
Someone is working on a remake of Unreal Engine 5 Tech Demo in Unreal Engine 4.25, first screenshot

DSOGaming writes: "3D Archviz Specialist, Pasquale Scionti, is currently working on a remake of the Unreal Engine 5 Tech Demo in Unreal Engine 4.25. While this project is still in an early state, the artist has released the first screenshot, as well as a comparison screenshot between the UE4.25 and the UE5 versions."

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Daniel21831478d ago

How is this possible without a super special SSD???

RpgSama1478d ago

"I am the author of the render for clarifications I did not know anything about this news. However what I am recreating is only an inspiration for the ue5 demo with ue 4.25 and quixel megascans limestone set nothing more the difference is also noticeable because I use LOD 0 and not billions of polygons or my pc would blow up , and therefore the details are minor and then it does not allow the realtime ingame for fps too low it is only for animation and render for portfolio, ue5 will be innovation of realtime in the future on this there is no doubt."

That's taken directly from the guy making it, that's your "marketing" for you.

RpgSama1477d ago


Funny how they are the first to talk trash but as soon as someone present facts, they disappear

SamTheGamer1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

@RpgSama You shouldn't have said that, they were just having their happy times. Now you made them sad.

DJStotty1477d ago

I do not think that is from the guy making it, the comment is repeated over and over again, leading to what looks like some form of spam.

Furthermore, he is not trying to "re-create" the tech demo, just used it for inspiration.


That is the "actual" project video

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1477d ago
Skate-AK1478d ago

Well it's a screenshot without texture streaming being shown.

1478d ago Replies(2)
Sunny_D1478d ago

Because it isn’t. Your lack of understanding of what the demo showcased is no one else’s fault but yours.

garos821478d ago

its gonna be a hard 6 + years for you coming up. Good luck pal, you will need it

russo1211477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

Yes, how is this possible? Hmmm, that question associated with "marketing" resumes your and @Captain's techy knowledge.

sampsonon1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

It won't have the same amount of assets or triangles. It must really really hurt that a console is going to be the most powerful hardware on the market.... Please, tell me how do you feel? "as he holds up the mic"

Shalawsorchi1477d ago

Xbox fanboys are biggest losers I swear. Just because you don’t like PlayStation.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1476d ago
zypher1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

"Someone?" This is just Series X's scaled down version of the UE5 demo, released low-key so no one suspects it's Series X :-D

I kid.

ps5fanboy1476d ago

got a single scene screenshot atm , when it reaches the end of demo , the high end pc farts and dies...


Fan-Made Unreal Engine 5 Version of Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!

Dive into a stunning fan-made version of the beloved 1999 game set in Toy Story's Andy's room. Get nostalgic with Unreal Engine 5 graphics.

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DazaMc60d ago

I'm getting PS2 vibes. Still good for homemade.


IGN - Gray Zone Warfare: 23 Minutes of Exclusive Gameplay

Get a look at 23 minutes of exclusive gameplay from Gray Zone Warfare, the upcoming Unreal Engine 5-powered military shooter from developer Madfinger Games. Wishlist it on Steam if you're interested: https://store.steampowered....

RaidenBlack90d ago

The most realistic and engaging open world FPS game in works. for quite some years, by Madfinger Games.
Here's more about the game :

PsychoKiller90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Atmospheric and immersive!


The Future is Now: Upcoming Unreal Engine 5 Games That Will Amaze You

Explore the future of gaming with upcoming Unreal Engine 5 games. Discover how this groundbreaking engine is shaping next-gen titles across various genres, from stealth survival in 'Nakwon: Last Paradise' to action-packed adventures.

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rlow1137d ago

I’ve been waiting to be amazed since they launched it. Some beautiful games out there, but not mind blowing. Hopefully this year is better.

FinalBoss137d ago

It's still early days, most of the games that have already been released under UE5 were started under UE4.
The devs are going to get to grips with this new engine, and come up with some great games.

rlow1137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

I know but it’s been a minute….lol

I just remember those Gears of War, Halo, God of War holy crap moments.

My guess, the engine takes longer to optimize and more manpower to do it right.

EvertonFC137d ago

Nxt gen, it's always the same until you actually get the OMFG new engine games. Might see some in 2026 though.

FinalBoss137d ago

In fact, one of the biggest advances in UE5 is the 'ease' with which content can be created.
Take a look at this video from 3:50 onwards, showing how the engine automatically generates the scenery.

UE4 wasn't capable of that at this level. And the devs had to resort to all sorts of tricks to make quality procedural.
UE 5 greatly simplifies all that. In my opinion, games will take a different turn in the coming years.

rlow1137d ago

Thanks for the link, will check it


We need Unreal Tournament 5. If Epic won't touch it I would rather pay fans money to make it. Lately I'm having more respect for fans of games that mod and or do total conversions than the actual devs.

FinalBoss137d ago

Oh boy, I forgot about Unreal Tournament! Such a good idea!

Yes there is many indie solo dev that works on UE5 'remake' which are doing a great job.
Like OverJump Rally - remaster of Sega Rally 2.
And Shenmue, that is entirely remade by a dev in UE5 as well.