
How Valorant Is Set To Take Over eSports

Riot Games' new online shooter Valorant is set to take over the eSports world. Even though the game is currently in a closed beta? It is attracting some of the world's top eSports competitors to the platform. The game is also drawing some of the biggest numbers in Twitch history...

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Welshy1477d ago

Valorant will definitely have a market, but once the free beta keys that are artificially inflating viewer counts stop and the big streamers stop getting pay cheques to cover it, it's going to fall into the middle ground and probably do quite well, but it's not the next big thing long term imo.

People who like the Overwatch aspects are going to go back to that once Overwatch "2" comes out, and a good chunk who like the CS:GO style gunplay are just going to play CS:GO once the hype falls off and leave a much smaller fanbase that actually like Valorant playing it.


Five Valorant Agents receive major nerfs and buffs in the 8.11 update

Here are all of the buffs and nerfs that the Duelist Agents will receive in the upcoming Valorant 8.11 update.

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Valorant Players Ecstatic Over the Leaked New Map Name

A leak revealed the name of a new name in Valorant, leaving players overjoyed. Fans readily shared their visions for the new map.


VALORANT Patch Notes 8.10

Get your Basic Training on.

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