
Xbox Series X: 20 FPS Boost Games With Lackluster Upgrades

Xbox Series X's FPS Boost is game-changing when it works and disappointing when it doesn't. While frame rates are often consistent, many titles make concerning sacrifices. This lost compiles 20 FPS Boost games that make major sacrifices, detailing their drawbacks.

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darthv721091d ago (Edited 1091d ago )

As someone with the Series S, it makes more of an impact there than on the X. From what i have seen, if the game already supported One X enhancements, then its best to just let it be on the Series X.

Darkwatchman1090d ago (Edited 1090d ago )

But there’s also 13 games that get FPS Boost on Series X that don’t get it on Series S and another number of game that have higher framerate targets with FPS Boost on Series X than Series S so it’s actually not that cut and dry. It’s pretty disappointing on both ends. The cases where it works as intended or as people may have initially thought it would turn out are too few.

XBManiac1090d ago

If you have Series S and you use backwards compatibility... it is not comparable to Series X. Series S runs vanilla Xbox One versions because of the lack of RAM to emulate Xbox One X ones, for example. Series X is far greater improvement on BC.

1090d ago Replies(3)
gamer78041090d ago (Edited 1090d ago )

Great to have options I’ve gone back to playing dragon age inquisition and it runs superbly. Good article though detailing differences.

DJStotty1090d ago (Edited 1090d ago )

Wow, these downplaying articles are rife this week in the lead up to E3.

Funny how it is only this week these articles are surfacing, even though we knew about Series X not running upgrades from Xbox One X BC games months ago. As per article :-

"If a game doesn't run at a stable performance level, the Microsoft backwards-compatibility team can't adjust game settings or resolution to best reach the target frame rate."

Well yeah, you can not change some other developers game code, only they can enhance their own game via next-gen patches.

There is even one now on how Gamepass for PC is "broken".

Wonder what we will see next? We have had Xbox not making any money on any console ever, gamepass for PC is broken, FPS boost has lackluster upgrades, xbox division is being ran in the red at a consistent loss, gamepass has never been profitable, all in the lead up to Xbox and Bethesda's E3 showing.

Funny times, roll on E3 for me, can't wait.

Darkwatchman1090d ago

The issue with games not running One X enhancements as not as simple as you state as again, the first 2 batches had games that worked with One X enhancements. Prey, UFC 4, and Skyrim ran with Xbox One X enhancements. Then in the final batch, we got Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The issue is the inconsistency.

Microsoft taking the “exploit” away that used to exist for still running with One X code in Fallout 4. That workaround got removed which is disappointing.

“We’ve known for months”

Before the last batch of 74 games, we only had 2-3 games that lost the enhancements? So it’s actually only been ONE month that we’ve seen how much of a dramatic cut many games have had to make.

Regardless, this article exists to compile each title’s rendering set-up with and without FPS Boost. I don’t get why people are always so personally insulted when something isn’t praised to high heavens. I LOVED replaying Prey with FPS Boost because I got the best of both worlds. Also loved replaying Shadow of The Tomb Raider. Any of the games on this list however?? Not so impressive.

DJStotty1090d ago (Edited 1090d ago )

"So it’s actually only been ONE month"


Since before launch - September 2020


March 2021

So yeah, it has been known for months, 3 to be precise

All in all, the title description of "lackluster upgrades" is just the series console using the Xbox One S version of the game without the One X enhancements, to achieve the FPS boost.

Says it all when the article needs a disclaimer saying they are essentially "making assumptions"

"While this list compiles information as accurately as possible, some assumptions will be made about dynamic resolution. It is assumed that with the sheer horsepower thrown at base Xbox One code, the dynamic resolution scaler will always hit its peak even with the boosted frame rate. If a bullet-point is book-ended by saying DRS can't be discounted, it's because we didn't have enough information to make a safe claim. "

Darkwatchman1090d ago (Edited 1090d ago )

What you’re highlighting are from the first 2 batches, which my comment already addressed. It was a VERY SMALL number of games that needed sacrifices so it was safe to assume they were outliers. Now with 97 games, 20 of them using Xbox One base code(and a large portion also just being games that never got enhanced to begin with so it’s not actually 77 enhanced One X titles that keep them), it’s a much larger issue than the first 2 batches indiciated. It wasn’t until the final batch in late April or early May, that we saw just how limited the feature is and just how limited Microsoft’s lack of user choice in letting us keep the enhancements is.

Also, that first link is irrelevant because that’s about Series S, a whole separate conversation. This article and conversation is about Series X. Also, at least the article is transparent when it is making an assumption rather than many game journalists that simply regurgitate PR speak as fact, spreading misinformation. When those games revert to base Xbox One code, it’s a fact that they’re going to be using the Xbox One resolution range for that title. The assumption is whether it locks to the top-end or if it drops below the max resolution the DRS was set at for base Xbox One. For many games, we have the data to safely say it’s running at the max resolution. For others, we don’t. It’s not like the article is just pulling resolutions out of its ass.

DJStotty1090d ago (Edited 1090d ago )

I simply said the following :-

"We knew about Series X not running Xbox One X versions of BC games months ago" - Fact, regardless of how you want to spin it about batches. 20 games (the ones in the list) run the Xbox One code, like you said, but as stated by the teams themselves, this is to enable FPS boost.

It is only an issue, for those that want the FPS boost, along with the One X enhancements, for the majority, they will take the sacrifice of resolution downgrades, to play at a higher framerate, if that is what they want.

Best explained by the article itself :-

"Unfortunately, FPS Boost has hard limits because no game code is being touched. If a game doesn't run at a stable performance level, the Microsoft backwards-compatibility team can't adjust game settings or resolution to best reach the target frame rate."

So what they are essentially saying, is they can not reprogram games they do not own, to enable the resolution to be stable, along with using FPS boost, so they have to use the base code, to enable the doubling of framerate.

If they started delving and dabbling in other games source code, they will have a mightily fine and hefty lawsuit coming there way.

This will only be addressed for the 20 games in question, via a developer patch. Expect these to be fixed in due course as and when.

But to label things as "lackluster upgrades" when there is only 1 upgrade involved FPS boost, is nothing short of fanboyish.

DJStotty1090d ago (Edited 1090d ago )

In short :-

All 20 games on the list, are running at Xbox One resolution with FPS boost enabled, instead of the Xbox One X enhanced versions resolution.

This is a known issue, even when running the same games through the BC program.

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As Fallout76 Crosses 20Million Gamers Amid Success of TVSeries, Todd Howard Talks Franchise’s Future

“Fallout 76″ has found a whole new world of players thanks to the popularity of Amazon’s “Fallout” TV series. The Bethesda Game Studios title, which first launched in October 2018, crossed 20 million downloads and plays as of Wednesday.

Obscure_Observer1d 23h ago


Hopefully Fallout 5 will be among next gen Xbox´s launching games.

-Foxtrot1d 22h ago

Yeah will be great. Can’t wait for it on the PS6.

Notellin1d 7h ago

What's the point of mentioning the platform you plan to play on? Tribalism.

Zeref1d 6h ago

Can't wait to not have to pay 70 dollars for it lol

ocelot071d 5h ago

Will probably be decent on the HP Omen Xbox but not so sure about the Dell Alienware Xbox though. But I have high hopes for the Asus ROG Ally Xbox Edition running this game at a stable 60.

thesoftware7301d 3h ago

I'm sure MS can't wait either; all that money they will make.

Everyone wins.
Play it on Xbox, play it on PS, play it on your cell phone, play it on PC, shit, maybe even on Nintendo.
ALL=$$$$ for Microsoft corp, literally all these companies care about.

-Foxtrot1d 3h ago


You new here?

It's Obscure_Observer...and I like to wind him up by saying what he would say to others

I'm not even that bothered, I just find it fun.

Huey_My_D_Long1d 3h ago

Now you're getting it ;)

purple1011d 2h ago

Can’t wait to play this, on my Samsung tv Xbox app,

MrNinosan1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I'm sure Sony can't wait to be part in 30% of Microsofts profit, without spending $7,5 billion + development cost.

All free money for Sony 👍

Crows9018h ago


You think it's a positive but it's funny how much of a negative it actually is...lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 18h ago
just_looken1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

Though it would be nice i think tod with his team should stay away from it let someone else take the helm like fallout new vegas.

I also hope after all these success they do not make fallout 76 number 2 sense 76 is the most profitable game they made in the series thanks to monthly subs. Then you got the billion + they made on elder scrolls online.

First thing first is the new elder scrolls title they been working on and we got more updates for starfield to come out but one has recently added a new feature called interactive maps you can see icons along with paths now true next gen.....

So yeah with starfield being there "years" of dev time biggest budget/team size do you trust them with the next fallout title?

MrDead1d 8h ago

The next fallout will be on all systems as Xbox is their smallest market. You don't restrict your flagship games to one of the worlds smallest and shrinking platform.
Bethesda still needs PC and PS as we've learnt from recent layoffs thanks to Microsoft's greed in trying to ban multiplatform publisher's from their biggest console platform.

Obscure_Observer22h ago

Whatever happened to your claims that MS should be boycotted and ultimately destroyed due its greed and monopolistic goals?

You said that the only reason MS released Starfield on PC is because its a new IP, otherwise it would an Xbox exclusive game, as MS ultimate goal is to remove games from players, right?

Now you come to realize that all of your smearing campaign along with all of your doom and gloom prophecies was for nothing!

You don´t really care about MS being destroyed as long Playstation gets some Xbox games.

The moment you find out that neither TES VI and Fallout 5 will be making it´s way to Playstation anything soon, you will be right back where you were a few months ago, shoehorning how MS must (again) be destroyed. Smh.

"Bethesda still needs PC and PS as we've learnt from recent layoffs thanks to Microsoft's greed in trying to ban multiplatform publisher's from their biggest console platform."

Last time I checked, Tango, which released Hi-Fi Rush on both PC and PS5 got shut down while Bethesda (Starfield) do not.

Yes, MS is greed. Yes they do care about the money above most things like every company does.

But just like Sony, they´ll not put their flagship titles on Playstation while damaging their own consoles in the process. I though both Phil and Sarah were clear about that subject when they confirmed that a next gen Xbox console is in development.

That said, the thing that most people don´t realize with all that port begging nonsense, is that Xbox releasing all of its flagships games on Playstation will do nothing but hurt the Playstation brand in the end.

Let me explain:

First - If all games from Xbox land on Playstation, what real interest Sony will have to continue and invest in innovative and multi hundred million dollar single player games that they´re known for? None! I mean, why would Sony take risks when the competitor is doing it in their place?

In the end, Sony will just rest on their laurels by allowing Playstation to be carried by third party publishers and ultimately, Playstation´s premiere first party games will be no more.

Second - After the recent events, you know now how far Sony is willing to go to get that MAU from Steam gamers, they literally banned Steam gamers from 120 countries and regions for it. In Microsoft´s case, you also know they will demand Playstation players to connect to a MS account to play Xbox games, which favors no other but MS itself, because they´ll be "stealing" gamers from the Playstation´s player base, via the ultimate "Trojan Horse".

As a wise man said: "Be careful what you wish for"

Mr_cheese11h ago

Oh Obscure, the irony in what you're saying is crazy.

anast1d 7h ago

Fallout 5 will most likely be 80% generated by AI.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11h ago
anast1d 7h ago

It's a good show. They are really good at live action trailers.

Huey_My_D_Long1d 3h ago

Yall have alot to prove after starfield. Personally I think they will squander the potential for the game, but hey, I look forward to being proven wrong when its released.

RaidenBlack5h ago

Obsidian can still save the reputation with a banger spin off Fallout title whilst Bethesda concentrates finishing TES VI.
Only drawback is Obsidian will have to halt the Outer Worlds 2 development.

outsider16241d 2h ago

Change your engine atleast ffs.

RaidenBlack5h ago

They wont.
Too many legacy program scripts to transition to UE.

4Sh0w23h ago

Yeah the TV Series was better than I expected.

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Level 1,000 Fallout 76 player advises new and returning players

There are many who want to help out new Vault Dwellers but this level 1,000 player offers the best advice after spending hundreds of hours in the game.

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Shane Kim15d ago

I have an advice. Go outside more.

OtterX15d ago

You wouldn't say that if you lived in a fallout shelter! ;P

Fonsecap15d ago

Save your time and play something else...


Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto20d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx20d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast19d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.