
Nintendo Are Discontinuing Splatoon 2's Online Lounge

The smash-hit third-person shooter Splatoon 2 thrives on its fast-paced multiplayer battles. Now, Nintendo are changing the way you can set up online matches for your friends.

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TheEnigma3131083d ago

And they are still selling this game at full price. Nintendo always finds a way to screw customers smh.

Sitdown1083d ago

Is there a written rule that says you have to drop the price of your games?

Teflon021083d ago

That's the worse argument ever...
It is screwing customers or not selling a game that's essentially a online game without all its features intact for full price?

Don't no one give a damn bout no written rule when they cry about game prices going up $10. But atleast those games you can get at lower prices pretty fast lol.

Sitdown1082d ago

Worst excuse? That a company has a right to sell a game for whatever price they want to? It's not a need, which means you don't have to have it...so if you don't like the price, don't purchase it. If you just have to play it, there is gamefly, or purchasing it used. You got a problem with a company knowing it's market value.


Are the Console Wars Over? Welcome to the Handheld Wars.

Looks like the epic console wars might be coming to an end, and a new battlefield is heating up: the Handheld Wars. With heavy hitters like the Steam Deck, Lenovo Legion Go, and the trusty Nintendo Switch, portable gaming is taking the spotlight. These handhelds bring the power of consoles to your hands, offering a variety of gaming experiences for both casual and hardcore gamers. While PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo aren't going anywhere, the rise of handheld gaming is giving us more ways to play than ever before.

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darthv722d ago

console wars are stupid to begin with... let alone handheld wars.

GameGeeked2d ago

Console wars, and possibly handheld wars, may seem silly, but they persist because there will always be passionate fan.

darthv722d ago

Being passionate about the games is fine. The plastic boxes... not so much.

InUrFoxHole1d 2h ago

Passionate is one thing. But fans went full retard

Cacabunga23h ago


You need some kind of plastic box to play them games.. and people tend to choose the best one. Console wars allows games and consoles to reach new heights.

S2Killinit1d 5h ago

You really don't get to speak. Come on.

Ironmike1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

S2killinit u just as bad

S2Killinit21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

I’m not as relentless as some on here. In fact, I only respond in kind and I got pulled into this site after seeing how some commenters were always rushing in to be the first comment and detail conversations in favor of their box. Now that their console of choice is doing badly, they preach kumbaya. Just saying.

crazyCoconuts1d 5h ago

Is it implied that "console wars" refers to the fans warring vs. the war the platform holders are constantly in?
Obviously the platform holders have been at war and will be as long as they have to compete for our dollars.

ravens521d 4h ago

They're fine, as long as you know this isn't REAL. I can say how much distaste I have for MS but still have a best friend that only games on Xbox. Its not that serious .

Charlieboy3331d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Darth, do you not have preferences for certain things in life ? You know like a certain brand of phone, car, clothing, restaurant, etc.

Or are you one of those boring limp people that like to sit on the fence with everything because the 'conflict' is too much for you to handle?

There is fuckall wrong with having a console war....it keeps things fun and interesting. Well unless you're a supporter of Xbox that is.

Most of the intelligent self respecting Xbox supporters have jumped ship and all that's left now are the mouth breathing knuckle draggers.

Ironmike1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

So u resort to insults to win argument, u already lost bro .

Charlieboy33321h ago

@ Ironmike Whatever you say sunshine.....yawn

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 21h ago
Knightofelemia2d ago

Console wars were great when it was SNES vs Genesis. Was always a great topic in the school yard. You got the Genesis port the friend got the SNES port. Always fun to compare who was better. I always looked forward after the school week and rent a game for the SNES. Now the console wars are pretty much done and over with PS3 vs XB360 was pretty much the last of the console wars. Anything after that is pretty much one sided with almost everybody going PS4 and PS5. To me the console wars started to drop after the PS3 and XB360 ran their course. Be interesting to see the handheld wars I am in the market for a new handheld system.

GameGeeked2d ago

The SNES vs Genesis days were definitely memorable. I was lucky to have both consoles :) It's interesting to see how the focus is shifting now. Handheld wars could bring back some of that excitement. Which handheld system are you considering?

anast1d 5h ago

I was on the Genesis side. We see how well that went.

RaiderNation1d 4h ago

I had both but I preferred the Genesis for the sports games and I liked Sega's 6 button controller better for fighting games. That D pad was a godsend to pull off Street Fighter moves!

RaiderNation1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

The "golden age" of gaming to me was between 1995 and 2000 when it was a 3 horse race between Sony, Nintendo, and Sega. For me, there WAS no console war because I genuinely loved all 3 platforms, with each bringing something unique to the table. I miss that era.

anast1d 3h ago

I switched to Sony day 1.

PhillyDonJawn1d 1h ago

Anast, no one would've ever thought that about you. Totally surprising news/s

Fist4achin1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Mortal Kombat was superior on the genesis!

FinalFantasyFanatic14h ago

It also helps that back then, they used very different hardware, today's consoles have very similar internals to each other, especially modern Playstations and Xboxes.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 14h ago
fsfsxii1d 5h ago

Handheld wars aka which system is gimped more and destroys your hands faster.

anast1d 5h ago

I would say with the defeat of Xbox and Nintendo being it's own thing in family friendly handheld gaming, the console wars are over. For those of us that enjoy that kind of entertainment and are aware of this aspect, it was fun while it lasted.

There is no handheld war Nintendo owns the handheld landscape.

-Foxtrot1d 5h ago

" There is no handheld war Nintendo owns the handheld landscape "

If the Xbox handheld is true I won't how it will do against Nintendo, even Sony couldn't keep up and the PSP was fantastic

RaiderNation1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

The Steamdeck has currently sold around 3 million worldwide. A handheld Xbox would be lucky to double that. As others have suggested, there IS no handheld war. Nintendo owns it.

Ironmike1d 4h ago

The defeat of xbox my god u for real it's a console u talking g like its real war the defeat that's saddest statement I read in here

anast1d 3h ago

"that's saddest statement I read in here"

Your not very self aware. I get it.

The Wood1d 1h ago

The xbox as a console is a shadow of what it was during the 360 era. IF the term war offends you then I guess that you lean towards the green brand.. Just a guess mind you.. Regardless, the brand has been mismanaged for way too long and that's a key factor as to why the gappage as increased yoy between it and its closest rival.

DarXyde1d 5h ago

In a handheld war, Nintendo cannot be beaten.

PSP was a surprisingly robust effort, and it came the closest... While doing half as well as the DS.

badz1491d 4h ago

closest? By any metric imaginable, it was not even close. it's easy to assume the that the PSP might as well be considered a success but it sold over 80mil vs over 150mil by the DS. It was not until the failure of Wii U, Xbone and Vita did people finally realize how well the PSP actually did. before all those, it was generally called a failure by many, considering how badly the DS crushed it in sales.

NotoriousWhiz1d 3h ago

If the PSP's 80 million isn't a success, then what is the 3DS' 75 million?

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Behind The Dangerous Stunts Of Nintendo’s Iconic Mario Commercials

Two married costume designers share stories from a decade of traveling the globe with Nintendo.

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307d ago

Bowser Is Canonically 34 Years Old

In a YouTube video showing Nintendo Switch owners how to create a Nintendo Account, Nintendo of America revealed that Bowser is canonically 34 years old.

jznrpg368d ago

I saw Bowser when I was a kid and now I’m older than him , sigh.

Brazz368d ago

Wow, i'm as old as Bowser!!

Stanjara368d ago (Edited 368d ago )

He looks 55 to me.

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