
Borderlands Switch dev made tech for Unreal 2.5 - Unreal 3 titles to run natively on the system

NE: "When you think about developers that have worked on notable Switch ports, the likes of Panic Button, Virtuos, and Saber Interactive come to mind. We should probably throw another name into the mix as well: Turn Me Up Games. Although Turn Me Up hasn’t worked on a ton of Switch projects, the studio is starting to become more well-known."

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1419d ago
averagejoe261419d ago

Yea, a current gen system getting support for Unreal 2.5 sure is dope when other consoles are on Unreal 5 already.

King_Noctis1419d ago

How long have other systems been out comparing to the Switch?

Razmiran1419d ago

Tech getting older engines to run natively on new hardware is always great, be it the switch or the playstation 5. It is not as simple as writing a few lines of code.

Bigman4k1419d ago

Sir the Nintendo switch is not a powerful system so game developers have to do what they can to make their games run on the nintendo switch

rainslacker1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

If the engine wasn't designed to run on those systems, it is something of a job to make them work. Not impossible, but it's not the engine itself which is constrained by the hardware, but the software made on the engine. The rendering processes on UE2-3 are significantly different than what is done on UE4, and UE5 is well far ahead of UE4. But either way, that rendering process still needs to be made compatible with what would be an alien architecture in the switch.

What this article seems to be talking about is that the dev made porting tools to run older games on the switch. Something that isn't just possible out of the box because the system is newer and more powerful than what those engines ran on back in the day.

To put this in perspective....my job is mostly about writing tools that get things to work on other platforms, not unlike what is said to be done here(although it sounds more like an emulator of sorts based on how little info there was). but I sometimes have to deal with different engine compatibility having to be taken into account. My job is highly specialized, and not many people do that kind of work. While I hate talking about, I make well industry average(3-4x average) than people who design more general purpose tools, or even program the games themselves.

So, while it may not seem impressive, it's not as simple as just porting a game engine or hitting a "Build to Switch" button. Lots of API's need to be integrated, and not everything is forward compatible within closed systems. Couple this with multiple API's like OGL, Vulcan, or DX, and it becomes even more involved when you get to a closed system with it's own set of assembly instructions.

L7CHAPEL1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

I've gotten into arguments with some Nintendites about it being really no more powerful than anything from the PS3/ 360 era, and get a ton of crap arguments over it, but to me this sort of consolidates that.
it doesn't matter if your system is just slightly more powerful (really) then the last generation( before the current generation which is about to end of course) if its capabilities don't have parity. it runs unreal 3 natively?!
and all of these rumors talking about yet another set of SKU(s) for the switch, I don't believe to be rumors. within three years you're going to have 2 Major upgrades to the system, that will require you purchasing major hardware to stay updated
and Nintendo will charge you full price for all of it.
I don't hate Nintendo, but a lot of their policies and business practices dictate that I'll never be buying their stuff.
[overcharging and crap customer service]

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King_Noctis1419d ago

Turn Me Up Games? What a name.

AuraAbjure1418d ago

I think Unreal 2.5 came out in '08

badz1491418d ago

yeah but UE3 debuted with Gears back in 2006, no?


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