
Square Enix Reveals Project Triangle Strategy From Octopath Team

Nintendo has revealed Project Triangle Strategy, a tactical strategy RPG developed by Square Enix, with a new trailer full of gorgeous art.

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Relientk771205d ago

Easily the best thing from the Nintendo Direct for me. We needs more games like Final Fantasy Tactics. From the look of this game, might as well call it Octopath Tactics.

LOGICWINS1205d ago

Def picking this one up! Enjoyed Octopath despite it getting a bit too grindy and not having the most cohesive storyline.

NecrumOddBoy1205d ago

I really want this to come to PS5. I enjoyed all 100 hours of OT on Switch but I rarely thought the system anymore. OT came to PC. Maybe this could too. Will get it day one regardless.

enkiduxiv1205d ago

It looks good, but Square really needs to stop announcing games so early that they don't even have a title yet. They said 2022, but I bet its more like two whole years away.

Zeldafan641205d ago

It's not like it's a graphically intensive game

OMGitzThatGuy1205d ago

So you won't be satisfied until every game is released the night of it's reveal?

enkiduxiv1204d ago

That's not what I said Captain Hyperbole. I could easily be satisfied with a reveal announced two, three, maybe even four nights before its release... if it had a name.

Tacoboto1204d ago

They even dropped a demo for this one. It's a lot more real so far than any game announced for 2022...

Rebel_Scum1205d ago

Would be nice to have at least one of these types of games to not have voice acting.

Rebel_Scum1205d ago

Cos the voice acting is usually shit in Japanese RPG's.

Outlawzz1205d ago

I prefer voice acting. I can enjoy the events happening around much better.

So I thinks it's nice to have it in all of them. If I
was watching anime I would agree, dubbed is terrible. Games usually don't have the same issue for me.

Zeldafan641203d ago

Dubs in most anime are fine.

DragonWarrior191204d ago

It's 2021 dude, there is no excuse for not having voice acting.

IanTH1205d ago

Who comes up with these codenames? lol. That is an unappealing mouthful. Octopath Traveler was a bit on-the-nose, but was a fine enough name...this definitely should not be allowed to become its launch title :-p

Outlawzz1205d ago

I'm guessing it sounds better in the native language lol

IanTH1204d ago (Edited 1204d ago )

That certainly sounds feasible! I do vaguely recall some similar talk around the OT codename.

Then again, given this was a high profile introduction - with accompanying eShop demo - you'd think they would want to nail something down that sounds good in all languages lol. Then *again* again, I suppose if they felt they had a good name, they'd just call it that and forgo the whole "project -codename-" nonsense lol

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GotGame | Project Triangle Strategy Preview

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1158d ago

Project Triangle Strategy dev: why a tactical RPG, how long it'll take to beat, when we'll hear more

One of the more exciting announcements from last month’s Nintendo Direct was Project Triangle Strategy. The game builds off the success of Octopath Traveler by adopting the same art style, but the format has changed to a tactical RPG.

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1167d ago
Nerdmaster1167d ago

By playing the demo, world and characters seem really interesting. Unfortunately, I really dislike tactical RPG, so I stopped playing in the middle of the first battle. I love the Bravely series and really liked Octopath Traveler. It saddens me that they decided on making a tactical RPG now instead.

BrainSyphoned1166d ago

Tactical rpg? SRPG as in the word in the game's name. They even tried to correct you......

"What made you decide to develop your first tactical RPG?"
"That’s how we decided on a strategy RPG for this project."