
PS5 Tech Demo vs PS4 Tech Demos: a Look at How Far We’ve Come

ThisGenGaming says "Here's a look at how far we have come from the PS4 tech demos to today's PS5 tech demo"

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AngelicIceDiamond1491d ago

Damn near night and day difference as it should be. The 2013 URE4 showcase doesn't look bad per say the environments still hold up in some ways. But URE5 is on a whole new level of cutting edge tech. I understand this obviously will be on SX and PC but Sony did a big service by leading the next gen expectations here. Something that MS failed to do last week showing 8th gen to 8.5 gen games. Its not the end for X Series far from it but Sony is now leading the pack of true next gen expectations.

NextGenDale1491d ago

I have to admit it’s crazy how big a difference 7 years makes

bouzebbal1491d ago

U4 looks ridiculous even with today's standard..

ITPython1490d ago

Technology tends to grow exponentially, rather than linear. And it's only going to keep skyrocketing at an unprecedented rate as time goes on.

Guitardr851490d ago

@ITPython...you speak of the Law of Accelerating Returns sir! Kudos!!!! :)

darthv721491d ago

I had forgotten that UE4 was showcased on the PS4 all those years ago. And Epic once again used PS to showcase UE5. Kind of makes you wonder why Epic does that when Sony doesn't even use UE for their games (only one this gen was Days Gone). Epic is really trying to swoon Sony but I have been told (by many on here) that Sony studios make their own engines and would do better to stick to using their own engines instead of UE.

We know MS will use it... Gears 6 is a given.

NextGenDale1491d ago

Maybe it’s as simple as they’re aligned numerically lol

Outside_ofthe_Box1491d ago

"Kind of makes you wonder why Epic does that when Sony doesn't even use UE for their games (only one this gen was Days Gone). Epic is really trying to swoon Sony "

You do realize that Sony isn't the only one that makes games for PS consoles right? Just because Sony's studios don't use the engine doesn't mean that showing UE5 running on PS5 is a odd choice. And it has nothing to do with 'swooning' Sony. They're just showing what their engine can do, but this also doubles as giving us insight in what next gen can do, PS5 in particular since it's running on it.

oakshin1491d ago

Alot of it is epic is one of the studios Cerny works with to build PlayStations another part of it is Sony's custom tool sets is why there fist party's have a leg up on tech

Unreal is a good engine but it's still has to work on multiple platforms....you can't "code to the metal" with 3rd party software

King71491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

Darthv72@ some of Sony Vr games use ue4 and that new predator game Sony funded also use ue4. so that statement isn’t true about days gone being the only Sony game that use unreal engie.

Minute Man 7211491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

@ darth

People on N4G claimed UE is trash

Shane Kim1491d ago

Not one PS article where you can't mention MS or Gears can't you..

ITPython1490d ago

Because the PlayStation platform is the top seller (especially when compared to Xbox). And third-party devs/publishers, who are most likely to use UE5, will see most of their sales on PlayStation. Makes sense when you look at it from a business perspective.

Why would you (in this case, Epic) advertise your product using the console brand that generated the least amount of sales for your customers games? Epic is giving their customers (third-party devs/publishers) what they want to see. And that is what the product will look like on the console that will net their game the most sales.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

This was the visual leap I wanted to see. We are finally seeing what next gen is capable of. Was starting to get worried a bit.

1491d ago
NextGenDale1491d ago

@shaggy I actually think a lot of current gen games look better than the demo like Red Dead 2

darthv721491d ago

tomb raider on the xbo x looked pretty damn good.

Outside_ofthe_Box1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

"Heck the vast majority of games now don't look as good as the UE4 tech demo"

The games that aim to push the hardware look better than the UE4 tech demo imo.

"But games won't look as good as the tech demo."

DF actually touched on this topic. They said that in this case they believe that what was shown off could possibly be matched or even be surpassed by gen's end. Saying that demos shown closer to hardware launch are usually a more accurate representation of what we'll see throughout the gen.

AngelicIceDiamond1491d ago

Huge leap. Unfortunately Digital Foundry said that "technically" this demo could run on a PS4 because the engine is designed to scale like all Unreal Engines. But obviously everything we've see would be greatly scaled back or cut out completely. IMO no need to bother with PS4 or X1 versions. Last gen is just too limiting.

There's also speculation that we won't see games quite like the demo for at least 2 to 3 years which imo is quite fast. Either way I'm pumped for it.

Minute Man 7211491d ago

@ Outside

Why worried??? 4K for games isn't any gimmick

ThereGoThatManQ1491d ago

@shaggy plenty of games look like the PS4 tech demo

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1491d ago
LOGICWINS1491d ago

I think Greenburg needs to be moved to a different department at Microsoft. Cindy Walker (the person who suggested premiering the Series X at the VGAs) needs to be Xbox's new head of marketing. Given the SX's power, it safe to assume that it can pull of these visuals no problem...but to not SHOW us is a huge marketing error on their end.

After the incredible marketing Microsofts done in the past 6 months, all that hard work was ruined by ONE error. Meanwhile Sony takes the next-gen lead....without saying a single word.

x_xavier_x1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )


What does your opinion on Aaron Greenberg have to do with this PS5 article? Did you post it in the wrong forum or is it something that you felt that you needed to get off your chest this very moment?

"... that hard work was ruined by ONE error."

That's a bit of a stretch there, chief. The negative reaction to the initial Xbox Series X game reveal has more to do with the public's overzealous expectations than it did with the actual event. You're acting as if Microsoft has played its final hand when in fact the promotional campaign has just started for both companies.

AngelicIceDiamond1491d ago

Aaron needs to move from marketing GM to some other part of MS. I agree Cindy was the one who suggested The X Series at the VGAS and MS strategy and transparency leading up to last week's showcase. All that momentum slowed because of Greenberg.

LOGICWINS1491d ago

@x_xavier_x I was responding to Angelic's comment regarding next-gen expectations. Microsoft had an opportunity to set expectations for next-gen and they blew it. Unfortunate because I want Sony to have real competition next-gen. I hope both Sony and Microsoft show us jaw dropping in the months to come.

VenomUK1491d ago

I watched it on my 4K tv and it looked absolutely incredible!

Lore1491d ago

Where’s the Dark Sorcerer RPG we’ve all been waiting for since 2013? LETS GO SONY. Need some hardcore fantasy fix this gen

1Victor1491d ago

😯 😮 🤓 🤯 🤩 WOW I’m speechless can’t wait to see more

Muzikguy1490d ago

Think about all those stories claiming people need to calm their expectations. I don't think people are having their expectations too high

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
DigitallyAfflicted1491d ago

Who said ”to not expect too much from next-gen graphics”??? This looks absolutely amazing!!!!

DigitallyAfflicted1491d ago


I know this is only tech demo and reality is going to be different, but once games are just made exclusively for Next Generation hardware we will witness some stunning visuals.

blackblades1491d ago

Geoff keighley proved them wrong and everyone else that had doubts after Xbox showcase in the tweets.

Double_O_Revan1491d ago

Agreed. But, it will still be 2-3 years before we get games on that engine and looking that good. It said UE5 doesn't even release until next year.

RyanShutup1491d ago

Unreal tech demo. GOTY 2020.

hennessey861491d ago

I do wonder why they chose PS5, could this game be an early look at a PS5 exclusive?

NextGenDale1491d ago

Nope, it’s a tech demo designed purely to push visual fidelity it’s not a full game.

galmi1491d ago

they did the same with ps4

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Furesis10h ago

I mean yeah we have known for a while now and this just validates it more. Nothing official yet but... c'mon let's not play dumb here. I'm more interested in the other titles tho, i wonder what those are.

Petebloodyonion32m ago

The information is confirmed, as Epic Games has made an official announcement on the matter.

"[Update] After publishing our story, we received a statement from Epic on this matter (via an Epic PR agency):

“We released an update tonight so third-party tools can’t surface any new unpublished product titles from the Epic Games Store catalog.”"


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darthv723h ago

I quite enjoy the lego games myself. And I say that confidently as a 50+ y/o man. They are just pure fun.