
The Controversial Cyberpunk 2077 Is Ready Again - Are You?

Cyberpunk 2077 has been fixed for last generation consoles according to the developers but has it really become playable?

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Sunny123451073d ago

No thank you. Fool me once!!!

SullysCigar1073d ago

LOL now all I can think of is that George dubya gaff!

And I agree, they had their chance and they blew it. The world has moved on. Get on with your next damn game and BE BETTER.

NeoGamer2321072d ago

I shelved this game after about 5 hours of playing right after I bought it day one. Not sure if or when I might go back to it.

Father__Merrin1073d ago

Still not worth full price it's still unfinished. The fact that they came out and said the game is now at a satisfactory level means it was a joke all along

TallDarknWavy1073d ago

They discounted it on PSN, although I'm waiting for a PS5 patch. I still have it in shrink wrap after preordering it 3 years ago, that's how long this has taken. When it takes advantage of PS5 it will finally have enough bug fixes to be somewhat decent.

UltraNova1073d ago

I'd wait at least a couple of months after the ps5 patch is out just to make sure they iron out any bugs/performance issues it will inevitably introduce. Just to be on the safe side.

jBlakeeper1073d ago

Yeah that basically meant “yes we knew it wasn’t satisfactory when we released it, but we think it is now.” 😅

Espangerish1073d ago

That it’s taken this long to reach satisfactory (not great) level is astonishing. They sold a game to consumers at full retail price that they knew full well was nowhere near finished.

Tricking people into buying a half built broken product is the stuff of cowboy builders and rip off merchants. Hope the industry learns from this fiasco.

Sitdown1073d ago

How did they trick people?

Darkborn1073d ago

They said multiple times the game ran great on all platforms, even last Gen consoles. Also, a ton of stuff in the game was gutted out to make it run better on all platforms.

Espangerish1073d ago

They never indicated that game wasn’t finished. Maybe if they had labelled the game as ‘early access’ this would have been acceptable. Having said that many early access games out there are in better shape than this was.

shammgod1072d ago

Simply releasing it on last gen was a trick knowing the install base was still massive and they would sell a ton of broken games

Bathyj1073d ago

This is what would have happened if halo had released at launch.

CaptainHenry9161073d ago

Make another Witcher game and I'll forgive you 😁

ScootaKuH1072d ago

They don't deserve your forgiveness

AnnaDea1073d ago

Did beat it on my RTX 2060 and feel bad for last generation players. Game is awesome when it runs as intended.

I really recommend Playstation 5 owners to wait for the next-gen patch that comes out this latter half of the year.

Mikeyy1073d ago

Don't get me wrong I can't wait for the ps5 patch, but as of right now the game is running pretty good on ps5. Currently playing through it now for the first time.

BigMalk1073d ago

It looks better, but it's still a half finished jumble of concepts that never made it to the full game. Plays in exactly the same, empty and mechanic starved world as the console versions.

It never did run as intended, if you look at Night City Wire promises.

AnnaDea1073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

Half finished?

It's common that you cut out finished parts because it doesn't add to the overall experience. Games usually go through different revisions before they get a ok where they start to bug test the final product. Calling the world empty is a real hyperbole considering it has one of the more dense details in an open world game.

Play the game with ray tracing with ultra settings and it's like night and day with the console versions. You're just spreading false hate because you don't like the game.

BigMalk1073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

No, I've played it on PS4, PS5 and PC, and the world is devoid of just about anything to do but shoot people. The hacking is half arsed and pretty boring. There are no gang warfare mechanics. Stealth is terrible and ultimately pointless. No real interactions with people outside of missions and stories. Side content is handed out stupidly by comms instead of visiting handlers. No mini games. Promised a Gwent level pastime that never appeared. Brain dances kept to missions despite being able to buy some for no reason. Useless upgrade and food items that offer nothing unique. Terrible AI all round. No difference in the lifestyle paths aoart from the first 20 minutes to an hour. No customisation...

The mission structure is fine, the characters are mostly good, but it's not that engaging outside of a short runthrough of the main campaign.

False hate, no. I was always a fan of CDPR... This game was half baked and promised much, much more than we got.

AnnaDea1073d ago

"No, I've played it on PS4, PS5 and PC, and the world is devoid of just about anything to do but shoot people. The hacking is half arsed and pretty boring. There are no gang warfare mechanics. Stealth is terrible and ultimately pointless. No real interactions with people outside of missions and stories. Side content is handed out stupidly by comms instead of visiting handlers. No mini games. Promised a Gwent level pastime that never appeared. Brain dances kept to missions despite being able to buy some for no reason. Useless upgrade and food items that offer nothing unique. Terrible AI all round. No difference in the lifestyle paths aoart from the first 20 minutes to an hour. No customisation..."

Game is not shit because you wanted the next Grand Theft Auto, man XD

Game is still an action-rpg like The Witcher series. They never promoted it like the next Rockstar open world. It's quite laughable how these young millennials still thinks that their own expectations is the common truth. This is just your personal opinion which does not really reflect the end product of what they wanted you to experience. So it's not CD Project Red's problem that you expected a game they never intended to make yo.

"The mission structure is fine, the characters are mostly good, but it's not that engaging outside of a short runthrough of the main campaign."

Maybe, maybe not. It's the similar quality that you expected if you played the previous games from them like TW3.

BigMalk1073d ago

Millenial? I'm gen Z thanks, and I know what was promised. I never expected GTA... I watched all their development diaries, the Night City Wires, and read interviews with the team. They said themselves that it would be much more than what they presented to the public.

It wasn't expectation based on wanting it to be like anything else, it was expectation based on what CDPR told us it would be.

You just sound like a shill at this point, even trying to drop me into a category that doesn't fit to try and sully my opinion. I've been playing games for 36 years... I know what a good game is. Cyberpunk was a broken, underpromised game with a good story. That's it.

AnnaDea1073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

"It wasn't expectation based on wanting it to be like anything else, it was expectation based on what CDPR told us it would be"

Oh, so what did they promise according to you then?

Please point out where they promised:

* gangware mechanics?
* Real interaction with people outside of mission and stories (please do explain what that even means more than your arbitrary opinion)
* "Side content is handed out stupidly by comms instead of visiting handlers" in what why is this bad and since when did this become a norm to judge by?
* "No mini games" still your subjective opinion
* "Promised a Gwent level pastime that never appeared" I can give you this one.
* "Brain dances kept to missions despite being able to buy some for no reason" This sentence doesn't even make sense.
* "Useless upgrade and food items that offer nothing unique" Still your subjective opinion
* "Terrible AI all round" Please name any game that has great AI and I will disprove you with the same lame argument you are coming with. Bitching like a little girl doesn't help you.
* "No difference in the lifestyle paths aoart from the first 20 minutes to an hour." Please link where CD Project Red promised that the game would have 3 different story lines based on which you choose in the beginning.

Like I said before.

It's half retarded that we should based any argument on your subjected expectations when the devs never promised any of it.


Please provide links to any of your claims with timestamps or quotes with links with any of your claims!



And why do you play a game on 3 different platforms if you dislike it so much?

That doesn't even make a logical sense at all.

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BigMalk1073d ago ShowReplies(13)
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just_looken3d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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