
XDefiant YouTubers say the shooter is fun, but unbalanced

A number of videos sharing details on Tom Clancy’s XDefiant have just been released highlighting some brand new details about the game, but also providing us with an insight into how it will play.

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KyRo1031d ago

This will disappear like Hyperscape. Ubisoft need to step back and rethink everything they do because they are in a a bit of a mess right now IMO. Hyperscape bombed, this looks dated and uninteresting and looks like it may suffer the same fate, I will be very surprised if FC6 will do as well FC5 as it's not really doing anything outside of the usual Ubi formula, AC is no longer AC, a lot of people disliked the lack of character in WD:L,
R6Q (can't remember what it changed its name to) people were slating as soon as the trailer dropped, Prince of Persia seems to be a bit of a development issue and that's just off the top of my head

The problem is Ubisoft have so many great IPs but they are doing them dirty in a lot of ways. They need to step back like EA has done and re-evaluate. (It feels off to say that).

plmkoh1031d ago

Ubisoft has raped every single one of their franchises into something they are not.

Pièce de résistance was their E3 where they can never spell Rayman and instead keep giving you Rabbids. And to top it off it's some random ass Nintendo collab (again) no one asked for and is neither really a Rabbids game also, so you end up with nothing again.

MetroidFREAK211031d ago

Yeah, I'm not going to play this. My arena shooter time will be devoted to Halo

King_Noctis1031d ago

It’s because games like these that we don’t have games like Splinter Cell from Ubisoft anymore.

1031d ago
Tacoboto1031d ago

And it's not like gamers have given them reasons to go down this path. Hyperscape failed. The latest Ghost Recon didn't hit sales targets. Neither did Division 2. They are shutting down a Tom Clancy mobile service game after a year.

Siege is pretty much their only active successful MP service game and it's a very focused title. Assassin's Creed games are at least single-player based. So how we get a mash-up based on declining franchises... makes no sense.

XiNatsuDragnel1031d ago

Again Gamers are also telling not to do this either they need to step back and learn from their Ls.

Germaximus1031d ago

so much of what this game looks like reminds me of the Ghost in the Shell multiplayer F2P game. I liked that

The7Reaper1030d ago

The second I saw a super shield that blocks bullets but allows you to shoot back from inside the shield I knew there would be balancing issues.


Forget CoD Zombies, players want Ubisoft to add XDefiant Rabbids instead

XDefiant players are hoping Ubisoft introduces Rabbids to the game in the same vein as CoD has with zombies.

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Goodguy011d 22h ago

It'd be cool if they added a pve mode.


Is XDefiant a “COD Killer”?

TSA writes: Ubisoft's brand new crossover shooter takes aim at Call of Duty, but can XDefiant topple the Activision powerhouse?

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Profchaos12h ago

Nope if it's lucky it'll fall into its own niche with a dedicated fanbase but it's ubi they can't really do anything right lately

Leeroyw3h ago

It's a hero shooter. I played a few games. It doesn't compete with cod at all. 5v5 with very little customisation. It's okay for free but it isn't cool or fresh to the point I'd play it every day

NealGamby10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Not at all. The controls are way too wonky. I don’t understand it, though. Why do all these These developers keep trying to make a call of duty killer, but they don’t copy the controls exactly!? Is it that hard? You wouldn’t think so. I think the reason is because they start out with good intentions, but then they let their ego get in the way and try to make something that sets them apart, some. Which, defeats the whole purpose and ultimately dooms the game.

SonyStyled51m ago

Why do the controls have to be “like cod,” and does every fps need to be? This is why I stopped playing fps games

4Sh0w6h ago

If I had a dime for every "new COD Killer" that wasn't I could retire right now.

Time will kill COD, nothing else.

Kornholic5h ago

No. It's a hero shooter with poor gunplay mechanics.


XDefiant: How To Unlock All Characters

Unlock all XDefiant characters with our guide! Discover the tasks needed to access each unique character and dominate the game.

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