
EA Comments on Next-Gen & EA Play Partnership With Microsoft; Undecided on Potential Price Changes

During Electronic Arts' financialsl Andrew Wilson and Blake Jorgensen talked about the partnership with Xbox Game Pass and more.

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ApocalypseShadow1312d ago

EA was on board with Microsoft for always online. They also hated used games sales because they didn't get a cut of the used profits. They tried and failed. So, they came up with EA Access. The only company on console with this service. Why is that?

And now, they are on board in pushing subscription services. Both things cut into used game sales, trading and lending. Which is why Gamestop is struggling. They make more money on used than new games. With a subscription, EA makes the money off of old games than used retail stores and selling your games. It's their right because it's their content. But call it what it is instead of "opportunities."

When I ran a game store, the most used game on the shelf were EA's games. Tons of them. So yes. In a way, their subscription cuts down on their shelf clutter. But the obvious effects are what I stated: Gamestop and other used game shops suffer. And trading and lending is toast.

EA is only going to tell you what they want you to hear. Not what you can clearly see with your eyes. Their subscription is to eat into used. End of.

1311d ago Replies(1)
SmokinAces1311d ago

Its ok I'll sell my old games myself and pocket all the money myself, thanks EA.

TheGreatGazoo301311d ago

Always online was such a visionary and great feature that people raged against in ignorance and killed. How awesome would it have been to sell your digital rights to a game to someone else in a used digital games store? People heard always online, didn't realize that was an occasional check to see you have the rights to a game. Kinda similar to how games check-in to see if you're updated now anyways.

Kavorklestein1311d ago

Yeah people didnt have the foresight to see that it would have been awesome to sell your games to others, and that online checks are already pretty much standard on most devices and especially on the oh so "masterful" pc.

ApocalypseShadow1311d ago (Edited 1311d ago )

Same as my above comment. No online, no playing. Even single player. No ownership.

Sheep. Guess you liked EA's "surprise mechanics" too. And Kinect watching you for advertising. Kids today. Lollipops. Born every minute.

ApocalypseShadow1309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

Lol. The minority of whiners. The MAJORITY spoke and it destroyed Microsoft's plans with EA backing them on Xbox one. That's why Sony dominated in every way possible. Yes. Sony has 45 million subscribers that pay for online and those selection of games. But out of 115 million, 70 million aren't paying to play online. Another example of the MAJORITY. The reason Sony makes big AAA exclusives that are single player are because of the MAJORITY. Another example.

Just because you can connect to the internet doesn't mean you have to have your content locked to it. EA loves fools. When companies like them come up with their next scheme to screw gamers, guess you'll be in the front of the line.

ApocalypseShadow1311d ago

Ridiculous. Games locked to online was dumb. If you're not online, your offline games didn't work. Including single player. If you go back and look, you could only sell your game once to a friend or at participating stores. Instead of anywhere you wanted to right now.


Kavorklestein1311d ago (Edited 1311d ago )

I have had times where I didn't get a chance to put My Steam account into offline mode when my ISP had issues and was locked out of every single game I owned. So Why was it so bad when Xbox tried to do something similar or do online check ins?

I havent bought games on disc since 2015.
I have ALWAYS had all my consoles connected to the internet (unless there was an ISP outage similar to what I mentioned with my PC, which has only happened maybe 10 times) since 2006.
I imagine this is the case with the Majority of gamers who play multiplayer games in any fashion.
The minority of whiners cried about something that was already a non-issue to MOST gamers at the time.
So yes you mentioned what could happen if some didnt have internet access, what was your actual point?
Most people did and definitely DO have internet.
It was basically just overblown drama to make MS look awful.

Even now as the PS5 will have day 1 patches to make it work as intended, you think requiring the internet is or ever was a bad thing... Most PC games you buy on disc have a steam or Origin or Battlenet activation code.
Most of the big 3rd party games on PC have required internet since like 2005. Bam! Internet required.
So again, why is it bad if Xbox did the same thing?

There was a small amount of people who would not like to have online check-ins, sure. But most of them turned around the next minute and Played Destiny, COD, Halo, or downloaded free games from PS+ or Games with gold, or played a game online with friends right after fussing about internet.
It was and always will be a Non issue for the modern gamer.
This wasn't 2004. This wasn't 2006. This wasn't 2009.
This was 2013 and 2014. And it was a non-issue.

TheGreatGazoo301311d ago

So, when was the last time you disconnected your system from the internet to play? If you have limited or unstable internet, I'm assume those people would've purchased disc's... Which would've worked without the always online aspect, cause the disc verified ownership.

Kavorklestein1311d ago

@great yazoo
It actually doesn't work like that.
Most games with discs do not allow you to play on steam without internet if your internet goes out.

SmokinAces1311d ago (Edited 1311d ago )

So then why is there so much outrage over Godfall's always online aspect if its so "visionary"?

TheGreatGazoo301311d ago

Because people are addicted to being offended and outraged about things. Rage against the headline before you even understand what it is or bother to read the article.

ApocalypseShadow1309d ago

I wouldn't buy it. God fall would never be on my list of games to buy.

chiefJohn1171311d ago (Edited 1311d ago )

Ea play was a big pickup for gamepass, I'm never buying an EA game again. 0 reason to now.

MajorLazer1309d ago

Yeah I subbed recently to EA Play on PS4, very good value.

chiefJohn1171309d ago

I subbed to it when it first came out as ea access. Found a lot of good games I would've never tried and that 24 hour trial of full games 2 weeks before release was amazing


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