
‘Ghost of Tsushima’ is the Game of the Generation

Forbes - "'Ghost of Tsushima' encapsulates every game design trend of the generation, and it does so beautifully."

Hakuoro1410d ago

It's definitely a fantastic showcase of the quality of Sony's gaming developmental talent.

morganfell1410d ago

For me it isn't about Sony's talent, which they certainly have. I said the other day several times it is my GOTG. That has not changed. So for me it is about the experience this game brings and that is like nothing else.

cesar41410d ago

But didn’t Sony approve and fund the development of that experience?

Army_of_Darkness1410d ago

My gotg is still horizon zero dawn... But only because I have yet to play tlou 2 and GOT... So we'll see.

morganfell1410d ago

They did but what does that have to do with the price of matcha in Japan? Sony made the game and it is my GOTG. It is a result of the talent but my focus concerning the brilliance of this game isn't about the talent. My focus is what that talent did. My focus is the game itself. No matter who made this game it still would be my choice.

Hakuoro1410d ago

"No matter who made this game it still would be my choice."

Sure, that's a fair comment, but it was made by Sony and Sucker Punch. And considering it's the only AAA big budget samurai game in generations probably since Onimusha I think respect is due.

morganfell1410d ago

"Sure, that's a fair comment, but it was made by Sony and Sucker Punch. "

But...nothing. You are talking to a certified Sony fanboy. For me, for any 'gamer' it is the game first and then the tech, and then who made it later. They deserve all the praise in the world but the game matters far far more than the company who made it.

If you had never heard of the game and were given a generic controller and allowed to play a portion of the game and then allowed to ask one question, what would it be? What would matter to you most? Who made it? Not if the game is a genuine masterpiece. If it is a Game of the Generation, if it is wonderful engrossing story telling, then what you want to know is more about the game. Who made it always comes second when a game is a genuine work of art. I never watch a landmark movie and then halfway through ask who made it. Even once the film is over what matters to me more are the characters, their motivations. The director, producer, distributor...always come second. Yes it is Sony once again doing something different this generation. And its one of the reasons I love this company. But...game first.

The_Hooligan1410d ago

To me it is a toss up between Bloodborne and GOW as the GOTG, but to be fair I haven't started on GoT yet because I am still finishing up TLOU 2. But to be honest it is a good problem to have when you have several titles that can claim the GOTG title and can't decide on one lol. At the end of the day it all comes down to each individual's preference. And this is one of the reasons why I love Sony first party devs. Many different options for many different type of gamers. Not to mention each of them are high quality titles.

Hakuoro1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )


Wow I concede that you made a fair comment and you still attack me.

I have heard of Sucker Punch and I know Sony funded the game, and if I saw a great movie I liked of course I would want to know who made it.

But I should have known you being you as soon as I said the word respect you would get offended.

But w/e I am grateful Sony and it's studios are still making big budget games like this and not yearly cash grabs and GaaS loaded with real money transactions or other B.S. to maximize profits.

And yes I respect that as well as the people who worked on the games.

morganfell1409d ago (Edited 1409d ago )


I am not attacking you. You have made some insightful and wonderful remarks on this board and that was not my intention at all and if you took it that way then I am truly sorry. It just seems when pointing out Game of the Generation people seem to be focused on who made it. Game of the Generation shouldn't matter one iota who developed or who published it.

I am a hardcore Sony fan. That is the company in which I believe. But GOTG is about the game. That's it. It is why I said 'but nothing' because who published and who developed it should not be a part of the conversation. Period. It is about the game, the experience, the art itself.

There is a place to discuss the incredible achievements of Sony and its subsidiaries. But for once when we really really talk about a landmark, sales, publishers, developers, all of it needs to go away for just a brief moment. GOTG is something that for all of our disagreements should cut across all lines, all platforms, all beliefs. For a fleeting moment we should just be gamers.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1409d ago
Masterchief_thegoat1410d ago

For me I like got more than the last of us 2 since I platinum tlou2.

Masterchief_thegoat1410d ago

But For me gow is playstation game of the decade. till part 2 come out. Thor vs Kratos. I can’t wait for that epic battle. For ps5 only.

kayoss1410d ago

Kratos killed Zeus with his bare hands, I wonder what he would do to Thor? Honestly the only chance thor have is to Go for the head.

TommyVercetti881410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

Kratos is no match for Enlil.

Ratchet751410d ago

How great this generation has been.
So great in fact that we cannot agree on which game is GOTG. 😉😉

meganick1410d ago

It’s certainly one of the better games of the generation.

Kavorklestein1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

I agreenis is a good one, but It is not the game of the Generation.
I think TLOU 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn are better games and are better choices for GOTG.

Ghost is more Repetetive than an Assassin's Creed Game (not saying that is necessarily a bad thing cuz I love the AC games, and I love Ghost) but Assassin's Creed has more to do and has more life and activity in it so it doesn't get as stale.

Ghost is actually as far as it's setting and visual style, and unique as far as the verticality of some areas and the way you climb or explore some rock faces or find shrines, but it is not even close to Game of the Generation in my Opinion.

I wouldn't say AC is game of the Generation either even tho I prefer Origins and Odyssey to GoT, and I'm about 30 hours into GoT.

Silly Mammo1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

Only about 5 hours into the game and I'm really enjoying it. The only thing that kind of bugs me is that I'm suppose to be this honorable samurai,, yet I'm running around stealing supplies, linens and such from poor peasants and temples. I understand for the purposes of an open world game you need to do it, but for a game so steeped in honor and sacrifice it feels slightly off.

Small complaint. Still think the game is great.

SamPao1410d ago

I think of it as gifts from the people to help me fight the mongols :)

LucidIllusion1410d ago

Honor is a huge trait for Samurai, but how long can the average man keep persevering without change? The world is as unfair as the rule and the invasion of the Mongols. If you don't get dirty when the moment calls for it, way more innocent lives would be lost to pride. And to be completely honest, no BEING can stay consistent forever. Expect hypocrisy and uncertainty since it is no more than factors of everyday life.

LiViNgLeGaCY1410d ago

It's freaking fantastic, that's for sure.

zumlauf141410d ago

please name one thing Ghost does better than TW3 other than combat? Story? No. Characters? Hell no. Side quests? BIG no. Mission structure variety? No. Customization? lol you get one sword and a handful of armor sets with color customizations that TW3 also has. World building? Other than its geography, the world itself is lifeless. Lifeless npcs that you cant speak to and most dont achnowledge you. The npcs don't adapt/live around the day/night and weather cycle like they do in TW3. TW3 has much more enemy variety thst also bleeds into the wildlife whete ghost only has deer/bear/pigs/birds. Every Ghost settlement has the same npcs doing the same animations over and over rain or shine. I can go on and on. Im not saying TW3 is the GOTG. But anyonr saying GHOST is better is completely delutional. TW3 is unrivaled in the open world genre and design. Rdr2 comes close(didn't like botw).

1410d ago
GameZenith1410d ago

Exactly, 5 years from now people will still use TW3 as an open world benchmark

gleepot1410d ago

but breath of the wild is the benchmark, so

WillyC0091410d ago

Breath of the Wild isn’t even in my top 3 Zelda games of all time. I really wish people didn’t talk about it like it’s the greatest thing ever. I stopped playing about 3 quarters of the way through. Have no desire to go back.

robtion1410d ago

GoT is amazing but there are so many other greats like TW3, Bloodborne, God of War, and others.

Seraphim1410d ago

that's kind of my thinking. I could nit pick a bit about Ghost but it's a great game that I'm thoroughly enjoying; working on Platinum. But I think other games offer/ed great experiences but were, for lack of better terms, more polished, robust, well rounded & had more depth. Lastly, simply put, I just don't think it has enough or has done enough to give it the crown. Easily in the discussion and top 10-20 games of the generation but it's no crown winner.

Silly gameAr1410d ago

I haven't played Witcher 3 yet. I feel lie it won't live up to the hype for me. It would be like Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I hear all of this praise for those games, and I finally get around to playing them, and they're both disappointments. I'm weird.

fonger081410d ago

I get the same way about a lot of games too, that get overly hyped. I really liked the Witcher 3, there’s was just something off putting to me with its combat. Still a fantastic game, and highly recommend anyone a fan of the open world genre to play it, but it didn’t live up to the ungodly praise it got.

Elda1410d ago

I didn't like TW3 or RDR2.

Poopmist1410d ago

Witcher 3 has a much better story than Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I didn't even finish Skyrim.

fonger081410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

@ Elda I didn’t like RDR2 either, too many remedial tasks to constantly do. Plus, and this is probably just me, but after living in the middle of nowhere Arizona for a good portion of my life , the “Wild West” scenery just plays out on bad memories.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1410d ago
TheHateTheyGive1410d ago

You should be a comedian, that 3rd party filler.

King_Noctis1410d ago

Third party filler? Lol what?

King_Noctis1410d ago

Witcher 3 would always be my pick.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1410d ago
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Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut PC Review - A Legend Reborn | The Nerd Stash

TNS: "Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut on PC is one of the best ports we've seen in recent years from one of the best action-adventure games ever."

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Ghost of Tsushima on PC delivers impressive upgrades over PS5

Ghost of Tsushima PC vs PS5, best settings and more in the Digital Foundry tech review.

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VincentVanBro9d ago

Playing this at a locked 175 fps on an OLED ultra wide at max settings is truly awe inspiring. A great way to replay this classic.

Psychonaut859d ago

Sweet! Glad to see it make the jump. Hopefully the PSN requirement doesn’t put too many people off. I think it’s only if you plan to play the Legends mode. It’s bullshit, but at least you can access the main game without making a PSN profile if that bothers you. I know on PC everyone’s sick of everyone trying to push their own launchers and shit.

Deeeeznuuuts9d ago

It's really not that big of a deal, PC players just love to complain, my friend has quite a few launches and never once complained, really no issues at all 😂😂😂 28514;

Goodguy019d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Indeed. It's for the trophies and online. I just hope Sony doesn't require ps plus subscription at some point for their online games. PC gamers have dealt with 3rd party launchers forever, just a bunch of silly complaints, nothing different.

just_looken8d ago


Right how dare those 180 countries that had this game listed a month ago but no longer do complain about a forced new regulation that is blocking the sale of the game even in japan.

Then you got the fact many countries need a goverment id to check if your legally a adult.

I have a psn account that is not linked to my steam account as having any form of vpn/antivirus and even something like discord can break there psn TOS. If your psn account gets banned via pc bs then your entire consoles online are bricked as do too them needing real information we all only have one account now.

FinalFantasyFanatic8d ago

I don't mind having a few launchers, just don't make me log into it all the time, it's astounding that some developers still persist with having their own launchers.

just_looken8d ago

Its a greed deal

Alot of them wanted to leave steam so they would not pay that 30% charge but then there overall number of sales dropped opps so now there back but with there launcher as a leach because all these games have attached bullshit like ubi points or capcom rewards/stat tracking even the activation launcher that needs to be a thing for cheaters/stat track i think even trophies to a extent.

Just be glad we do not have a sony launcher as it would no doubt be fighting rockstar for most unsecured worst launcher on pc.

anast9d ago

So we are lovin' PSN now? How fickle the herd is.

Aloymetal9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Some people love to complain but if it wasn't for Sony themselves they wouldn't be playing these amazing 1st party games on their PeeZees.

6d ago
HankHill9d ago

Cry more while your precious plastic box keeps losing exclusives.

anast9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

As long as your not serious, welcome to the party.

This is fun. My turn.

Yeah, all 10 people that can actually afford a decent PC isn't much. This is why they are drip feeding PC gamers because they'll eat up 10 year old games like they're new, and that's all 10 of them. Consoles gamers already wore that shoe, you all are getting leftovers.

Your turn

Number1TailzFan9d ago

@ anast uhh, looks like the video is showing last gen (soon to be 2 gen old) GPUs running it pretty well to me? I mean if you can't keep your PC decently current then that's hardly the devs fault now is it?

Shiore2u8d ago


You really need to stop trying so hard, it's getting downright embarrassing. Brand loyalty is a stupid endeavor, accept it, learn from it and move on.

FinalFantasyFanatic8d ago

A 7-year-old GPU can trade blows with a PS5 in performance, I don't think it's going to be that hard to match/beat the PS5, especially if you look at the second hand market for parts.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 8d ago
just_looken8d ago

here and most of the internet will never go against sony or play station there like the apple logo.

InUrFoxHole8d ago

I guess the ps5 was holding this game back.


Has Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC sales earned around £18 Million in its first week on Steam?

CG writes: The question we’re asking is, has Sucker Punch’s just released stealth-action game Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC earned over £18 million in revenue on release week via the Steam platform alone (also available via the Epic Games Store)?

Read Full Story >>
thorstein10d ago

"also available via the Epic Games Store"

I'm pretty sure Epic Games Store is available in over 190 countries and 30 territories. So anyone that said that this game was not available in them was just lying.

I'm so shocked by games journalists and fauxragers lying. Really shocked. I do pity them though. I can't imagine going through life with such anger... at everything.

bunt-custardly10d ago

Hehe, you do know how much PC players whine about having multiple store platforms when really all they want is Steam to run a monopoly. Thank ye heavens for Gog and Epic.

Giblet_Head9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

When Steam is one of the very few actually trying with it's feature set it's a hard sell to get people to want something on a storefront that could care less about improving it's service. GoG is another exception, but Epic, which is still missing many features that have been on Steam for years like every other publisher just half-ass it, so they've earned and continue to maintain their poor reception and presumably act confused come every quarterly report for failure to understand the market they're in. Who really wants to invest in something that actively instills little faith?

bunt-custardly9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Interesting answer from co-pilot when asked what are the differences between EGS and Steam.

The Epic Game Store (EGS) and Steam are both digital distribution platforms for PC games, but they have some key differences:

Game Selection: Steam has a larger selection of games, including both indie and AAA titles, and has been established longer, since 20031. EGS, while newer, offers a curated selection of games, including timed exclusives and titles not available on other platforms1.

Revenue Split: EGS offers a more favorable revenue split for developers, taking only a 12% cut compared to Steam’s 20-30%, which can be a big draw for game publishers1.

Free Games: EGS is known for its regular giveaways of free games, which has been a major feature since its launch in December 20181. Steam also offers free games, but less frequently1.

User Interface: Steam provides a more feature-rich experience with user reviews, community discussions, game streaming, and non-gaming software. EGS has a more streamlined interface, focusing on a simpler user experience1.

Social Features: Both platforms offer social features like friends lists and chat functionality, but Steam’s community features are more extensive, including groups, forums, and user profiles1.

Exclusivity: EGS has secured exclusive deals for certain games, making them available only on their platform for a limited time before they can be purchased elsewhere1.

These are some of the main differences that set the two stores apart. Each platform has its own strengths and caters to different preferences and needs.

Co-Pilot forgot to mention: Both offer software, but Steam is very much more in-tune with VR with its Steam VR integration.

Giblet_Head8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I wouldn't take AI as gospel, especially a corporate one that ends most every answer with meaningless neutral ambiguity. You're better off actually talking to humans that use either and have something to lose, be it time, energy or financial investment. Personal experiences AI can't relate to.