
EA Play is Coming to PC for Xbox Game Pass Members Starting Tomorrow

From Xbox Wire: "Since teaming up with Electronic Arts, we’ve been working to provide Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and PC members an EA Play membership at no additional cost. We want to thank the PC community for your patience over the past few months as we worked to deliver a better Xbox App experience for EA Play. We’re excited to share with you that starting tomorrow, March 18 at 2:00 p.m. PT, Xbox Game Pass PC and Ultimate members will be able to enjoy all the benefits of EA Play on Windows 10.

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XxINFERNUSxX1181d ago

Fuck that shit, only thing that will be on my PC is Steam, all other's fuck off one store end of story any other games that are not on Steam that I want I torrent. To much useless crap that's not needed. Epic, GOG, Battle.net need I go on? How much crap do we need installed? We don't just use only one store.

King_Noctis1180d ago

So you instead ignore otherwise great games just because you don’t want to install just one or two more launchers and later forget about it?


slavish01180d ago

I guess you are against competition and... u know capitalism. Monopolies are never good kid

Bladesfist1180d ago

I don't get how single stores exclusively selling certain titles is a good example of competition or capitalism. It certainly isn't a competitive marketplace for the consumer.

Exclusivity in general seems to be the opposite of competition

LucasRuinedChildhood1180d ago

Out of interest, if you're against monopolies, what do you think of the Bethesda acquisition?

IanTH1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

You'll go through the hassle of installing another piece of software to your computer (pick your torrent app), waiting for a game to get cracked, finding a viable magnet link, hoping that there are enough seeds (instead of the usual tons of leeches), waiting for that to download, hoping that whatever you downloaded will not be infected, dealing with downloading cracked updates...instead of just installing another launcher?

If you said you just wanted Steam and stuck to that, that's fine. Your choice entirely. But the fact you'll go through all those other hoops makes me think you're using that as a cover for not wanting to spend your money. Vote with your wallet, for sure. Don't like Epic (et al.), don't spend money there. But don't feel obliged to get games for free. That's a consequence of voting with your wallet - having to wait for exclusivity to end, or just not playing a game. There are so many out there these days, it's not like you're hurting for choice.
And you'd be better off downloading the Epic launcher just to claim the 1-2 free games each week and not spending any money there. You get free games, Epic gets stuck writing checks. I've claimed tons of free games. I've used 2 of their $10 coupons on the only 2 things I've ever bought there. I'm pretty much just costing them money lol. I feel like those who don't at least claim the free games are pretty much just cutting their nose off to spite their face.

Orchard1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

We all know anyone who makes a post like this is actually subbing and installing GamePass + EA play day 1 - but crying while doing so.

IanTH1180d ago

Also "all other's fuck off one store end of story", or "We don't just use only one store"...which is it?

MadLad1180d ago

Do you.
I'm taking advantage of everything gamepass offers :^)

FPS_D3TH1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

Lmao stay mad bro. Maybe gaben will let you suck his toes with that kind of dedication

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1180d ago
IanTH1180d ago

Perfect timing, right after my 3 months for $1 trial ran out lol. Timing is rather interesting, given they announced the EA Play for PC would launch in December, and then it's ready to roll after pretty much everyone who got in on the $1 deal ran out of time 3 months later. Whatever, good deal still, but that was a big ol' bummer.

Orchard1180d ago

Source? Console has had EA for months and no price increase.

MadLad1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

Let me know when it happens. Not that Gamepass doesn't offer enough they couldn't justify it.

ABizzel11180d ago

Not because of this, but a price hike to GamePass is inevitable.

I suspect it will go up to $19.99 either by year's end or sometime next year. And it'll probably have another increase a year or two after that to $24.99, and by next-gen, we'll be looking at $29.99/mo for Ultimate, which IMO is still fair especially if they add Ubisoft-Pass, Activision-Pass, etc...

ABizzel11180d ago

Finally :D now I can get back into Dead Space and all these other games I've been wanting to play on PC maxed.


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