
Review: Superhot Mind Control Delete - MORE than Just a Level Pack | GameLuster

Superhot's stand alone expansion trades minutely crafted experiences for procedurally generated challenges and upgrades without losing any of the fun.

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Six Spin-offs to Celebrate SUPERHOT’s Five-Year Anniversary

Dave writes: "Can you believe it’s been five years since SUPERHOT landed on the Xbox One? It’s one of those ‘time goes fast’ things, which - of course - is the opposite of what SUPERHOT’s about. To mark the five year anniversary of the wonderful red and white bolt-from-the-blue that arrived in 2016, we thought we would suggest some spin-offs for the IP. SUPERHOT - you’re welcome."

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ApocalypseShadow1122d ago (Edited 1122d ago )

Makes sense to me. Especially the John Wick spinoff. Course, I would have loved more content for VR where it really shines. They should learn from the developers of Pistol Whip. They continue to update and spin new game modes like the future one and the upcoming western one that are like what the article is wanting.

But Super Hot definitely brought something new to gaming.

1121d ago
1247d ago Replies(1)

SuperHot: Mind Control Delete review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "Like the original and virtual reality version, SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE plays as a first person shooter where the enemies don’t move unless you do. For the most part, the enemies are made out of a red glass material that shatters when met with a projectile or physical force. The environment is mostly white and some of the enemies have only one red part of their body that can be damaged. Not only are these foes harder to see, but they’re more difficult to hit too!"

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