few months back when it was $10. Waiting for the next-gen upgrade too.

anast910d ago

I regret not getting the refund. They asked people to hang in there while they fixed the game and it still looks bad on last gen. Then in an interview they said that as new technology comes out the game will get better. This means they are not going to "really" fix the last gen. console versions.

911d ago Replies(1)
Ninver911d ago

Try colossal disappointment

starsi360910d ago

Is that the new DLC?

“CyberPunk 2077: Colossal Disappointment”

Ninver910d ago

It's definitely a fitting title for DLC

Snakeeater25911d ago

I played it on ps5 and it was really fun. A lot better than deathloop or battlefield who had tons of bugs too

Eidolon911d ago

Better than Deathloop? You're delusional. But Battlefield 2042 was a wreck too.

Snakeeater25911d ago

Did you play cyberpunk on ps5 ?

TheDoomedGuy910d ago

Death loop is not even a good game. It's their worst yet.

ColtPSSX910d ago

Agree, it really wasn’t all that bad.

I had lots of fun with it.
Was game of the year or gen, hell no.
But stilll pretty enjoyable.
Plus I love the art style of it.

Eidolon910d ago

I played it for a bit on PS4 pro. \

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just_looken4d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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