
Metroid Dread is already playable on PC in 4K via Nintendo Switch emulators

Nintendo has just released Metroid Dread on Nintendo Switch and PC gamers can already play this game via Nintendo Switch emulators.

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masterfox966d ago (Edited 966d ago )

pretty much expected for obvious reasons, hmm interestingly I have a 1060 GTX 6 GB hmm and a i7,.... nah don't worry I won't do that kind of thing, I have no idea how emulators and roms work.


ChubbyBlade966d ago

You literally just down load the emulator and click “open” and select the rom (game).

ChubbyBlade966d ago


I’m dead serious. That’s all there is to it.

AuraAbjure966d ago (Edited 966d ago )

Chubby is right. That's how emulators work.

Mods are more complicated. This ain't a mod though- it's an emulation.

VivaLaManual966d ago

Getting the roms is the hard part.

Zhipp966d ago

Some games require additional configuration. Also as I recall PSX and GBA emulators required you to find and download the bios on your own, as most of them dont include it. I haven't emulated any newer systems though so I can't say how it works for Switch/ Wii U.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 966d ago
ABizzel1965d ago

I'm sure that was sarcasm.

As for the debate below gamers are not happy with the emulation community.

I get both sides, in order for sequels / more of a franchise you have to support the game. If sales of the game aren't high then the company will not continue to make them, so I understand the opposition to emulation.

I also understand those who are pro emulation. There are those who want free games which are individuals who were unlikely to buy the console or games anyway, and there are those who simply want to play their games without being held back by generation old hardware.

It's a hard middle ground to find. The ethical thing to do is to pay for something you want to play / support. However, at the same time Nintendo does this to themselves making the most low-cost / low-budget hardware while selling it at a premium (No reason the Switch OLED / dock are still $300+), so when you do that you leave yourself open to easy emulation. PS / XB don't have this issue and they're not fighting ROM sites with constant legal battle, because they build consoles to push gaming forward which makes them hard to emulate, while Nintendo make consoles with a niche to make millions in profit Day 1.

If you own a Switch and support the game good job it's how it should be.

If you own a gaming PC and don't want to play games at 720p @30 - 60fps or lower on a handheld when you can be playing at 1440p / 4K 60fps everything with potential graphic mods and more I understand that as well (I know Metroid is 720p @ 60fps).

Neonridr965d ago

it's 900p when docked ABizzel1.

Kyizen965d ago

I am against hurting the sales of game devs because these are people who spend years working this product. That said I don't see Switch emulation on PC affecting their sales. If you own a Switch and want this game you will buy it. If you don't own a Switch and have a PC you arent not gonna buy a Switch (a handheld) because you can emulate this in PC. And lastly this game isn't sold on PC.

ABizzel1965d ago


That's correct, but the issue still stands as far as resolution and enhancements go. Yuzu has mods to double framerate so this game can theoretically run in 4K @ 120fps with significantly better antialiasing (not that it's needed as much at such a resolution), and significantly better texture filtering, lighting, and even ray tracing with the right PC/laptop.

Not saying you were arguing a point with me (I don't think you were), I'm just saying this is Nintendo's struggle, and the exact reason PS is changing their tune a bit.

Nintendo is fighting emulation with all its might, but continue to make their consoles the easiest to emulate. PS sees emulation on PS1, PS2, and now PS3 and they're not going to war about it, they just decided to move their PS4 games to Steam and make millions on them before the console is emulated and they get nothing from it.

I'm pro own it, especially if the console is still active and new. But I understand why some people are anti-Nintendo with some of the things they do and have done.

Godmars290966d ago

All hail why we can't have nice things...

MadLad965d ago

*notices the videogame is still alive and thriving.

-Hermit-965d ago

So are you saying you don't have nice things?

Godmars290965d ago

Its that other games and game studios have suffered because of piracy. The overall mentality of anti-theft and piracy that's impacted the industry.

I don't have the mech strategy or sci-fi RPGs I'd like to.

EvertonFC965d ago

What not supporting games? Master race? 🤣 😂

Snookies12965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

Please don't pirate this game... (Speaking to any who are thinking about it.) It's so damn good, and the future of the Metroid series rests with how well this game does. It NEEDS to make money, to show Nintendo that classic Metroid can do well sales-wise. I'm all for emulators, but don't download new roms like this. Especially when the developers clearly put a lot of time and love into the game.

AspiringProGenji966d ago ShowReplies(5)
Fishy Fingers966d ago

Switch game is playable via Switch emulator. Crazy stuff....

annoyedgamer966d ago

This is why I invested in a PC. Owning multiple platforms is no longer the smart option.

966d ago
966d ago Replies(1)
Sciurus_vulgaris965d ago

So you can pirate games and not support the industry ?

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Nintendo starts "Hits for the Holidays Sale" on Switch eShop

Big Switch hits holiday sale now live for the end of 2023 including lowest price ever for Nintendo Switch Sports, Metroid Dread, and more.

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Metroid Dread Has Sold Over 3 Million Copies, Reveals Developer

Enric Álvarez, the CEO of Metroid Dread developer MercurySteam, has revealed that the title has now sold over three million copies worldwide.

jaymacx307d ago

It’s good to see Metroid do well. Hopefully we hear something soon about Metroid Prime 4

Hereandthere307d ago (Edited 307d ago )

Wait up, 3 million worldwide out of a possible 120 million is considered good for a legendary franchise like metroid?

JEECE307d ago

Metroid has never sold super well. Lots of people under under the mistaken impression that, because franchises like Mario Kart, Smash Bros., 3D Mario games, more recent Zelda games, and Animal Crossing sell huge numbers, that all Nintendo franchises sell at that level, and that they always have.

This is pretty good for a Metroid. Dread will probably end up being the best-selling game in the franchise, if it isn't already.

Sciurus_vulgaris307d ago (Edited 307d ago )

Metroid Prime was said to have sold 2.8 million copies, so Dread is likely the best selling game in the series.

Rebel_Scum306d ago

Not everyone is a metroid freak ho ho ho

MetroidFREAK21306d ago

@Rebel_scum *squidward laugh*

ZeekQuattro307d ago

It took some doing but I'm glad it finally made it past that milestone.

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Metroid Dread E.M.M.I. figma release date, new photos, pre-orders open

Metroid Dread cans can now pre-order the E.M.M.I. figma. It also now has a release date and some new photos.

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F those emmi's lol just beat the purple one.