
Capcom Vancouver pitched for a new Dino Crisis, was working on Unreal Engine 4-powered Dead Rising 5

DSOGaming writes: "While Capcom Vancouver is no more, it appears that this studio was interested in reviving some classic Capcom games. One of them was Dino Crisis, a game that a lot of Capcom fans want to see return. Unfortunately, though, Capcom Japan shut this project down."

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Spurg1459d ago

Yeah, they closed down 2 years ago

1458d ago
GamerRN1458d ago

I would love a Dead Rising 5 with a tone more like 3

Spurg1459d ago

It seems that Capcom Vancouver were trying to move away from Dead Rising but capcom wouldn't let them.
I would have loved to see the game Microsoft wanted them to make to answer The last of us.

GreatSako20201458d ago

Capcom strategy is to develop games fully inhouse in Japan. That's why they ended most of their contracts with western developers and closed western studios.

Good-Smurf1458d ago

Oh please they milked DR dry and they ruined DR4 I'm glad Capcom shut them down.
Stuff like Dino Crisis remake/reboot should be handle by those who cares and not the studio that lost their touch and interest on one IP.

ZwVw1458d ago

Milked DR dry? Quite the contrary. Virtually every new ip or reboot Vancouver pitched over to Capcom Japan got shut down because the higher-up wanted the studio relegated to developing only DR.

Good-Smurf1457d ago

Still not a good excuse for them to make a game inferior in most areas to original Dead Rising.
Check out Crowbcat video it was embarrassing.
If that's their protest to self sabotage their own game then oh boy were they pissed but not a wise decision at all.

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No, Capcom’s Latest Survey Doesn’t Mean We’re Getting A New Dino Crisis

Capcom has a survey doing the rounds asking about its past and present franchises - and naturally, Dino Crisis is the topic du jour. But should we even want a new Dino Crisis game?

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shinoff2183112d ago

Exactly. We definitely deserve a breath of fire game again before most of their other ips. Rpgs are killing it these last few years. Jump in capcom

blackblades112d ago

Its a possibility that the survey would help bring older games to moderns age. Possibilities

ZeekQuattro112d ago

It feels like that with most videogame company surveys. I often times wonder why they even bother with them as they usually don't amount to much.

GoodGuy09111d ago

Man imagine the RE engine, Re4 remake's gameplay for a new Dino Crisis game.


Interview: Discussing Exoprimal, Its Dinosaurs, and Dino Crisis

Siliconera spoke with Exoprimal Director Takuro Hiraoka about the game, its dinosaurs, and the possibility of a Dino Crisis crossover.

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Exoprimal Is No Dino Crisis, But I'll Take It

Exoprimal regrettably isn't Dino Crisis' much-needed revival, but a fun and hilarious game that could do wonders with consistent content.

darthv72323d ago

I've read many who say this game is mad fun... rough around the edges, but otherwise fun.

phoenixwing322d ago

unfortunately there is no true solo play so i can't really play it due to my crappy connection

Goosejuice322d ago

It's actually quite a bit of fun. Solid 7.5 for me. I wasn't expecting it to be any good but iv played it most nights since it hit gamepass. Maps can be a bit repetitive and dinos variety kinda lacks. It opens up more as u play but I will say it takes awhile before getting anything new.

MetroidFREAK21322d ago

I've been enjoying this game since I bought it. Win or lose, it's a great time

322d ago Replies(1)
bangoskank322d ago

I'm not. This is a huge misstep. Based on their last showcase I believe Capcom is about to take a bit of a tumble from grace starting here.